
Understanding Anemia
Iron Deficiency


Jensen, Dr Bernard  Dr Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition  Chapter 5 The Blood Builders section Cobalt (Vitamin B12)  Do NOT mistake insufficient folic acid (vitamin B9) cause of anemia for insufficient B12 cause of anemia.  Folic acid supplements help to make new red blood cells & will mask a B12 anemia. 
A daily good quality multiple B vitamin will help both adult & fetus.


spina_bifida.htm  Vitamin B9 = folic acid is essential as a part of prenatal care/during gestation of fetus.


Anemia Alternative Medicine


Kelp (seaweed/sea vegetables) added to the diet helps reverse anemia
Burtis, C. Edward  Nature's Miracle Medicine Chest  Arco publishing

Organ meats from range fed animals can be helpful. - Foods that especially pertain to females:
  1. Iron-rich: liver, figs, seafood, molasses, beets, brown rice, whole grains, poultry, eggs, grapes, raisins, yams & almonds.
  2. Potassium-rich: broccoli, bananas, sunflower seeds, vegetables, whole grains, kiwi, dried fruits.
  3. Manganese-rich: like whole grains, legumes, nuts, pineapple, eggs.
  4. Vitamin C rich: like citrus fruits & chives.
  5. Folic acid rich: like fresh green leafy vegetables, mushrooms.
  6. Avoid coffee, tea, beer, or carbonated drinks like colas with meals or you’ll block the absorption of iron by body
    Anemia can sometimes result from a deficiency of iron, folic acid (B9) &/or multi-B vitamins.
Sesame seeds (ground-up/tahini) & oil - contain vitamin T (in addition to trace amounts in animal tissue, liver & spleen) & are excellent as an baby food additive for the purpose of promoting growth in stunted or preemie infants.  Tahini is a preparation resembling peanut butter sold in many grocery stores. 
20 drops a day of sesame oil doubles the red blood platelet count in 3-4 weeks.  Burtis, C Edward  Nature's Miracle Medicine Chest  Arco publishing  (Consider using in geriatric care.)  (Consider using sesame bagels. Consider sprinkling creamy peanut butter with (raw or ground) sesame seeds &/or flax seed to obtain crunchy peanut butter.) (Estrogenic) (To tahini add honey for school sandwich.)
Vitamin B complex even in small dose/mg. is best utilization of a vitamin b suppliment, as the b's work as a team. EG, If one is taking a vitamin B-12, one can add a small b-complex & take with lots of fluid during meal time.

Pernicious Anemia


Anemia: The vitamin B12 deficiency causes a special anemia called 'pernicious anemia.


Jensen, Dr Bernard  Dr Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition 
Chapter 5 The Blood Builders section Cobalt (Vitamin B12) 
"Cobalt exists in our bodies only in the form of vitamin B12 & is toxic to us in its free state...
We get the cobalt containing B12 when we eat meat & dairy products" especially liver & other organ meats & fish. 
"The B12 in spirulina & chlorella" sea vegetables may not be readily assimilated.  The cause may NOT be a B12 deficiency, but rather the "lack of intrinsic factor, a (globulin) protein that transports B12 from the stomach to the small intestine where it is absorbed into the blood. Need here is to immediately initially consume or inject large amounts of B12 (gradually increasing up & then slowly decreasing/titering down) & subsequently adding slowly iron, folic acid, vitamin C, amino acids, copper & manganese - based on blood level indications/need.



Anemia: Vitamin B1 deficiency will elicit 'beri-beri.'