Probiotics MAKE Butyrate

Pre-biotics + Pro-biotics + Post-biotics


Alternative Medicine

Food - - Kefir (especially A2 goat milk), green bananas & cold potatoes (perhaps in a salad) may contribute to good gut bacteria.
Food -,,20918991,00.html#
Food - Fermented vegetables (kimchi, sauerkraut, carrots, green beans, beets, lacto-fermented pickles, traditional cured Greek olives)
Fermented soybeans (miso, natto, tempeh) (Men avoid soybeans, as are estrogenic.)
Cultured dairy products (buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, cheese)
Cultured nondairy products (yogurts & kefirs made from organic soy, coconut, etc.)
Fermented grains & beans (lacto-fermented lentils, chickpea, miso, etc.)

Fermented beverages (kefirs & kombuchas)
Fermented condiments (raw apple cider vinegar)
or or - California
Warning: Don't Use Probiotics Before You See This - Use prebiotics with probiotics.
Some f
oods may actually be harming your body: Nightshades (white potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant) food high in protein lectins, including (undercooked/unsprouted) nitrogen legumes (soybeans & peanuts) & grains (wheat), from which cooking water has not been disposed. 
Foods which have natural pesticides (including lectin proteins) are the major problem. (vitamin G6) Product Ingredients or Organic Non-GMO Vegetarian Supplement Suggestions:
Acacia Gum (legume gum Arabia or
acacia Senegal)) has the most pre-biotic fiber of any food in the world. 12/15/2012
Agave Inulin, which will only impact your blood sugar levels mildly
Flaxseed, contains omega-3’s for heart health
Galacto-oligosaccharides, helps improve absorption of nutritious minerals into body
Guar Gun, a roughage fiber that comes from the guar plant.
[Apparently, above sugars provide food to feed good & starve bad: colon bacteria.]
Protein Lectin reduction/avoidance diet: Always choose wild or organic non GMO foods.
2017 rejection review:
Lectin -
Lectins are plant proteins that bind to carbohydrates & function as (anti-nutrients) insect pesticides/repellants (but in the human body can contribute to leaky gut).
The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers of "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain chapter #1 "A lectin is a type of protein (susceptible to various diseases, bacteria, and viruses) that forces carbs (sugars, starches, & fibers) to clump together & even attach to certain cells in your body when you eat them. Often, lectins can get in the way of important cells communicating with one another...Whole wheat flour, cashews (seeds are not nuts), legumes, eggplant, corn, brown rice, tomatoes, & sunflower seeds are just a few examples" (of lectin bombs, especially when raw/undercooked.  Toss cooking water.) quotes 4/25/2014
Diet Evolution: Turning Off Genes That Are Killing -
products/9780307409683/sample?sourceEan=9780307352125 chapter preview
Keys that turn genes off & on are circulating hormones, neurotransmitters, (synthetic pesticides & contaminants), & food particles, such as plant proteins, including lectins.
Prebiotic challenge -
-biotics are the diet of healthy pro-biotics (miccro-bacteria/flora) is Gundry's prebiotic product.
Pre-biotics - - "Pre-biotics are a type of non-digestible fiber compound.
Just like other high-fiber foods, prebiotic compounds (including the kind found in foods like garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, dandelion greens & onions) pass through the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract and remain undigested, since the human body can’t fully break them down. Once they pass through the small intestine, they reach the colon, where they’re fermented by the gut microflora. 
Pre-biotics are best known as a type of fiber called 'oligosaccharides.'
Today, when researchers refer to 'fiber,' they’re speaking about not just 1 substance, but a whole group of different chemical compounds found in foods, including fructo-oligosaccharides, other oligosaccharides (prebiotics), inulin & polysaccharides. 
Originally, prebiotics weren’t classified as fiber compounds, but recently research has shown us that these compounds behave the same way as other forms of fiber.
Today, prebiotic carbohydrates that have been evaluated in humans largely consist of fructans or galactans, both of which are fermented by anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine...
reserve health by maintaining balance & diversity of intestinal bacteria, especially
by increasing the presence of “good bacteria” called lactobacilli and bifidobacteria...
The best natural sources of prebiotics include: acacia gum (or gum arabic) & RAW: chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, dandelion, greens, garlic, leeks, onions (or cooked), jicama, asparagus + under-ripe bananas."
Beneficial GI bacteria come in groups called stains, including:
Bifidobacterium Bifidum - Thought to be one of the most important strains of probiotics, thanks to its connection to immune function & digestive health. B. Bifidum colonies have been shown to decline as you age, making supplementation vitally important.1
Saccharomyces Boulardii - A highly beneficial yeast-type probiotic, S. Boulardii has been linked to a huge number of digestive benefits, especially when it comes to maintaining a regular, comfortable digestive system.2
Lactobacillus Plantarum - A powerful probiotic strain shown to help naturally maintain healthy cholesterol levels, while easing & soothing digestion. L. Plantarum has also been connected to improved immune function.3,4
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus - 1 of the most exciting probiotic strains when it comes to maintaining a healthy body weight, L. Rhamnosus is also associated with improved energy levels.5,6
Pro-biotics - increasing the presence of “good bacteria” called lactobacilli and bifidobacteria...
"prebiotic foods can increase numerous probiotic microorganisms, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. reuteri, bifidobacteria, & certain strains of L. casei or the L. acidophilus-group...
Our gut contains both beneficial & harmful bacteria. Digestive experts agree that the balance of gut flora should be approximately 85% good bacteria & 15% bad bacteria. 
If this ratio gets out of balance, the condition is known as dysbiosis, which means there’s an imbalance of too much of a certain type of fungus, yeast or bacteria that affects the body in a negative way.
By consuming certain types of probiotics foods & supplements, we can help bring these ratios back into balance.
fermented + Sour Foods:

Beneficial Probiotic Strains

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum — the most dominant probiotic in infants and in the large intestine, supports production of vitamins in gut, inhibits harmful bacteria, supports immune system response & prevents diarrhea. (6)
  • Bifidobacterium longum
    supports liver function, reduces inflammation, removes lead & heavy metals. (7)
  • Bifidobacterium breve
    helps colonize healthy gut community & crowd out bad bacteria. (8)
  • Bifidobacterium infantis alleviates IBS symptoms, diarrhea & constipation. (9)
  • Lactobacillus casei supports immunity, inhibits h. pylori & helps fight infections. (10)
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus relieves gas, bloating, improves lactose intolerance.
    Shown to help with a 61% reduction in E. coli, lower cholesterol levels & create vitamin K.
    Also, important in GALT immune strength.
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus a powerful probiotic strain that has been shown to fight harmful bacteria that invades your digestive system
    and is stable enough to withstand the acidic digestive juices of the stomach.
    It also neutralizes toxins & naturally produces its own antibiotics.
  • Lactobacillus brevis — shown to survive the GI tract, boost cellular immunity, enhanced natural T-killer cells & kill h. pylori bacteria. (12)
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus — supports bacterial balance & supports healthy skin, helps fight urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, & reduce anxiety by reducing stress hormones & GABA neurotransmitter receptors. (13) - Also, survives GI tract.
  • Bacillus subtilis is an endospore probiotic that’s heat-resistant.
    Elicits a potent immune response & supports GALT. (14, 15)
    Suppresses growth of bad bacteria like salmonella & other pathogens.
  • Bacillus coagulans is an endospore probiotic that’s heat-resistant & improves nutrient absorption.
    Also has been shown to reduce inflammation & symptoms of arthritis. (16)
  • Saccharomyces boulardii is a yeast probiotic strain that restores natural flora in the large & small intestine + improves intestinal cell growth. It’s proved effective in treating inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease. (17) It’s been shown to have anti-toxin effects, be antimicrobial & reduce inflammation. (18, 19)

    5 specific things you want to consider when buying a probiotic supplement:
    1. Brand quality Look for reputable brands: Garden of Life, MegaFood, Axe Naturals.
    2. High CFU count — Purchase a probiotic brand that has a higher number of probiotics, from 15 billion to 100 billion.
    3. Strain diversity — Search for 10–30 different strains.
    4. Survivability — Look for strains like bacillus coagulans, saccharomyces boulardii, bacillus subtilis, lactobacillus rhamnosus, & other cultures or formulas that ensure probiotics make it to the gut & are able to colonize.
    5. Research — Look for brands that have strains that support your specific needs.

    Stay away from general (generic) health claims. 
    Consider how much information (or the lack thereof) is really on a label.

    • Stability: Probiotics need to be kept cold in order to preserve their potency.
      This applies to their production, transport, storage & sales.
    • Date: The fresher the better when you’re talking about living organisms.
    • Sugar is not a good food source for probiotics.
      Prebiotics are the food source meant to keep probiotics alive.
      A synbiotic is a supplement that contains both prebiotics & probiotics.
      The best synbiotics contain healthy plant starches & fiber.
    • Living vs. dead: “Live & active cultures” is a better bet than “made with active cultures.”
      After fermentation, the product may be heat-treated, which kills off both good & bad bacteria (extending shelf life).
    • Bacteria type: “Live & active cultures” does not necessarily mean that the kinds of bacteria the product holds have been proven as beneficial.
      The bacteria strain should consist of 2 names & 2 letters: genus, species & strain.
      If the label lists 2 names, it could be any one of hundreds of bacteria without research or proven health benefits behind it.
    • Potency: This is where it gets tricky. Most probiotic products don’t list the amount of bacteria their products contain.  The amount that’s effective depends upon many qualifiers. Health benefits can occur with 50 million CFUs for certain conditions & may take as many as 1 trillion CFU for others.
      The higher the number the better.
      The Food Standards Code claims that at least one million live bacteria per gram are necessary in yogurt & other fermented drinks to provide the 10 billion CFU needed for health effect.
Pro-biotics @ -   

Dr. Lita Proctor states, "Beneficial bacteria, which we call pro-biotics, are vital to human health... 
Probiotics MAKE GI (miracle care) Butyrate...Pro-biotics are healthy bacteria, & pre-biotics are what the bacteria eat.."

Probiotics on the brain 10/12/2014 
probiotics-brain/DnnE6myX75vTfK6U3aolQP/story.html - FUNCTIONAL Medicine -
"Dr. James
Greenblatt, chief medical officer of Walden Behavioral Care, Waltham, MA. is a proponent of pro-biotics... 'Thank you, you’ve never even met me & yet you’ve changed my life.'
That was the sign-off in an e-mail from a man named Mike that arrived at the office of Dr. James Greenblatt, a psychiatrist & the chief medical officer of
Walden Behavioral Care in Waltham, on July 24.
Greenblatt is not unused to such effusive gratitude, but usually it comes from his patients.

Mike, though, lives in Colorado, where he had read an article online about how Greenblatt had treated a young woman with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder using traditional psychotherapy & medication coupled, less traditionally, with probiotics, capsules filled with live 'good' bacteria.  Within 6 months, her symptoms were gone.
Mike also had issues with anxiety, he’d started obsessively pulling his hair out (trichotillo-mania) 15 years earlier, but no one had been able to help him.
Mike began treating himself by taking the strongest over-the-counter probiotics he could find. 
After a couple months, he noticed the urge to pull had disappeared.  'IT WORKED.' Mike later wrote in a blog.

Continue reading below - The idea that microbes in the body can affect the brain has gone in & out of fashion.
In 1896, physicians writing in Scientific American concluded, in the language of the day, that “certain forms of insanity” could be caused by infectious agents 'similar to typhoid, diphtheria & others.'
But after Freudian psychoanalysis became popular in the 1st half of the 20th century, the
microbial theory of mental illness was largely forgotten, & stayed that way for decades.
Today, however, scientists know that trillions of micro-organisms live in your digestive system, where they outnumber your human cells many times over & may make up as much as 3% of your body weight.
The evidence that these bacteria affect a dense network of neurons in your gut, often called the '2nd brain', is vast & growing.

In recent years, a microbial imbalance in the gut (called 'dysbiosis') has been associated with chronic fatigue, obesity, certain types of cancer, & other physical ailments.
It’s unclear exactly how or which bacteria cause or cure which disorders & in what complex ways, Greenblatt says, 'but the research is quite clear that the GI tract affects brain health.'
In this case, he says, '1+1 does equal 2.'

Research on the microbiome got a kick-start with the emergence of new methods of DNA profiling that allowed doctors to quickly identify various species of bacteria. Now, studies exploring how gut flora may affect health are exploding onto the scene. Once considered 'alternative', maybe even a bit wacky, the field is becoming firmly entrenched in the medical establishment: In 2007, the National Institutes of Health earmarked $115 million for the first phase of the Human Microbiome Project, which brings together researchers from several institutions, including the Broad Institute in Cambridge, & aims to map the ecology of the gut.
In late September, Harvard Medical School’s Division of Nutrition hosted a symposium in Boston called '
Gut Microbiota, Probiotics and Their Impact Throughout the Lifespan.'  It was so popular, there was a wait-list.
All the interest marks a fundamental change in the way scientists & medical professionals view the connection between the brain & gut. Not that long ago, many doctors believed that the brain was essentially walled off from the rest of the body and protected from infection. 'The dogma when I was in grad school was that nothing crosses the blood-brain barrier,' says Nancy Desmond, chief of the neuro-endocrinology and neuro-immunology program at the National Institute of Mental Health. 'But there are data now that punch holes in that dogma.'
The challenge, she says, 'is to try to get at the mechanisms that underlie this apparent communication between microbiota in the gut and brain function that is relevant to mental health.'

Possible pathways include the vagus nerve, which runs throughout the body, the spinal cord, & numerous immune & endocrine mechanisms. For example, a chemical in urine called HPHPA signals a buildup of dopamine in the brain, which in turn 'strongly correlates with psychiatric symptoms,' according to Greenblatt, 'from anxiety to agitation.'
As in irritable bowel syndrome, the culprits here are species of the Clostridium bacteria. Fighting them with targeted antibiotics, along with high doses of probiotics, appears to help ease or eliminate symptoms.
Dr. Kyle Williams, director of the Pediatric Neuropsychiatry and Immunology Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, is also looking at how the microbiome influences the brain & behavior. But Williams cautions that the body’s ecosystem is incredibly complex & that the placebo effect, patients feeling better even if the treatment isn’t actually doing anything, can be very strong in psychiatry. 'There’s a lot of excitement about the microbiome now,' he says, 'but evidence is what helps us transform an exciting idea into therapies.
It’s true the blood-brain barrier isn’t the impenetrable fortress we thought it was, but we’re learning more each day about how molecules traffic or are transported across it.'

Though much remains to be learned, many physicians & researchers believe there’s no harm in probiotics, as long as patients don’t forgo conventional medicines & treatments in their favor (where proven benefits are greater than negative side effects).
'Whenever someone says there’s an impossibility in medicine,' says Williams, 'they end up being corrected in a few years.'” + +
+ - 10/14/2019
+ 9/9/2023
    Antidepressant withdrawal using functional medicine (vitamins/herbs/food).
+ for practitioners
+ for practitioners
+ for clinicians
+ for clients looking for functional med assistance
Pro-biotic -
supplement touts 5 BIFIDO BACTERIUM: Bifido-bacterium bifidum, Bifido-bacterium breve, Bifido-bacterium infantis, Bifido-bacterium lactis, Bifido-bacterium longum. 
Above supplement touts 6 bifido strains.  Below, Renew Life touts 7 bifido strains:
Pro-biotic - Dietrich Klinghardt interview by Mercola on Spore-Biotics @ 10/2017 or very short clip + ( ) provides 2 vitamin supplements - a pre-biotic Organic Triple Fiber (flaxseed, oat bran & acacia) + a colon care Ultimate Flora pro-biotic containing 7 bidifo-bacterium strains. 
prebiotic helps existing good GI bacteria &/or works with any probiotic supplement.
Butyrate - "Prebiotics (including types of fiber) also inhibit the growth of bad bacteria. As the good bacteria ferment fiber, they produce short chain fatty acids & make the inside of the colon more acidic.
A more acidic environment in the colon reduces breakdown of peptides (proteins), resulting in less formation of toxic compounds such as ammonia, amines, & phenolic compounds. Also, the more acidic environment decreases the activity of undesirable bacterial enzymes. So again, looks like eating real food that is fermentable will act as a prebiotic to encourage the growth of good bacteria & discourage the growth of bad."
  (9)  @

Organic raw onions - Mercola, Dr.Jo @ @ - Onions contain inulin a pre-biotic which feeds good GI gut bacteria.


Fermented Foods

Butyrate Is Important For YOU (
Butyrate Series, Part 1 (
Butyrate Series, Part 2 (
Butyrate Series, Part 3 (
Butyrate Series, Part 4 (
Fermentable Fibers @ (above)
Keifer - 9/9/2016
"The pro-biotics in kefir are so far superior to those in Greek yogurt that it is really no contest.  Here is a list
of 30+ strains of probiotics & beneficial yeasts in properly fermented kefir, per Journal
Food Microbiology.
Many of these strains are aggressive in nature, meaning they can beat back pathogens & colonize the gut to re-assert dominance to facilitate gut rebalancing:"
  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  2. Lactobacillus brevis
  3. Lactobacillus casei
  4. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
  5. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii
  6. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis
  7. Lactobacillus helveticus
  8. Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens subsp. kefiranofaciens
  9. Lactobacillus kefiri
  10. Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei
  11. Lactobacillus plantarum
  12. Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  13. Lactobacillus sake
  14. Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
  15. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
  16. Lactococcus lactis
  17. Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris
  18. Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum
  19. Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides
  20. Pseudomonas
  21. Pseudomonas fluorescens
  22. Pseudomonas putida
  23. Streptococcus thermophilus
  24. Candida humilis (yeast)
  25. Kazachstania unispora (yeast)
  26. Kazachstania exigua (yeast)
  27. Kluyveromyces siamensis (yeast)
  28. Kluyveromyces lactis (yeast)
  29. Kluyveromyces marxianus (yeast)
  30. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast)
  31. Saccharomyces martiniae (yeast)
  32. Saccharomyces unisporus (yeast)
Trenev, Natasha ("Mother of Probiotics") @ 2/3/2022 Fermented foods appear to help extend longevity.  “Unless you fix the gut for any illness, for any problem the person has internally, you cannot make progress...The gut is where all of the diseases manifest,” Trenev said. 
GMF food substances & abuse of antibiotics contribute to harm to healthy gut microbiome.

Conventional Medicine

Medical Science Research


BBC - 1/30/2017 - - Trust Me, I'm A Doctor -
"Homemade foods and products made by traditional methods contain a wide array of (healthy gut) bacteria; some of the commercial products contained barely any...
Try fermented foods to improve your gut health.  It's best to look for products that have been made using traditional preparation & processing, or make them yourself, to ensure you're getting the healthy bacteria "