Human Interest

Famous people http://www.dyslexia.com/qafame.htm
Learning tools    http://www.tv411.org/preview/


Hormann, Dr Aiko - http://www.aikohormann.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=205:healed-from-dyslexia-now-reading-the-bible-out-loud&catid=87:testimony&Itemid=41 "The Lord revealed to me that his Brocca area (speech formation area) in the left hemisphere was functioning fine (shown by his articulate conversation) but the neural pathways between his Occipital lobe (visual center in the back of the head) and the Brocca was not completely developed from birth (therefore, his difficulty in reading aloud simultaneously).
The Lord directed me to "spin the inner man" (on God's "Potter's Wheel" - one of the "Tools of the Spirit") and pray for the complete connection to be made between the Brocca & the Occipital lobe. This took only about 15 minutes...He told me that he felt something 'moving' inside his head, & an impression came, 'You will never be humiliated again' - as he had been during his school years." from - http://www.aikohormann.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=87&Itemid=41
Also check out 2007 CD recorded in Africa - Spirit, Soul & Body Alignment: Left & Right Brain Harmony & Potter's Wheel: Spirit, Soul & Body Alignment CD
Hormann, Dr Aiko - http://www.shoutlife.com/aikohormann  - "Jim was severely dyslexic, had problems with even basic reading and writing, so he barely finished the 6th grade. He was about 30 years old when he came to me.
When I asked him to read a paragraph aloud, he haltingly pronounced each word inaccurately & in a way that was no better than a 3rd grader.I was so embarrassed for him that I stopped him after 2 sentences.
Prior to this evaluation, I watched this same man carrying on a fluent,social conversation with other people.

In fact, he was quite articulate and talkative when expressing himself in a social context (but not in reading).
The Lord revealed to me that his Brocca area (speech formation area) in the left hemisphere was functioning fine (shown by his articulate conversation) but the neural pathways between his Occipital lobe (visual center in the back of the head) & the Brocca was not completely developed from birth (therefore, his difficulty in reading aloud simultaneously).
The Lord directed me to 'spin the inner man' (on God's 'Potter's Wheel' -- one of the 'Tools of the Spirit') & pray for the complete connection to be made between the Brocca and the Occipital lobe.

This took only about 15 minutes. I watched him crying towards the end of the session, so I asked him if he was experiencing something supernatural. He told me that he felt something 'moving' inside his head, & an impression came, 'You will never be humiliated again', as he had been during his school years.
" -
Potters Wheel -

Conventional Therapy

SHAPIRO, STEVEN and SHEILAH - http://www.thelearningconnection.org/ - Manitou Springs, Oregon, USA -
Dyslexia evaluation - http://www.thelearningconnection.org/2583.html