Hypo (too low/deficiency of ) versus Hyper (too high) glycemic (blood sugar)

Understanding Hypo or low blood Glycemia or sugar

Airola, Dr Paavo   Hypoglycemia: A Better Approach

The Glucose Revolution by Miller, Powell, Colagiuri MD, and Wolever MD
Book contains the "glycemic index", a guide, to eating carbohydrates and sugars.
http://www.railwaywomen.co.uk/hypo.pdf.  Hypo-glylcemia SYMPTOMS 1-Sugar or sweet cravings 2-Fatigue and lack of
stamina 3-Tendency to gain weight 4-Allergies 5-Moodiness and irritability 6-Insomnia 7-Anxiety 8-Blurred vision or
dry eyes 9-Depression or crying spells 10-Frequent headaches 11-Poor memory 12-Dizziness or fainting feelings 
13-Loss of confidence 14-Cold sweats 15-Low sex drive 16-Roller-coaster emotions 17-Cold fingers or toes
ypo-glycaemics produce too much insulin" due to too high carbohydrate diet and often insufficient exercise. 
is a hormone that (among other things) causes the blood-glucose (sugar) levels to fall." 
1-Eating (starches which convert to) sugar raises their blood-glucose (sugar), making them feel better
2-Eating (starches which convert to) sugar also stimulates the pancreas to overproduce insulin
3-Insulin removes sugar from the bloodstream (especially from the brain which needs glucose/sugar which it cannot store)
4-Blood-glucose (sugar available in the blood) plummets (falls/declines)
5-Plummeting (falling/decreasing) blood-glucose stimulates a gush of adrenaline, which signals the liver to release
emergency s
ugar (glycogen) to prevent further insulin shock.
(Adrenalin, a hormone, also triggers heart palpitations and stimulates the fight or flight response.)

The rush of adrenaline causes panic attacks (sometimes, or high anxiety or high stress such as the need to be
excessively active, pace the floors, or cause an inability to sleep, as found in excessive consumption of coffee/soda.)
7-Eating sugar ends the panic attack by (a) raising blood-glucose (sugar) but also (b) causes an insulin surge.
8-The surge of insulin quickly pushes (a) glucose levels back below normal
causing (b) the unpleasant symptoms and the need (desire) for a sugar "fix" begins again
"I also found out that the condition should, more accurately, be called insulin resistance, or hyperinsulinaemia:
the production of too much insulin. It is so related to Syndrome X, to polycystic ovary syndrome and to alcoholism."
http://www.railwaywomen.co.uk/hypo.pdf.    Certain medications can adversely affect the blood sugar,
in particular Xanax, Klonopin , some of the older tricyclic antidepressants and estrogen.
http://www.railwaywomen.co.uk/hypo.pdf. www.hastingspress.co.uk  hastings.press@vrigin.net  What Is Hypoglycemia?      "The kinesiologist explained that my pancreas produces too much insulin in a response to (excess) refined carbohydrates
-that is, sugar, white flour and white rice, and also to caffeine. This overproduction of insulin drives the blood-glucose down
very fast. The body perceives itself to be in a state of emergency and produces a rush of adrenaline, which
causes the feelings of panic
. As the brain cannot store blood-glucose it is the first organ to malfunction, hence mental
, forgetfulness and, eventually, blurred vision. She said that the rapid drop in blood-glucose (sugar initially/
particularly in the brain) was also the cause of my trembling fits, palpitations, in fact, every-thing that had been
me for 17 years. She said that my pancreas malfunctioned because it had been damaged by overgrowth
of an intestinal yeast called candida
. This overgrowth was caused by antibiotics killing off the beneficial bacteria
which normally keep candida in balance. I had taken antibiotics just four months before. She told me to keep to an
anti-candida diet for a few weeks, then to a hypo-glycaemic diet. Above all, no sugar. 
Her suggestions sounded bizarre: how could food be the cause of such horrendous nervous and mental symptoms?
It sounded too wacky.
t is indicative of my sheer desperation that I agreed to try her dietary rules.  I immediately eliminated sugar, caffeine, white
flour and rice from my diet. I was flabbergasted when the panic attacks disappeared within 48 hours.  All the other
symptoms (e.g. indigestion, depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc) decreased and disappeared within about 3 weeks.
I later proved by experiment that sugar both caused and quelled my panic attacks. Discovering that I was not mentally ill
brought forth tears of relief." Anonymous
Testimony - The pancreas (not the brain) was the root cause, due to wrong eating
habits.  Author reminds us that healthy fats/oil (found in fish, seeds, nuts and olives) slow down the metabolism of starches
which turn into sugars.  Get daily exercise = Use stairs instead of elevator.  Park at far end of parking lot/mall.  Eat a live
food with EVERY meal.  Drink water with every meal.  AVOID processed/manufactured/packaged/canned foods.  NO sodas.
Martin, Dr Clement  Low Blood Sugar: The Hidden Menace of Hypo-glycaemia


Keytone Testing Strips  www.ketogenics.com Keytone (acetoacetic acid with sodium nitroprusside) results = negative@ lightest reading to trace (5), to small (15), to moderate (40), to large (80) to large (160) mg/dl (darkest/positive reading)
Questions and Answers http://www.ketogenics.com/lowcarbfaq.asp    "Ketogenic dieters are concerned with (counting) the daily consumption of carbohydrate because the body must be deprived of (reduce) this energy source in order to preferentially burn fat for fuel. Fiber, particularly insoluble fiber, is considered a 'non-available' carbohydrate as it cannot be (readily) converted into glucose by the body's digestive systems and thus cannot prevent the beneficial metabolic state of lipolysis (ketosis)."
The ketogenic diet is a very high fat diet that relies on inducing a state of ketosis. The diet typically provides 3-4 grams of fat for every 1 gram of carbohydrate and protein combined. It is most commonly used for the treatment of epilepsy. The diet is essentially comprised of 88% fat,10% protein, and 2% cabohydrates.