ELBOA virus



Ebola or Marburg hemorrhagic fevers - "These viruses are normally in bat populations...Viruses are jumping over from natural animal reservoir hosts into the human population, & they're causing these large emerging disease problems... Another example would be Nipah, a disease that emerged in Malaysia in the mid-90s. This was a disease 1st seen in pigs...For Marburg virus, this is really a story that goes back to the 1960s. That virus was actually discovered by an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever in facilities in Europe, in Germany & Yugoslavia. These facilities were importing African green monkeys from Uganda & then using the tissues of these animals as part of vaccine production." 
Now we have a reverse problem of people's diseases infecting wildlife, esp. due to careless disposal of waste & having no (insufficient) buffer zones between species.


Preston, Richard non-fiction  The Hot Zone - http://blogs.salon.com/0002007/2003/02/18.html + http://cryptome.org/bioweap.htm


Alternative Treatments


Bleach is one of the better sterilizers available to the public & health care providers (such as against mold/fungus). http://www.xenex.com/xenex-robot/the-burden-of-healthcare-associated-infections/ - However, "Even after 4 rounds of disinfection with bleach, 25% of rooms were still contaminated with MRSA & Acinetobacter."


http://www.xenex.com/xenex-robot/ - pesticidal device - "Not only is the pulsed xenon pulse more intense, it also contains multiple wave-lengths of germicidal UV. It is known that microorganisms are susceptible to UV damage in the range of 200 to 280 nanometers. Pulsed xenon produces wavelengths across this range whereas as mercury vapor systems are narrow spectrum & only produce UV at 253.7 nanometers.
Because our pulse contains higher energy wavelengths, the Xenex system damages cell walls, cellular structures as well as
emits UV at 260-265 nanometers, which mirrors peak DNA/RNA absorbency...
Pulsed xenon disinfection was developed in the late 1970s and represents an advance over the earlier mercury vapor systems (note: if it is not pulsed xenon, then the system uses mercury lamps)."
How UV Disinfection Works - "High-energy ultraviolet light in the area of the spectrum known as UV-C is produced by our xenon gas lamps. This UV-C energy passes through the cell walls of bacteria, viruses & bacterial spores.
Once the
UV-C energy is inside the microorganism, it is absorbed by the DNA, RNA & proteins. One of the primary mechanisms of damage created by UV-C is the fusing of the strands of DNA, creating what is known as 'thymine dimers.'
Once the DNA is fused, the organism can no longer replicate & is, therefore, no longer infectious.
The technical term for this is 'deactivation'"

http://www.xenex.com/xenex-robot/the-burden-of-healthcare-associated-infections/ "The 4 primary types of (bacteria/ virus/parasite) cellular damage caused by Pulsed Xenon UV are photo-hydration (pulling water molecules into the DNA to prevent its folding), photo-splitting (breaking the backbone of the DNA), photo-dimerization (DNA damage that prevents replication), & photo cross-linking (cellular wall damage that causes cells to lyse)."
(Here we see 2 scientific principles in operation - fast/shrill/high vibration that damages insect cell walls, + the UV light that disinfects/kills.)

Pulsed-Xenon UV Lamp - Using a Xenon bulb, a powerful, non-mercury form of UV light, combined with a pulse technology that generates high intensity pulses, which makes Xenex the most powerful form of UV-C.
Visible Light Filter - Blocks the bright xenon pulse.
Safety Features - Built in safety timer, emergency stop button, automatic shutdown motion detection system. 
(Thus to operate in vacant rooms/environment.)