"Where I have been excluded by the incest of others,
& (where) their incest has stolen that which is rightfully mine (ours),
I break every curse of exclusion (&/or rejection) & declare I (we) will no longer be excluded.
I take the sword of the spirit and cut the incestuous tie between them and myself (ourselves).
I smash their convenant of incest, in the name of Ye’shua.
I break the curse of the ‘bastard’ and exclusion.
I break the grief that exclusion brings.
I repent where I have been tied through spiritual incest with a ‘sister’ or ‘brother’, even a ‘sister’ or ‘brother’ in Messiah.
I break the bondage of incest.
I revoke the covenant of spiritual incest between them & myself (ourselves), in the name of Ye’shua.
I break the lust for possessive ownership of another.
I repent for having defiled the Body of Christ with spiritual incest.
Father, I renounce and break the family spirit of incest & rape.
I break the family spirit of rape off my body, emotions, finances (& family).
I break the depression & grief of rape.
I ask that the Holy Spirit heal the wounds.
I break every dimension of death that comes with rape, in the name of Ye’shua.
Where the spirit of incest with rape has caused me (us) to have fear, I break the fear of rape.
I break the paranoia, mistrust and suspicion that comes with fear of rape.
I ask you Father God to restore my (our healthy) sense of proportion, truth and reality.
Where another projects a spirit of incest upon me (us),
I break their projection of the ‘psychic vampire spirit that would suck the life out of me (us)’.
I pull down their demand that I become a father or mother, brother or sister, husband or wife.
I repent where another and I are bound by cords of spiritual incest and
I repent where we have become ‘twins’ (one) both in emotions & in spirit.
I take the sword of the spirit & separate myself (us) from every ungodly incest spirit tie that binds us together.
I break the spirit of incest that joins another & myself (us).
I break the spirit of torment that comes as a result of incestuous relationships.
I break the spirit of insanity that comes as a result of incestuous relationships.
I break all psychic projection off my (our) mind, imagination & emotions.
I break all psychic intrusions off my (our) mind, imagination & emotions.
I take the sword of the spirit & cut every tie to the ‘vampire spirit’ of Jezebel, where another is sucking the life out of me (us).
I release my (our) life from the control of the Jezebel spirit.
I break the control of the spirit of incest over my household.
I break all maternal control & paralysis off my (our) mind, will & emotions.
I renounce (any negative ungodly) imprinting of my (our) mother &
I break her controlling spirit of witchcraft.
I take back my (our) will, that I declare will function fully.
I break the curse of being a victim to the Jezebel spirit.
I break every tie to the spirit of control & witchcraft that binds me (us) to other ladies or men.
I renounce & break the ungodly stronghold of guilt that has bound my (our) personality under (any) Jezebel control.
Father, where I (we) have been bound to maternal control by false guilt, I break the guilt & declare
I (we) will no longer submit to false guilt & condemnation.
I break the oppression of false guilt over my (our) spirit, emotions & any resulting depression.
I break the fear & curse of the disapproval of mother or spouse.
Where my mother or spouse has stamped me (us) with disapproval, I break (each inappropriate) imprint.
I declare my family and I (we) are coming out of the iniquity of incest.
I repent of the incest rooted in whoredoms of my (our) family line &
I renounce & break the family curse & spirit of whoredoms in the name of Ye’shua Ha Maschiah."
Men's prayer:  In Jesus' name,
I forgive my mother for her violation of my will as a boy &/or teenager.
Where my mother ruled my life & where her control produced anger & rage towards women generally, I repent (on my & her behalf).
I break the spirit of maternal control off my life.
I renounce and break the curse of anger & rage towards women.
I renounce & break the spirit of misogyny.
I break the fear of women violating my will and usurping my authority and
I break the resulting curse of male passivity.
Where maternal control has stolen my headship,
I choose to walk back into my authority.
I repent of bringing this passivity into my marriage
and of subtly forcing my wife to take the headship of my family.
I break the curse of lawlessness within my home
and even deception & the spirit of error that comes with female head-ship.
I declare I am walking into the fullness of authority of male headship
within the family home.
I renounce all anger towards my wife because she has taken or usurped the headship of the family & by God’s grace I will walk into headship.
I renounce and break the spirit of hatred towards women & marriage.
I break the fear and anger of female control &
by God’s grace I will no longer project this fear & anger onto my wife.
I break the curse of powerlessness that comes with fear of disapproval.
I renounce the self-mockery & hatred of my masculinity
because of powerlessness & the curse of no self-worth.
Father I ask you to heal my soul, rebuild my masculinity,
and help me to walk into my destiny as a man of God.
I repent of my hated toward primary women in my life.
I repent of replacing my mother with my wife (&/or my wife with my mother) in that primary position.
Husbands/Fathers' prayer, In Jesus' name,
"I repent of becoming a surrogate husband to my daughter/daughters.
I repent of isolating my wife & causing my daughters to usurp her godly authority over them.
I renounce and break the spiritual incest between my daughters & myself.
I renounce, revoke & break the spirit of marriage with my daughter(s) in the name of Ye’shua.
I repent of spiritually releasing the spirit of murder against my wife & emotionally murdering her.
I renounce & break the mother spirit from ruling my family through either my wife or my daughters.
I declare that no longer will the women of my family rule (manipulate/control others) through the spirit of witchcraft & incest.
I repent of, renounce & break every effect of becoming a father or brother to my wife (instead of being the husband & spiritual head of the home)."