Dissociative Identity Disorder
formerly known as
Multiple Personality Disorder


Some believe DID to be a character disorder of the mind, an adaptation issue; some believe DID to be demonic in origin; some believe DID to be a combination of both.
Demon Buster - http://www.demonbuster.com/ - http://www.demonbuster.com/alters.html "ALTERS is a name going around some ministries who do not like to use the term DEMONS. They claim that the above mentioned problems are NOT demons living inside these people, but are ALTERS - alternate personalities. Strange that how they talk about these alters is exactly how demons work and operate through human beings."
http://ldm.homestead.com/Friendsindex.html articles = (Basic Definitions of MPD/SRA Terms - Characteristics of a person with MPD/DID - Clues of MPD/DID -
You're Not Going Crazy -- audio )
Kairos, M. Joy - Fragments to Freedom - Healing from Dissociative Identity Disorder - http://www.joanhunterministries.com/ -
Larson, Bob - Ignited Church  Lakeland, Florida, USA - http://pullingdownstrongholds.com/deliverance/multiple_personality_disorder.htm "According to Dr. James Friesen, author of the book, Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, about 97 percent of multiples suffered some type of serious abuse at young ages.3   Victims of such mistreatment create altered personality states to absorb the emotional anguish and physical pain."
DeWaay, Bob - http://cicministry.org/commentary/issue78.htm -
A definitely negative review of Bob Larson.  (One key issue is does therapy/ministry/deliverance work for the patient or does it make him worse?)
"Consider Bob Larson’s description of his ministry to a person in bondage. The person in question had numerous “alters” (multiple personalities) as well as demonic bondage. This person with “dissociative identity disorder” had a demon called “Gatekeeper” who kept letting demons back in after they had been cast out.16 Larson describes the causes of such disorders and how he learned to speak to different identities within a person.17 He was dealing with a person who had alternate personalities called “Facilitator” and “Regulator.” Larson theorized that in this person demons could possess an “alter.” 18 Larson explains:
          In the realm of multiple personalities, there are good alters and
          bad alters
. Good alters are the part of the person’s consciousness that
          has acknowledged Christ as Savior. Bad, alters, for one reason or another,
          refuse to make that spiritual surrender.19
This complex situation leads to this task for the spiritual technician: “Our task is to sort through the maze to gain the assistance of the good alters. Then we can attempt to win the bad alters to God.”20 Larson proceeded to have the alternate personality within his client help him identify the “dark ones” and went through an incredibly complex task of sorting out the demons and “alters” within this person. He even leads “Facilitator” to Christ.21 Larson uncovers hidden memories, legal ground that the demons had, and the names of obscure demons.22 This is one prayer he used to help the victim find freedom: “I command that angels of God search out and torment the spirit of pain. I bind Pain to Regulator the demon, and command that both of them experience all the torment they’ve put on Randall. I increase that torment seven times greater.”23
John Mark Ministries - like many other fundamentalist pastors throw out the baby with the bathwater and disbelieve in DID in principle.   http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/5249.htm
"Steinberg, with the help of writer Maxine Schnall, makes her case in Stranger in the Mirror: Dissociation: The Secret Epidemic of Our Time (Cliff Street Books, 2000). In it, she states that DID is due to traumatic experiences, typically childhood sexual abuse. According to the theory, the traumatic experiences are too horrendous to contemplate, so the victim forces them into a dark corner of psychic inner space, where they nevertheless chafe the unknowing ego, eventually splitting it into fragments that later manifest themselves as alternate personalities. This is one reason why when a DID victim looks in the mirror, she may see a stranger staring back."
"Steinberg...writes, 'I consider achieving functional cooperation among a person’s alternate personalities a successful outcome of therapy.' In other words, if you and your 37 selves are all getting along with one another, Steinberg will pronounce you cured.  To make a diagnosis of DID, Steinberg uses a test she developed called the Steinberg Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders, (SCID-D, for short). She modestly characterizes the test as a “breakthrough diagnostic tool,” but offers no scientific evidence for its validity. Nevertheless, her confidence in the instrument knows no bounds: If the test says you have DID, then you have DID...The test includes items such as, 'I have a critical commentary in my head about things I do,” and, “Who I am can change from day to day'..
The American Psychiatric Association recently posted a fact sheet on its Web site (http://www.psych.org) that warns mental health professionals against leading or pressuring patients into accusing people of sexual abuse...
Steinberg and others — including Cameron West, Ph.D., author of First Person Plural. My Life As A Multiple (Hyperion, 1999) and a soon-to-be-published multiple-personality memoir by China — relations expert and novelist Robert B. Oxnam — are attempting to breathe new life into the concept of recovered memories. West even appeared on 'Oprah' to tell how he developed 24 distinct personalities after suppressing memories of childhood abuse...Marlene Steinberg, M.D., is an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, and has private practices in Connecticut and Massachusetts."

Inner Healing Ministry

http://ldm.homestead.com/aboutusnew.html -
http://ldm.homestead.com/Friendsindex.html articles = (
The Seven Steps of Healing from MPD/DID - Praying for Hurting People - Joy in the Desert -- audio)
Flanagan, Shloe & Friesen, James - Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD) - CD series (1995) www.christianhealingmin.org
http://lydiapressministries.homestead.com/OnlineTraining.html - "Monthly on line DID training session for counselors mentors and helpers.
Alaine Pakkala
will speak on a DID or counseling topic for 45 minutes to an hour and then answer your questions for another 30 minutes."
Sanford, John Loren and Mark - Elijah House Ministries, Spokane Valley, Washington state, USA
Deliverance and Inner Healing - Section #1 Relationship between Deliverance and Inner Healing
#8 A Balanced Approach toward mental Illness and Disorders - A Case of Dissociative Identity Disorder -
A woman with a name tag of Jeannie was identified as Alice by the Lord.  "To survive she made herself believe that her traumas had happened to someone else.  She constructed separate identities within herself.  They were NOT demons needing to be cast out.  The fracturing was a coping mechanism...
It is unbiblical to believe that a person can have more than one personality, for that would imply that he has more than one soul...The prevailing thought today...is that dissociated parts are not, in fact, personalities...Instead, each part is split off to handle only a particular set of memories, or one memory, or even a fragment of a memory...no memories...but only certain tasks, roles or personality traits.  The parts do not mature as a normal personality would, but stay fixed at a particular age (usually, the age at which a major trauma occurred)...
The American Psychiatric Association has changed the name 'multiple personality disorder' to 'dissociative identity disorder'.  For as experts in the field agree, the point of any healing process should be to gently bring the person to embrace the fact that all the trauma really did happen to one person, not many...
While we do NOT believe that these are separate personalities or souls, is it really unbiblical to believe that a person is capable of perceiving himself this way?
...Isaiah 61:1 says, 'He has sent Me to bind up the broken hearted'.  In Hebrew, brokenhearted literally means 'a heart that is broken into pieces.'1  But this is NOT a description of multiple hearts; it is a description of one heart that has been fractured...
We have all conveniently 'forgotten' inconvenient truths...all felt cut off from an emotion or a talent...have felt a barrier between head and heart...for Alice, each identity bore for her the pain of a trauma she herself (her 'core identity', in clinical language) was unable to face...Not knowing Jesus, this became her only hope for survival and a sense of normalcy."
Sandford, John and Paula - http://www.prayercounselling.com/dissociation/introduction.php
Sandford, John and Paula - http://www.prayercounselling.com/counselling/introduction.php
Sandford, John and Paula - http://www.prayercounselling.com/forgiveness/introduction.php


Testimony - www.aslansplace.com  http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word_pf.html?ID=3692
"I fell to the floor; we had entered into God's heavenly places. I went into a room of tears, and for the first time in my life, I was able to scream at God.  I have since cried buckets of tears. This was a great gift of healing from God to me.
The next day Paul (Cox) spoke on the super-string theory and how as the body of Christ, we need  to be returned to vibrate in unison. Paul mentioned that at one of his conferences someone with DID was integrated during a time of worship, where all who were present sang 2 Chronicles 5:13, 'For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.' I prayed, 'God if you want to unify me, I receive that.' We then began to sing that as God put the tune in our heads, 'The Lord is good, His love endures forever; the Lord is good, His love endures forever,' over and over again. God spoke to me as I lay on the floor. He said I no longer needed my stuffed animals, nor did I need to pray prayers of protection anymore. I knew I had been integrated, united, and made whole. I praise God for His mercy and His grace to me. He preserved my life and restored me to His original creation. I no longer hear voices. I can read the Bible with comprehension and focus. I can laugh and cry, and I can sing a new song."
Bentham, Michelle - http://michellebentham.org/2011/07/24/embracing-my-colorful-self/


Cox, Paul - http://aslansplace.com/the-sound-of-the-lord-paul-l-cox/ DID 6/25/2013 -
I began discerning Palmoni, (a angel) and some people also started seeing Palmoni, describing them as a vibrating, living columns...
We now have had two people, both women with Dissociative Identity Disorder, who were totally integrated when they walked through the columns. We’ve also seen people healed. This is a new kind of deliverance—whenever we do this people go through a new level of deliverance.
This testimony of one woman is amazing.  'In 2002 the Lord revealed to me that I had Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. My prayer counselor and I spent a year inviting my different parts to come out of hiding and tell their stories. That was when I found out that my family had been involved with the occult when I was very young. Satanic ritual abuse was the cause of my dissociation. We then spent a year and a half bringing healing to my memories and parts. My husband and I had attended a Paul Cox discernment conference in Kitchner, Ontario, Canada, and were regularly removing objects off each other’s bodies. We were excited to hear that Paul would be in New Jersey in December of 2004 and that God wanted us to attend. My life was forever changed. The presence of God was filling the meeting hall, and like the priests in 2 Chronicles, chapter 5, I was not able to stand. One of the times I fell to the floor we had entered into God’s heavenly places. I went into a room of tears, and for the first time in my life I was able to scream at God. I have since cried buckets of tears—this was a great gift of healing from God to me. The next day Paul spoke on the superstring theory and how we need as the body of Christ to be returned to vibrate in unison. Paul mentioned that at one of his conferences someone with DID was integrated during a time of worship where all present sang 2 Chronicles 5:13, For the Lord is good and his love endures forever. I prayed, 'God if you want to unify me, I receive that.'   We then began to sing that as God put the tune in our heads—the Lord is good, his love endures forever; the Lord is good, his love endures forever, over and over again. God spoke to me as I lay on the floor. He said I no longer needed my stuffed animals nor did I need to pray SRA protection prayers anymore. I knew I had been integrated, united and made whole. I praise God for his mercy and his grace to me. He preserved my life and restored me to his original creation. I no longer hear voices, I can read the Bible with comprehension and focus, I can laugh and cry, I can sing a new song.'"
Hunter, Joan - Freedom Beyond Comprehension (Kindle Edition)- http://www.amazon.com/dp/160374505X#reader_B008OW1X7A superior
Chapter 5 Walking in Deliverance shares testimony of M. Joy Kairos below. http://joanhunter.org/inc/sdetail/149/3600 superior
Kairo's chapter 6 Steps of Healing from MPD/DID or http://ldm.homestead.com/Thesevenstepstohealing.html
John-Paul Ignatius, OLSM Are deliverance and binding prayers equally effective whether they are intercessory or of command? - Catholic response - unique editorial - 6/13/2003
"In a deliverance the power comes from God's response of the prayers of the team in the name of Jesus "where 2 or more are gathered." In a formal exorcism, on the other hand, the power comes from God's response of the prayers of the priest in his ministerial function with the ENTIRE church backing him."
"In 1994 I was called into a case by a local professional counselor. She had a client that she thought may be demonized. She suspected that the client was also a multiple personality...I lead the client into a 'self-deliverance'. This self-deliverance included imprecatory commands.  She (the client) was free from the demons for about 3 months and then they returned. So we spent 2 months in prayer and fasting and then on December 12th, 1994, the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe (and the one year anniversary of the founding of the Legion of St. Michael) we went into major battle in a 'Power Encounter.'  A 'Power Encounter' is the roughest and most powerful act of attempting deliverance that can be done without going to the Church for a formal and approved exorcism. If a Power Encounter does not work, all that is left is a formal exorcism from the Church.  In that Power Encounter I talked to the demons within this person, demanded to know their name, and in the name of Jesus Christ commanded them to leave this woman. They did and this woman is still free from the demons to this day. She is still a multiple personality, but she is a functioning person, now married, and works. Praise God...
What is the real difference anyway between the imprecatory prayer, 'I rebuke you demon of hate.' and the deprecatory prayer, 'Father in heaven, please rebuke this demon of hate'...That latter prayer asks God to butt heads with Satan.  I am for that...
After deep reflection and prayer I realized that we did not need to use imprecatory commands. In fact, using such command language outside of a formal exorcism is quite dangerous and foolish. Even St. Michael in Jude 9 did not use imprecatory commands against Satan when they were fighting over the body of Moses. He said rather, 'Let the LORD rebuke you.'  Nowadays Catholic "Deliverance Counselors could NOT use imprecatory commands."
(CAREFUL; rebuke is a name calling, whereas command is an order, in Jesus' name.)
M. Joy Kairos - Fragments to Freedom - Healing from Dissociative Identity Disorder - http://joanhunter.org/inc/sdetail/149/3600 superior http://www.joanhunterministries.com/
chapter 6 = Seven Steps of Healing from MPD/DID or http://ldm.homestead.com/Thesevenstepstohealing.html Step 3 "In most cases at the beginning of the healing process, the core person doesn’t realize when another personality 'takes over' and begins talking. (This is not true in every case of those with DID.) But as the healing progresses, there is a sensation similar to dreaming where the core person may hear or vaguely be aware of what another personality is saying (either within their mind or audibly)."
Step #4 "Don’t believe the lie (mistake) that my (fractured personality) 'parts' are merely demons that need to be cast out." (Demons do exist and sometimes need to be eliminated, but are separate entities and NOT part of one's psyche/subconscious/fractured mind.)
Niland, Bill  http://www.realdeliverance.com/mpd.shtml