Alternative Medicine

HERBS http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/1_women.htm

Tubal Pregnancy

extrauterine or ectopic pregnancy + http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=8601
Sterilization - http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/sterilisation-female-sterilisation-and-vasectomy
Sometimes the fetus does not proceed to the womb.  The subsequent operation may result in a tubal tying.
(CAUTION - Sometimes this procedure as a method of birth control, overrides/overrules God's designs/plans regarding a child He had in mind, thus preventing the birth of this person.)


https://prayingmedic.podbean.com/e/201a-female-health-problems-healing-prayer/ - 1st
+ Female Health Problems Healing Prayer - Praying Medic - 2nd on 1/6/2022 @ Praying Medic (podbean.com)
Proverbs 3:8  It shall be health to thy navel (formerly end of umbilical cord) & marrow to thy bones
(Navel is area where modern medicine enters to do surgery, such as tying fallopian tubes.)


Northrup, Dr. Christiane @ https://www.drnorthrup.com/about/ - Retired OB-Gyn physician. Yarmouth, Maine
Tanksley, Dr Carol - https://www.drcarolministries.com/about-dr-carol/ Austin, Texas, OB-Gyn physician, board certified in Obstetrics-Gynecology & Reproductive Endocrinology & Dr. of Ministry
Menstrual Abnormalities Lasting for Months Following COVID-19 Shot ‘Very Concerning’: Doctor (theepochtimes.com) 10/15/2022

https://pureroyaljelly.com/Testimonials/tabid/2196/Default.aspx I have been a patient of PCOS for over 20 years. In this 20 years, I spent $$, time & effort seeking treatment from Chinese & Western doctors in US, both were unsuccessful to get a natural menstrual cycle. However, I just took Rocky Mountain Pure Roayl Jelly (120K mg of Royal Jelly with 6,000mg of Bee Pollen & 6,000 mg of Propolis) for 4 months & I got my very 1st natural menstrual cycle... It is absolutely a miracle. I am so excited & very happy to see this positive result...
That for sure, I will continue to take Royal Jelly for a long time to improve my overall health." 

From: SX in Boston, MA
- 1/2023 (CAUTION: 'Tis easy to overdose & cause an allergy.  Baby steps.)

https://pureroyaljelly.com/Testimonials/tabid/2196/Default.aspx - "I thought I would take the time to share what Royal Jelly has done for me. I've had problems with my menstrual cramps for years now. When I started taking Royal Jelly the 1st month I didn't have any cramps. The 2nd month I decided not to take the Jelly to see if it indeed was the reason why I didn't get cramps. Well I hated that month. I couldn't believe after all this time I found something thatwould help me with this terrible pain I had each month. 4 months later I can still say it's a wonderful natural product. It's also raised my energy level a lot. I would recommend this product to anyone that wants to keep their bodies in check the way they're meant to be." From: D., Grandriver, IA - 1/2023 -