INSIGHT - 6/17/2007  Sanders, Dr Lisa  Full-Body Failure  - http://www.nytimes.com/magazine/  
Wilson's disease is an inherited genetic defect. 
The body cannot get rid of
copper, which builds up, especially in the liver.
If or when the liver shuts down, it dumps its excess copper into the bloodstream, causing destruction of red blood cells.  Damaged red blood cells in turn injure the kidneys, often requiring a kidney transplant.
The disease when rampant can present both liver failure and anemia at the same time.
An ophthalmologist can detect excess copper at the eye iris' very outermost edge as a golden brown ring. 

Conventional Healing

7/2009 Testimony by Michael E. Rupp merupp00@earthlink.net
 "10 and a half years ago, at the age of 27, my wife aspirated or stopped breathing before being diagnosed with Wilson’s Disease (WD). Her hospital stay was five months and cost $750,000. It was all unnecessary.
Wilson’s Disease results in a deficiency in the copper-carrying protein cerulo-plasmin, which allows the accumulation of copper in one’s body tissue. WD has profound psychiatric effects & causes cirrhosis of the liver & neurological effects. A major symptom of WD is Psychosis. Left untreated, WD is fatal.
The current test is a blood test, and treatment is zinc given orally."
"[If WD is not recognized, people who have it can be mistakenly diagnosed as mental illness, especially with] ADD/ADHD, Autism, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, anti-social behavior & Alzheimer's Disease. If undiagnosed, it can lead to suicide. [However, if] you look at DSM-IV, only aluminum & arsenic are mentioned in connection with psychiatric problems.
My wife had early age asthma [1 sign of WD &] was diagnosed as a child with Attention Deficit Disorder & put in special education. She was not tested for copper level in her body.
[Since psychoactive drugs called SSRIs are often prescribed for people given some of the above named diagnostic labels, it is important to know that the [research] literature links SSRIs to increasing copper levels.
[Furthermore,] if SSRIs do not work then the psychiatrist [may] put the patient on [electroshock]."