Alternative Medicine

EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID (EPA) - Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an omega-3 fatty acid. It's found in the flesh of cold-water fish, including mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, or seal blubber. 
EPA is used as a prescription medicine to reduce
triglyceride levels. As a supplement, EPA is most commonly used for heart disease, preventing adverse events after a heart attack, depression, & menopause. It is also used for chemotherapy-related side effects, recovery after surgery, memory & thinking skills, & many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.  Don't confuse EPA with similar fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid & docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as with oils like krill or fish oils, which contain both eicosapentaenoic acid & DHA. Most available data involving eicosapentaenoic acid are from research & clinical experience with fish oil products containing variable combinations of EPA & DHA. See the separate listings for alpha-linolenic acid, DHA, fish oil, & krill oil.  EPA can prevent the blood from clotting easily. These fatty acids also reduce pain & swelling. @ 2018 (Best to select WILD fish or fish oil.)


Mason, Paul & Kreger, Randi - Stop Walking on Eggshells - Borderline personality disorder help for those with BPD or those who you care about with a BPD (DSM insurable) diagnosis/label (which is a different diagnosis than bipolar disorder. 
Actually some of suggestions would help most anyone with relationship issues.
Walker, Dr Anthony (pseudonym) - Siren's Dance - My Marriage to a Borderline - a case study -
sexually explicit secular dairy Appendix 1 - "The Term 'Borderline'...was '1st described in the 1940's by psychoanalysts who theorized that this is a form of pathology lying on the border between psychosis & neurosis. 
Some clinicians see it as the border between sanity & insanity...
A far better term would be self-destructive personality disorder...the psychological equivalent of an autoimmune disorder. 
Others have proposed emotionally dysregulated personality disorder...a BPD diagnosis."  DSM 4 #3001.83
Mason, Paul & Kreger, Randi - Stop Walking on Eggshells - Borderline personality disorder help for those with BPD or those who you care about with a BPD (DSM insurable) diagnosis/label (which is a different diagnosis than bipolar disorder. 
Actually some of suggestions would help most anyone with relationship issues.