Fermented Foods


Alternative Medicine

Butyrate Is Important For YOU (thehomeschoolingdoctor.com)
Butyrate Series, Part 1
 (thehomeschoolingdoctor.com)                                                                             Butyrate Series, Part 2 (thehomeschoolingdoctor.com)
Butyrate Series, Part 3 (thehomeschoolingdoctor.com)
Butyrate Series, Part 4 (thehomeschoolingdoctor.com)
Coconut aminos - https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/coconut-aminos/ -
One can add a dash to salad dressings, mouthwash, etc. according to taste & ingenuity.
"Coconut Secret Aminos...process of making aminos from coconut according to Coconut Secret is fairly simple.
It involves cutting coconut tree flowers to prevent production of fruit & then tapping the tree to collect the flowing sap. Vats of sap gradually ferment with additional salt with the final product transformed into coconut aminos...
The product contains no additives or preservatives. (Now not raw, but slightly pasteurized.)

Bragg Coconut Aminos - Bragg is now making a coconut aminos product too.
However, it is not fermented like the Coconut Secret alternative.
The ingredients are organic coconut tree sap, distilled water, sea salt, & organic apple cider vinegar."

Colberg, Dr. Don @ https://drcolbert.com/improve-your-digestion-with-this-simple-trick/
"If you want to improve your gut health, eat a diet rich in probiotics & fiber.  THE SIMPLE TRICK: EAT FERMENTED VEGGIES.  The best & easiest source of both probiotics & fiber comes from fermented vegetables. Foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, & pickles all contain millions of probiotic bacteria with the prebiotic fiber found in the vegetables. 
Fermented vegetables can be found in most health food stores.
Make sure to look for raw live unpasteurized ferments as pasteurization actually kills off the probiotic bacteria.  You can also make fermented vegetables at home fairly easily.  FERMENTED GREEN SUPREME FOOD

Another easy way to receive the digestive benefits seen in the study is to use (our) Fermented Green Supremefood.

Our green powder formula contains the same probiotic Bifidobacterium Longum used in the study along with other scientifically proven strains of probiotic bacteria. Additionally, we include the same prebiotic fiber inulin the researchers used to enhance the effects of the probiotics."

Cultered Butter @ https://traditionalcookingschool.com/fermenting-and-culturing/cultured-butter/
Consider using (raw/organice A2) goat or cow (Jersey or Holstein) milk.  Avoid conventional Al milk.
Ferment your own veggies. http://www.chelseagreen.com/blogs/back-basics-fermentation
"Pickles are anything preserved by acidity. Most contemporary pickles are not fermented at all; instead they rely upon highly acidic vinegar (a product of fermentation), usually heated in order to sterilize vegetables, preserving them by destroying rather than cultivating microorganisms." 9/15/2014
editorials @ http://www.chelseagreen.com/results?term=all&search_string=ferment
Fermented Food @ Fighting Disease and Depression With Fermented Foods (theepochtimes.com) 8/8/2021 Mercola
Fermentable Fibers good for our GI system @
Mahmoud Ghannoum, Ph.D., an NIH-funded researcher since 1993...is credited with uncovering the significant interplay between bacteria & fungi, which affects the critical balance of the body’s microbiome @ https://goop.com/wellness/health/new-in-gut-health-fungis-impact-on-the-body/ + https://www.biohmhealth.com/blogs/science @ https://www.biohmhealth.com/ (suppliment with both good fungus, good bacteria, & an enzyme)  "Food that best encourages your microbiome to flourish are prebiotic-rich foods, such as avocados, whole-grain breads, (cooked) soy beans (for females NOT males), & peas.  Vegetarian diets have also been found to decrease the pH levels in our gut, which prevents the growth of different strains of bad microorganisms." Ghannoym ecommends that the NIH’s Human Microbiome Project investigate not just people’s bacterial inhabitants, but also native fungal & viral communities."

"Our gut contains a large number of fungal genera, approximately 50 different fungal genera.  
The most abundant genera in the gut are:

  • Aspergillus: Aspergillus is a group of molds that peak in the fall & winter & are commonly found in our homes.
    It’s considered a bad fungi for the body, but only a few types of Aspergillus can actually affect our health.
    Some Aspergillus species are used for interesting commercial applications—for instance, because of their ability to breakdown the starch in rice, they are used to make sake.
    Candida: The species of Candida called Candida albicans is commonly found in the gut, where overgrowths cause problematic health imbalances.

  • Cladosporium: Cladosporium includes some of the most common molds in our environment.
    It rarely has a negative effect on healthy people

  • Cryptococcus: The majority of cryptococcal species live in the soil & are not harmful to humans.

  • Fusarium: Fusarium is a very common soil fungi that can be found all over the world.

  • Mucor: Mucor is a mold commonly found in nature, & is also present in the digestive system.
    The vast majority of Mucor species don’t have negative health implications for humans due to their inability to grow in warm environments.

  • Penicillium: Penicillium is one of the most scientifically important types of fungus, well-known for its ability to kill & control the growth of certain types of bacteria in the body.

  • Pneumocystis: Pneumocystis is found all over the world in both humans and animals. It’s usually found in low levels in healthy humans, but can cause substantial health issues for people who are immunocompromised.

  • Saccharomyces: Overall, Saccharomyces is one of the most useful types of fungus (from food production to brewing), & in the body, Saccharomyces boulardii is considered to be the king of good fungus.

    A bad fungus has what we call virulence factors, including the ability to secrete enzymes that can break down our body’s tissue or form plaque (which is scientifically known as biofilm). These “bad” fungi can overrun our digestive system, especially when our gut is susceptible to imbalances due to factors like diet, alcohol consumption, stress, or our genetics. Examples of bad fungi include: Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium.
    In comparison, “good” fungi, like Saccharomyces, do not have properties that lead them to invade & overrun our bodies. In fact, they do quite the opposite, acting as a checks & balances against bad fungi that’s present in our digestive tract."

 (ALERT: Ghannoum advocates practice of yoga, vetoed by numerous Judeo-Christians.)
Mercola, Dr. Joseph - http://articles.mercola.com/fermented-foods.aspx
Souerkraut - https://www.cookinglight.com/eating-smart/nutrition-101/foods-high-in-digestive-enzymes  "'Sauerkraut is an excellent source of various digestive enzymes that can help our body break down proteins, fats & starches. If going with store-bought, buy sauerkraut made with (raw cabbage), water & salt, not vinegar,' says Mussatto. (This means that the sauerkraut was fermented & not pickled, leaving the digestion-friendly enzymes intact.) Eat on its own, or as a side."


China @ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30989972/
Gut Bacteria issues - http://www.nature.com/nature/focus/humanmicrobiota/
Richard Horowitz - Lyme Disease - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/why-can-t-i-get-better/201312/psychobiotics-the-psyche - "2 major types of intestinal bacteria that are particularly important in cytokine production: lactobacilli & bifidobacteria. Most strains of lactobacilli are robust producers of the inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha, where most strains of bifidobacteria are weak cytokine producers. Bifido-bacteria are able to decrease the production of cytokines from lactobacilli, changing their immunological effects. It is therefore possible that by manipulating the types of intestinal bacteria, we can also affect cytokine production & change mood... Biological Psychiatry, showed that pro-biotics may offer an alternative treatment option for depression & other psychiatric conditions. The journal's editors reported that healthy volunteers who received a type of pro-biotic called Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 + B longum for 30 days reported significantly lower stress levels...'These bacteria are capable of producing & delivering neuro-active substances such as gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA] & serotonin, which act on the brain-gut axis.'"
To fermented foods it is advisable to add soil based pro-biotics.
"Science has shown milk kefir (not water kefir) to be much stronger than yogurt & other fermented foods because it contains strains that are able to colonize the intestinal tract & don’t just pass through with temporary benefit.
Some of the strains in kefir are aggressive in nature too, which means they attack & destroy pathogens reasserting dominance & control of the intestinal environment... 
However, for a person with autoimmune disease, this is probably still not enough to get the job done...
 (3).Fermented (milk) foods contain lactic acid based probiotics. (Milk contains lactose which is a dissacharride & must be avoided for a temporary period of time while on gut healing protocols.)
In other words, strains like
Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, & Lactobacillus bulgaricus that do not aggressively attack pathogens...
According to Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome & creator of the GAPS Diet, the soil based probiotics, In particular, the strain Bacillus subtilis is a soil based organism discovered by German microbiologists during WWII. It was used to protect troops from dysentary & typhoid. Since that time, B. subtilis has been studied in depth all over Europe & Asia. Important sub-species to B. subtilis have been identified including (7) Bacillus: licheniformis, cereus, brevis, mesentericus, pumilis, polymyxa, marcerans."
http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/sprouting-vs-soaking-fermentation/ 1/30/2017 by John Moody @ https://www.facebook.com/farmandfoodfreedom/ - "Sprouting*, soaking (predigestion) &/or sour leavening (sourdough)...preparation was employed to remove potent anti-nutrients & break down complex food molecules contained in all grains, nuts, seeds, & legumes.  These anti-nutrients include phytic acid, complex sugars, gluten, tannins...These substances not only block absorption of food nutrients, but they also have the potential to irritate the intestinal tract over months & years. The result for many people is the eventual triggering of all manner of chronic digestive disease & nutritional imbalances.
*(Be very careful seeds do not mold.) 
In some cases, these traditional preparation (sprouting/soaking/fermentation/leavening)methods increase nutrient value as well. Sprouted flour, for example, notably adds significant Vitamin C as well as increasing...some B Vitamins by a large margin."
Sprouting vs Soaking:
1st...Phytase is an enzyme that is crucial to neutralizing the phytic acid bogeyman...
Low phytase grains, regardless of the methods used to deal with phytic acid, don’t see significant reductions when soaked or sprouted. These grains & legumes include oats, millet, teff, rice, corn & soy.
To counter this problem, such grains should ideally be paired during soaking with a high phytase partner... Adding a small amount of
buckwheat will result in more positive soaking results.
An option is to practice much lengthier soaks.
2nd, Neither soaking nor sprouting alone is sufficient to really ratchet down anti-nutrients in grains & legumes.
Cooking is a crucial final step to reducing & removing problematic substances in these foods.
For instance, soaking lentils followed by cooking removes 76% of the phytic acid (2).
3rd, sprouted grains need around 5 days to see any significant phytic acid reduction (more than 30%).
This generally also requires very careful conditions (3).
"Rami Nagel in his bestselling book Cure Tooth Decay cites a study that showed:
'Sprouting grains is a wonderful step in the fermentation process. But it does not remove that much phytic acid. Typically sprouting will remove somewhere between 20-30% of phytic acid after 2-3 days for beans, seeds & grains under laboratory conditions at a constant 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprouting was more effective in rye, rice, millet & mung beans, removing about 50% of phytic acid, & not effective at all with oats.'
Sprouting only really works well with high phytase grains & seeds such as buckwheat, rye & wheat including einkorn. Moderate or low phytase grains like oats see minimal reductions in their phytic acid content.
'Germination, but not soaking, increased phytase activity 3-5-fold in some cereal grains & legume seeds, while the influence on phytic acid content was insignificant in most materials tested (4).'
(Sprouting caused massive increase in phytase but little change in phytic acid content.)
A study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition concluded:
'Sprouting of grains for a limited period causes increased activities of hydrolytic enzymes, improvement in the contents of certain essential amino acids, total sugars, & B-group vitamins, & a decrease in dry matter, starch, & anti-nutrients.
The digestibilities of storage proteins & starch are improved due to their partial hydrolysis during sprouting.
The magnitude of the nutritional improvement is, however, influenced by the type of cereal, seed quality, sprouting conditions
if you have issues digesting gluten, a fully traditional sourdough bread is the only safe option.
fake sourdough at Panera...

It is best to
start with organic, unheated or treated, whole or freshly milled grains.
You may be surprised & shocked to learn that non-organic grains are showing up with shockingly high concentrations of
gut destroying Roundup (pesticide/insecticide). More on toxic wheat.)
Mercola, Dr. Joseph - http://articles.mercola.com/fermented-foods.aspx
Brenda Watson  - Skinny Gut Vibrant You - Reduce antibiotics & increase fermented foods. http://www.amazon.com/The-Skinny-Gut-Diet Digestive/dp/0553417940#reader_0553417940 + http://www.brendawatson.com/ -
http://blog.brendawatson.com/supplements/probiotics-and-gut-flora/metabolic-effect-of-prebiotics-and-probiotics-in-overweight-people/ - "Journal Clinical Nutrition found that prebiotics & synbiotics (prebiotics + probiotics) had a beneficial effect on a range of metabolic abnormalities in overweight or obese adults.1" (Recommended) "prebiotics were mostly inulin-type fibers at doses ranging from 5.5-21 grams per day, while the synbiotics were composed of a maximum of 2.5 grams of the prebiotic FOS (fructooligosaccharide) along with 270 million to 5 billion cultures of Bifidobacterium &/or Lactobacillus, &/or Streptococcus probiotic bacteria daily."
Black Box Warnings
Kombucha - http://kcur.org/post/how-yeast-kombucha-tea-selfishly-rigs-genetic-game amazing -
ome varieties of S. kambucha contain a selfish gene called WTF4, which hijacks the reproduction process using a particularly malicious maneuver: They pass along to their offspring a poison designed to kill them...
The WTF4 gene has a similar trick up its sleeve. 
Poison & antidote 
When it reproduces, it poisons all of its offspring, but to the offspring lucky enough to inherit the WTF4 gene, it also passes along the ability to create an antidote to save itself.
By doing this, the gene basically rigs the game to preserve its continued existence generation after generation."
Citric Acid vs Vinegar &/or Salt  @  Pickling with citric acid? | Homesteading Forum (homesteadingtoday.com) 6/18/2015 - "The only pickling I found with citric acid is for metal jewelry.
(FOOD) Pickling w/o vinegar is usually done with salt.."