Conventional Medicine
Bobgan, Martin & Deidre - http://www.psychoheresy-aware.org/images/Pro1_21.pdf  - 1989 - chapter 21 by secular/scientific couple who seem to refute the Bible &/or Judeo-Christian counselors, but on non-religious issues.
Tanzi, Rudolph - Interesting Thought – Can Super Brain Help With Eating Disorders? - 12/9/12 - http://bullimiaddict.com/tag/rudolph-tanzi/ -
“Cells that are wired together, fire together”. He spoke to when you are angry to think of something that made you happy in life & the endorphins will kick in & change your attitude. He spoke to: ''STOP S= Stop, T=Take 3 deep breathes & smile, O= Observe what is happening & P=Proceed with awareness & kindness'...
What you should do every day to change your mind set. They were (to ask) 'What am I feeling right now?' & (ask) 'Is that feeling good for me?' followed by thinking often of what is your meaning (goal/purpose/destiny/reason for being born) in life."
http://dms.hms.harvard.edu/neuroscience/fac/tanzi.php -

Alternative Medicine

Ms Jekyl, Monster Hyde editorial/autobiography by Davidson, Kimberly - spring 2006 Psychology for Living  www.ncfliving.org Arcadia, California - www.kim-davidson.com  www.olivebranchoutreach.com  Portland, Oregon, USA
Potassium is found in abundance in raw fresh coconut milk. www.aimmedia.com
Amazing Wellness
magazine - summer 2010 - editorial Cukoo for Coconut Water
8 oz fresh coconut water provides 660 mg potassium + magnesium & calcium.
Potassium is found in abundance in bananas.  Try organic.  One a day.
To Binge or Not to Binge? - Overeating & the Addictive Brain.    Blum, Cull & Miller (Psychiatric Genetic Press)
Chromium increases insulin secretion & tryptophan penetration into the brain.
Zinc is recommended in Nutrition & Mental Illness -Sampling of the Current Scientific Literature part 2
by Gary Null & Martin Feldman MD


John Hampsch in Healing Your Family Tree talks about a spirit of self-starvation. pg 272 & encourages us to "claim", especially at communion, John 6:32 "I (Jesus) am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me will never go hungry & he who believes in Me will never be thirsty." www.claretiantapeministry.org
Kenneth McAll MD in Healing The Haunted relates how bulimic patients have been healed through doing a family tree (medical genealogy) & a subsequent healing mass. www.marianland.com
Morrow, Zona Hayes Cornelison - Avenge Me of My Adversary  autobiography -
Chapter 1 Avenge Me of My Adversary - Healed of anorexia & bulimia (due to insufficient potassium).  Interview TRANSCRIPT: http://www.sidroth.ws/2014/07/08/our-guest-zona-hayes-morrow/ (edited)
I was talking to Zona Hayes-Morrow, Norvel Hayes daughter.  She had a problem. 
Her husband wrote her a Dear John letter when he was in the military & divorced her.
A great miracle happened & they got remarried... But all of a sudden she’s got a chemical imbalance: really low potassium.  She couldn’t even walk.  He literally had to carry her into the Dairy Queen.
Zona: While I was laying in the bed, I said “Okay devil you’re a liar.  I’m going to walk by the end of this day, I’m going to walk in Jesus’ Name.  My arms are going to move in the Name of Jesus”...I found a banana & orange juice which have potassium...I got enough strength to feed myself the banana & drink that orange juice on that counter.  My legs still didn’t work, but the (food allowed) enough potassium (for) my arms to...pull myself into the kitchen.
Zona:  I wasn’t going to let my body rule me; I have authority over anything that’s not victory. My legs weren’t working. That wasn’t victory...I don’t give up, ever. I don’t count myself a failure in anything. I don’t let failure come into my vocabulary on anything that I’ve ever pursued in my whole life...Nope.  The devil is not going to win in my life. I will not let the devil win.  Because of taking authority over the enemy's strategy, using the weapon of the (spoken) Word (of God) & combining with natural banana & orange juice I started walking against all odds.  [Add to DAILY diet an organic egg.] 
Obituary www.nhm.cc http://www.fikefh.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1709916


Bisutti, Kylie - http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/life-today/video-player/kylie-bisutti-im-no-angel-363481.html
Inspiration + News
Rav, Sarah @ 66lb Woman Recovers From Eating Disorder, Trains as Doctor in Hopes of Saving Others (theepochtimes.com) 3/16/2021