
COMMENTARY: Jesus Christ, God's first son, taught us this prayer:
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed is Your name. May Your kingdom come. 
May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses
[sins &/or debts (what we have failed to do or give back)],
as we also forgive our trespassers
[& debtors (who owe us)].  
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
."  Matthew 6: 9-13 NAB
[1-Sometimes it is not so much what we have done, but what we have failed to do. 
2-Sometimes it is not so much what we have done as much as it is what we have said or thought. 
3-Sometimes we have responded with negative emotions towards God, others, or self. 
   Father, God, forgive us, yesterday, today, & tomorrow.]

is giving/receiving mercy rather than justice, what one deserves.

John Hampsch in The Healing Power of the Eucharist explains,
"When we pray the petition, 'Forgive us our trespasses,'
we are asking God to free us from the intrinsic spiritual disorders
that have occurred because we have yielded to sin. 
We can also repent of & petition the Lord to erase our ancestors' sins resulting in any family curses. 
When we pray the last petition in the prayer, 'Deliver us from evil,' we are asking God to protect us from the extrinsic spiritual disorders that can be brought on by attacks of the evil one from the outside
(the human spirit/soul) or from any evil that we have inherited (such as genetic diseases). 
It is from this last petition that we get the term 'deliverance prayer,' which is a kind of minor exorcism." 
In Matthew 6: 9-15, Jesus tells us to forgive others before we ask God's forgiveness.
In Matthew 6:16, Jesus adds this warning: If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do NOT forgive men their sins, your Father will NOT forgive your sins.
In fact, when we can't forgive, when others do not deserve to be forgiven
or after we forgive, then the rage, resentment, bitterness, anger-pops up again, & again, & again. 
Let us be reminded that we are forgiving, not for their sakes, necessarily, but more for our own sakes. 
We never deserve to be forgiven, yet God forgives us, but often only if we have 1st forgiven someone else
Forgiveness is a law of dominos, a chain reaction of forgiveness, the spark that ignites the Holy Spirit into action.  Neither our trespasser nor I myself are deserving of being forgiven.  God did not feel like forgiving on the cross. 
I will forgive because Jesus forgave me when He did not feel like doing it.  It hurt Him to forgive me. 
It hurts me to forgive.  I will do it anyway, because the bitterness inside me will harm me. 
My anger does not hurt my enemy, but only me.  God was smart. 
It is we who prefer to listen in our minds, to the broken record of wrongs, instead of doing what Jesus tells us to do.  That is why obedience is best.  Jesus obeyed God & died on the Cross. 
It was not a pleasant experience, but the rewards were worth it. 
Let us bite the bullet & reject those unforgiving thoughts, no matter how many times they come up to molest us. 
If we keep a shopping list of wrongs & repeat them to ourselves or listen to Satan playing them over & over again in our minds, then we are not obeying the 7x11 rule. 
Matthew 18:21 -
Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?   7 times?"  Jesus answered, "I tell you, not 7 times, but 77 times." 
We need to recognize the tricks of Satan.  We need to get out of agreement with him. 
We have permission from God to disagree with wrong thoughts or thoughts that are not healthy for us. 
We have permission to agree with the words of Jesus & to quote His words each time the enemy comes against us or messes with our mind or messes with our feelings, emotions & hurts. 
[We can say, "I recognize you, wrong thoughts.  I bind you in the name of Jesus. 
I reject & refuse to accept those negative thoughts.  I place them under the feet of Jesus. 
Come Holy Spirit & place Your holy thoughts in my mind.  Thank You.  In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen."] 
When we spew out the family underwear/hurts of the past, what negative emotions do we feel/recognize? 
Hurt, anger, hatred, victimization, superiority, indignation, contempt? 
Well, these are demons we ourselves are releasing into the atmosphere & into the one we are talking to. 
Now we are beginning to get a glimpse of how generational demons are passed on. 
Through disobedience.  In fact, each time we repeat/tattle an offense done to us, it feeds the demon of offense, so it grows stronger.  [God, we repent of all past self-defense & family gossip. 
Father God, we repent of all the evil we have passed on to our family members. 
Father God, we ask you to cancel % reverse all curses we have placed on our family due to our big mouth & our disobedience. 
Father God, please send Your blessings & Your Holy Spirit to fill those now vacant spots in our lives. 
Father, help us to listen & to obey Your soft gentle voice when You in the future tell us to be silent. 
When You allow/want us to share, please censor each word & let it be with much love & pure intent/motive. 
Oh, we bless & thank You. In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.]
New Life Live radio reminded its listeners of the adage that many of us take the poison of unforgiveness thinking it will kill the other person. 1-800-229-3000
The Stoning of Stephen - acts/7-60.htm 59While they were stoning him, Stephen appealed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
Falling on his knees, he cried out in a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (He died.)

The Crucifixion - luke/23-34.htm - 33When they came to the place called The Skull, they crucified Him there, along with the criminals, one on His right & the other on His left.
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
And they divided up His garments by casting lots.
35The people stood watching & the rulers sneered at Him, saying, “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.”

Beth Moore
in Fully Alive book or Life Today audio with James Robinson explains that forgiving lets us off the hook & not it/him/her (who God, not us, deals vengeance/justice). 
We allow God to minister healing to us only to the degree that
we are willing to forgive. Deuteronomy 32:35 KJV   "To Me belongs vengeance & recompense. 
Their foot shall slide in due time, for the day of their calamity is at hand."   We need to get to such a place in our attitude (NOT based on feeling) that we plead for God to be merciful to our victimizer & for God to bless him/her/them, 1st with a personal relationship with Jesus and then with kindness.
Self preservation/justification may be indicative that there is still a self which is alive & kicking & not dead/buried with Christ. 
The only One Who's reputation we need to preserve/justify is Jesus Christ, His Dad & His Holy Spirit. 
John the Baptist realized that he needed daily to become less in order to daily make more room available for the Trinity.
Perhaps Jesus forgave by releasing from His judgment all offenses (including that of Judas, until such time when offenses would be judged at the end of the world. 
There is a difference between judging a thing and a person. 
Allow God to be the final judge of all, both things & individuals.) 
We can release from our judgment each offense/offender. 
That release is like taking a stone out of a bucket on a see-saw. 
Each sin is like a rock that weighs us down to hell & each forgiveness is like a rock removed, taking us higher up to heaven.  If we do NOT forgive another or ourselves, then neither can God. 
Matthew 6:14-15 KJVer - If you forgive
men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  If you forgive not men their trespass, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses
We can prevent God from forgiving both us & others. 
When we do NOT forgive ourselves, even though we have repented, then we are calling God a lier. 
That is unbelief, which is sin, perhaps venial; yet a weed is a weed by what ever name. 
In sexual intimacy there is a soul tie. 
Likewise when an arrow of offense hits our hearts there is an attachment, a burdock, between us. 
It needs to be removed/cut off/forgiven/ removed from our judgment immediately, lest an evil spirit have opportunity to trigger/grow/take root & produce a garden/jungle of bitterness & disease.
Like a see-saw, forgiveness has at least 2 sides, your & my. 
I have to forgive you, even if you do not ask/repent.  You have to ask, if you are the offender. 
God is always a player on the team.  So is Satan.  Somebody always has the ball or stone. 
What I do with the stone will affect me, you, God, & Satan. 
Four (4), not one (1).  Steven made 1 final request.  Acts 7:59-60 NIV -
While they were stoning him (to death), Stephen prayed, "Lord (God), do NOT charge them with this sin." 
Jesus also made 1 final request.  Luke 23:34 (KJV)  
Then said Jesus (dying on the cross of crucification), "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Anger/Hate/UnforgivenessSometimes we feel ENTITLED to be angry, bitter, etc. 
In God's dictionary, a synonym for entitlement or self-justification is PRIDE or elitism/superiority/arrogance/self-sufficiency/cockiness, which is the sin committed by Satan.  Yes, there is a place for healthy anger, etc. such as God's just anger at evil, & even Jesus got angry at the money changers bilking the congregation. 
Remember, one is to be angry at a sin &/or at a demon but NOT at a person. 
When we ask God to forgive us & have neglected to forgive (& pray for) even 1 person, then God's hands may be tied until we forgive that 1 person. 
Matthew 6:14-15 KJVer -
If you forgive
men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 
(However) If you forgive not men their trespass, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 5:43-45 TNAB

43"You have heard the commandment, 'You shall love your countryman, but hate your enemy.' 
44My command to you is, 'Love your enemies, pray for your persecutors'. 
45This will prove that you are sons of your heavenly Father."
Bevere, Lisa -

The Power of Forgiveness (in marriage) @
Joel Osteen Ministries
"When you make a quality decision to forgive another person, the anointing power of God comes in to remove the burden & destroy the yoke that wound has placed in your life.  In other words, the anointing sets you free.
That's character. It takes a true man or woman God to say in the midst of persecution,
'I bless you in the name of Jesus.' 
But the more you pray for those who have hurt you, the better."
Hickey, Marilyn - Stay Connected - Part 1 - 3/24/2015 -
God shared with bitter mother that if she did not forgive daughter's murderer, then He could not forgive her. 
She obeyed & God worked through the Gideons to produce a lovely miracle.

Hunter, Joan - 10/28/2016 - TV interview - A testimony: Having been healed from mate's physical violence, all the symptoms returned the following morning.  God revealed that she was still bitter at mother-in-law for allowing & creating such evil behavior in her son, mate of this victim. 
After forgiving her mother-in law, her healing returned & stayed. Archives @
King, Clayton - “If you're a Christian, then Satan cannot steal your eternal life.
But he can wreck your abundant life.  This a big distinction, because so many people are afraid that they may lose their salvation if they believe a lie or fall into a sin. 
But the Bible says that we belong to Jesus & He holds us in His hand. 
The Father holds us in His hand. Nothing can pluck us out.”
Malaysian Chinese woman pseudonym Yoke Lin - This woman got free by forgiving sister.
Schneider, Messianic Rabbi Kirk - - Jesus revealed to Rabbi that he needed to RELEASE (forgive) his offender in order to be released from his own torment.


, Joan -
Hunter, Joan - -
Forgiveness helps me the forgiver more than the forgiven.
Perry, Michele - - 7/31/2014 -
"Forgiveness isn’t saying they were right or that what they did was really not all that bad. Forgiveness means you take back your life, cut them free from having to pay you back in any way, so you can move on. 
To forgive is to choose to be healthy & vest your now in your future instead of in your past. 
To forgive doesn’t mean you tolerate bad behavior. In fact you can forgive completely & set healthy boundaries of what you will & will not permit to operate around you all at the same time.
We train the people around us how to treat us by what we tolerate."
Randy Valimont , MD- Griffin, Georgia, USA - (Randy was born out of wedlock.)
chapter 1 - -
God sees/relates-to us according to the finished product.
Betrayal -  4/28/2014 post
Living Like A Miracle When You Feel Like A Mistake @ 11/22/2016 post
What will God do through my life to help shape our next 100 years? @ 1/26/2011 post
Audio Sermons: + - In 2011, the Lord directed Dr. Valimont to India, where he was Named President of the international non-profit Calcutta Mercy.
BitternessCommentaryBitterness can arise out of not forgiving
When someone hurts our feelings or wrongs us, especially with the tongue, we can say to ourselves & to the spirit of bitterness, "I will not receive that," meaning we will not allow negative emotions or hurtful things to rock our boat.  "Holy Spirit be our umbrella, so that raindrops of condemnation, falsehoods, & hurtful things can roll right off & not penetrate our heart."
Sometimes the thought of someone whom we have forgiven many times continues to emit bitterness & anger
Remember, it is Satan who is the real enemy & not the one who triggers those negative emotions. 
Let us turn our anger towards the real enemy, so that we may forgive/think/pray with a pure heart. 
Satan is the author of all trouble, not man & not God. 
Bitterness can accumulate like poison. 
Poison as it accumulates becomes a toxic dump emitting toxins which create disease in individuals, families, & communities.  If we accumulate and incubate  unforgiveness, bitterness, being offended, being wounded, being harmed, or being a victim, & the family of related emotions & attitudes, then we invite danger to reside in our hearts.  The danger is mostly ours, resulting in the accumulation fatal diseases. 
The longer we wait to dump this toxic compost, the harder it is to be healthy. 
A number of men/women contend that negative emotions such as bitterness are in fact demons. 
Most people think that emotions are our real feelings, our real selves, when in reality they may be evil spirits expressing themselves (manifesting) & tricking us into depression, suicide, cutting ourselves, etc. 
If we agree that negative emotions get us into real trouble, it may be time for us to stop blaming others or blaming ourselves, & say, "In the name of Jesus, get away from me you harmful bitterness (anger, self-pity, etc). 
I recognize you.  Go under the feet of Jesus & do not return. 
Jesus, cover me with Your blood.  Jesus, send the Holy Spirit Your comforter.  Thank You.  Amen." 
Jesus is the best gardener & the best weeder.  He can pull up all those roots we miss. 
When we pull up a dandelion, often we leave a few roots behind.  Jesus can get all the roots. 
When a doctor operates on cancer, he only hopes he can get it all, but Doctor Jesus does get it all, hidden deep.  He is able if we are willing to put ourselves under His knife. 
When the next weed in our life pops us, we can say, "I reject you.  Go away in the name of Jesus. 
Jesus took all the bitterness away.  You have NO right to return & take root in my life." 
Holy Spirit we pray, "If a negative thought of a person or incident sours our thinking, warn us that we may repent, reject, & turn away quickly." 
We cannot be completely better until all the bitter roots are removed. 
We must choose to be better or bitter
When a victim relives an incident he allows the negative hormones to wash over his body creating illnesses.   
We need to rid ourselves of any victim mentality allowing illness a legal right to us. 
Our past must be placed in God's hands.  We need to let go.  For some this may be a daily letting go. 
A daily forgiving.  A moment by moment forgiving. 
When we catch a fish, most of us remove the hook & toss the fish back into the water. 
Let us toss that hurt/wound back into God's hands.

births unforgiveness, which births resentment, which births retaliation, which births anger, which births wrath, which births hatred, which births violence, which births murder.
We are accountable to God for our own thoughts, words spoken, & actions. 
2nd, as a mate, parent, teacher, etc. we are responsible as an example or mentor. 
If we have repented from our heart & asked God (& relevant relative, for instance) for forgiveness, then any spirit of bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, or hatred still operating in another person is NOT our spiritual responsibility (except to pray). 
(Note, sometimes a silent treatment can be a form of revenge, punishment or getting even.)

Forgiving is also releasing the bad guy from obligations & expectations. 
Thus, the sins could have been omissions rather than commissions. 
For instance there could have been a parent who stood by & did not protect us from an abusive mate. 
By forgiving, we no longer require the offender to do what we want or need. 
In this instance we are/were wishing for protection.  We may still hurt even when the victimizer is dead. 
Now it is long overdue to let them off the hook & get on with living without allowing criticism of them (or even judgment of them) to take up energy & thinking.  Scripture says, "Vengeance is Mine. 
I will repay says the Lord."  (Otherwise we are allowing someone else to control us, even when they no longer exist in this world or in our neighborhood.)


, Sue - The Pool Ministries - Tuscaloosa, Alabama,USA -

, Rebecca - - (The spirit of)
"Bitterness brings (the spirit of) defilement into our lives. It is an open doorway for demons to attack us...
Not long ago the Lord spoke to me & said, 'When someone is hurt repeatedly, a seed of bitterness is always planted in their heart. If they don’t deal with it immediately, it will grow into a root, then into a full grown plant, turning them away from Me...You cannot deal with
You must ask ME to deal with it
. If you will only ask & forgive the person, then I will quickly move to deal with the bitterness'...Understand that your marriage is going to be the center of Satan’s attack.
Because God created men & women to be so different, a lack of understanding of our differences opens the door for husbands & wives to frequently offend each other.
These offenses provide legal ground for Satan to attack” (per an angelic encounter cited in article.)

Fragipane - Deliverance From Bitterness - Bitterness in the Garden of Our Hearts -

Francis, Bishop John, Senior Pastor, Ruach Ministries in Brixton, South London, England - 11/29/200711/30/2007  - broadcast prays against bitterness -

, Ana Mendez and Emerson - Regions of Captivity  - 5 DVD's -
Ferrell, Ana Mendez   11/2009   Regions of Deliverance Conference - Houston, Texas, USA
A must watch program! Includes role playing of deliverance & most of an actual group deliverance.

Gonzalez, Flory (1of 5 DVDs) hones in on Forgiveness which appears to be a major root cause of a majority of both gentile & Christian problems including disease, premature death, & lack of spiritual maturity. 
Unforgiveness progresses into bitterness & proceeds from there.  Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. 
The rotten fruit of unforgiveness can begin in the womb, without our even being aware of it. 
When we ask, Holy Spirit can expose it & help us.  (Thus, we need to repent for both our sins & the sins of our ancestors.  Flory was mentored under Mercedes, deceased dynamic twin sister of Ana.)

Jane Hamon – 8/8/2016 - http://d3tnb2mam8l2qt.cloudfro hen I dreamed though, I wassitting in my beautiful new yellow kitchen when all of a sudden the vines started growing out from under the paint. 
I said, “Oh, my God, what's happening.  Oh, my goodness.”  The voice of the Lord said to me in the dream, He said, ”This is what happens when you just cover up the things that are too difficult for you to deal with; they grow back.”  Can you see how God used the symbol of a vine to represent, the scripture talks about a root of bitterness or the things that spring up & trouble you & defile many
Things perhaps
in my life that maybe I just kind of pushed to the side, covered it up…when God said, listen, “I need to go back & deal with those issues in your heart, otherwise they're going to spring up & they 're going to trouble you & probably defile many.” 
So God had me look at what was happening there & knew that it was something that God needed to deal with my heart about (now in this season of my life).

, Scott - The Special Forces of God - Episode 1: Our Most Powerful Weapon (Part 1) - - Hold NO record of wrong. from RIVERS IN THE DESERT
(When the enemy can NOT find any evil thing in us, we often become invisible to or at least untouchable by Satan.)
Holtz, Scott -
The Special Forces of God - Episode 1: Our Most Powerful Weapon (Part 2) - - Elite army comes from worshipers. 
Having released all bitterness, un-forgiveness, resentment, regret, anger, remorse, should & could haves, ought to's, we can NO longer be stopped, touched, nor gripped by the enemy. 
In fact, the enemy is often terrorized by us.  We, in Christ, have more resistance to being offended. 
When the atmosphere is charged negatively by another entering our territory, that can be demons manifesting, which we can defuse by NOT being offended.  When someone is on the verge of salvation, sometimes the enemy will manifest negatively to get us to be offended, unforgiving, judgmental & not pray for the victim.

, Tony -  video 4/12/2016
TONY: This angel appears.  It was a surprise. He let me know that he was there on assignment & that his purpose was to bring the purpose of God into my life & in the life of every person that the Father wants to bless. 
He let me know his reason for being and that there were many, many breakthrough angels.  Because in Chronicles 14, David had a battle with the enemy & he defeated the enemy & he called the name with the place the Lord God of the breakthrough. He talked about how God would go before him & clear the way.
When the Father’s blessing comes into a life, marriage, family, or finances, God the Father sends this angel that clears all demonic interference out of the way, so then Heaven lands on Earth. 
The resources of Heaven come, so there’s tremendous blessing & breakthrough.
TONY: Since I am in the Messiah Jesus, I’m positioned in Heaven with him.  Here’s the truth.
When Heaven invades Earth, whenever God is going to do a miracle, whenever the Father is going to release a blessing & a breakthrough he suspends time or he turns it back, or he supernaturally accelerates it forward.
TONY: What the enemy does is the enemy uses these judgments, these bitter judgments of the sons & daughters to bring them into a form of captivity because, & the 5th commandment in the Torah says, “Honor your father & your mother.” 
Well somebody will say, “You know, I had such a bad father, such a bad mother, there’s no way I can honor them.”   But here’s what that father & mother did, no matter how bad they were.
Maybe they were neglectful, maybe they were abusive, maybe they were hard & harsh, but they gave you a gift called life.
They were the person that the Father used to bring you into the earth, & if you just honor them for that you honor God.
When you
honor God & honor that parent, & you
forgive that parent & you reverse your (bitter) judgment, the enemy can no longer hold you in captivity, & He can bring a blessing.
People will look at their parents & say, you know what, I forgive you, the vow that I made, I reverse it &
I let it go, the Father will heal their
heart, release them from captivity & the blessing will come upon them.
TONY: I was ministering to a woman. 
She had 60% bone loss, & was in pain. I prayed for her, & nothing happened.
But I had a revelatory moment because the Father loved her so much. The Father said this to me.
He said, “
When she was young she had an abortion. She repented & I forgave her, but she has never
forgiven herself.  She judged herself…got into self-rejection and self-hatred.” 
The Father said (to) bring this up to her. She goes in tears. When she reverses the (bitter judgment) on herself, she instantly gets healed. I have seen so many people, Sid, physically healed, mentally healed, emotionally healed, not just when they forgive, because that’s 1 part of it, but when they reverse their (bitter) judgment on: their parents, pastor, or older brother or sister, or step-parent (+ self).
TONY: See, The Father no longer has judged that person because they’re forgiven. But now I need to take the judgment of the Father on me, which is, it’s forgiven, it’s washed in the blood of the Lamb.
It’s a Passover.  In other words, I’m bringing you out of Egypt into the Land of Milk andHoney.
I’m bringing you out of captivity into freedom & liberty. It’s as if that never happened
You know, scripture says, “As far as the east is from the west, that’s how far the sins, my sins are taken away.” Well how far do you go east before you go west? You never get there. 
So when I make (reverse) that judgment & I agree with the Father, all of a sudden I’m released.
TONY: In 1989, I got caught up to Heaven. An angel came. He was about 5'10", white, had chocolate brown hair, went to Heaven, ended up in the Heavenly Tabernacle.  I saw the Glory of God, & as a result of that, the Father asked me a question. He said, “What do you think made Abraham great?”   
Of course in Heaven, whatever you think, it’s there…The Father says to me, “That’s true.”
But then he refers me to Genesis 18, where Abraham commands his children & his household after him to have intimacy to God, with God & to walk in his way.
What the Father said, “What made Abraham great,” was he revealed his intimacy with God, he revealed his faith & he imparted it & transmitted it to his children & his family, & he told them to follow in His steps.
SID: There’s a word, it’s called a legacy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for you to have a (spiritual) legacy of the things you’ve learned passed on to your children & your children’s children, & maybe your children’s, children’s children.
TONY: There was a young man, he was in the projects; he was classified as mentally challenged.
He was on drugs & he gave his heart to the Lord. He was delivered from drugs. 
He was healed from mental retardation.  He couldn’t even read. Not only that, he got filled with the Holy Spirit.  
I began to instruct him, to be a spiritual father to him.  I was bringing the Heavenly Father’s blessing into his life.
The spirit of wisdom & revelation came on him, according to Ephesians 1:17 God began to give him ideas.
This is what the Jewish people have enjoyed for years.  “I will open up the windows of Heaven.” 
In other words, you see…where you (go to), what the Father has for you. He gives you these creative ideas on how to prosper.  He got an idea to have a cleaning business & he (now) cleans businesses.
Then the Father spoke to him & said, “Get your nursing home administrator’s license.”
He took the state test, the federal test. He passed.  He then became an administrator. 
Then he owns the nursing home… Everything this man does seems to prosper.
TONY: Holy Father, in the name of Yeshua, I know that You are releasing Your blessing now.
You are presenting all that You are to this person.  They are being given access to the great I AM. 
That’s provision. That’s protection.  That’s Your presence…intimacy…love...fullness. 
It’s coming into this person’s life; you are receiving healing. 
 You’re being healed spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.
You’re being made whole. In the name of Yeshua the Messiah, the Father’s blessing is coming upon your: marriage, loved ones, & finances. 
Now the angel of breakthrough is being released by the Lord God of the breakthrough.
Now every demonic interference is being removed.  Those family members will be saved.
They will come to know Jesus the Messiah. They’ll be filled with the Spirit.  Healing & miracles are being released.
The Lord is prospering you in every area of your life & every area of your personal ministry.
It is yours now because the blessing & the break-through, it belongs to you.
The Father gives it to you now in the name of Jesus the Messiah.

, Art - Biblical foundations of Freedom - Chapter 5 – Principality of Bitterness and 

Renner, Denese @ 6/26/2022
Beware of isolation, unforgiveness, victim mentality & hiding/nurturing secrets. Excellent, esp. for women.
Renner, Denese @ 6/28/2022 regarding: Rejection

, Dennis - Catching the Initiatives of Heaven - -
Chapter 5 Hindrances to Spiritual Senses - section 9 Deadly Embraces - "The Lord spoke to me in dream...about 9 deadly embraces as a strategy of the devil to lead people into (emotional, physical & spiritual) bondage...
In the dream I saw a man being freed...The Lord told me, 'He is reemerging from the 9 embraces'...
The Lord had me write the (progressive) list:" 
"(1st) Embrace of an offense...[The (evil) spirit comes on the heels offensive event. 
The Bible says that offenses will come, but it is up to each 1 of us to either embrace the offense or release it immediately to God. 
If one embraces the (evil) spirit of offense, they have opened a door for other (evil spirit) embraces to follow. 
This is a strategy of the enemy to bring people into bondage (captivity/character defects).] 
(2nd) embracing a lying spirit of reinterpretation [exaggerates events & explains things (& motives) in a negative way]...
(3rd) embracing a spirit of accusation & judgment...
(4th) embracing a spirit of bitterness [You can tell you are in bitterness when you relive the same event (&/or emotions) over & over in your mind...& then begin to spread it to others...
Now these tormentors (demons) have a (legal) right to lock you up & torment you...until such a time as you forgive]...
[The 1st 4 points you choose to embrace. 
The following 5 points embrace you, whether you want the to or not.]
(5th) embraced by a spirit of deception...
[You become confused about who god is, who you are & about all truth...
If you know the truth (Yeshua) you will come to freedom...The spirit of deception...keeps you locked up.]
(6th) embraced by a spirit of (unexplainable/uncontrollable) fear & depression...
[A person wants to hide...Fears come out of nowhere...A spirit...takes over as further torment.]
(7th) embraced by a spirit of compulsions, obsessions & addictions...
(8th)embraced by a spirit of control...
[It can manifest through flattery...tears...shouting...subtle manipulation...passive...or...aggressive control]
(9th) embraced by a suppressing (demonic) spirit [(who often overcomes/submerges/overtakes/overrides) a person's identity...
The words and actions are no longer theirs but are caused by a spirit.]
Now the Good News - "Someone who is stuck in any of those to take (go) back to the original offense & deal with that...Release...the offending people & events (& then) all the house of cards that the enemy has erected falls to the ground.  Allow Holy Spirit to show where (the initial) offense came in...
Release (give) it (&) all (judgment) to the Lord.
(1-Forgive him/her/them & repent for unforgiveness, in order to receive your own) freedom (from captivity/problems)."
PRAYER: "Lord, I am not the judge; You are the only true & righteous judge...
(1) I give (release to) You all these & all these emotions." 
(2) After the prayer of forgiveness, in Jesus' name, "command all attached (evil) spirits to leave. 
(3)Then pray (in Jesus' name) that the Father's love fill the void." 
(NEVER take back what you have released to the Lord.)  "Continue to give up to the Lord all those (recurring/repeat) thoughts & emotions related to those past events. 
The devil will try to get you to embrace offense again." 
[4) RESIST in Jesus' name & the devil must flee.
Replace negative thoughts with holy/good thoughts (especially scripture) &/or replace with deeds (such as telling others about Jesus].

                                                                        Buried With Christ

Scripture teaches that when we come to Christ our own sins are buried with Him. 
When we forgive another, we bury those sins, & must not dig them up again nor look back at them. 
Lot's wife, was told by the angels not to look back; she disobeyed and turned to salt. 
This is a hard lesson to learn.  We are forever using hard lessons to defend ourselves, teach others, discuss with our psychiatrists & doctors, or even share on prayer lines as a form of gossip/tattling. 
Sometimes God does allow us a legal loophole, but be very certain it is the Holy Spirit & not self that is prompting the disclosure.  It may take a lifetime to learn how to walk this this line.  Keep praying in tongues (day in & day out), so Holy Spirit can more readily lead you.  When a negative emotion (rage/anger/hate/resentment/hurt) erupts from a buried casket we need to say, "Hey, wait a minute. 
I recognize you
, anger, hate, self pity, self-absorption, heaviness, sadness, depression, oppression, torment, terror, fear, shame, guilt, Satan, etc) 
I reject you.  I refuse you.  I bind you.  I place you back into the casket.  In Jesus' name
Cupid is real.  He is an angel with an arrow aimed at the heart.  However, he is an evil fallen angel
He comes to pierce our heart with wounds.  Recognize him or at least recognize his arrows. 
Remember, we are corpses, dead in Christ,  so when the arrows land, remind oneself, "I am dead. 
I cannot feel/accept these wounds.  I refuse/reject them, in the name of Jesus Christ. 
Thanks & praise be to You Jesus Christ Who bore all wounds & hurts for us.  I worship & thank You Lord. 
I apologize for those wounds, sins & diseases which disfigured You so much that you were hardly recognizable. 
I apologize for man's abusing/maiming You worse than any other human, due to our collusion with our invisible enemy Satan. 
When dying, both Steven & Christ said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing. 
Hold this sin not against them."

Dollar, Creflo A. - Love Covers With Silence - Be Prudent With Your Testimony -
"We must also remember to be good stewards of our personal testimonies. That means we must allow God the freedom to direct us in what to share, how much information to give & whom to give it to.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
Old things are passed away.  Behold, all things are become new.'
So unless the Lord prompts you to minister to others by sharing the sin of the past, leave things as they are. Sometimes what people don't know about you won't hurt them...
People are not quite ready in their human nature to deal with what you used to do.
For example, you may have been a prostitute or a drug addict.
You may even have been an alcoholic or a homosexual. Although the blood of Jesus has wiped away the sin of the past, there are those who are not quite mature enough to handle a testimony of that magnitude.
That's why it's so important that we learn how to walk in discretion & allow the Holy Spirit to lead us."

                                                            Condemnation Accusation

Hebrews 8:12 - The New Covenant -
13When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the 1st obsolete. 
But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear. 
(Spiritual insight: The Old Testament Law was to bring conviction & repentance, not condemnation, which is critical, Satan's mouth-piece, giving others & Satan a legal right to torment when we speak/repeat a lie: 
Any forgiven sin is also forgotten regarding punishment or retaliation, but NOT by Satan, the false accuser. 
Thus, in God's heavenly court, we are innocent before Satan's bullying. 
On earth we can command Satan & his accomplices to depart, in Jesus' name.)

Kenneth Copeland & Keith Moore - 7/5/2013 -
Repentance causes the devil to loose his grip/strong-hold/bite allowing us to begin to flee/get free.

Colm Keane
- Heading for the Light: The 10 Things That Hap…  - -
Stage 8 Judgment - "It also seems, from many I have spoken to [who have had a near death experience (NDE)] that judgment involves viewing action & behavior through the eyes of others & NOT through our eyes. 
The impact of our actions as evaluated by those who have bourn the brunt of them is what (often seems) to matter (to God), NOT our own views.

                                                                        Confess Repent

James 5:16 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
 16 Therefore, openly acknowledge (confess) your sins to one another, & pray for each other, so that you may be healed
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful & effective.
James+5:16&version=CJB - [One repents to God to allow Jesus' blood to remove/cover the sin, to absolve one of the after death consequence regarding eternal separation, whereas, the sharing of that prior forgiven sin to safe/trustworthy/mature individuals deals with allowing the Holy Spirit to heal the wound of the sin, per Doug Weiss:
Joni – Pornography Addiction #1 – Dr. Doug Weiss (J1061) +
Joni – Pornography Addiction #2 – Dr. Doug Weiss (J1062)
Notice the use of the word healed in the scripture. 
Christ's body/flesh during communion is that part of church sacraments that appropriates/deals with physical healing: '& by His stripes we are/were healed'.]
by Rolland Baker, Heidi Baker - -
Read on-line 18/365 days of devotions.
Other sample days @
Excerpt -
Day 20 Seed of Revival - "All of the world's greatest revivals began with repentance. 
Perhaps the most significant revival of history, for me, is the 1 that began with my grandfather in China. 
It started when the Holy Spirit began to pour out an overwhelming conviction of sin on a group of children. 
It was so intense  that these orphans would lie on the floor sobbing for entire days at a time. 
They would hide under desks & in closets, because they were so convicted & broken. 
What had they done that was so bad?  To deserve such conviction?  Really, nothing.  They had been used as child laborers in the tin mines, which were run by ruthless people who had no intention of paying them. 
They were abused.  Most people would want to care for them, restore them, build them up, love them - (definitely) not tell them to repent & come to Christ. We would want to show them the love of God. 
Yet seemingly, before they knew anything about salvation or the love of God, they were made aware of their sin.  They ran to Jesus to ask for forgiveness...Romans3:13.  We have all missed the mark. Real revival cannot begin (in our heart, family, nation, world) until we utterly dependent we are, & must be, on Father God...fully acknowledging His greatness and our need."

Beiler, Anne - 10/1/2019 - Eric Metaxas
Radio (excellent) - Secrets kill us.
Henderson, Robert & Sirovina, Hrvoje @ Chapter 9 Repentance - excellent -

, Katie - The Key to Your Expected End -
Chapter Forced Submission -
Chapter Just Say You're Sorry -
"Millions of prisoners...are asking God to move their mountains, but many are getting NO response. 
Why?  They are asking for help without 1st repenting of their sins."  Read Isaiah 59:1-2. 
"Once I stopped lying...& started confessing my sins, God then began to move on my prayer taking 7 years off my sentence."
Chapter Forced to Change - "I read the Bible all the time, but unfortunately I failed to take action on what I learned.  The result was I remained unchanged...because I was being a reader, not a doer."
Souza, Katie - Free prisoner copy -
Souza, Katie - Soul Decrees - 1 for you + 1  (free) for a prisoner

                                                                        Counterfeit Sin

Maria de Lange
, Susanna Francina - -
chapter 4 iniquity - section Counterfeit sin = (“FEELING” & acceptance of guilt/condemnation/being skum/unwanted/unloved/nasty, which is a lie, a contradiction of what God says about us in Scripture)
"Evil spirits can…counterfeit sin by causing some apparent manifestation of the evil nature (especially) in a person’s (mind/thought) life.
Mature Christians should know whether such a manifestation (of shame/guilt/condemnation/intimidation) is really (un-repented personal sin or un-repented inherited ancestral iniquity/) sin from the old nature or a (mental or physical) manifestation from Evil spirits.  (Satan is a professional counterfeiter. 
Let’s invite the Holy Spirit & our guardian angel to help filter out stinking thinking.)
(Holy Spirit correction is gentle/kind/tender/sweet/helpful. 
Once a sin is repented of, the Trinity does NOT remember it. 
The devil does remember; it is he who will attempt to taunt us, as long as he can get away with it.)
Evil spirits thrive on the fact that deceived Christians easily accept thoughts from them, giving them a foothold in the person’s (thought) life...
A believer knows the Cross & his position (of being seated with Christ &) of death to (deliberately consistently repeating) sin (that is specifically outlawed in Scripture) & unflinchingly rejects all known sin
Thereafter, if a (false impression/feeling/) manifestation of sin takes place, the person should right away discern the origin of the sin (the thought attack) as from demonic origin...
If the person does not discern this (that the origin of the accusing thought is from his enemy & NOT from himself, then), he believes a LIE (about himself & about God) as much as in any other way (in the same manner that Eve took/accepted the lie (or apple or fruit) from the Deceiver (Satan or snake). 
When a person confesses (claims/agrees with) it (the deception/untruth/lie/thought) as his own sin,
that brings the power of the Enemy upon him to drive him
into the sin that he has confessed (taken/claimed) as his own (error/mistake/problem/illness/belief/disease)
Many a Christian is held down (tormented/troubled/oppressed/thwarted/hindered) by supposed 'besetting sins', which he has (previously/already) confessed (claimed/repented of/been absolved of) as his own.  No amount of (new/ongoing/repeated) ‘confession of sin’ will remove this (perpetual/ongoing/perceived/forgiven) sin
Believers would find liberty, if they attributed these (accusatory/badgering) sins to its right source. 
Such a believer is so acutely conscious of the 'self' whom he hates & loathes, that he is never free form the dark shadow of self-condemnation, self-accusation or self-despair. 
No appropriation with Christ in
(His) death (& resurrection) destroys (a lie, if the thought/temptation/ suggestion/mental torment is NOT a sin but rather a lying demon who is speaking/pretending to be one's own thoughts.)  A false personality (can) encompass (afflict) the 'true inner man'.
Few are aware that this is possible, but is sadly a real thing among multitudes of the children of God. 
(When thought attacks occur, born-again &/or Holy Spirit baptized) Christians should realize (remind themselves & the enemy) that they are seated with Christ in Heavenly places. 
Our authority over demons does NOT require miraculous powers. 
It is ours by virtue of our position in Christ

Deliverance is the application of: the Word of God, prayer & command by...knowledge of the Word (spoken aloud to contradict any lie), faith &...anointing of God’s Holy Spirit…ingredients to successful deliverance of the demonic (negative thought attacks). 
The sin that holds out last on the battlefield is the one which the sinner is least aware of & which the saint ordinarily conquers last – This is the sin of unbelief. Unbelief is a sin making sin.
There is a pre-eminence of unbelief among sins. 
The sin of unbelief…is used by Satan to lure to other sins.
To eat of the tree of good and evil is the 1st poisonous breath (bite/nibble) which Eve took from the enemy. 
The unbelieving person carries his own warrant to jail, in a sense he is already imprisoned, for he wears the brand (label/stigma) of a damned person...
The strategy that Satan uses in connection with the sin of unbelief is the following:
 1.The Word (s of Jesus) preached did NOT profit them, because it is NOT being mixed with faith in them that hear it.
 2.The secret of sin’s strong hold upon a person is unbelief.
There is no mastery (victory) for a sinner (victim/captive/patient) while unbelief overpowers him.
This sin (of unbelief) will break down all reasoning (fight/resistance to diagnosis/prognosis). 
Often a sinner will confess other sins but he will NOT accept Christ’s mercy (will not begin to agree with God that Christ has already fixed/reversed today’s problem). 
It is hard to persuade a human to do this, when the devil…stands guard.
 3.To keep people in bondage, Satan uses the most superficially plausible of all sin:
fear of sinning with presumptuous faith. 
Satan intends to use this sin to put the greatest dislike upon God & unfold all his deceased malice against God at once.
 4.Only by (His) faith can the saint obtain a good report.
By (His) faith will God have a good report in the world.
Yet, by unbelief the devil does his worst to raise an evil report of God, (illustrated in the book of Job.)
Sin is the coming short of the Glory of God.
161" (Coming short of our healing/deliverance/destiny. 
Jesus has NOT died in vain, has not become a liar, if/when we take Him at His word, that He overcame all the works of the devil, on our behalf.  Everything God did on the cross & resurrection is of NO avail if we do not personally begin to apply/take/accept it right now for our own personal circumstance, in the name & power of Jesus, Messiah.)

Sandford, John L. & Paula - Growing Pains - - Chapter 2 Overcoming Wounds from Prenatal Rejection and Birthing Traumas - section Rejection by Parental Emotional Withdrawal -
Those ministered to are asked to forgive parents for actual &/or perceived injustices, to repent for the sin of judgment (which is ultimately God's justice), to release parents from condemnation & to ask God to bless the parents (if still alive).

                                                                                  Original Sin

Kiko Argüello - chapter 1 - Interview
The 3 Angels chapter/section -
"The Catechism of the Catholic church says that original sin has wounded man (CCC 406-7) 
We are wounded...Original sin has an infinite dimension. It has closed heaven & brought hell (on earth & thereafter until saved) to be under the dominion (kingdom) of death...Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David could NOT (at death) enter heaven.  They had to remain in Sheol...because...we could only be redeemed by God Himself... Original sin has an infinite weight...value...Christ is God... His redeeming death (& Christ is risen (from the dead).
He has opened heaven, & He has taken with Him (at the time of His ascension)...
Adam & Eve...Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, & all the holy patriarchs (all those who pre-deceased Him, those who loved & obeyed God)...(Between His death & resurrection) Christ descended into hell.
He broke the gates of hell, & from there rescued (His spiritual family). 
All mankind is under the dominion of death [until he realizes that his freedom has already been provided, his bail (paid by Jesus Christ) from eternal separation from God. 
Once the Holy Spirit brings this to his attention, he has the spiritual key to be free, if he so chooses. 
Each generation & each individual must awake to this spiritual truth & choose which spiritual kingdom he (his spirit & soul) will remain in for eternity, now & after death of his body]...  
If (original inherited & personal un-remedied) sin has as a consequence the most profound (physical & spiritual) death (separation from God) of mankind & (eternal) hell as its recompense & outcome, Christ comes to save...offering Himself for the sin (nature) of men extirpating sin from the flesh (& soul/mind/heart) of man. 
This is His work, to take away the sin (nature) of man & to open heaven (God, & His kingdom citizenship to him)...
In order for man to be adopted by God as His child, that man has to receive divine nature that is given in baptism, in the church, through the Holy Spirit...
Right now Christ is before the Father interceding for us, presenting Him, His wounds full of light, glorious wounds, which are a sign of His suffering for you, of the ransom He has paid for you...
Give your sins to Christ...Receive the Holy Spirit now. 
Holy Spirit makes you 1 with the Father...the holy Trinity...
Jesus Christ does not (so much) see any man as bad, so to speak.  (Rather) He sees man as enslaved...
He comes to free them with His death & resurrection, to break their chains...
There are others who are crushed by the sins of others (including ours.  Father, forgive)...
This is good news...Accept your nothingness (& Him in us our everything)...
The greatest sin is to kill God (in our heart)."Jackson, John Paul - The Mystery of Sin - source 1/2015
About 30 minutes.  Watch until blue audio line ends at right.  Recommended

Maria de Lange
, Susanna Francina - -
Chapter 2 - section -
"The doctrine of original sin is in the official tenants of every major denomination & independent church...
In Humanism, New Age, The Occult, Psychology & Science the key to the question of (original) sin is easy:

sin doesn’t exist”.
To Christians the key to the problem is very simple - “Win them to Jesus.” When someone is won to Jesus, that person is transferred from 1 kingdom to another. “These 2 kingdoms are the ‘kingdom of darkness’ ruled by Satan & the ‘kingdom of God’s Son Jesus Christ.’ The Bible makes this transferring of citizenship from the Prince of Darkness’ kingdom to Jesus’ kingdom very clear.” (Table 1) 
For He [the Father] delivered us from the dominion of darkness & transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son. Colossians 1:13
Wommack, Andrew - 11/12/2019 - - Jesus died ONCE to remove both original sin & subsequent sin.  His redemption is available when we repent & receive. 
When we are born physically, we do not throughout our lives get reborn. 
Likewise, when we are born spiritually, we do not get reborn each time we sin. 
However, we do need to continually repent, but only when Holy Spirit brings that to our attention, often when there are the resources in place to help us, such as vitamin A for eyesight, B3 for schizophrenia, omega 3 for bipolar, pre & probiotics for healthy GI bacteria, AAA for alcoholics, etc.

                                                   Other Sin: Personal + Inherited Iniquity

, Hrvoje -
Redeeming the Bloodline (through Bloodline Prayer) - 11/4/2019 + -
Hrvoje tells us that there are 3 types of sin: original from Adam, personal + that inherited from our ancestors. 
Each needs to be repented of & renounced, placed on Jesus cross so each can be put under the blood of Christ from Father God's view at judgment day.
RegretPink, Daniel @ (Seculat/conventional resource) 3/7/2022 - "The purpose of this book is to reclaim regret as an indispensable emotion & to show you how to use its many strengths to make better decisions, perform better at work & school & bring greater meaning to your life.
• How to build that life by transforming your existing regrets & anticipating your future regrets is the subject of the rest of this book.
• How often do you look back on your life & wish you had done things differently?
• Just as foundation regrets can be defined with a well-worn fable, 1 response to them is contained in a hoary Chinese proverb: The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd-best time is today."
joshua/5-9.htm - The Circumcision at Gilgal -
8Now when they had finished circumcising all the nation, they remained in their places in the camp until they were healed.
9Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you."
So the name of that place is called Gilgal to this day.

                                            Unstuck to Bondage or Consistent Repetitive Sin

, Beth - 1/14/2015 -
[For one who is born-again/saved/believes in Jesus, there is a difference between an occasional sin (due to temporary relapse) and consistent sin (such as out of rebellion).  Obviously both need to be repented of, & both will be forgiven by the Trinity. God will NOT divorce us, if/when we repent.]
Moore, Beth -


got the disciples arrested & imprisoned. 
Acts 5:38 NIV
  The high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy.  They arrested the apostles & put them in the public jail.  The disciples did not put themselves in harms way, unless the Holy Spirit directed them to do so.  Instead they were often in a room with locked doors.  The 12 disciples had to forgive the clergy.  Forgiveness is NOT a feeling. 
It is a duty.  If we forgive, then we are NOT angry, bitter, revengeful.  Negative emotions cause stress, disease, & even death.  When these emotions rear their heads, then we must reject them. 
We acknowledge that they are real, but dangerous to our health, both physical & mental. 
We refuse them the say way an alcoholic would refuse a drink or an addict would refuse a drug. 
With difficulty at 1st, but with determination & desire to be whole.


, Laurie- 4/4/2019 – Extended Version @ + 4/7/2019 video  or (edited) - (edited excerpts)
The Hell Conspiracy + Glimpses of Heaven & Hell -

SID: Gossip grieves Jesus & should grieve us. Inside of gossip, you have just murdered a person's reputation…
I've made a salt covenant with my tongue with the Holy Spirit, because that is 1 of the 1st sins that I was guilty of.
We think gossip doesn't matter (but) every sin matters, is recorded (& erased only when we repent).

Bill Johnson
(Bethel Church, Redding, California, USA) warns us NOT to look back, unless we do it with the blood of Christ.  Be reminded of the story of Lot's wife who looked back & turned into a pillar of salt.  It is a stumbling block to us & an open door to Satan each time we reminisce about the past of others or ourselves, & neglect to put on God's eye glasses.  If He has forgiven, then it is a sin for us to uncover, ruminate on, or expose wrong. 
It is wrong to be offended.  Both Stephen & Jesus when dying said, "Father forgive them." 
We need to repent of gossip, even if it is gossip about our-selves.  Any testimony should be told in light of what God has done for us.  For instance, if I need to share a secret, then that should be told in the context of how Christ redeemed what Satan intended for evil.  For instance, if my mate had depression & was suicidal, then I would share how Christ intervened.  Even then, that could be wrong, for it is NOT our job to share the testimony of others, because often it is only a form of gossip, a way of puffing up ourselves & putting down others.  Prayer groups are often just gossip centers.  Beware.


Henry Wright
believes they are the root of most diseases & family curses.
What OCCUPIES most of our thinking time?  Is it a hurt, a wound, a thorn in the side?  If a tear drops from the corner of our eye, our teeth grind, or a knot appears in the bottom of our stomach, when we think of something or someone (after the initial mourning, grieving time & normal annual reminders) day in & day out for the rest of our lives, then we have NOT forgiven.  When God forgives, He also forgets.  Maybe there is a scar, but the puss is gone.  When Jesus rose from the dead, His wounds were not oozing with gangrene. 
Jesus forgave those who betrayed and crucified Him on the cross. 
Who betrayed and crucified Him?  It was the sins of yesterday, today & tomorrow.

Taber, Vincent - in What should We Do With The Memory of Sin? from 9-10/1996 Psychology for Living magazine 1-818-821-8400 warns us NOT to despair or obsess, nor to allow memories to become oppressive. 
Rather permit them to remind us not to sin again & to be grateful once again for God's forgiveness, mercy & love.  Our attitude & determination might prevent a relapse. 
A relapse not only affects us, but our whole family, especially our young children or grandchildren.
Those little moans from inside our heart tell us that we need to forgive 100% not 99%. 
Perhaps we need to forgive ourselves, to forgive God, to forgive others.  Did we have an abortion? 
Whose fault was it?  Did we give up a baby for adoption?  Did we marry the wrong person?  Whose fault was it? 
It takes 2 to tango?  Perhaps it is not what we did, but what we failed to do?  That is still sin. 
Sin is anything that separates us from God. 
It can be venial sin.  It can be mortal sin.  It can be sin the size of a mustard seed.
Do not be deceived by believing that ongoing excessive negative emotions are normal or are "me". 
Satan is a roaring invisible lion trying to see who he can deceive.  Satan & his evil demon spirits are invisible & want to vacation inside us.  They want to rent an apartment inside us.  Most of all they want legal permission to live in us permanently, whether it be to express anger, unforgiveness, depression, or any other self serving negative emotion.  The Holy Spirit is also invisible, but available to defeat & evict our enemy.  Ask Jesus into your heart. 
Then ask the Holy Spirit for His power to defeat the enemy in your life.  Read the new testament daily. 
Go to a church service or church group weekly. Sing to God in the shower. Attend all available healing services.
One tool that helps many is one's ability to attend daily Catholic mass, even if one is not a Catholic. 
Those who advocate daily communion are Pentecostal pastor Smith Wigglesworth, English psychiatrist Kenneth McAll, Father John Hampsch of California, USA, American television pastors Perry Stone & Paula White, + Methodist John Wesley. Catholic St. Ignatius of Antioch referred to communion as "the medicine of immortality". 
St Augustine (who lived in the 4th century) saw 73 people headed at Mass & then realized that Jesus is now still practicing medicine as He was 2000 years ago.
Catholics encourage us (when we say the "Our Father" & before receiving communion) not only to forgive (& release to God) the living, but also the dead; for they are the ones who have often caused a curse in our family blood line. 
This forgiveness often reverses the curse & begins a blessing in our blood line.  What an opportunity + privilege.  The worst that could happen is that we would have peace instead of resentment.  Not a bad trade. 
In the Old Testament of the Bible men asked God to forgive their own + sins of their children & forefathers.
In communion we drink Jesus' blood (red wine or red juice) & reflect on the fact that Jesus was punished for our sins so that we can enter sinless into the presence of God.  1st we try to make reconciliation with any enemy. 
Next we confess our sins (in secret) to God, so that then He can forgive us. 
Our sins go out onto the scapegoat, which is Jesus. 
In comes the Holy Spirit bringing forgiveness.  It is like a blood transfusion.  Out goes the bad blood & next comes in the good blood.  The life is in the blood.  Spiritual life is in the blood of Jesus Christ. 
After we apologize to God, then we invite Jesus to live in our heart.
He always says, "Yes."  He never says, "I will wait till you get fixed," nor "  I will wait till your enemy likes you."  Nope.  He keeps the same rules that He gives us.  He wants us to forgive 70x7 times. 
Thus He will forgive us 70x7 times. 
Scripture says to do unto others as we want done (later) unto us!  It is a spiritual law of cause and effect. 
If we want God to forgive us, we must first forgive - others, especially our enemies. 
Scripture also says not to judge, for the way we judge is the way God will judge us. 
Judging & unforgiving go together like salt & pepper. 
Father God, "We apologize to You right now. 
Please send Your angel to protect us from ever again having a judgmental or unforgiving spirit. 
In Jesus Name we pray.  Amen."  Sometimes out of obedience we can forgive with our heads, but not with our hearts.  The heart part may need to be a work of mercy and grace by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
The heart part may come later as we continue in baby steps to be obedient, regardless of how we feel. 
For instance, we love a child, but we will not always feel the love, especially when the baby is crying at midnight, having a tantrum, throwing up, etc.  Nevertheless, we will out of obedience as a parent tend to that baby. 
Later on our heart will swell in pride as we see the 1st baby steps, the 1st wedding, the 1st grandchild, etc.
(Note.  If someone has violated you, especially sexually or physically, you do not need to allow him/her to continue to hurt you.)  Forgiveness is all about you/me & not the offender.
Forgiveness is about not letting anyone control our thoughts especially not control our negative thoughts. 
It is not allowing the angry bitter thoughts to control our mental health or defeat our happiness or keep us a victim.  Parties are good, but not pity parties. 
These daily negative thoughts affect our hormones & brain chemistry & sabotage us the innocent & not our enemy.  Forgiving is not needing/demanding the offender to apologize. That does not mean the offender is now trust-worthy.  Trust takes time to be rebuilt.

Bill Johnson (Bethel Church, Redding, California, USA) warns us NOT to look back, unless we do it with the blood of Christ. 
Be reminded of the story of Lot's wife who looked back & turned into a pillar of salt. 
It is a stumbling block to us & an open door to Satan each time we reminisce about the past of others or ourselves, & neglect to put on God's eye glasses. 
If He has forgiven, then it is a sin for us to uncover, ruminate on, or expose wrong. 
It is wrong to be offended.  Both Stephen & Jesus when dying said, "Father forgive them." 
We need to repent of gossip, even if it is gossip about our-selves. 
Any testimony should be told in light of what God has done for us.  For instance, if I need to share a secret, then that should be told in the context of how Christ redeemed what Satan intended for evil. 
For instance, if my mate had depression & was suicidal, then I would share how Christ intervened. 
Even then, that could be wrong, for it is NOT our job to share the testimony of others, because often it is only a form of gossip, a way of puffing up ourselves & putting down others. 
Prayer groups are often just gossip centers.  Beware.


Basilea Schlink
in Repentance-The Joy-Filled Life contends that if "we cannot forgive, be merciful, suffer injustice or react with meekness", then we have no adoration, radiance of joy, or songs of joy in our heart, nor do we have "power & authorization to carry out...a ministry". 
We are spiritually dormant/dead, or what the Bible calls "dry bones". 
The spirit of Jesus in us should be contagious and raise people from the dead. 
A good example of this is the Mozambique ministry of Rolland & Heidi Baker who raised 17 people from the dead.
( 1/2002  & 2/2004 radio broadcasts) 
Another current example in this generation is shown in the video Transformations which begins to reveal the monster miracles to entire cities and to entire gardens where food becomes uncontaminated, abundant & HUGE.
One such happening was because God warned a pastor NOT to be offended, so He could do the work He needed to do in that particular community.
What if my thinking is, perhaps, from time to time, delusional, scary, bewildering, weird, paranoid, affected by an inherited chemical imbalance due to no fault of mine, what then? 
would be very difficult then. 
However, our God is the maker of caterpillars who turn into butterflies. Let us claim God's blessings. 
Let us refuse to accept as permanent the disability that we experience daily, but rather claim the invisible healing that waits those who BELIEVE in Jesus Christ & His resurrection power.
Unforgiveness is a house built on sand.  Unforgiveness is the foundation. 
The bricks are made out of bitterness, envy, resentment, anger, rage, hate, murder, self-pity, & all other negative emotions.  Forgiveness is a house built on rock.  Its foundation & good example is Jesus Christ.
Dying on the cross Jesus said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."  
The bricks are peace, mercy, kindness, & all positive emotions. 
The medical profession knows that negative emotions such as stress contribute to disease. 
Many clergy today believe that negative emotions & negative thought are the root cause of many diseases. 
Henry Wright
believes they are the root of most diseases & family curses.
What OCCUPIES most of our thinking time?  Is it a hurt, a wound, a thorn in the side? 
If a tear drops from the corner of our eye, our teeth grind, or a knot appears in the bottom of our stomach, when we think of something or someone (after the initial mourning, grieving time & normal annual reminders) day in & day out for the rest of our lives, then we have NOT forgiven
When God forgives, He also forgets.  Maybe there is a scar, but the puss is gone. 
When Jesus rose from the dead, His wounds were not oozing with gangrene. 
Jesus forgave those who betrayed & crucified Him on the cross.  Who betrayed & crucified Him? 
It was the sins of yesterday, today & tomorrow.

Taber, Vincent - in What should We Do With The Memory of Sin? from 9-10/1996 Psychology for Living magazine 1-818-821-8400 warns us NOT to despair or obsess, nor to allow memories to become oppressive. 
Rather permit them to remind us not to sin again & to be grateful once again for God's forgiveness, mercy & love.  Our attitude & determination might prevent a relapse. 
A relapse not only affects us, but our whole family, especially our young children or grandchildren.
Those little moans from inside our heart tell us that we need to forgive 100% not 99%. 
Perhaps we need to forgive ourselves, to forgive God, to forgive others.  Did we have an abortion? 
Whose fault was it?  Did we give up a baby for adoption?  Did we marry the wrong person? 
Whose fault was it?  It takes 2 to tango?  Perhaps it is not what we did, but what we failed to do? 
That is still sin.  Sin is anything that separates us from God.  It can be venial sin. 
It can be mortal sin.  It can be sin the size of a mustard seed.
Do not be deceived by believing that ongoing excessive negative emotions are normal or are "me". 
Satan is a roaring invisible lion trying to see who he can deceive.  Satan & his evil demon spirits are invisible & they want to vacation inside us.  They want to rent an apartment inside us. 
Most of all they want legal permission to live in us permanently, whether it be to express anger, unforgiveness, depression, or any other self serving negative emotion.
The Holy Spirit is also invisible, but available to defeat & evict our enemy.  Ask Jesus into your heart. 
Then ask the Holy Spirit for His power to defeat the enemy in your life.  Read the new testament daily. 
Go to a church service or church group weekly. Sing to God in the shower.
Attend all available healing services.
1 tool that helps many is one's ability to attend daily Catholic mass, even if one is not a Catholic. 
Those who advocate daily communion are Pentecostal pastor Smith Wigglesworth, English psychiatrist Kenneth McAll, Father John Hampsch of California, USA, American television pastors Perry Stone & Paula White, + Methodist John Wesley. Catholic St. Ignatius of Antioch referred to communion as "the medicine of immortality".  St Augustine (who lived in the 4th century) saw 73 people headed at Mass and then realized that Jesus is now still practicing medicine as He was 2000 years ago.
Catholics encourage us (when we say the "Our Father" & before receiving communion) not only to forgive (& release to God) the living, but also the dead; for they are the ones who have often caused a curse in our family blood line. 
This forgiveness often reverses the curse & begins a blessing in our blood line.  What an opportunity. 
What a privilege.  The worst that could happen is that we would have peace instead of resentment.Not a bad trade. 
In the Old Testament of the Bible men asked God to forgive their own sins + the sins of their children & their forefathers.
In communion we drink Jesus' blood (red wine or red juice) & reflect on the fact that Jesus was punished for our sins so that we can enter sinless into the presence of God.  1st we try to make reconciliation with any enemy. 
Next we confess our sins (in secret) to God, so that then He can forgive us. 
Our sins go out onto the scapegoat, which is Jesus.  In comes the Holy Spirit bringing forgiveness. 
It is like a blood transfusion.  Out goes the bad blood & next comes in the good blood. 
The life is in the blood.  Spiritual life is in the blood of Jesus Christ. 
After we apologize to God, then we invite Jesus to live in our heart.
He always says, "Yes."  He never says, "I will wait till you get fixed," nor " 
I will wait till your enemy likes you."  Nope. 
He keeps the same rules that He gives us.  He wants us to forgive 70x7 times. 
Thus He will forgive us 70x7 times.  Scripture says to do unto others as we want done (later) unto us. 
It is a spiritual law of cause & effect. 
If we want God to forgive us, we must 1st forgive - others, especially our enemies. 
Scripture also says not to judge, for the way we judge is the way God will judge us. 
Judging & unforgiving go together like salt & pepper.  Father God, "We apologize to You right now. 
Please send Your angel to protect us from ever again having a judgmental or unforgiving spirit. 
In Jesus Name we pray.  Amen." 
Sometimes out of obedience we can forgive with our heads, but not with our hearts. 
The heart part may need to be a work of mercy & grace by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
The heart part may come later as we continue in baby steps to be obedient, regardless of how we feel. 
For instance, we love a child, but we will not always feel the love, especially when the baby is crying at midnight, having a tantrum, throwing up, etc. 
Nevertheless, we will out of obedience as a parent tend to that baby. 
Later on our heart will swell in pride as we see the 1st baby steps, the 1st wedding, the 1st grandchild, etc.
(Note.  If someone has violated you, especially sexually or physically, you do not need to allow him/her to continue to hurt you.)  Forgiveness is all about you/me & not the offender. Forgiveness is about not letting anyone control our thoughts especially not control our negative thoughts.  It is not allowing the angry bitter thoughts to control our mental health or defeat our happiness or keep us a victim.  Parties are good, but not pity parties. 
These daily negative thoughts affect our hormones & brain chemistry & sabotage us the innocent & not our enemy. 
Forgiving is not needing/demanding the offender to apologize.
That does not mean the offender is now trustworthy.  Trust takes time to be rebuilt.

                                                                            Guilt Scipture

Genesis 45:4-5 Stern 4
He (Joseph) said, "I am Yosef, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. 
5But don't be sad that you sold me into slavery here or angry at yourselves, because it was God Who sent me ahead of you (allowed me) to preserve life (to become a blessing)."

(Psalms) 32:5 Stern - When I acknowledged my sin to You, when I stopped concealing my guilt, & said, "I will confess my offenses to Adonai"; then You, You forgave the guilt of my sin.
Guilt Commentary
Guilt can be caused by omission or commission of a sin cited in holy scripture. 
The corresponding cure for this spiritual trespass is repentance to God & sometimes repenting to an individual as well.  Sometimes amends do need to be made.  Any other method to rid ourselves of true guilt will never work.

False guilt can be caused by our incorrect thinking, for which counseling (preferably Christian), medication, alternative medicine, & classes/prayer for such as healing of emotions/memories/etc which may help. 
Meditation (especially any originating in other religions) is a NO NO.  
1 reason for false guilt is the condemnation of us by evil spirits.  We do hear their voices/thoughts in our heads. 
These are always lies, which we need to recognize, capture, & place under the feet of Jesus. 
Then we replace those wrong thoughts with the thoughts of Jesus found in scripture. 
Another reason for false guilt is we are in sin because even though we have received God's & maybe another's forgiveness, we have failed/refused to forgive ourselves.  Thus we need to repent. 
Every time a self condemnation thought comes along, replace it with the truth of God's word in scripture.  Memorize/meditate on some of the following. 
When strong long term negative emotions are an issue, often an evil spirit is the troublemaker.

                                                                                Guilt Resources

Banks, Bill - Power for Deliverance songs - The Lord gave Bill this insight for his lecture on Forgiveness,
"You have asked Me to forgive you of your sins; I have forgiven you.  I have taken your sins from you. 
You can stop asking Me
.  They aren't your sins anymore.  You have given them to Me; they are Mine. 
Now you get your hands off My sins

, Don - 11/2011 newsletter Admit It, Quit It, Submit It, Forget It - -
Napoleon was 1 of the so called 'Enlightened Monarchs.'   Napoleon suffered from syphilis & probably died due to consumption of arsenic which was used for treatment for syphilis during that time. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant today & they all carry a physical penalty...If you keep doing something that gives rights to demons...Doors that were openings for demon powers to bring sickness & other areas of darkness must be closed.  Submission is a choice & only you can make it. 
A deliverance minister can’t make it for you; your spouse or parents can’t do it for you; it is a conscious choice that only you can make...Even after confession, some want to 'feel' guilty because of their sin. Forgiveness is what God does & it is based upon our confession, not what we feel like. Feel forgiven because you are forgiven.
Receiving God’s forgiveness is a done deal. Don’t keep bringing up your past that is forgiven, that has been cleansed. It gives advantage to demons... So far as the east is from the west He has removed our sin from us.
If He forgets it, you forget it. Condemnation is not God’s way. Forgiven? Forget it."

Durham, James @

10/12/2020 - Transcript: JAMES: The Lord says that when He forgives our sin, He chooses to forget it & doesn't bring it up to His memory ever again. Now, you, I, & anyone were created in God's image.
So a part of who you are is someone who has the ability to forget.
  The problem we have is we've been (incorrectly) taught (by therapists or satan) to (rehearse) bring it up & bring it up & bring it up (24/7).
What we need to do (once the isssue's root issue has been aired & forgiven)
is learn how to forget like our Father does, like Jesus does.  We have that ability, if we'll exercise & use it.
A part of becoming prepared is to activate the (baptismal) gifts that God has put into us, & to be able to forget (erase & heal the trauma/negative cellular memory of) the things that are holding us back (by enlisting the help of Holy: Spirit, scripture & angels, in Jesus' name, esp via regular eucharist. 
We repent for self & release others from our anger/judgment.)

, Dave in The 21 Most Effective Prayers of the Bible in chapter 6 I have Sinned - The Prayer of David - 2nd Samuel 12:13 reminds us "that guilt follows sin like a vulture attaches itself to rotten meat. 
Guilt followed David because he had  sinned...
Hell is the expression of the absence of God & guilt excludes us from the presence of God."

Hinn, Benny - Sin Remembered No More - 11/7-10/2011 - - - - - great series-

"Jeremiah 31:34 tells us, 'For they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them,' saith the LORD: 'For I will forgive their iniquity, & I will remember their sin no more.'”

Benny Hinn reminds us that, “When we repent of sins & accept Christ as Savior, we are given His name & the right to call ourselves followers of Christ
When God promises to forgive your sins & blot them from your are declared free from your past. 
More to the point, it means that the covenant God makes with you is eternal.  It can never be broken.
This covenant is the exchange of lives, not properties, so it is much more than a contract."
"1 Corinthians 6:17 tells us, 'But he that is joined unto the Lord is 1 spirit.'
Not only do we take Christ’s name when we become believers, but we are joined to Him.
We partake of His life. Our sins will be remembered no more.
We enter a new covenant with Him. We become His witnesses on earth

Hormann, Dr. Aiko - Guilt and Self Punishment - @ - Learn how to forgive yourself.

Peter Horrobin - Forgiveness
- 2/21-25/2011 - Forgiveness, God's Master Key - Radio

, RT - conversation of Mr. R.T. Kendall with Joyce Meyer. -
Mr. R.T. Kendall says, "The devil loves it when we are living in condemnation.
When you're not forgiving yourself you're helping the devil do his job.
Because he is called as an accuser of the brothers in Revelation chapter 12.
So when you're accusing yourself, the devil can just go off for a vacation, because you're doing his job for him.
We're commanded to forgive ourselves by believing what Jesus Christ did on the cross.
When you forgive others, you're giving a gift which they don't deserve it.
Don't feel guilty of what you did in the past.
I say, give yourself a gift of forgiveness which you don't deserve. This is what the Lord wants you to do.
set yourself free."  (Only in this way you can feel the joy & peace our Savior has for you. Unless you forgive yourself remembering the Savior on the cross & his cleansing power, you are easily prone to devil's work, just like our body is viable to any disease when our immune system collapses when the WBC count drops. So please don't give Satan a chance.)

Kendall, RT - When You Can't Forgive Yourself By R.T. Kendall - -
"Forgiving oneself means to experience the love that keeps no record of our own wrongs.
It is one thing to have this breakthrough regarding others; it is quite another to experience the greater breakthrough:  total forgiveness of ourselves.

So many Christians say, 'I can forgive others, but how can I ever forget what I have done? 
I know God forgives me, but I can't forgive myself.'
We must remember that forgiving ourselves is a lifelong commitment.
In precisely the same way that I must forgive others every single day, I must also forgive myself (Luke 6:37).
The Process of Forgiving "We must renew our commitment to forgive others each & every day for the wrongs done to us.  Forgiving ourselves is also a daily process.
We may wake up each day with the awareness of past failures.
We may have feelings of guilt, or pseudo-guilt, if our sins have been placed under the blood of Christ.
But forgiving yourself may bring about the breakthrough you have been looking for. It could set you free in ways you have never before experienced. Sometimes we are afraid to forgive ourselves. 
We cling to fear as if it were a thing of value. 
The truth is, the very breath of Satan is behind the fear of forgiving ourselves.
esus knows that many of us have this problem. This is a further reason Jesus turned up unexpectedly after His Resurrection in the room where the disciples were assembled both in terror & in guilt. 
Jesus wanted them to know they were totally forgiven.
He also wanted them to forgive themselves. He spoke to them as if nothing had happened (John 20:21).
This gave them dignity & showed them that nothing had occurred that would change Jesus' plans & strategy for them.
True guilt & pseudo-guilt - "There are 2 kinds of guilt most of us will struggle with:
True guilt (a result of our sin against God) & pseudo-guilt (when there is no sin in our lives).
When we have sinned, we must confess it to God (1 John 1:9).
The blood of Jesus takes care of true guilt by doing 2 basic things:
a. It washes away our sin - as though it never had existed. 
b. It perfectly satisfies God's eternal justice.  Whereas discipline is necessary because we are sinners. 
Sin that has been confessed to God is totally forgiven by Him. Any guilt we feel after that is pseudo-guilt. 
There are 2 kinds of false guilt:
a. The kind that comes when sin was never involved in the first place. 
b. The kind that comes when sin has been forgiven by God.
Pseudo-guilt - though it is false - s also very real; we feel keenly guilty.
But there is no good reason for the sense of guilt.  Take, for example, a person who is driving a car when a child runs out into the street at the last second & is struck down.
The guilt can be overwhelming, but there was no sin. It doesn't need to be confessed to God.
The other kind of pseudo-guilt comes when you have confessed your sins but you don't feel forgiven.
Once we have acknowledged our sin, we should accept our forgiveness & leave the rest in God's hands...
I can't change the past.  But for me to continue to feel guilty over this (any personal mistake) is not pleasing to God because He has already totally forgiven me.
If I let myself dwell on my failure, I am giving in to pseudo-guilt & sinning as I do because I am dignifying unbelief.
I must keep destroying the record of my wrongs - every day. 
Not forgiving ourselves is a subtle way of competing with Christ's atonement.
God has already punished Jesus for what we did (2 Cor. 5:17).
Instead of accepting Jesus' sacrifice, I want to punish myself for my failures.
This competes with Christ's finest hour...
Fear is one of the main reasons we do not forgive ourselves. The person who fears has not been made perfect in love, & fear "has to do with punishment" (1 John 4:18).  Recognizing that fear & punishing ourselves for our mistakes, displeases God should result in an ever-increasing sadness for this self-loathing spirit. We are required to walk away from our past folly & not look back...
Our unforgiveness of ourselves may be traceable to pride.
We, in our arrogance, cannot bear having the Lord do everything for us so graciously, so we think we must help Him out a bit.  Our pride must be eclipsed by humility.
We must let God be God & the blood of Christ do what it in fact did:
Remove our guilt & satisfy God's sense of justice. 
Just as fear & pride are like identical twins, so are self-righteousness & self-pity.
We feel sorry for ourselves & show it by not forgiving ourselves. 
can develop into very real guilt before God.
It is false guilt, since God says, "You're not guilty."
We make it into real guilt when we in effect reply, 'Yes, I am.' 
The bottom line is this: Not forgiving ourselves is wrong & dishonoring to God.
But God will use the sorrow we feel over what we've done to draw us to Himself.
Guilt and Grace - "The initial work of the Holy Spirit is that He convicts of sin.
When we walk in the light we know the blood cleanses us of sin, but walking in the light also reveals sin in us that we may not have seen before (1 John 1:7-8). 
The sense of guilt God instigates is temporary. God uses guilt only to get our attention.
When we say, "I'm sorry" & mean it, that's enough for God. 
He doesn't beat us black & blue & require us to go on a 30-day fast to supplement Christ's atonement.
He convicts us of sin to get our attention, but having done that, He wants us to move forward. 
The ability to forgive ourselves therefore extends from an understanding of grace.
Grace is undeserved favor.  Mercy is not getting what we do deserve (justice).
Grace is accepting what we don't deserve (total forgiveness). 
It may seem unfair when we have been so horrible. We have let God down; we have let others down. 
But it is fair (1 John 1:9). The blood of Jesus did a wonderful job.
God is not looking for further satisfaction. 
All accusations regarding confessed sin come from the devil, who works either as a roaring lion to scare or an angel of light to deceive, or both (1 Pet. 5:8; 2 Cor. 11:14). 
Never forget, perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18)."
Let the Past be Past - "
The sweet consequence of not keeping a record of all wrongs is that we let go of the past & its effect on the present. We cast our care on God and rely on Him to restore the wasted years and to cause everything to turn out for good.  We find ourselves accepting ourselves as we are with all our failures (just as God does), knowing all the while our potential to make more mistakes.
God never becomes disillusioned with us; He loves us and knows us inside out. 
Moses, David, Jonah, Peter: all these men in the Bible had to forgive themselves before they could move into the ministry God had planned for them. It's time for you to follow their example. 
That is exactly what God wants of you & me. Let the past be past - at last."
Kendall, RT -

Joyce Meyer reminds us to thank God that we are forgiven, each time the guilt surfaces for something for which we already repented to God, something for which God already forgave, something for which God has already forgotten & is not going to hold against/punish us for in heaven.
Obviously forgiveness will not undo rape, murder, abortion or birth out of wedlock, but forgiveness will reverse the spiritual/heavenly/eternal consequences. 
By accepting/taking/receiving God's forgiveness, we allow the self condemnation & the condemnation of Satan & others to be exposed as a lie, a hurt that we refuse to accept, refuse to let fester in our lives.
By forgiving AND praying for the offender, we release him/her into God's hands & take/loose/ relinquish them out of our hands/anger/hurt/revenge/responsibility.
Meyer, Joyce  5/01/2008  The Secret to True Happiness #1 shares how we carry guilt unnecessarily in our back pack.
Meyer, Joyce -  - 3/12/2012
Meyer, Joyce -  - 3/13/2012

, Sister Briege with Libersat, Henry - Miracles Do Happen - -
Chapter 2 The Lord Lives in a Battered Tent reminds us that good
guilt send us to the confessional where God can forgive us, whereas bad guilt (shame) robs us of God's blessings & turns into pride preventing us from forgiving ourselves (&/or God). 
"The difference between Peter and Judas was Peter's ability to say, 'Well, I sinned & denied my Master, but He has forgiven me.'  Judas couldn't forgive himself & couldn't accept God's forgiveness. 
We must NOT allow guilt to beat us to the ground...into  discouragement or depression."

my Guilt

, Derek - Chapter 19 Areas of Personality Affected by Demons @ They Shall Expel Demons
requires a long term commitment prior to pastoral counseling & deliverance, not a hit & run exorcism. 
If one has not covered all the bases like a baseball player, even if the client hits a home run, he may not win the game, because the demons will return. In addition, Prince reminds the client that he is talking to a demon & not to him, when there is a need for deliverance. 
Prince mostly quotes Scripture to the demon to remind him of his failures & Christ's victory. 
Scripture is the key. 
See Matthew 12:43-45 NIV below.

, John L. & Paula - Growing Pains - - Chapter 2 Overcoming Wounds from Prenatal Rejection and Birthing Traumas - section Rejection by Parental Emotional Withdrawal -
The Sandfords minister inner healing via soliciting repentance for entertaining and acting on FEELINGS of guilt, whether real or false.  (To God, murder in the heart is as hurtful as actual murder, in one's character/soul/psyche/emotional well being/relationships.)
Sandford, John L & Paula - Growing Pains -
chapter 8 Lasting Healing from Sexual Abuse -
section Pronounce absolution (assurance of forgiveness) to the one who was abused.  Having forgiven the victimizer, the victim now "may still retain feelings of guilt until that...has been addressed in prayer. 
So if the abused cannot let go of false guilt, even if he knows (intellectually, but not emotionally or experimentally) he is guilty, we (may need to) pray, 'On the basis of the Word of God, you are forgiven...
I (also) forgive you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (for feeding unforgiveness that will backfire on my physical, emotional & spiritual life), for not forgiving God, & for not forgiving myself.)

, Basilea in Repentance-The Joy-Filled Life, reminds us to pray, "'Help me to see the 'log'  in my own eye (Matthew 7:3)'...
Instead of weeping over what others have done to us, we shall weep over that which we have done to them. 
We shall be able to see everything in the light of (God's) Truth & no longer in the murky light of the Enemy, who magnifies the other person's sin & covers up our own sins, so that we either do not see them at all or only see them as a small speck."  When the Lord allows Satan to send "suffering into our lives, we feel as though we are martyrs, that we should be pitied...we...feel that we are innocent & are suffering unjustly...
When others cause us suffering & make life difficult for us, our hearts are often filled with bitterness & we feel sorry for ourselves...growing more & more gloomy, discontented & unhappy.  Thus we become imprisoned by our problems." 

Self Forgiving is Essential for Healing (but only after repenting to the Trinity.) (WARNING - a non Judeo-Christian links)

,Kyle -
/tv-archives/kyle-winkler?src=weeklybroadcastemail_051115  5/11/2015 Video
4/27/2014 - - -
Book -
Silence Satan: Shutting Down the Enemy’s Attacks, Threats, Lies, and Accusations - - autobiography introduction

, Andrew - -
Andrew believes that one's conscience alerts us to evil/sin; that it was NEITHER God nor Satan who told Adam & Eve that they were naked, thus confronting them & notifying them of need to repent (rather than shaming/condemning, which Satan/Demons do). 
Andrew's hypothesis is that Adam & Eve got or activated a conscience after they sinned.
Wommack, Andrew - 11/11/2021 @
download.php?id=61798ef14189d800011f53c5&type=video&platform=zype - Jesus bailed us out of jail. 
Father God forgave our sins via our acknowledgement  & appropriation of the sacrifical death & resurection of his Son Jesus on our behalf 2,000 years ago, a l time event for past, present & future sins. 
Thus, our personal sins are forgiven past/present/future. 

We need to say, "In the name of Jesus, I bind the spirits of self (self-pity, self-centeredness, self-hate, self-anger, self-unforgiveness, pride) & put them under the feet of Jesus. 
Come Holy Spirit & fill those empty spaces with Yourself. 
Jesus, I apologize for allowing the enemy to get a foothold in my thought life. 
Please forgive me yesterday, today & tomorrow. Thank You. 
Lord, give me Your mind & Your heart so that I, like You, will become the victor & no longer the victim."
Satan & his family of demons are invisible & need bodies to manifest themselves. 
If we or our ancestors have allowed demons to move into our human family, then the need to manifest negative emotions is not our need, but rather the demons' need to act out using our bodies. 
If we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, then He in us is stronger than the demons. 
Together with God we will have the spiritual muscle to say NO to negative emotions (such as anger & indignation) & yes to forgiveness.
We can begin, 1 step at a time, to get the strength to walk away from old patterns of thinking & responding. 
We need to separate the person from the sin.  
We are making a big mistake if we are angry at the person & not the enemy, Satan who is manifesting in that person.  Let us not think, "I hate you".  Rather, let us think, "I hate you, Satan," enemy of our soul.
Another aspect of forgiveness is reminding ourselves that we do NOT have the right to judge another. 
Christ is the final judge.  In the name of Jesus, we remove that person from our judgment. 
Scripture warns us that in the way we judge others, we will eventually be judged by God. 
[Forgiveness has nothing to do with protecting ourselves from harm. 
In danger, when necessary, we first remove ourselves; 2nd we cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus. 
Forgiveness need not include reconciliation; forgiveness need not include having a relationship, per New Life radio ministry  (1-800-NEW-LIFE) .] 

Henry Wright
's ministry in Georgia, USA spends a lot of time helping others to forgive self, others & God.

Joseph Garlington
(Covenant Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) reminds us that we must choose between being right or being reconciled.  We need to give up our right to be right. 
This is especially true in a marriage or family relationship. 
Unforgiveness is the root of many diseases, especially those that eat the body, like cancer. 
The Lord reminds us that vengeance is His. 
We need to give God permission to be in control, of not only others, but also of ourselves. 
This is true, especially for those who feel the need to control or fix everybody & everything. 
As long as we are in control, God is not.  When we quit, then God can begin.
Prince, Joseph - 3/6/2015 -


is a good thing to do - daily, weekly, monthly, annually.  
Does the sin repeat itself on a regular basis when we become overwhelmed/overcome by negative/harmful feelings?  Is the thing/sin which we confess something in our ancestors/parents as well as in our kids? 
Then, connect the dots.  In all likelihood a curse is in existence. 
A curse needs to be recognized & broken, in the name of Jesus.

                                                            DELIVERANCE from CURSES -

Jubilees 22:20-21
Be thou ware, my son Jacob, of taking a wife from any seed of the daughters of Canaan;
For all his seed is to be rooted out of the earth.
. For, owing to the transgression of Ham, Canaan erred, All his seed shall be destroyed from off the earth & all the residue thereof.  None springing from him shall be saved on the day of judgment.  (Joshua was commanded to exterminate all Canaanites/gentiles when conquering the land deeded to Israel by God & leave not one alive.

                                                                   Unable to Repent

Unable to Receive Salvation

, John - John Todd (Tape 2B) -
Listen to end of video.  Yes, Christians can have demons BEFORE and AFTER salvation. 
demons do interfere with one's making a free choice to repent & accept forgiveness from Jesus Christ.

                        Unpardonable, Unforgivable

There are those who believe that they have committed the unpardonable sin.  This is a popular lie of Satan. 
The truly unpardonable sin is not what we do, but what we fail to do.  What is that unpardonable sin of omission? 
If we do NOT choose Jesus as our Lord & Savior, then by default we reject Jesus. 
The curse of being separated from God remains on us. 

Matthew 26:24
- "It had been good for that man if he had not been born."
Matthew 13:32 + Mark 3:29 + Luke 12:10 (KJV) Whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man (Jesus Christ), it shall be forgiven him, but to him that blasphemes against the Holy Ghost, it shall NOT be forgiven

Both Smith Wigglesworth & Derek Prince cite in their books that if one believes that he has committed the unpardonable sin, then in all likelihood that is NOT true.  In all likelihood it is a "lying spirit" that, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, needs to be bound, cast out, & placed under the feet of Jesus. 
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, but the evil spirit condemns.  The evil spirit tortures the mind. 
He is not a nice fellow.  The power/love/mercy of God is always greater than that of evil. 
Scripture tells us to resist the devil/torment, in the name of Jesus, & he will flee. 
Remember, whisper or yell/speak out loud, rather than pray silently in your mind. 
Satan in not a mind reader. 
Besides, the spoken Words of God are alive & will do warfare for you in the invisible spiritual world. 
Judas, a disciple of Jesus, did NOT repent of his sin, whereas Pontius Pilot (per Tertullian's Apology for Christianity) did & possibly Joseph Caiaphas the high priest (per Jewish archeological records by Sanhedrin & Talmuds stored in the St. Sophia mosque, Constantinople, according to:
Jesus Is Lord church pastor Ken Small Yeshua - the Untold Story of Jesus )
Messiah spoke to Annas' son-in-law, "Be not afraid, it is I.  You condemned Me that you might go free. 
This is the work of My Father. Your only wrong is (that) you have a wicked heart; this you must repent of.
This last Lamb you have slain is the One that was appointed before the foundation (of the earth);
this sacrifice is made for all men...This is the last; it is for you...& all mankind...if you will accept it." 
Years ago a similar story was broadcast on radio probably by James Kennedy's Truths that Transform or Dr. Dobson's Focus on the Family.
"The Bible often associates [tearing clothes] with overwhelming sorrow or distress (Genesis 37:29; 2 Kings 19:1; Ezra 9:3).
Here the high priest (Caiaphas) disregards Mosaic law, which forbids priests to tear their vestments (Leviticus 10:6; 21:10)."
It then goes on to quote what St. Bede had to say about this passage: 'The drama of Caiaphas tearing his vestments signifies the termination of the Old Covenant priesthood. In contrast, the seamless garment of Jesus is not torn, but remains intact (John 19:23-24), signifying that the new priesthood of Christ will last forever (Hebrews 7:23-24).'" 

The Archko Volume -
Read Online

, Neil T - The Bondage Breaker - -
Chapter 10 Accused by the Father of Lies has a section The Unpardonable SinExcellent
Basically it says that if we have a tender conscience, we have NOT committed "the unpardonable sin". 
Reread the short chapter of Job in the Bible where Satan is the real accuser, trying to give us a guilt trip for all the sins, which we have already confessed. 
For all the unconfessed sins, there is always time to repent - until death, when, for the most of us, it is too late, unless God gives us a 2nd chance & resurrects us or allows us to have a near death experience.

Baker, H.A. -
Visions Beyond the Veil - - Jesus Christ, Himself, told Chinese children that the devil gives us wrong thoughts, such as. "We may not get into heaven". 
The Holy Spirit allowed each orphan to have a tour of his new house in heaven. 
(HA Baker is grandfather of Heidi Baker's husband, Rolland.)

, Todd - I Sold My Soul to the Devil - (until God rescued him) Childhood brittle bone disease allowed Todd to believe a lie of the devil, that he could not undo a commitment to Satan, in order to reverse his possible leg amputation.

, Paul - -
(Rejecting Christ as Messiah is a basic unforgivable sin. 
Here Cox has another idea: The unforgivable sin is to believe that God does NOT heal or deliver today, to believe that any such miracle was only for the disciples generation, or to believe that such holy works are all of Satan.)

, Ana Mendez - Seated in Heavenly Places - Ponte Vedra, Florida, USA -
There may be levels/places/positions/degrees in Christ.

, Kenneth E (senior) - I Believe In Visions - autobiography -
Hagin had 8 visions where Jesus came to him in person.   Chapter How Satan Influences Lives Today -
section Rulers of the Unsaved shares Jesus words regarding 1st John 5:16 - There is a sin unto death.
"For one to commit a sin unto death, he would need to have (defiantly rejected Christ AFTER having)
ALL 5 of these experiences
: see his lost state and to know that there is no way for him to be saved except through Jesus Christ.
2. Taste of...Jesus.
3. Become a partaker of...or be filled with the Holy Spirit.
4. Grow...out of baby...stage to have tasted the good Word of God.
5. Have...the gifts (such as - healing/miracles, speaking/interpreting tongues, prophecy, casing out evil spirits &/or discernment) of the (Holy) Spirit - operating in his life.

Hagin, Kenneth E (senior) - The Sin Unto Death                        
The Lord reminded Dad Hagin of…scripture: “If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, & he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death:
I do not say that he shall pray for it
.” (1 John 5:16)…
The Lord pointed out to him that the Scripture didn’t say physical death…
Jesus continued, “If you will read the entire 5th chapter of 1st John, you will see that it is talking about…spiritual life &…death.  This refers to a believer who can sin a sin unto death, & therefore I say that you shall not pray for it.
I told you not to pray for this woman because she sinned a sin unto death
Papa Hagin told the Lord that this disrupted his theology & would He explain?
Jesus Teaches About The Sin Unto Death - The Lord said, “Remember I told you this woman was My child…filled with the Holy Spirit & she had part in the ministry. You will notice that the scripture says, ‘It is impossible for those who were once enlightened, & have tasted of the heavenly gift.’ I am the heavenly gift. A man under conviction is enlightened, but he has not tasted of Me.” Jesus reminded him of John 3:16 & Romans 6:23.
Jesus said, “None has tasted the heavenly gift until he has accepted Me as Lord & Savior.”
Hebrews 6:4-5, said, ‘made partakers of the Holy Ghost.’ Jesus told him that this lady had been baptized in the Holy Ghost & had tasted the good Word of God…that baby Christians cannot commit the sin unto death.
5 Steps To The Sin Unto Death
1st step to the sin unto death is for one to see their lost state & know that Jesus is the only way of salvation.
2nd step is to receive Jesus or be born again.
3rd step is to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
4th step is to have grown out of the babyhood stage of Christianity & tasted the good Word of God.
5th step is to have the gifts of the Spirit operating in their life.
Jesus pointed out to Dad Hagin…scriptures: Hebrews 6:6; 10:26-29.  
Jesus explained the last step in the following words. Jesus said,
It is sad that this woman left her husband for another man, but adultery is not the unpardonable sin. 
If she would have turned back to Me in repentance, even though she might have had a hundred men, I would have forgiven her.
Whatever she might have done, if she had asked Me to forgive her, I would have. 
Even if she had been a baby Christian when she said, I don’t want Jesus anymore; leave me alone,’ & didn’t actually realize what she was doing, I would have forgiven her. If she had done that because she was tempted & pressed beyond measure, I would forgive her; but she knew exactly what she was doing, & she acted willfully when she said, ‘I don’t want the Lord Jesus anymore.’ 
I merely showed you this so you might see how the devil can get hold of Christians if they will permit him to

Hill, Craig - - 4/27/2015 -
If we fee remorse and are able/willing to repent, then we have not committed the unforgivable sin.

, Pat -  (edited) -
"Christians must live a defensive life that realized that they have an enemy.
Satan is their enemy & uses human vessels to make them fail. A man called me. 'Can you help me. 
My wife is out of control
screaming, "I’ve blasphemed the Holy Ghost. I’m going to hell."' 
 'I asked him if she would allow me to pray for her. Martha came on the phone. 
I asked her if she would let me pray.
She said, 'Okay.'  Immediately, I bound the demons & led her in a prayer.
She prayed, asking Jesus to save her, repent and forgive her. 
She said that she had gone on a web site called the 'Serpent’s Seed.' 
'I was doing research. My husband & I are in the ministry. I read on the web site that Eve ate the apple & then this (evil) spirit called the serpent came into her.  'SHE CAME TO ME,' the demon boldly said. 
When the (evil) voice spoke to me, I felt something snap in the back of my head & something came into me. 
The demon snarled, you’ve now eaten the apple, you can never be saved & you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost.  The (persistent & oppressive) voice torments me day & night, hissing, screaming in my ears.
'I am going bind the demons & call them out.' Martha agreed.

, Larry - What Is the Unpardonable Sin - Can a Christian Lose His Salvation - booklet -

Franklin, Jentezen - - Jentezen and others state that although they &/or others have perceived they have committed THE unpardonable sin, it is NOT true for those who feel ashamed/sorry/guilty/bad for having offended God, but perhaps true for those who only are sad they are caught or NOT sorry at all for having hurt the Trinity. 
A heart tender towards God still contains the Holy Spirit & still is in the family of God; or at least, he/she still has time to repent & become adopted by God. - "To attack other Christians privately in your heart, with or without your mouth (because Heaven hears you loud & clear, even when your words are not spoken) or certainly more grievously if you attack people in public, targeting ministers of the gospel who have given their lives for Him, You will be disqualified for the Rapture
You will NOT be raptured. The Lord has told us this over & over again.
It is a severe warning: if you want to be taken in the Rapture, you CANNOT be critical of other ministries or other people.  This is not an idle threat, these are the words spoken to me by the Lord Jesus Himself.
If you are willfully denouncing a brother or sister, then you have taken the Lord's authority & throne into your own hands & blasphemed the work of the Holy Spirit. YOU WILL NOT BE TAKEN IN THE RAPTURE. 
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God, to religious or holy persons or sacred things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable. 
So, in other words, a brother or sister who has given their lives to the Lord to minister the Gospel, that person is holy. & to insult or attack them is a crime against the Holy Spirit."  (BEWARE. 
Do NOT allow this admonition TRICK you into submission to a deluded or manipulative pastor who wants control over your free will.  Just leave them without cursing them & pray God will have the upper hand in their lives. 
Also notice that not being taken up in the rapture, is not necessarily disqualifying one for eternal life, only postponing it
The Kat Kerr  -
February 4 - Unforgivable Sin - audio - Encounters #4 -

, Patricia - Spiritual Revolution - Experience the Supernatural in Your Life - -
Chapter 5 The Vital Connector - "You might say, "But I don't feel cleansed or forgiven." 
In the faith realm, feelings are NOT valid if they are contrary to the truth" of God found in Scripture. 
"His Word carries final authority. 
If you see His word, then your can believe" that you are forgiven, if you have apologized to Him.
, Patricia - Light Belongs in the Darkness - Find Your Place in End's End Time Harvest - -
Chapter 7 The Message - "One day I cried out to the Lord in prayer, 'Don't let my failure (mistake/bad decision) continue to hurt them.  Don't let it ruin their lives.'"  [Patricia had already "asked for forgiveness from one individual who was particularly wounded...(but)...the person refused to extend the undeserved mercy" (to help her to forgive herself).]   "The Lord spoke very soberly to me, 'You didn't commit that sinYou didn't make that  mistakeI did.' 
Surprised, I said, 'What?  NO, Lord.  You NEVER did that.  I'm the one who did it.' 
 But He insisted, 'I did it.'  Again I persisted to defend His innocence, 'Jesus, NO, You didn't. 
You are perfect & have never wronged anyone, ever.' 
He tenderly responded, 'I bore your mistake on the Cross 2,000 years ago
I chose to take full responsibility for this mistake
, so that you might go free
I have even borne the judgment for it

You are free
I became this sin for you &, in exchange, I have given you My righteousness
This has all been paid in full

If there is any further problem
, that hurting individual will need to come to Me
 You have been totally released & fully justified.  You NEVER did it!'"

, Brian - Romancing the King - - Chapter 7 The Friendship of the Holy Spirit 
"If a person attributes the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil, it is close to blasphemy. 
It is DANGEROUS to attribute the (deliverance/tongues/ healing/miracle) work of Holy Spirit to the devil."
[Obviously, there are counterfeit gifts!  Test the 2 spirits (holy vs evil).]

Lozano, Neal - Resisting the Devil - a Catholic Perspective on Deliverance - -
Chapter 5 Exorcism and Deliverance in the New Testament - "The unforgivable sin is to (permanently) reject the action of the Holy a decisive way (having fully understood the Trinity & never repented)."

, John A - The Authority of the Believer - Encounter with Darkness
Chapter 5 Forms of Demon Approach - Obsession covers quite a bit about the lies of Satan tricking Christians to believe they have lost salvation/forgiveness/favor with God.
Meyer, Joyce - 2/29/2008 -
As a child, Joyce thought she had lost her salvation after peeking during a game of hide & seek.

McGee, Vernon -
Jesse Penn-Lewis with Evan Roberts - -
EVIL SPIRITS SUBSTITUTE FOR SELF - "In like manner, evil spirits will not only endeavor to substitute their own workings in a man's life in the place of God, on the ground of the believer's misconception of the true way of co-acting with God; but they will also seek to substitute their workings for all the mental faculties of the man, i.e., the mind, the reason, the memory, the imagination, the judgment.
 This is a counterfeit of self through substitution. The person thinks it is himself all the time.note 41 
This substitution by evil spirits of themselves on the ground of the passive surrender to non-use of any part of the inner, or outer, life of the believer, is the basis of deep deception & possession among the most 'surrendered' children of God.
The deception & possession taking an entirely spiritual form at 1st, such as the man having an exaggerated sense of his importance in the Church, his 'world-wide ministry,' his lofty position of influence arising out of his 'divine commission,' his abnormal height of spirituality, and definite & almost unprecedented "experience," which makes him feel he has been placed far above other men. But a tremendous & inevitable fall awaits such an one. He ascends his pinnacle, pushed by the enemy, without any power whatsoever to control the inevitable descent, which must follow when he is undeceived, a crash being the result, shaking the things that can be shaken.
Then he experiences awful darkness, & the effects of possession in its true results. The effect of demon possession in its fullest climax is darkness; nothing but darkness; darkness within, darkness without; intense darkness; darkness over the past; darkness enveloping the future. Darkness surrounding God and all His ways. 
Here many sink under the horror that they have committed the 'unpardonable sin.'
Some, however, discover that their bitter experience may be turned into light for the Church in its fight with sin & Satan, and as those who have been in the camp of the enemy & heard all his secrets, they become a terror to the forces of evil on their emergence to liberty, with the result that they are assailed with intensified malignity on account of their knowledge of the foe."

, Joseph - The God of Grace - Monday, February 10, 2014 @
Prince learned to focus on the consequences of what Jesus did rather than what Adam did.
Prince, Joseph - 3/6/2015 -! -
Joseph “Prince, pastors New Creation Church, appeared on the Life Today Show -
where he said that at 17 he began to lose control over his thought life, leading him to have recurring blasphemous thoughts about God which triggered a year-long state of depression
"It got to a point where I really thought I had committed the unpardonable sin
I was confessing every sin I knew
how to confess…My friends would look at me like I was messed up then people began to say, 'I think it's his religion,'" said Prince…
‘The more I thought to myself, “are my thoughts right, am I being obedient enough?” 
The worse it was…1 of the most painful things you can experience in life is not so much physical pain, but being self-occupied.
Because to the extent you are self-occupied, that's the extent you will be in pain.’ 
A few years past when he found himself broken & upon crying out to God for help, Prince recounts that he came across 1 John 4:17, which speaks about being like Christ in this world. 
Since then he became ‘radical’ about God's word, because it delivered him from himself, he explained, ‘I began to realize that when people experience the love of God, it casts out their fear & frees them from guilt,’ said Prince. 
The beginning of his walk in God proved to be difficult, he said, as he noted that his faith increased when his daughter became ill. Prince talked about the process he underwent while prayerfully battling for her health & the submission he went through for God to answer his petition. 
Through time, he became spiritually mature & found God calling him to embrace the meaning of love & grace which is an important theme for Prince, who emphasizes that it is because of grace that he is able to have his ministry.
Prior to beginning his ministry, Prince says he ‘cut his spiritual teeth’ as a teenager through the scriptural teachings of evangelist Kenneth Hagin & through an Asian author & preacher known as Watchman Knee.”

, Rev Michael  + Cirner, Randall - Deliverance from Evil Spirits - A Weapon for Spiritual Warfare 
Servant publications - Catholic perspective - excellent manual for teams -
Regarding deliverance preparation, "frequently, the person may not have forgiven someone, because he though he had to feel forgiveness, before he could forgive. 
The person needs to know that repentance means a commitment to act righteously...
An emotion of sorrow is not the primary requirement in repentance...
(Additionally, they may) not realize that they must forgive others who have not repented of their own sins...Frequently the stage of repentance concludes with the person renewing his or her commitment to Jesus as Savior & Lord." 

Spurgeon, Charles - Holy Spirit Power - publisher - -
Chapter 3 The Holy Spirit, the Great Teacher says, When God instructs us, He shows us that no truly awakened conscience could ever commit that (unforgivable/ unpardonable) sin, because, when it is committed, the conscience is seared & causes NO upset to the sinner... "The voice of the evil one whispers (lies)...
We do not vainly imagine that angels whisper in our ears & that devils do the same. 
(Thus, if we "feel" guilty/condemned", then we are innocent.  It is the enemy of our souls who is the condemner. 
God does NOT condemn.  God convicts of true sin, leading the sinner to repentance/peace.) -
This pessimistic author contends that, "the unforgivable sin was the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, attributing to Satan what was in fact a work of God." 
(It does some good to keep an ear open to healthy debate/criticism, lest we do allow Satan to win a few rounds, especially the last lap of the race of our lives, where/when many awesome saints have tripped up.)
The true/final unforgivable sin would seem to be one's rejection of, refusal to receive, + ignorance of or failure to find, during one's life time, the Messiah, son of God, Jesus Christ.  Scripture says that ignorance is NOT an acceptable excuse, for all of nature, even the rocks cry out, if need be.  If one's heart is right, God will personally reveal Himself to anyone who asks; likewise He will forgive anyone who asks. 
Judas failed to repent (ask forgiveness of Jesus or God). 
Judas may have even recognized Jesus as Messiah, but then later stabbed Him in the back (became a traitor). 

Hebrews 6:4-6 TPNT -
4It is impossible (unlikely/difficult/improbable) for those who have once been enlightened (born again/saved), have tasted the heavenly gifts, have become sharers of the Holy Spirit (baptism), 5 & have tasted the full measure of the Word of God & the works of power of the coming age,
6then, if they fall away, to restore them again to repentance, because they crucify the Son of God anew (again/afresh) for them-selves & hold (shame) Him to contempt...
8But when it bears thorn plants & thistles (instead of good fruit) it is worthless & close to cursed (on the slippery slope to eternal death), for which the end is to be burned over

, Eddie - Conquering the Chaos in Your Mind #1 @
, Eddie - Conquering the Chaos in Your Mind #2 @ -
Turner, Eddie - BLOG @
+ +
3/8/2021 @ (Edited excerpt) -
Why do any of us think the ridiculous things we think?
Didn’t I know better?
The answer is yes & no. Yes, I knew deep in my heart that I was NOT demon possessed, BUT the
continual harassing thoughts were chipping away at my confidence. There were things I did not know about taking control of my thoughts & prohibiting Satan’s accusatory darts from invading my mind.
I soon discovered the truthfulness of Hosea 4:6, “
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”...
I screamed out, “Oh, Lord, I am truly losing my mind. What happened to me? How did I get this way?
I am dying. Please, Lord Jesus, come & help me…Suddenly…I realized I was no longer in the room alone
Standing in front of me was Jesus. He wore a white robe. His hair was long, touching His shoulders.
His facial features resembled the renderings we often see in pictures…I remember His sweet smile
Eddie, what would you have Me do for you?” He asked.  I replied, “Lord Jesus, these thoughts are killing me.”   Jesus smiled & said, “I told you. ‘Thoughts are AS vapors, smoke.”
My mind went back…to a prayer time right after this tormenting ordeal began…
I had asked the Lord why I was having these crazy thoughts.
A strong impression of the words
vapors, smoke rose up from my spirit inside me.
Being young in walking in the (Holy) Spirit, I didn’t pay any attention, because it didn’t make any sense.
Yet on this day, I realized the Spirit of God told me months earlier that the deception of  
Satan’s attack is nothing more than a smoke screen, without strength & power.  Satan’s arsenal is empty lies
In retrospect, those months I lived in anguish.  
I had God’s Word on the subject. The Lord had faithfully & early on revealed to me the truth about those tormenting thoughts, but I didn’t pick up on it.

The answer He gave me was a subtle impression that came in prayer, but I was listening & looking for something more dramatic & spectacular.  If I had taken heed to the subtle word of the Lord earlier when He 1st spoke to me, I would have saved myself much heartache & torment.

As soon as Jesus said, “I told you, ‘Thoughts are as vapors, smoke,’” He reached down & touched the right side of my head & began pulling out of my he  ad what appeared to be a banner with writing on it

The only way I can describe the banner is to say it was similar to a huge banner you would see stretched across the road announcing some special event in a city or town.
Once Jesus pulled it out completely, I could see the writing on it which said, “You are demon possessed.”

That was themain tormenting thought which had started the entire nightmare.
That was the thought that popped into my mind several months earlier while I was driving down the road.
That was the recurring thought that tormented me continually that I could not turn off or find a response to stop it.  That was the evil thought that was (attempting to) drive me crazy.

To my amazement, Jesus blew on the banner.  It disappeared like a vapor of smoke. 
Jesus did
NOT try to logically reason away the thought.
Neither did He spend any time answering the accusation. Jesus simply destroyed it.

1 of Satan’s most effective schemes is seducing us into a mental question-&-answer game in our minds.
I discovered that every time I mentally came up with a logical answer, Satan would always come back with another question.  The game never stopped. I found myself on the defensive & eventually unable to adequately satisfy all the questions that produced doubt & fear. 
If Satan can keep us in the arena of logical thought, he will defeat us every time…

Then without saying a word, Jesus reached down again & touched the right side of my head & pulled out another banner.  As He pulled it out, I could see writing on it that said, “God does NOT love you.”
This was the other thought that tormented me over & over, day & night.
I was convinced I was beyond the love of God, because of the harassing & evil thoughts (& lies) flooding my mind.
I remember thinking that I must be beyond the love of God or these thoughts would cease.
I had never heard anyone in ministry share this type of experience, & I knew God loved ministers.  
I concluded that if I was experiencing such torment, then God must not love me. But what had I done to cause Him not to love me?   This was the thought process that invaded my mind daily & wrestled with me continually.
Jesus never answered the question of why this was happening to me. Neither did He give me a revelation on how to logically respond to the tormenting thoughts. Jesus simply destroyed the thought (the lie)...

Once again, without saying a word, Jesus blew on the banner with the writing on it. 
It evaporated like a puff of smoke. I sat on my knees in total silence.
A 3rd time, Jesus reached down & pulled out another white banner out of the side of my head.
To my amazement this banner had NO writing on it, but was totally blank.
Instead of blowing on it, as He had done the other 2 banners, He wadded it up into a paper ball
As I watched this scene unfold, Jesus then said, Eddie, there’s your problem!” pointing to the corner of the room
There in the corner of my den, I saw 2 hairy looking creatures that appeared to be the size of monkeys.
I couldn’t really tell how tall they were because they were huddled together in the corner hiding & cowering in fear.

Jesus looked back at me and then away toward the monkey creatures again.  He did this a couple of times.
Each time He looked at them, they would quake in fear. I could see the hair all over their bodies shaking.
When Jesus looked at me, peace flooded me, but when He looked at them, they violently trembled in fear.

Without saying anything else, Jesus threw the wadded-up banner toward the 2 monkey looking creatures.

When He did, they screeched a horrible scream & grabbed each other.
I watched them for a few moments.

They shook & whimpered with their heads buried in the corner of the room, refusing to look at Jesus.

The whole time this scene played out, I never experienced any fear.
 Even though I was in the presence of demon spirits, I never felt anxious or nervous. 
The presence of Jesus completely drove out the fear.

Isn’t that what the Word of God says, There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18) 
 It was apparent the 2bdemon spirits were experiencing a lot of fear.
I have purposely remembered that scene many times during the years when fear tries to invade me.
I remember it was the devil’s imps which were afraid, not Jesus or myself

After a few moments, I looked back at Jesus.  Once again He smiled at me. Then instantly, He was gone.
I didn’t see Him ascend or even slowly disappear. He just was gone. I quickly glanced to the corner where the monkey creatures were.
They also were gone.  Jesus’ presence remained on me.
It was as if a blanket of peace, comfort & rest covered me.

I didn’t really understand what it was, but I didn’t want to lose it.
My mind was at rest. Tormenting thoughts ceased.

The nagging feeling of fear was gone. Chaos was silent.
The headaches went away, the constant nausea disappeared.

I didn’t feel the tightening vise grip around my head any longer.
I even started noticing little things, like the weather, beautiful smells & the fun behavior of my toddler.
I was overwhelmed with thankfulness that the torment & fear were gone.

I simply could not successfully articulate the words thank you, so I cried.
I believe God understood my admiration & appreciation for what He had done for me.

(Later) He spoke these words:I am going to tell you now about the 3rd banner.
It represents lie that Satan has used on people forever. You kept asking, ‘Why is this happening to me?’
Satan heard that question & answered it with this deception:
‘You have done something sinful to bring this on yourself
But you never were able to figure out anything you did even after confessing & asking forgiveness for everything you could remember multiple times
Then the Lord reminded me of the dozens of people whom I have ministered to, prayed for & talked with over the years who have all asked the same thing: “Have I committed an unpardonable sin & opened the door to this harassment?”  
Do you also have this question?
Are you tormented with the thought that you have done something sinful or wrong that has opened the door to harassment in your mind even though you’ve confessed & repented of everything you can think of that’s wrong?  
Stop! It’s a trick of the devil to keep you in doubt & fear.
Look at what Jesus said: 
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away;
for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. 
When He has come, He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, & judgment (John 16:7-8)
Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will convict or bring evidence of sin
, however, accuses without evidence. If Satan can keep you questioning & doubting your righteousness in Christ, he will hinder you from exercising your rightful authority over him
(Satan is a fraud bringing fake news/lies/slander in order to trick/deceive/gain illegal power over God's kids, whose (confessed/repented) sins are forgiven & forgotten instantly.)
If you think you must have done something you don’t know about to cause the pain in your life, take that thought captive. It’s a lie
It's been a little over 30 years since my visitation from Jesus.
But I can honestly say those 2 thoughts that harassed me the most & caused me such torment:

You are demon possessed
+ God does not love you, are now
so far removed from my thought life it’s as if I never had them.  Demonic lies tried to get back into my mind, but their power was evaporated by the breath of Jesus.  Through (my speaking out loud) God’s Word (that contradicts demonic lies),
Jesus taught me how to stay free of mental torment & chaos.
 (Chaos is an evil spirit
Turner, Eddie - Chapter 3 in
Conquering the Chaos in Your Mind reminds us that Holy Spirit convicts us of unrepented/unforgiven sin, but the evil spirits accuse/condemn us of sin for which there is NO basis/truth/legal grounds, so right away we know that mental/emotional bullying is based on fraud/lies/deceipt/con, a deliberate attempt to kill/harm/hinder us from the great purpose we were born. 
[Sort of like what (men allowed) satan to do to the Trump Presidency, when the American votes were secretly changed.
Biden was improperly crowned, even though Trump won his re-election
The public was tempoarily conned.  Even Vice President Pence was conned on January 6 with the fake riot. 
But like Christ's crucification & premature death, Christ rose from the grave & triumphed over satan. 
God wins, always.]
Jonathan Welton - Eternal Security vs. Losing Salvation

, Dorothy Mason - Thus Saith God's Word - Scripture Aids for Counseling -
MD Productions, Greensboro, North Carolina -
Section under Baptism/Gifts reminds us to "warn (others speaking against the miracles/gifts of the Holy Spirit) that attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil is the unpardon-able sin."  Matthew 12:32 states, "Whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man (Jesus), it shall be forgiven him, but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

, Smith - Ever Increasing Faith - -
Chapter 2 Deliverance to the Captives -
A hysterical man came to Wigglesworth crying out that he was lost, due to committing the unpardonable sin
The Holy Spirit moved Smith to cry out, "Come out you lying spirit."  Immediately the man was at peace.  Wigglesworth says that the devil attacks our mind with his THOUGHTS & FEELINGS of our not being saved or healed, in order to refute/contest/ reverse what God has done. 
Wigglesworth says that satanic attack is a good sign that we are in fact saved
The danger is to allow the devil to make our minds a place of (a residence of) his stronghold. 
Instead, we are to "bring into captivity every (lying) thought (that contradicts what Jesus accomplished on earth) to the obedience of (alignment with) Christ (our Messiah, savior, healer, deliverer). 
Wigglesworth, Smith - Cry of the Spirit - biography of sermons compiled by Roberts Liardon -
(Same story below is shared in Ever Increasing Faith regarding above testimony.) 
"As I went to the front door, God whispered to me, 'This is what I baptized you in the Spirit for." 
The man came in & cried, 'I have committed the unpardonable sin.' 
I said, (speaking to the evil spirit), come out in Jesus' Name.'  He said, 'What is it?  I am free. 
Thank God, I never did commit that sin.'  (According to Wigglesworth,) No man living has committed the unpardonable sin, for the good & evil are preserved until the Holy Ghost is withdrawn from the world. 
We are all in a good place of pardon, kept by the power of God." - "
She said, 'There is a woman upstairs.  She has brought an old man of 80 to be prayed for.
He is raving up there & a great crowd is outside the front door, ringing the door-bell & wanting to know what is going on in the house.'  The Lord quietly whispered, 'This is what I baptized you for.”' 
I carefully opened the door of the room where the man was, desiring to be obedient to what my Lord would say to me. The man was crying & shouting in distress, 'I am lost.
I have committed the unpardonable sin. I am lost.' My wife said, 'Dad, what shall we do?'
The Spirit of the Lord moved me to cry out, 'Come out, thou lying spirit.' I
n a moment the evil spirit went (away), & the man was free.
Deliverance to the captives. The Lord said to me, 'This is what I baptized you for.' 
There is a place where God, through the power of the Holy Ghost, reigns supreme in our lives.
The Spirit reveals, unfolds, takes of the things of Christ, shows them to us & prepares us to be more than a match for Satanic forces...Satan came along with an 'if.'  How many times has Satan come along to you this way?
He says, “After all, you may be deceived. You know you really are not a child of God.”
If the devil comes along & says that you are not saved, it is a pretty sure sign that you are.
When he comes & tells you that you are not healed, it may be taken as good evidence that the Lord has sent His word & healed you. 
The devil knows that if he can capture your thought life, he has won a mighty victory over you.
s to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus, that pure, holy, humble mind of Christ, be in us...
The blood of Jesus Christ & His mighty name are an antidote to all the subtle seeds of unbelief that Satan would sow in your minds...
Hard things are always opportunities to get to the Lord more glory when He manifests His power. 
Every trial is a blessing. "

, Maria - abridged edition Chapter 24
Blasphemy against God & all kinds of sin against Him & mankind will be blotted out, but whosoever speaks against Holy Ghost hath no forgiveness either in this world or in the world to come. 
Christ said this because they said He had an evil spirit & did His mighty works through that agency.
So, you see, it is an unpardonable sin to knowingly attribute any of the mighty works of the Holy Ghost to the devil.
There has never been a time since the early church when there was so much danger of people committing the unpardonable sin as there is today since the Pentecostal fire has girdled the earth & tens of thousands have received the Holy Ghost, feeling His presence, backed up by signs & wonders & divers operations of (Holy) Spirit.  When men & women come in contact with this work of the Holy Ghost, hearing His words & seeing His works, there is danger lest they attribute the power present to some agency other than the Spirit of God.  There is danger lest they condemn the power & condemn God’s servants.
How often have we heard ministers say, when they heard men & women & children speaking in other tongues, 'Oh, it is the work of the devil.' Now you hear what God says about it. 
They are speaking against Holy Ghost. God has been working in this city & is going to work in much greater measure.  We expect to see greater signs & wonders. 
If the saints stand together as 1, pray together & shout victory, God will show Himself a mighty God & Savior."

, Andrew - 
Monday on Spirit, Soul, Body Discussion on salvation & unforgivable sin. @
Transcript content
Wommack, Andrew - The War Is Over -

, Michael H - To attribute to Satin what the Holy Spirit does - is (might result in) unforgivable sin. - - (Beware Christians, do NOT ridicule/slander holy rollers' laughing/ roaring/barking in the Holy Spirit. Satan can imitate God, but let the Holy Spirit determine the person's motive & nature of the manifestation - Godly or demonic. Test the spirit, root & fruit.)


Hagin, Kenneth E - Tongues - Beyond the Upper Room - - Part 1, Chapter 7 Guideline to Receiving the Holy Spirit  - "Nothing in your life would keep you from being filled with the Holy Ghost.  You have no secret sin that would hinder you from receiving the Holy Spirit...There is no such thing as a secret (personal sin) you you don't know about.  The Holy Ghost or your own conscience will tell you.  If your conscience doesn't tell you anything, don't try to drag something up." (Postscript.  Sometimes the Holy Spirit will reveal at a later date things which He needs to deal with, when we are more spiritually mature, such as curses, ancestral sins, sins committed by others while we were in the womb, traumas, etc.) 

                                                                    Doubting One's Salvation

     Salvation is based on what God says in scripture
& not on what we humans think or feel about it.

Psalms 23:6 TLB Messianic   6Your goodness & unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life. 
Afterwards I will live with You (Father God) forever in Your (heavenly) home.

Revelation 3:5 Stern
   5.He who wins the victory will, like them, be dressed in white clothing. I will NOT blot his name out of the Book of Life; in fact, I will acknowledge him individually before My father & before His angels. 6.Those who have (spiritual) ears, let them hear what the (Holy) Spirit is saying to the Messianic communities.

Tom - Devil, Demons and Spiritual Warfare - Chapter 3 Satan is Disarmed - In USA federal law "a pardon is a deed...& delivery is not complete without acceptance.  It may then be rejected by the person to whom it is tendered."  Likewise Jesus' "public act of grace...was intended to bring private blessings.  Thus, you must legally accept God's pardon, offered through the atonement, in order for it to be effective" in your personal life. 
Once we accept forgiveness, Satan continues to barrage us with condemnation & lies. 
He "hopes that through his accusations he might cause us to hold onto feelings of guilt & shame over our past & forgiven sins...
The devil loves it when you (speak/testify and) act according to your feelings" instead of according to what Jesus blood did on the cross & according to what the Word of God says in scripture...
If He says that your sin is taken away, who are you to say it is not?" 
Regarding sins that have been repented of, NEVER take "the condemnation of our heart and put it above the Word of God."  It is difficult for the Lord to restore you, "if you allow the enemy to keep beating you up for your past. 
You must realize that the condemnation of your heart is coming directly from the accusations of the devil. 
Mental health facilities often house Christians who cannot let go of their pasts...
They have bought the lies of the enemy."  "
Do you believe the feelings (emotions and temptations) of your heart or the Word of God? 
You must decide who is telling the truth.  Is it God," society, self, or Satan? 
As Christians we must reject/resist/refuse/renounce, in Jesus name, all that contradicts God & each time ASK the Holy Spirit to help & protect us. 
The flesh is powerless, but angels & Holy Spirit bring the missing power into our lives. 
 Like salmon we can be struggling upstream all our lives, or we can jump up high into God's arms & permit Him to carry us into our destiny.  Jesus, I jump into Your arms, right NOW.  Amen.

, Don - When Pigs Move In - - Colleyville, Texas, USA ministry- Other books containing "some" of above more complete information are  Serpents in the Sanctuary and Turmoil in the Temple. -  video -
Web site has on-line application for deliverance.  That section includes a line item sharing that bemoaning one's lack of salvation, after having genuinely repented for any sin, is an indication of demonic oppression. 
This is especially true for a born-again Christian. 
If you are not a believer in Christ as Lord & Messiah, just repent of your sins right now, & immediately ask His Holy Spirit to come & dwell in your heart.  The Trinity always says, "Yes."

, Paul - The Brain &  the Spoken Word  DVD#3 - Aurora, Colorado, USA - Sometimes Satan will cause a Christian to doubt his/her salvation due to one's being emotionally stuck in his development due to a prior trauma.  Although one's human spirit may belong to Jesus, one's mind/will/emotions & perhaps body may be still an infant when it comes to responding maturely/healthy. 
 Satan will attempt to cause delusions, confusion, double mindedness, psychosis, etc. in order to sabotage us. 
(If our trauma happened at age 2, we will tend to respond like a toddler. 
If our trauma happened at age 5, our emotional reactions will tend to mirror a 5 year old. 
If our trauma happened in the womb, we can be caught off guard as to where "that over-reaction" came from.)  Satan is an opportunist.  He never plays fair. 
Fortunately, Holy Spirit can help shed light on root issues & help eradicate them - permanently.

, Beth - Affliction - 6/26/2013 - - A guilty conscience will attempt to block one's belief that he/she is saved.

, Franklin (senior) - The Unmistakable, Visible Anointing- Following God's Calling for over One-Half Century -
Chapter 4 Running from God "I had been to the altar before & had even been baptized as a child in Sunday School.  But that morning at Glad Tidings Temple, I was truly born again. 
My battles were NOT over just because I had been born again (as a adult). 
In fact, they had multiplied, because Satan wanted me to doubt my salvation
Many times later, he would come to me & say, 'Where did you get saved?'  I'd say, 'I was saved when my daddy baptized (christened) me in the river, years ago when I was just a little fellow.' 
But Satan wouldn't leave me alone.  I would pray & repent again & again.  But still Satan would return & we would start the cycle all over again.  One day when Satan was tormenting me, the Holy Ghost spoke to me, 'Tell him the day I healed you of that heart attack at Glad Tiding Temple is the day I forgave you of your sins & you were born again'...
That gave me something to anchor onto, & after that the devil left me alone."
COMMENTARY: As parents, bosses, mates, siblings, etc, we often accidentally or sometimes deliberately or even in our immaturity & stupidity cause harm to another.  Satan clothed as a snake (3 Baruch 9:7 He took the serpent as a garment.), deceived & tricked Eve, who in turn enticed Adam.  Papa God allowed them to choose, to disobey Him, and for harm to come upon the entire world as a consequence.  What horror.  What agony to realize the travesty of their choice upon themselves, upon their mate, upon their children, upon all their descendents.  What turmoil to realize that Satan had deliberately been the root cause.  What turmoil for Papa God to realize that He had allowed this. What agony of Papa God to see the hurt He had allowed through the freedom of choice & through the deception of the enemy. 
Yes, Papa God, please forgive all our ancestors.  Yes, Papa God, please forgive us.  Yes, Papa God, we forgive You.  Yes, Papa God, we recognize who the real enemy or traitor is - Satan.  Yes, Papa God, like Job, we repent for all the sins of our ancestors, plus, in Jesus name, we forbid any iniquity to be transmitted to/inherited by our seed.  We pray and confess like Joseph that what the enemy intended for evil will be transformed like a butterfly caterpillar into something beautiful for You and Your Kingdom. 
Thank you for remedying the original sin of Adam & Eve by sending Your Son Jesus the Messiah. 
You are a wonderful heavenly Father that can reverse our mistakes. 
We thank You and bless You with great joy.  Amen.

Wommack, Andrew - 
Monday on Spirit, Soul, Body Discussion on salvation & unforgivable sin. From
Transcript content

                                                         Losing One's Salvation/Destiny

                                                      Losing Salvation/Destiny Scripture

Revelation 3:5 - The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white.  I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father & his angels.

Losing Salvation/Destiny Resources 
Brown, Rebecca @
"The angel also told me something astonishing. He said, '1 of the greatest stumbling blocks within the Church is the complete lack of fear of God & the teaching of a cheap grace.
Few there are who have any fear of the loss of their  salvation through continued willful sin.
They believe they can continuously live in premeditated sin & still be forgiven & go to heaven.
They have no fear of God’s chastisement on their lives. Indeed, when trouble comes into their life, not once do they ever think about the fact that it may be the result of their own actions.'”

, Tom - Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? - -
Tom believes that, "No one has ever fallen away from the Lord who was growing.
People usually backslide when they stop growing.
As long as you are growing, you can never (permanently) backslide (to a point of no return to God)." 
(God is ALWAYS ready to forgive the sinner & the backslider.) 
Tom wants those who profess to be Christians to, "Take 2 Timothy 2:11-12...
'If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him.' 
No one has any problems with this so far. It is the next statement that gives Christians problems.
'If we disown Him, He will also disown us.'  Notice the pronouns 'we' and 'us.'
These pronouns clearly refer to us (born-again, Holy Spirit filled) believers (in Jesus Messiah).
God promises to disown us (who make a legal claim to Jesus as Savior) if we disown Him.
This warning must be taken seriously." 
(A major problem with most professing Christians is that they have never been water baptized as adults + they have never asked Jesus to baptize them with His Holy Spirit.  The infilling of the Holy Spirit is needed for both spiritual enlightenment & spiritual warfare. +  

, Dennis & Jen - Practicing God's Presence 24/7 - workbook - - "1st deal with any negative emotion through forgiveness, & then you have the authority to deal with thoughts & mental strongholds...
Always deal with the negative emotion before thoughts...
If there is an unscriptural thought, or lie, attached: 1. After forgiving & getting  peace, renounce the lie. 
2. In prayer, ask the Holy Spirit for the Truth.  'Lord, what do You say.'  A scripture or scriptural thought will come to mind.  Receive it and be sure to write it down."  "Forgiveness is the God Tool that takes you out of Enemy Territory into God Territory.  (At salvation) God rescued from the kingdom of darkness & granted you citizenship in the kingdom of God.  Forgiveness keeps you there...If you are a born again believer, it doesn't mean you have lost your salvation, when you temporarily get in Enemy Territory, any more than a US citizen loses their citizenship if they visit a war zone in a foreign country.  It just means that you need to get back into God Territory, so you will be safe." 
"When you are hurting, you will identify with the same hurts in others [some-times (trigger one another's wounds)] or project your own issues on others.  Hurt people (often) overreact to even mild stimulation, lash out at others, withdraw from relationships, put up walls, see life through distorted lenses, & can be easily offended. 
Hurt people (can) hurt people...
When you are healed, even the area where you were wounded the most can become your greatest anointing to minister."

, Gloria @
Forgiveness Brings Freedom
, Kenneth  Abounding in Grace  8/24/2008
When we look at our own shortcomings without them being covered with the blood of Jesus, we will be in agreement with Satan & out of agreement with God, Who made provision for forgiveness for all sin.

, Laurie - (edited)
LAURIE: I was so
depressed. I had planned my suicide different times. My life just didn't feel. 
I had hurt, pain & rejection inside of me. I didn't know what to do with it.
The only acceptable answer was just to find a way to end the pain.
SID: You get a flyer in the mail about an IHOP conference in another state.
You get there in the prayer room.  What happened?
LAURIE: I got there & didn't know what to expect. People worship God in different ways.
The voice of God asked me, "What do you want?" I wanted to know if speaking in tongues was real.
So, then I got it. I love speaking in tongues.
LAURIE: In an instant I knew that the man Jesus Christ was alive standing there made out of light.
He wanted me to see Him for who He really is. He turned the volume up so fantastically.
It was like a dimmer switch that just was so bright.
It was as if it was stronger than you were looking in the sun & I had to close my eyes.
LAURIE: Jesus turned the volume & Himself down so that we could behold Him.
I believe now that we can only behold Him to the degree that we love & obey Him.
LAURIE: The Lord had me look inside Him. He wanted me to give Him something.
I was concerned about giving Him pain, I didn't know how. So, I kept telling Him, no.
People say you can't say no to Jesus, but we say no to Jesus all the time.
He's so patient. It was as if I was watching a movie inside of Him: Jesus dancing with this beautiful bride a very specific dance. While she would turn, I would notice the fire in His eyes.
He has such beautiful fire for the one He loves.
Then darkness would try & sneak up & touch this girl's dress.
As it would sneak up, His eyes turned into this fire.
You don't mess with his bride.  As she turned & danced, I ached inside. I've never been loved like that.
I knew that if I could have that 1 thing, my life would be complete. If somebody would love me like that.
Not just somebody, but this God Who's fantastic.
When I looked at her feet, I realized those were my ankles.
I have very pretty ankles.  It was me. He kept asking me for something. I realized I can trust this man.
I gave the pain to Jesus, He put his forehead to my forehead. I asked Him, "Is there anything I can do for you?" He said, "Go tell others about Me." When I came out of the vision was, I was set free.
I used to smoke 3.5 packs of cigarettes a day. I did not need the
depression medication I was on anymore.
He actually changed who I am.  I didn't used to be like this. I am supercharged now.
SID: In 2008 God took you to hell (where) you saw some relatives (&) many Christians.
I know that's hard to believe, but you'll understand.
LAURIE: I was in an evangelism meeting worshiping in the back with my eyes closed.
Soon the heat came in the room. 
I knew something was happening. I opened my eyes. The front of the room opened.  Hell was right there.
An arm without fingers came flying out of hell, grabbed ahold of my spirit & sucked me in.
Those hell doors are thick, heavy.  When they slammed shut, I immediately knew exactly where I was.
LAURIE: Things were spoken over me.
1st. You are
in hell eternally for unforgiveness.
2nd. The worst regret you can ever imagine (begins now).
3rd. There was no way out of hell.  There's no way that I will ever be guilty of exaggerating hell.
It's worse than any words that I can come up with.
When I got there, just the extreme heat started causing my skin to drip off of me.
The sound of the people screaming broke my eardrums & caused pain inside of me.
I knew this was going to go on eternally. There was no way out of it.
My bones, my body twisted in so many ways, breaking. I felt my back break.  Excruciating pain.
There is not 1 drop of relief, water (or) light.  You can never get to another human being to share that pain.
You actually
become sin. You start looking like this growth.
You actually lose the formation of a human being that was made in the image of God.
It's horrific, horrific.  I never want to go back.
LAURIE: Imagine trying to live your life with no God.
I was never going to touch my grand baby's face again.
Even arguing with my husband, not that that's cool, but you were never going to get to do any of that.
You were never going to get to: say you were sorry, (or) fix anything. To always be in pain. 
To know that horror kept ramping up...going to keep getting worse, worse & worse, never to end.
That was the thing. It wasn't like you could reach a pinnacle.
In hell, it worked the same as in heaven, my full brain operated.
I knew all of Matthew 18.
I knew every scripture that I'd ever read, & I'd read the whole Bible. It made complete sense & was completely righteous that I was in hell. I
became hate. I hated & continued to hate. There were people there (in hell) just like me who believed Jesus is the Lord God, but they refused to obey Him.
They said, "We love You.
We love You." But the Scriptures teach, if you love Me, then obey Me. I wouldn't.
I wouldn't forgive.
LAURIE: It was the worst thing to know that in heaven Jesus had been so patient.
He was willing to forgive me everything, everything, yet I couldn't forgive small offenses.
In my life, it felt like these things had broken me.
But in reality, to everything that the Lord had forgiven me of, they were small.
How did you get out of hell?
LAURIE: As quickly as I went into hell, these doors opened, & something brought me out so fast.
I reentered the room, I was screaming.
My friend who was running the meeting came to the back, because I was so disruptive.
LAURIE: My good friend (at the IHOP) was shaking me, asking, "What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong?" 
I said to him, "I've been to hell." Everything changed in that minute.
As transforming as it was to go to heaven & meet Jesus Christ, that transformation does not compare to the transformation of having been to hell.
LAURIE: When the Lord spoke to me & finally healed my heart, He said, "I took you to hell, because I love you." 
If God had not shown that to me, if I had died without Him showing that to me, I know I'd be there right now. 
He loves me and He's mighty to say it.  In my instance, that's what it took.
SID: What do you believe is the
biggest lie of the devil out there?
LAURIE: I think, "
Once saved, always saved" is a hell conspiracy, the biggest lie, because the idea behind that, is that I'm going to give my life to Jesus today, He'll wipe away all my past sins, & it doesn't matter how I live anymore.
LAURIE: It grieves Jesus. It should grieve us. Until you heal that you will constantly
gossip. You need to go to Jesus & get your identity 1st. Gossip murders a person's reputation. This is very, very serious.
I've made a salt covenant with my tongue with the Holy Spirit, because that is 1 of the 1st sins that I was guilty of.  We think, well, it doesn't matter.  Of course, every sin matters & is recorded (in heaven AND hell, until forgiven).
SID: When you go to bed, you do something, tell me about that.
Before I go to sleep, I talk to Jesus, tell Him how much I love Him, & ask Him, "Lord, how did I do today?" Sometimes, He's like, "Laurie, you do this & you need to go fix it."
Other times He tells me, "You did this & I don't want you to do that anymore."
He uses it as a learning because there's a
difference between immaturity & rebellion.
When I'm rebellious, He needs me to fix it. 
I'm just immature, He just trains me in a new way of doing things.
SID: I've always repented wide.
I find that if I'll do it instantly, rapidly, it's easier than if I let it get infected in me.
LAURIE: I try & teach repentance in 4 parts; #1, agree with God that what you're doing is a sin.
#2, have Godly sorrow over that sin.
It's more than just being sorry. Sorry, you'll do it again. Godly sorrow hurts you.
#3, you confess your sin, one to another. 
The Bible says, you'll be fervently healed.
#4, you have to put something in place in your life that you will never do that again.
I help people figure out what #4 do you need, so that you don't sin against God again. 
Sometimes we have to put a few $4's there.
God completes that work for us because He loves us so much.
But repentance is the only acceptable sacrifice for my sin.
SID: Would you lead us in prayer for repentance?
LAURIE: Oh, Jesus, I love you. I love you, Father, I love you Holy Spirit.
Thank You that You came to pay the ultimate price.
You say we're worth it. Oh worthy, worthy, worthy Jesus are You. We come asking, God make us holy.
Give us a hunger & desire for holiness. God, come right now & convict us of our sin that we need to be free.
We need to be set free from the ways of the devil.
God if the hell conspiracy is in any of us, Jesus, set us free. Every sin that I commit needs to be brought to You repented of.  God, make me holy, & with that holiness comes more of Your presence.
Let me rest in the assurance. You said to be holy, as your Father in Heaven is holy, I desire that, we want that, God. Would You come, wrap that around us and make us fully Yours, & rest in Your arms.
We don't want any part hiding. Every part of us that is dark, Lord, shine your light. We love you.
We love you, Jesus. In your name, we believe you're changing us. Hallelujah
. Amen -
Does having a demon mean that the person has lost their salvation until they are delivered?

John 3:16
tells us the bases of our salvation, NOT whether or not we have a demon.
The daughter of Abraham who was freed from a spirit of infirmity was an example of a believer who had a demon. Jesus never positively referred to somebody as a child of Abraham unless they were actual believers, & He slammed the Pharisees for considering themselves children of Abraham, because they didn't share in the faith of Abraham, & made it clear that they were not really children of Abraham. Therefore, if Jesus takes joy in considering somebody a child of Abraham, it's a honor & means that they are a true believer. 
[SPIRITUAL INSIGHT: Salvation fixes/saves the human spirit.  Baptism in the Holy Spirit helps to sanctify the mind & body.  It takes an entire lifetime to mature/grow up in the Lord. 
Many demons are INHERITED from ancestors.  That is 1 reason men such as Job in the Old Testament repented for their own sins as well as for their families (blood relatives) & individuals over whom they had legal or moral responsibility.  The
blood of Jesus removes sin, whereas Jesus body, the 39 stripes removes physical & mental disease/deformity/defects.]
Don't demons automatically leave at the time of salvation? No, this is an unbiblical assumption that nobody can back up with scripture (unless they twist it). Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we will automatically shed all our bondages at the time of salvation. Many demons cause health problems, & roughly half of the healings Jesus did in Matthew were actually deliverances from such evil spirits, therefore, if people automatically shed their bondages at the time of salvation, I would expect many many healings to automatically take place the moment they believe upon Jesus. Personally, I don't know of one of those cases. Cancer is known to be demonic in almost every situation, therefore, I would expect cancer to leave automatically at the time a person accepts Jesus, if we automatically shed all our demons when we are born again.
The problem is, this is a faulty theology which keeps people from seeking the help they need, because it makes them believe that they can't have demons, therefore denying the problem.
This belief that demons automatically leave at the time of salvation is what they are talking about in 1 Timothy 4:1, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, & doctrines of devils.
The belief is unbiblical, & based upon assumptions, & furthermore, experience tells me otherwise.
How can a demon dwell within a believer who has the Holy Spirit?
Many believe that anybody who has the Holy Spirit is immune from demonic bondage.
This theology usually stems from a faulty belief that the soul (mind) & spirit are the same things.
 The moment we are born again, our spirits are reborn & Holy Spirit is united with our spirit.
The soul (mind) of a man is not instantly reborn as the spirit is, but rather we are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, which doesn't happen instantly. Our souls is where the dirt lies & demons dwell, not our spirits. Therefore, there is no reason left to believe that a Christian is immune from demonic bondage, because their souls are usually on the dirty side until they are renewed over time. If the soul & the spirit were the same things, you would instantly be a perfect person, never to sin again, once you are born again.
There would be no 'evil' left in you, no desires to do wrong.  You would hate it bitterly because you would be perfect in your mind/soul & united with God, therefore there would be no room to sin. In John 8:31-34 Jesus tells us that even though they were believers, they were held slaves to sin because they were ignorant of the truth.
This proves that Christians can be in bondage to darkness. If a demon can affect our minds (souls), they can do an awfully lot of damage. Look at what mental illness can do to people through affecting the mind. 
They can cause the person to have unspeakable desires, thoughts, emotions, & do unthinkable things.
Can a person have a demon without knowing it? Yes. 2 primary reasons for this would be, (a) ignorance, as they don't understand what is the true source of their problem, & (b) a demon(s) may be there, but isn't really doing anything noticeable at the time. Demons are like people in the sense that they can choose to be manifesting themselves or not; they can choose if they want to cause problems at the moment or not. When a person seeks deliverance from demons, & turns to the occult for help, the person who tries to 'deliver' them can just coax the demons to 'hide' & fake a 'deliverance', thus proving that demons can & do 'hide' if it benefits them.
Sometimes a demon can lie dormant in a person's life & then when that person enters the ministry, the demon manifests because it wants to shut the minister down & keep him out of the ministry." 
[SPIRITUAL INSIGHT: Pursue intimacy with Christ.  Concentrate on Him and NOT demons. 
Worship & praise terrify evil spirits.  In such an atmosphere one has great protection.]

, Benny - Can You Lose Your Salvation? - #1 or - "Salvation is a free gift, available to all who will receive."
Hinn, Benny - Can You Lose Your Salvation? #2 or
Hinn, Benny - Can You Lose Your Salvation? #3
, Benny - Can You Lose Your Salvation? #4
, Benny - Can You Lose Your Salvation? #5
"The have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory...unless ye have believed in vain (1 Corinthians 15:1-2)... Hold fast to the Gospel" to "guarantee your salvation...
“You can’t just walk down the aisle, ask Jesus into your heart, then go live like the devil & still make it to heaven.  Forget it.”   (In other words, Jesus will never divorce you, if you never divorce Him. 
All human marriages have bumps & growing pains.  Likewise our relationship with the Trinity has a growth curve. 
Parents do NOT divorce their kids; neither will God divorce His kids;
God is always waiting for us to return to Him, even if it be on our death bed.)

, Kat - Revealing Heaven on TN Radio (Kat Kerr
) 1/2/2015 @ If we will NOT be double minded & will hold out through the death throws of a person, God will allow our intercession to prevail & give that person 101% opportunity to choose Him & eternal life. Hooray. 
This is because Jesus took the keys of death & hell from Satan on the 3rd day. 
Generally, a relative/family member has more spiritual authority over his/her mate/child than a prophet/evangelist, so let us not neglect/fail to pray/decree/declare over our loved ones, in Jesus' name:
I declare you become a mighty child of God.  Be free in Jesus Christ. 
I declare you will NOT miss your destiny. 
I declare you become a living testimony of Jesus Christ. 
No one can escape those prayers in atmosphere around them nor their guardian angel to enforce/employ/ accommodate them.  God can/will even save/heal one in a coma as the spirit/soul is awake 24/7.
We do not need to be/act perfect, but we do need to repent often, even of our attitudes, whenever they fall short of love. 
We can lose our salvation if we at a later date choose & live an lifestyle contrary to the nature of the Trinity.
A good evidence of this is Matthew+7%3A21-23&version=NKJV -
21 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, & done many wonders in Your name?’

Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ 
Notice that very FEW of us today operate in a daily faith that results in demons fleeing.
Thus, we need to HONOR HIM continually as spiritual head of our household/business/ministry, which we represent. 
We must not shame/defame Him.  Judas repented to the clergy, but he did NOT repent to Jesus. 
He self-destructed.  Notice it is our fruit & our character that is of value to Him & not our spiritual acts, for which He gets the fame, not us.  From the age of 12 on get that sin out of one's life.

Johnson, Manual @ video says one can lose his salvation. @ 7/10/2020

, Bob - Demon Proofing Prayers - - Phoenix, Arizona, USA -
"Most people do not get free (from demons) all at once.
(In fact, I don't think anybody does), we need to keep walking out our freedom (in Christ). 
Your eternal salvation can be (100%) achieved (guaranteed) in a moment of decision, but your (emotional/mental) salvation from the bondages (character defects) of your past, & the (inherited iniquities of) past generations of your family, can take a long time...
You will (may) need to revisit the subject" (from time to time, as Satan will test to see if he can move back into your family). 
[Perhaps one can comprehend spiritual rejection (where we reject Christ and then by default Christ rejects us) with an illustration:
When a landlord sells his condos/building, he may have tenants remaining in the property. 
The new owner owns the real estate, but still has to contend with the tenants, who will remain until they voluntarily move or are evicted.  God buys & owns us when we ask for & accept the price His son Jesus paid for our sins.
ur bodies are called the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who moves into our heart/master bedroom/choice condo.  However there are other rooms/condos occupied by our unhealed wounds/soul-pieces/bodies & tenants/demons/squatters.  Unless past/present personal/ancestral/family hurts are healed & unless demons are evicted, there is present/future disharmony between owner & occupants.  Another illustration:
A pastor recently broadcast the statement that one cannot demand to move into a new home here, or in heaven, unless we have a relationship with the owner of the home.  No relationship; no move in, here or in heaven. 
FINALLY, We personally believe, that all individuals have up to their death & even between death & hell) to repent & get right with God.]

, Gary V.

                                                    Releasing/Loosing the Hurt/Hurter

, Don - (edited) -
"On the point of forgiveness, Dr. Archer said that people are not being blessed because of issues with unforgiveness. While they believe that unforgiveness will kill their enemies, it is like a poison they are taking into their bodies, and it is slowly killing them. 'You have to look beyond the source, & look at what’s behind it, & now you start to do battle,' Dr. Archer assured. 'I could not forgive until I realized [that I needed to] stop looking at them as human beings, but as children of God who need restoration, who need love & need to be forgiven. Forgiveness is not for them; forgiveness is for me
'Are you tired of: missing your blessing, being in the desert, being sick & tired, holding on to your pain, your anger & vengeance, & wondering why you’re not being heard?  The #1 reason why people are still suffering emotional pain is because they can’t let go.'  Making his final point on persecution, he said the the Bible still calls blessed, those who are persecuted.  'Persecution is a compliment; it means you got (are are in the) game,' Dr. Archer declared. 'Everybody in this room is like a teabag; you don’t know how strong you are until God puts you in some hot water, & what’s on the inside of you will come out in the storm.  He is NOT trying to kill you (rather) He’s trying to liberate you to show what’s inside of you. That’s how we overcome & turn pain into power. 
It starts in the mind.'  Dr. Archer left the attendees with 5 H's of how you transform pain into power: head, heart, hands, habits & humanity.  The head (intellect/brain) simply means that we must change our way of thinking.
The heart [soul (mind/thoughts/emotions/willpower) deals with forgiveness."

, Jim – 11/26/2019 Forgiveness @
@ The Overcoming Life series @
One can’t evict the devil off his own property.  If we hate, the devil has title deed to the hate portion of our soul.
True forgiveness removes all evil entitlement from our spiritual enemy.
Forgiveness is an act of our will, not a feeling.

Giglio, Louis - Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Why Forgive
Giglio, Louis - Monday, January 20, 2020 Father God
Giglio, Louis - Monday, February 3, 2020 or 2/3/2020
See God as a perfect Father.  Say, I'm not forsaken. I'm accepted. I'm chosen. I'm adopted.
I'm loved, valued & prized by God. See self in a new way.
Probably the most important step in this journey is to forgive our earthly & perhaps our heavenly dad .
“I think the power of forgiveness is the key that unlocks the prison door.  It doesn't let the other person out.
It lets us out. Forgiveness opens the door from our past & lets us out of our past into our future.
It's not letting the other person out of whatever they did.  It is letting us out of whatever they did to us.
That's the power of forgiveness…With a shovel God gave forgiveness to us.
But it's so amazing how I want it in the shovelful, but I dish it out in the teaspoonful.”
“Christ died before I even knew I needed a savior. So God's justice moved into action
before any of us deserved to be forgiven, admitted that we were sinners, or even confessed.”
“to say to a dad ‘I forgive you’ is NOT the same as saying, ‘You don't need to be punished.’
You can forgive your dad & turn your dad into the authorities in the same phone call.
You could forgive your dad & say, ‘I can't be in a home alone with you.’
You could forgive your dad & say, ‘There has to be a boundary in our life from this point forward.’
You can forgive your dad & still have justice” (preferably God’s which is superior to our’s).
'But justice and forgiveness are not the same thing. Forgiveness is releasing. It's saying…
God forgave me.  Therefore out of that sense of forgiveness I'm going to release you.
Not that we sweep everything under the rug.'  Every time we say that, ‘I'll never be like my dad,
I'll never treat mom like my dad, my wife like my dad treated our mom.
I'll never treat my kids like my dad treated me.
I'll never be an alcoholic. I'll never be a workaholic. I'll never, never, never, never’...What are we doing? 
We're rehearsing the negative…ingraining in our minds the thing that we are not going to do versus saying, ‘I have a perfect heavenly Father. I'm coming to know Him through Jesus Christ.
I have his D.N.A. spiritually in me because I have been born again
On my spiritual birth certificate it just simply says Father, Son, Holy Spirit & Louie.
That's my new spiritual birth (day).’  So out of that I want to start saying, ‘I want to be like my Dad.
I want to treat people like my Dad treats people.
I want to talk to people like my heavenly Father talks to people.’ What am I doing now? 
I am creating a positive picture of who I am & who I can be versus rehearsing the negative…poison (that) keeps us locked in the prison of our past.
(Our) choice…We can either look back at the past…broken relationship, back at the abuse or…abandonment.  
If we do, there goes our life again...
Or we can set our gaze towards this Father Who is on record…saying, ‘That's My son…
My daughter…Here's how much I love them.’
Then we share Father God’s view of us:  ‘I'm not abandoned. I'm chosen. I'm not forsaken, I'm sought after.
I am not just somebody, I'm a daughter of the King of the universe. I'm a son of Almighty God.’
I think 1 of the most powerful things we can do is agree with God. Pride is disagreeing with God.
Humility is agreeing with God.
The 7 words I think will change our lives are the words:  I am who You say I am. I'm NOT who my earthly dad said I am, even if he said I was great. I'm more than that. ‘I'm not abandoned.
I'm not divorced. I'm not abused. I'm not forsaken. I'm not disinterested.  I am who You say I am.’ 
It sounds prideful to step into that moment, but it is really just humility to say I agree with God.
‘I AM prized, loved, valued & believed in by the King of the universe.’”

, Henry @ -
Gruver, Henry @ edited

Do NOT take it personally
You must understand,”
I explain, “that the only way to ‘not take it personally’, is to take it immediately to the Father”...
If it were only the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, there would be no need for our perfection. 
But that isn’t where it ends, is it?
In the Word of God, we are told that Jesus is to have a Bride, glorious & without a spot or wrinkle.
If Jesus is to have a bride that is gloriously perfect, then He must be able to understand His Bride.
He must suffer as a flesh and blood man in order to do that...
If I came to Japan, a foreign country, alone, without my wife, Judith & then returned to America & tried to relate to her all that I experienced there, she would not be able to relate fully to the Japanese culture. Had she experienced what I experienced by living in the midst of them & she would fully understand how beauty & order are inherent in Japanese culture, from the lace seat covers in cars, to the individually wrapped & sized fruits in the stores...
In the same way, Jesus had to be born to the experience of personal human suffering, in order for Him to personally understand us in our sufferings (& vice versa)...
Paul...says in Colossians 1:24 “[I] now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind (lacking) of the afflictions of Christ, in my flesh, for His Body’s sake, which is the Church.” 
Here is the part that helps us as ministers. In verses 25-27, it says, “Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfill the Word of God, even the mystery which hath been hid from the ages & generations; but now is made manifest to His saints.
To whom God would make known, what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; what is: Christ in you, the hope of glory
.”  This is what this teaching is all about.
It is about getting Christ in you, Christ, the hope of your glory. We are talking about a transition that takes place from a “knowing” experience, to a “personal” experience.
We are talk ing about that transition that comes from fellowshipping Christ in His sufferings, in a way that we know what we are experiencing; but we “don’t take it personally
If we don’t change that which is “within”, we cannot succeed in portraying Christ in our everyday living...
When I don’t take it personally it disciplines my life to stay dead (to myself & alive) in Christ Jesus...
Jesus didn’t say, or do anything, unless He heard, or saw, His Father say it, or do it...
Jesus is continually showing us the importance of speaking & communicating with the Father for ourselves as individuals. He wants it to be an individual relationship. 
That is the key in learning to NOT take it personally...
For, if you are dead; and your life is hidden with Christ, you cannot take things personally. If you do; & because of your testimony for Jesus, a person puts a gun in your face & says, “I’m going to kill you.”
You will run to try & save your life...
My heart & mind cried out to God, “Father...What is my responsibility to You in this situation?
I need Your wisdom"...
Our Father in heaven knew something that I didn’t know.
He knew how to help me say the right words to get to the boy’s heart.

Romans 8
:28, says, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God"...
There were a lot of reasons I could have taken it personally.
However, because of the heart of Father's heart, I could not hate...
1 reason that it is very important we don’t take things personally, is, because from our eyes, we only see 1 side...
(The bully/terrorist) was crying, & this is what he said, “I don’t understand.  I got my hair cut.
I don’t do drugs anymore.  I don’t cuss & swear. I read the Bible, pray & go to church. 
My sister gave her heart to Jesus.  Now, God is taking you away from me. Why?”  That was very hard for me. 
I could only tell him that: there were others like him in the world that Jesus wanted me to reach, he was now part of a family with Jesus, we would keep in touch & most importantly, I was proud of him. 
What if I had taken it personally, that night?
What if I had called the police when he did what he did to my: (sons,) house, mother or wife?
Now, I want to spend some time helping you know what to do in these situations. 
I want to encourage you, that if you ask the Lord to help you understand this, He won’t start you with someone with a knife at your throat. He will start out with smaller things, like a disagreement with your: brother, sister, husband, wife, neighbor, or somebody on the highway.
How do you know what you should do in those times...
How you think about what you sense, is the act of exercising your senses...
We must begin to exercise our senses to discern 2 things, either good or evil...
The problem comes if we take it personally & don’t take it to the Father.
How do we take it to the Father.
Perhaps I see something that causes my mind to think lustfully.  What do I do with that thought?
If I take it personally, think about it in my mind, it will become sin. However, I am not allowed to do that, because I remember that Colossians 3:3 tells me that I am dead & buried with Christ in God...
When sin enters
our body, we die, because sin cuts off our fellowship & communication with Father...
The question is not whether you have sinned.
The question is, rather, what do you do with sin when you see, hear, smell, taste or touch it? 
Do you take it personally & try to deal with it with your own wisdom or do you take it to Father? 
Jesus taught us by word & example how to bruise Satan’s head & be restored in fellowship with our Father
"In our lives, we must begin to exercise our senses to discern 2 things: either good or evil.
You may be saying, 'Henry, I know the difference. What’s the problem?'
The problem comes if we take it personally & don’t take it to Father.
How do we take it to Father...
When sin comes & rules in your body, you lose fellowship with Father (God).
Thank God, through Jesus Christ, you are NOT condemned & sentenced to death anymore.
You can confess your sin. He is faithful & just to forgive you. 
The question is not whether you have sinned.
The question is, rather, what do you do with sin when you see, hear, smell, taste or touch it? 
Do you take it personally & try to deal with it with your own wisdom; or do you take it to the Father? 
We are talking about walking in fellowship with Father, not allowing anything to break that fellowship.
In Romans Chapter 8, Paul asks if anything or anyone can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord? He answers that question with a resounding, 'No.'  We must agree with Him & allow nothing & no one the ability to separate us from fellowship with our Father. He desires that from us. It is absolutely vital that fellowship with Him is restored. It was lost in the Garden of Eden. 
Father (God) said that in order for it to be restored, the woman would bear children in hard labor & her Child (Jesus, the Messiah) would bruise the serpent’s head.
Are you 1 of her children? Are you 1 of the sons or daughter of Adam & Eve? Jesus taught us by word & example how to bruise Satan’s head & be restored in fellowship with our Father. 
If, as you are reading this, you realize that you have never (sufficiently) taken the 'good news' of Jesus’ birth, death & (especially His) resurrection (power) personally, now may be your time to begin exercising your (spiritual) senses unto life & not unto death. 
Please pray with me:
My Father in heaven, I come before You as You made me, recognizing the fact that I was born to die.
I now receive the faith to believe in You as a God Who has eyes that see, ears that hear, hands that can touch, a nose that smells & a taste that can tell the bitter from the sweet, & the good from the evil.
You are also a God, Who listens & wants to hear my voice.  From this day forth, with my will, I desire that (safe) fellowship to become a reality in my daily walk throughout the rest of my life. I ask You to come into my heart & life, freely giving to me that ability to communicate & fellowship with You.  I recognize that I have been dead in fellowship with You because of my sins.  I have hidden away as Adam & Eve hid themselves + have sought to provide my own covering for my sins, as they did with fig leaves.
Now I realize, that in doing this, I have never really known true (vibrant/healthy) fellowship & forgiveness. I believe you are the only One Who can save me with an eternal salvation when I call upon You. I believe You will restore me to fellowship with Your-self as my Creator-Father-Friend, & as the One Who promises He will never forsake me or leave me to myself again.  Thank You, Jesus, for coming to this earth & showing me how to be restored to our Father.
Thank You, Jesus, for paying the penalty that was required to cover my sins (& mistakes with) Your own precious Blood, spilled from the cross. (I now invite You) Holy Spirit to come into my heart now. Thank You.  (Thank You Jesus for helping me from this day forward) not take it (life/negatives/accusations/self-talk for which I have already been forgiven) personally anymore. Amen."

Gruver, Henry @
Remitting Sins
"After His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; & whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained. (John 20:23) -
What does it mean to remit sins?  What's the purpose of it? 
Look at a closely related issue: What does it mean 'to redeem the land',
to claim the land back for the Lord & bring it back to Him? By that I mean to be really possessing
(or repossessing) the land, not just co-existing in it with the forces of evil...When you remit, you:
relax, absolve, release, pardon, discontinue, acquit, surrender, leave off, moderate, mitigate, alleviate, desist, as in 'cease & desist.'  That should give you an inkling of the kind of power there is in remitting someone’s sins. 
Here is another synonym that is really powerful: soften.  Have you ever met a hard callused person?  
You can begin to soften those calluses by remitting that one’s sins. Here are some more synonyms: relent, excuse, overlook, exempt, forward, dispatch, transmit, convey, transfer, consign & deliver. 
Think about those words in relation to sin.  Clearly, there is power there. 
On the other hand, if you don’t remit (LOOSE) someone’s sins, what are you doing?
Consider these antonyms for the word remit: hold, withhold, keep, retain, reserve, tie up, persist, continue, exact, control, command, sway, dominate, avenge, take revenge, get the upper hand, impose a duty on, bind, enjoin, render obligatory, make responsible, repress, suppress, restrain, restrict, prohibit.
Antonyms & synonyms will help you to understand whether or not you are choosing the right mountain. 
 Are you getting the picture of those 2 mountains in front of you, the Synonym Mountain of Blessing & the Antonym Mountain of Cursing. Which mountain have you been climbing?  Which act have you been performing?
Have you been releasing others? Have you been sending them forward?
Have you been dispatching/transmitting & conveying/transferring & consigning/delivering them?
Then you have been remitting sins. 
If you have been making others responsible, placing them under obligation, repressing, restricting, restraining & prohibiting them, you have not been remitting their sins.  You have been retaining them.
At the risk of repeating myself, I will say it again. You can be either a blessing or a curse.
Choose the blessing and live.  Looking at the Greek Strong’s Dictionary for the word translated as 'remit' in the New Testament, we find that it means 'to cry, forgive, lay aside, or, forsake.' 
It comes from a root word meaning 'off, as in, 'Get it off from me.  Shake it loose.' 
According to Strong’s Concordance, this root word usually denotes separation & departure.
REDEEMING THE LAND - When we speak of redeeming the land, what are we talking about?
We are talking about reclaiming it for God.
We know there is a lot of territory in this world that needs 'separation & departure' from sin & the curse.
There are alot of things that need to be removed from our land, as well as many iniquitous yokes from the generations which came before us that need to be separated out from the land. 
Does that sound strange to you? Consider Leviticus 18:25 
The land is defiled.
Therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, & the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants...
When you are interceding in a situation like that (where a Christian is bound to a person having occult covenants). 
You wonder what you can do; continue to remit the person’s sins (like Job & rabbis/priests).
Even if it seems hopeless, remit, remit, remit.  Never despair of remitting. 
Paul expresses this kind of intercession perfectly in II Corinthians 2:10-11.
He is talking to the Corinthian church & expounding on need for agreement in intercession & forgiveness. 
He said, 'To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also. For if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; lest Satan should get an advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.'
WALKING AND REMITTING— AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST - Why remit a person’s sins? Matthew 26:28 -
For this is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
This teaching grew out of a cry of my heart, 'Oh, God, Your Word says to love your enemies, bless them that curse you & do good to them that despite fully use you. But, Lord, I don’t know how.
I have told them, ‘I love you.’ I have said, ‘I forgive you, however, Lord, I still didn’t like them.
It didn’t release me.  It didn’t set me free. I can’t really live it from my heart. Something is wrong, Lord.
I’m not reaching these people. They just laugh at me, or spit in my face, or stomp on my feet, push me back, & say, ‘Get out of my face, you religious freak.’  “Lord, I’m not reaching them. Their hearts are not being pricked.
I’m not getting right down to where they live. They are not feeling my sincerity. Something has to penetrate the hard shell of these individuals, or it is useless for me to be out here, trying to be a witness.  I want to see results.’  [The Lord directed Henry to always act out of a pure heart. 
The Lord gave Henry assignments based on His song and peace.  1 such assignment was as follows:]
As I mentioned, the Lord then said, 'I want you to get up on that (mountain) altar. I want you to say a few words for Me.'  'I’m always ready to do that, because I am an ambassador for Christ. Isn’t that what the scriptures say? Now then we are ambassadors for Christ: (II Corinthians 5:20). That means we are His representatives, His mouthpieces, & we are to deliver the message exactly as our Commander-in-chief gives it to us. We represent Him, & we speak by His authority.  As the wind was howling through the trees, I stood on that big stone altar & cried out, turning & facing the north, south, east & west.
The declaration took form as I opened my mouth & let it be known that from this time forth things would be different. Anyone entering this (occult dedicated) area intending to commit any (evil) act, deed or gesture to Lucifer, the god of this world, would come face to face with the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ & power Holy Spirit.  Their choices would be to either fall on their faces & repent for their hearts of wickedness, or, flee (in fear) from this place."
Gruver, Henry -

, Joan @ 9/8/2021 Physical &/or Emotional Trauma may be a root issue or trigger needing to be dealth with in order to remove pain.

, RT - The Mystery of Total Forgiveness Episode #3 @ or
R. T. Kendall Chapter #1
Forgiveness @

, Kat encourages us to, by an act of our will, LOOSE the offense (wound/trauma) from our SOUL as well as soul deposits or soul layers (such as from prior lovers). 
[Then BIND to self the Spirit/Soul (character/virtues/emotions/will/mind)/Body of Christ]
Kerr, Kat @ Elijah Streams: SPECIAL BROADCAST WITH KAT AND STEVE 8/12/2022

Hurt/harmed individual can ask Father God NOT to record (or maybe to erase) wrong/injury done to them by another, allowing God permission to begin/increase helpful holy spiritual assistance to that person./perpetrator.

McManus, Erwin - The Way of the Warrior - #1-4/22/2019
McManus, Erwin - #2–4/22/2019
As an emotionally troubled youth, Erwin spent a few years hospitalized with depression, anger, rage, condemnation, bitterness, OCD, blaming others, until he had an encounter with the Lord & began to practice forgiveness, to NOT dwell on the past but on the future. 
Un-forgiveness kept him a prisoner, rather than those he did resent/hate & (accidently or deliberately) hurt by. 
[Forgiveness is not a get out of jail free key or bail for others, but instead for us. 
Our thoughts & emotions are what imprison (self-sabotage) us.  Just what our spiritual enemy wants. 
When satan reminds/temps us with condemnation of self or others, (it is best to) immediately dismiss/veto.  Then place/plead the Blood of Jesus over the issue. 
(Next) In Jesus’ name, spiritually LOOSE all pain/hurt (both emotional & physical) from self/soul. 
In Jesus’ name, spiritually BIND to one’s soul the Soul (emotions/mind/thoughts/will-power) of God:
(hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly, as needed).

. Denise -  5/7/2021- AUDIO I Thought I Had Forgiven Enough! or Superior
If Steven upon his deathbed had NOT released Paul, Paul may have never written his books in the Bible.

Courage to Be Healed | Mark Rutland 2/3/2020 - excellent or - Excerpt
or - Mark is a pastor's counselor.
Editorial @
Video 9/8/2019 @
Quotes for leaders @
ReLauch your church @
Leader insights @

, Rabbi - Self-Deliverance the Reality - 8/2016 -
ministry/discovering-the-jewish-jesus/self-deliverance-the-reality-472688-full.html -
We each need to RELEASE those offenses/offenders; otherwise we hold open a door of unforgiveness, allowing self-sabotage/nightmares/illness (physical/ emotional).
Schneider, Rabbi Kirt A - #2 Self Deliverance: The Invisible Enemy - 6/28/2015
or -
2 short successive segments:  2nd segment includes pertinent DREAM of demons squatting in his new home, while he occupies an old home, due to his fear to face his evil enemy &/or root issue, easily routed, once we recognize, repent & reject thoughts perpetrated upon us, which we in past mistakenly accepted as our own ideas/beliefs which were not in alignment with God's thoughts/truths about circumstances, ourselves, others & Him.
Schneider, Rabbi Kirt A - #3 Self Deliverance: How Demons Enter - 7/15/2015
Schneider, Rabbi Kirt A - #4 Self Deliverance: Unforgiveness, Woundedness & Trauma 7/12/2015
Schneider, Rabbi Kirt A - #5 Self Deliverance: Occupying Space 7/19/2015
Schneider, Rabbi Kirt A - #6 Self Deliverance: Are Demons for Real 7/26/2015 @

, Lester @ -
"Get unforgiveness out of your system, or it will clog your arteries of compassion.
Unforgiveness will hinder militant love & circumvent victory. 

I have met people whose parents are dead, yet they still hate their parents.
That is like hating a tree after the fruit is gone. Hate is wrong to begin with.
Whether the person you are holding something against is living or dead, you have to get hate out of you.  Forgiveness is for your benefit.
Most of the time, holding unforgiveness against someone does not hurt that person.
However, it affects our mental, emotional, physical, & spiritual health.  Loose those people (from your judgment) & let them go.  Forgiveness involves forgetting. Forgive, forget, & get on with living for Jesus."

Yom Kippur annual Jewish day of repentance @

                                                                    Forgive God ?

Diddo, Laurie - The Hell Conspiracy 7/18/2019 -
Lurie a born-again Christian went to hell because of unforgiveness.


, Kim - 
4 Ways to Get Over the Walls That Hinder Your Progress By Kim Martinez

, John -
from 2/10/2014
"She had a grudge towards God. She had to forgive herself. She had to forgive her parents."

, Beth - Living Forgiving- Offenses That Devastate -12/15/2010  
Inability to Forgive God &/or Others
COMMENTARY: We need to forgive to cure both self & others. 
If we do NOT forgive, then we often relive, continually captive to the past & infecting both the present & future.

Jesus' forgiveness includes future sins

, Andrew - The War Is Over - -
Jesus forgiveness includes past, present, & future sins of past, present, & future generations. 
(All we need to do is avail ourselves of that forgiveness, the way one would receive a gift.)
Wommack, Andrew - The War Is Over - God does not unadopt us when we sin
(as long as we return to Him in remorse when we make a mistake).
Wommack, Andrew - 
Monday on Spirit, Soul, Body Discussion on salvation & unforgivable sin. @
Transcript content

                                                                        It Is Finished

, Gregory 9/30/2012 - Celebrating God’s Grace: It Is Finished! -
Gregory Dickow - Life ... Media Podcast Changers less

Dickow Video archives at

Smith, Michael W - Enforce the Enemy's Defeat! - - HouseOfHealingAZ -

, Andrew - - 12/6/2018 - Andrew believes that a conscience allows us to repent for sins not confessed, especially after being born-again.  Un-repented sins give Satan legal grounds to afflict us.  Sins NOT repented of between salvation & death are covered by the ONE time sacrifice of Christ, past/present/future. 
Yes, we can go to heaven, BUT certain areas of our lives will NOT be shielded from Demonic attack, until those sins are remitted/repented of/resisted.

                                                   Conviction is from the Holy Spirit.
                                                    After you have repented to God
                                        reject self-condemnation which is from the enemy.

                                                                Old Testament scripture

Genesis 4:6-7 Amplified
 - The Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry & why do you look sad & dejected? 
If you do well, will you not be accepted?  If you do not do well, sin crouches at your door. 
It's desire is for you.  You must master it
(anger, bitterness, depression, jealousy, hate, murder, revenge)."
Genesis 6:6-8 KJVer -
The Lord repented (changed His mind/regretted/was sorry) that He had made man on the earth; it grieved Him at His heart.  The Lord said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, beast, creeping things, & the fowl of the air, for it repents Me that I have made them." 
But (however/only) Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  
[Spiritual Insight: This generation who drown were Father God's own offspring/kids, who rebelled & failed to receive eternal life with Him in Heaven, causing Him their spiritual Dad to have a broken heart. 
In scripture, on the cross, Jesus' heart was pierced.]
Genesis 8:21 KJVer -
The Lord said in His heart, "I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. 
Neither will I again smite anymore everything living, as I have done. 
While the earth remains, seedtime & harvest, cold & heat, summer & winter, day & night shall not cease
Genesis 9:11 KJVer - "
I  will establish My covenant with you.  Neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood.  Neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth."  
God said, "This is the token of the covenant with I make between Me & you & every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations.  I do set My  (rain)bow in the cloud. 
It shall be a token of a covenant between Me & earth
(Spiritual insight: repentance is reversing direction/choices.  Even the Lord will do this. 
He will cancel/void/bind curses & release/loose blessings.)
Genesis 50:20
  You thought evil against me, but God meant it to (for) good.

Exodus 20:1 - God spoke all these words, saying:
Exodus 20:5 - I, the Lord your God, AM a jealous God, punishing (removing His protection from) the children for the sin of the fathers to the 3rd & 4th generation of those who hate Me,
Exodus 20:6 -
but showing love to a 1,000 generations of those who love Me & keep My commandments.  (Spiritual insight: curse/disease propensity is often generational/inherited due to unrepented/unforgiven sin where/when it is NOT nailed to Jesus' cross & voided/forgiven/covered with His blood.)
Exodus 32:14
-The Lord repented of (relented from) the disaster He had spoken of bringing upon His people (who had just repented/apologized).

Leviticus 16:6-10 NIV
- Aaron (the priest) is to offer the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself & his household.  Then he is to take 2 goats & present them before the Lord at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.  He is to cast lots for the 2 goats & present them before the Lord at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.  He is to cast lots for the 2 goats - 1 lot for the Lord & the other for the scapegoat. 
Aaron shall bring the got whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. 
The goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the desert as a scapegoat. 
Leviticus 16:15-16 NIV - He shall then slaughter the (2nd) goat for the sin offering for the people (congregation) & take its blood behind the curtain & do with it as he did with the bull's blood. 
He shall sprinkle it on the atonement cover & in front of it.  In this way, he will make atonement for the Most Holy Place because of the uncleanness & rebellion of the Israelites, whatever their sins have been.
Leviticus 16:20-22 NIV - When Aaron has finished making atonement for the Most Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting & the altar, he shall bring forward the live goat. 
He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat & confess over it all the wickedness
& rebellion of the Israelites, all their sins, & put them on the goat's head. 
He shall send the goat away into the desert in the care of a man appointed for the task. 
The goat will carry on itself all their sins
to a solitary place.  The man shall release it in the desert.
(Spiritual insight: This ritual was a forerunner of what Christ did for us on the cross.)
Leviticus 16:30 - For through this day (of Yom Kippur) He will (annually) atone for you,
to cleanse you.  From all your sins before Hashem (God) you will be cleansed.
Leviticus 26:39-40 TNAB - 39Those of you who survive in the lands of their enemies will waste away for their own & their fathers' guilt.  40Thus they will have to confess that they & their (fore) fathers were guilty of having rebelled (sinned/committed iniquity) against Me & of having defied Me.

Numbers 21:7 TNAB -
7The people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned
in complaining against the Lord & (against) you."  So Moses prayed for the people.
[Annual Jewish confession during Yom Kippur contains doctrine that if one utters his confession sincerely,
the avenging angel is not permitted to harm him, per Scherman, Rabbi Nosson Viduy 
(confession or teshuvah/repentance) ]

Deuteronomy 5:9 KJV - I the Lord your God am a jealous God punishing the children
for the sin of the fathers to the 3rd & 4th generation of those who hate Me,
but showing love to a 1,000 generations of those who love Me & keep My commandments
Deuteronomy 32:35 KJV    "To Me (the Lord) belongs vengeance & recompense."

Joshua 5:9 NKJV -
This day I (God) have rolled away the reproach of (the sins of) Egypt from you.

Nehemiah 9:1-2 KJV
- The children of Israel were assembled with fasting, with sack clothes & earth upon them.  The seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, stood & confessed their (own) sins & the iniquities of their fathers.  (Spiritual insight: curses can be stopped & reversed through repentance.)
Nehemiah 9:17b NIV -
You are a forgiving God, gracious & compassionate, slow to answer & abounding in love. 
Therefore you did not desert them.

ob 1:4-5a TNAB  -
4.His sons used to take turns giving feasts, sending invitations to their 3 sisters to eat & drink with them. 
5.When each feast had run its course, Job would send for them & sanctify them.
ob 1:5b NIT - 5.Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them (his children)thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned & cursed God in their hearts." 
This was Job's regular custom. (See 1st John 5:16-17)
Job 42:5-6 TNAB -
5.I (Job) had heard of You by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen You. 
6.Thefore, I disown what I have said, & repent in dust & ashes.
Job 42:7-8 NKJV - The Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "My wrath is aroused against you & your 2 friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.  Now therefore, take for yourselves 7 bulls & 7 rams, go to My servant Job, & offer up for yourselves a burnt offering. 
My servant Job shall pray for you
(the offender), for I will accept him (Job), lest I deal with you (3) according to your folly."   

Psalm 19:12-13 NIV - (God), "Forgive my hidden faults.  Also, keep your servant (me/David) from willful sins.  May they not rule over me.  Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgressions."
Psalm 32:1-2 KJV
- Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes not iniquity & in whose spirit there is no guile (deceit).
Psalm 32:5-6a NIV  5.I acknowledged my sin to You & did not cover up my iniquity. 
I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord."  You forgave the guilt of My sin. 
6a.Let everyone who is godly pray to You while You may be found.
Psalm 35:13 NKJV - As for me, when they (the offenders) were sick, my clothing was sackcloth. 
I humbled myself with fasting.  My prayer would return to my own heart.
I paced about as though he were my friend or brother. 
I bowed down heavily, as one who mourns for his mother.
Psalm 125:14 KJV  - The Lord will judge His people.
Psalm 133:1 KJVer - Behold, how good & how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Proverbs 16:7 NIV
When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

Isaiah 43:25 NIV -
"I, even I, am He Who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake & remembers your sins no more."
Isaiah 44:22 A Harkavy 
"I, have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions & as a cloud, thy sins: return to Me; for I have redeemed thee."(paid the bail)
Isaiah 58:9 NIV
   "You will call & the Lord will answer.  You will cry for help & He will say, 'Here am I,' 
If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger & malicious talk.'" 
(Spiritual insight: We need to relinquish to God the gossip/tattling/exposing/condemnation. 
It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict of sin & Satan's joy to condemn/harass/lie/finger point. 
Let us not align ourselves with evil.)
Isaiah 65:16-17 NASV    16The former troubles are forgotten...they are hid from My sight
17Behold, I create new heavens & a new earth...the former things shall NOT be remembered (by Me) or come to (My) mind
18Be glad & rejoice forever.  (Scriptural insight:
Oh tormented mind, in the name of Jesus, reject those thoughts that do not line up with God's Words in scripture.)

Ezekiel 25:15 KJV - The Philistines have dealt by revenge & have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart to destroy it for the old hatred. (An illustration of what happens due to unforgiveness.)
Ezekiel 33:16 NIV - None of the sins he has committed will be remembered against him.
Ezekiel 35:5 KJV - Thou has had a perpetual hatred & shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity.

Daniel 9:20 NIV
    While I was speaking & praying, confessing my sin & the sin of my people Israel & making my request to the Lord my God for His holy hill, while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the (angelic) man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the  evening sacrifice. 
(Spiritual insight: Here we have a spiritual example of confessing both personal/family & national sin/atrocities.)

Jonah 3:6, 9-10 TNAB
- When the news reach the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, laid aside his roe, covered himself with sackcloth & sat in ashes...
"Who knows, God may relent, forgive, & withhold His blazing wrath, so that we shall not perish." 
When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, He repented of the evil He had threatened to do them. 
He did not carry it out. (Spiritual insight: repentance needs to be evidenced by one's changing his behavior from evil/wrong/harmful/hurtful to good/correct/blessing.)
Jonah 3:10 KJV -
 God saw their (citizens & king of the city of Nineveh) works, that they turned from their evil way (repented).
God repented of (reversed) the evil (harm/punishment) that He had said He would do to them. 
He did not do it.
Jonah 4:1-4 NIV - 1.Jonah was greatly displeased & became angry
2.He prayed to the Lord, O Lord, is this not what I said when I was still at home? 
That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. 
I knew that You are a gracious & compassionate God, slow to anger & abounding in love, a God Who relents from sending calamity. 
3.Now, O Lord, take away my life;  for it is better for me to die than to live." 
4.The Lord replied, "Have you any right to be angry?" 
(Spiritual insight: Here we see self pity, anger of man against the mercy & forgiveness of God. 
We even see a spirit of suicide.)

Micah 7:19 NIV - You (God) will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. -
(Regarding those angelic Watchers who mated with humans & produced earthly giants.)

Enoch 13
 1 Enoch went & said: 'Azazel, thou shalt have no peace: a severe sentence has gone forth
2 against thee to put thee in bonds: Thou shalt not have toleration nor request granted to thee, because of the unrighteousness which thou hast taught, & because of all the works of godlessness,
3 unrighteousness & sin which thou hast shown to men.' Then I went & spoke to them all
4 together.  They were all afraid.  Fear & trembling seized them.
They besought me to draw up a petition for them that they might find forgiveness & to read their petition in the presence
5 of the Lord of heaven. For from thenceforward they could not speak (with Him) nor lift up their
6 eyes to heaven for shame of their sins for which they had been condemned.
Then I wrote out their petition & the prayer in regard to their spirits & their deeds individually & in regard to their
7 requests that they should have forgiveness & length. 
I went off & sat down at the waters and land of Dan, to the south west of Hermon: I read their petition till I fell
8 asleep. Behold a dream & visions fell down upon me.  I saw visions of chastisement. 
A voice came bidding (me) to tell it to the sons of heaven, & reprimand them.
9 When I awaked, I came unto them; they were all sitting gathered together, weeping in
10 'Abelsjail, which is between Lebanon & Seneser, with their faces covered. 
I recounted before them all the visions which I had seen in sleep.
I began to speak the words of righteousness & to reprimand the heavenly Watchers.
Enoch 14 
1 The book of the words of righteousness, & of the reprimand of the eternal Watchers in accordance
2 with the command of the Holy Great One in that vision.
I saw in my sleep what I will now say with a tongue of flesh & with the breath of my mouth:
which the Great One has given to men to
3 converse therewith & understand with the heart. As He has created and given to man the power of understanding the word of wisdom, so hath He created me also & given me the power of reprimanding
4 the Watchers, the children of heaven. I wrote out your petition.  In my vision it appeared that your petition will NOT be granted unto you throughout all the days of eternity.  Judgment
5 has been finally passed upon you: yea (your petition) will NOT be granted.
Henceforth you shall not ascend into heaven unto all eternity.  In bonds of the earth the decree
6 has gone forth to bind you for all the days of the world. & (that) previously you shall have seen the destruction of your beloved sons
& ye shall have no pleasure in them, but they shall fall before
7 you by the sword. Your petition on their behalf shall not be granted, nor yet on your own:
even though you weep & pray
& speak all the words contained in the writing which I have 8 written.
Jubilees 43:19 (per Genesis 50:20) The Lord sent me (Joseph your brother who you betrayed, abandoned, sold & lied about) to set things
in order that many people might live.


Matthew 5:7 KJVer
    Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 5:22-25 KJV   
I (Jesus) say to you, "Whoever is angry with his brother (relative or comrade) without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.  Whoever (in contempt) shall say to his brother, 'Raca (empty, senseless one, stupid or idiot),' shall be in danger of the (Sanhedrin) council. 
Whoever shall say, 'You fool,' shall be in danger of hell fire.
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar & there remember that your brother has anything against you; leave your gift there before the altar & go your way. 
1st be reconciled to your brother.  Then come & offer your gift. 
Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way (to court) with him, lest at any time the adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge deliver you to the officer, & you be cast into prison." 
(Spiritual insight: Our brother may have something against us FALSELY. 
Jesus forgave those who crucified Him.  They were in error. 
This spiritual example must be applied daily for us to stay in spiritual, mental & physical health. 
2nd, we may be or become guilty if we are a victim, for often the spirit of victimization attracts the spirit of victimizer.  This may happen due to inherited sin.  A molested child may become a molester, if the evil (spirit) is not recognized, refused, repented of on behalf of present & past generations, bound & cast under the feet of Jesus.  This is where communion serves us well.  Job repented daily on behalf of his children. 
This is a form of intercession, standing in the gap, through the power of Jesus Christ.)
Matthew 5:38-44 NIV - You have heard that it was said, "Eye for eye & tooth for tooth," but I (Jesus) tell you, "Do not resist an evil person.  If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 
If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 
If someone forces your to go 1 mile, go with him 2 miles.  Give to the one who asks you. 
Do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you
You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor & hate your enemy," but I tell you, "Love your enemies & pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven."
Matthew 6:12 KJV    Forgive us
our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:14-15 KJVer -
If you forgive
men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 
If you forgive not
men their trespass, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses
Matthew 7:1-5 KJVer -
1Judge not that you be not judged. 
With the judgment you judge, you shall be judged. 
With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. 
Why behold the mote in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam in your own eye? 
How will you say to your brother, "Let me pull the mote out of your eye, (when) a beam is in your own eye?" 5Hypocrite, 1st cast the beam out of your own eye. 
Then you shall see clearly to cast the mote out of your brother's eye.
Matthew 9:2,5-6 TNAB -
2When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Courage, child, your sins are forgiven."...
5"Which is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise up & walk'? 
6That you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" -
He then said to the paralytic, "Rise.  Pick up your stretcher & go home."
Matthew 12:43-45 NIV
 - (Jesus said,) "When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through & places seeking rest & does not find it.  Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.'  When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean & put in order.  Then it goes & takes with it 7 other spirits more wicked than itself, & they go in & live here.  The final condition of that man is worse than the 1st." 
Matthew 15:22 TPNT  - You must have mercy on me right now, Lord."
(TPNT footnote says that, "Asking for mercy was an idiom for asking for forgiveness. 
The people understood that sickness was caused by sin.")
Matthew 18:15-17 NIV - (Jesus said,) "If your brother sins against you, go & show him his fault, just between the 2 of you.  If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.  If he will not listen, take 1-2 others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of 2-3 witnesses. 
If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church
(spiritual congregation)
If he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector
Matthew 18:18-20 NIV - "I (Jesus) tell you the truth:  Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.  Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 
I tell you, that if 2 of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My father in heaven, for where 2-3 come together in My name, there am I with them
(Spiritual Discussion: Henry Wright contends this applies to loosing love & forgiveness. 
In this context it can also mean to bind the enemy of unforgiveness & place under the feet of Jesus.)
Matthew 18:21-35 NIV    Peter came to Jesus & asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother (relative) when he sins against me?  Up to 7 times?"  Jesus answered, "I tell you, not 7 times, but 77 times. 
The kingdom of heaven (God) is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his
servants (staff). 
As he began the settlement, a man who owed him 10,000 talents was brought to him.  Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he, his wife, his children & all that he had be sold to repay the debt. 
The servant fell on his knees before him.  'Be patient with me,' he begged '& I will pay back everything.' 
The servant's master took pity on him, canceled the debt & let him go. 
But when that servant went out, he found 1 of his fellow servants who owed him a 100 denarii. 
He grabbed him and began to choke him.  'Pay back what you owe me!',  he demanded. 
His fellow servant fell to his knees & begged him, 'Be patient with me & I will pay you back.' 
He refused.  Instead, he went off & had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 
When the other servants saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed, went, & told their master everything that had happened. Then the master called the servant in.  'You wicked servant,' he said.  '
cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to.  Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?'  In anger his master turned him over to the to the jailers to be tortured
(tormented), until he should pay back all he owed. 
This is how My heavenly Father (God) will treat each of you unless your
forgive your brother from your heart.
" (Otherwise the evil spirits of anger/hatred/ resentment/self-pity/bitterness will be allowed to torment you & terrify you with nightmares/ phobias/fears/anxiety: Spiritual Insight)
Matthew 22:39 KJV - Love your neighbor as yourself.

Mark 2:5- NIV
- When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." 
Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, "Why does this fellow talk like that? 
He's blaspheming.  Who can forgive sins but God alone?"  Immediately Jesus knew in His spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, & He said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? 
Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat & walk?' 
(I have said this) that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins..."
Mark 3:29-30 NIV - "I tell you the truth, all the sins & blasphemies of men will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.  He is guilty of an eternal sin." 
He (Jesus) said this because they were saying, "He has an evil spirit."  
Mark 4:12 TPNT - "At any time they would turn back, repent, & it would be forgiven them."    
Mark 4:24 TPNT
 - He was saying to them, "Beware of what you hear. 
In the measure with which you are measuring, it will be measured to you & it will be added to you.
Mark 11:24-25 KJV -
When you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought (anything) against any, that your Father, Who is heaven, may forgive you your trespasses.

Luke 6:27-38 KJV -
27"I say to you who hear, 'Love your enemies.  Do good to them who hate you. 
28Bless them that curse you. 
Pray for them who despitefully use you
. 29To him who smites you on the 1 cheek, offer also the other. 
He who takes away your cloak, forbid not to take your coat also. 
Give to every man who asks of you & of him who takes away your goods, ask him not again.  
As you would that men should do to you, do also to them likewise. 
If you love them who love you, what thanks do you have, for sinners also love those who love them.
If you do good to those who do good to you, what thanks do you have, for sinners also do the same. 
If you lend to those whom you hope to receive, what thanks have you, for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again? 
Lend to your enemies. Do good & lend, hoping for nothing.  Your reward shall be great.  You shall be the children of the Highest. 
He is kind to the unthankful to the evil; therefore, be merciful as your Father is merciful.  37.Judge not & you shall not be judged.  Condemn not & you shall not be condemned. 
Forgive & you shall be forgiven

Give & it shall be given to you.  Men shall give into your bosom good measure, pressed down, shaken together, & running over.  With the same measure that you mete out, it shall be measured to you again (in return).'"  (Spiritual insight: "Double for your trouble." or "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth", not as a punishment, but as a reward/restoration from God)
Luke 11:4 KJV "Forgive us our sins, as we also forgive every one that is indebted to us."
Luke 13:3 TPNT - Unless you would all repent you will likewise be destroyed.
Luke 13:5 TPNT - Unless you would all repent you will likewise be destroyed.
Luke 17:3 KJV - If your brother sins, rebuke him.  If he repents, forgive him.
Luke 17:4 TNAB -
"If he wrongs you 7 times in 1 day & returns to you 7 times saying, 'I am sorry,' you should forgive him."
(TNAB footnote: The 7th/7 is a proverbial Jewish expression for any large number.)
Luke 23:34 (KJV) -
Then said Jesus (dying on the cross of crucifization), "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

John 5:30 NIV
 - "I (Jesus) judge only as I hear (God the Father) & My judgment is just, for I seek not to please Myself, but Him Who sent Me."  (Spiritual insight: Jesus/God sees the heart. 
Likewise, we are NOT to judge or to condemn.  That is God's job.  A critical spirit is an evil spirit, a demon.)
John 8:15 NIV
 - "You judge by human standards.  I (Jesus) pass judgment on no one." 
(Spiritual insight: It is our sins, our trespasses against the law in scripture, + Satan that condemn us. 
The 1st brings us to repentance.  The 2nd brings false condemnation, especially to those who have repented.)
John 20:22-23
 - Jesus said..."Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive (pardon) anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.
(Let us be the generation that stops the family curses.  Let us be the generation that begins the family blessings. 
Let us be God's 1st miracle of healing of mental illness/depression/cancer/you-name-it in our generation. 
Let us operate as high priests with the rubbed on anointing oil of the Holy Spirit, as imparted to Jesus' disciples in the upper room.)
Acts 2:36-39 TPNT -
36Continually know that God also made Him Lord & Messiah, this Jesus Whom you crucified. 
37When they heard this they were pierced in their hearts.  They said to Peter & the rest of the apostles, "What must we do, men, brothers?"  38Peter said to them, "You must immediately repent, & each of you must immediately be baptized in the name of Jesus Messiah, for forgiveness of you sins & you will take the gift of the Holy Spirit. 
39For the promise is for you & for your children & for all those in far away places, whomever the Lord our God will call to Himself."
Acts 7:59-60  NIV -
While they were stoning him (to death), Stephen prayed, "Lord (God), do NOT charge them with this sin."
Acts 19:18-19 NIV -
Many of those who believed (what Jesus said) now came & openly confessed their evil deeds. 
A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together & burned them publicly.
Acts 26:15-8 KJVer - 15Who are You, Lord?  He said, "I am Jesus Whom you persecute. 
16 Rise & stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose...
17delivering you (Saul who God renamed Paul) from the people...
18to open their eyes & turn them from darkness to light & from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins & inheritance among them who are sanctified by faith in Me."   

Romans 2:1-3,5-6 NIV - 1At whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because (if) you who pass judgment do the same things. 
2We know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 
3When you, a mere man, pass judgment on them
& yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 
5You are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed. 
6God "will give to each person according to what he has done".  (See Psalm 62:12 + Proverbs 24:12)
Romans 4:7-8 Stern 7Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. 
8Blessed is the man whose sin Adonai will not reckon (remember/use/apply) against his (evil) account.
Romans 5:11 NIV - We also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by Whom we now have received atonement (reconciliation/forgiveness).
Romans 8:1 NIV - Therefore, there is now NO condemnation to them who are in Christ.

2nd Corinthians 2:10-11 NIV
  - If you forgive anyone, I (Paul) also forgive him. 
What I have forgiven (if there was anything to forgive) I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us; for we are not unaware of his schemes.
2nd Corinthians 5:19 - God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them.
(Spiritual reminder: Satan, not God, is the condemner/accuser/shamer.)

Galatians 6:1 NIV
- Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. 
But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

Ephesians 1:7 - In (Jesus) we have redemption (are ransomed/bought back/redeemed/freed) through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
Ephesians 4:26-27 KJVer 
Be angry & sin not.  Do not let the sun down down upon your wrath. 
Neither give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4:31-32 KJVer
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, malice, clamor & evil speaking be put away from you. 
Be tenderhearted, kind & forgiving to one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.

Colossians 3:13 NIV
 - Bear with each other & forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  
as the Lord forgave you.

Hebrews 9:22 NIV  - The law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood. 
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 
(Spiritual insight: Christ shed His blood to obtain our forgiveness.)
Hebrews 10:17 NIV -
Their sins and iniquities I will remember NO more.
Hebrews 10:30-31 KJV - "Vengeance belongs to Me.  I will recompense, says the Lord"...
The Lord shall judge His people.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebrews 12:14-15 NIV/Deuteronomy 29:18 - Make every effort to live in peace with all men & to be holy.  See to it that no one misses the grace of God & that no bitter root (bitterness) grows up to cause trouble & defile many.  (Spiritual insight: Defiled in the Greek is miaino meaning to be stained with demonic processes. 
Thus we give demons a legal right to aggravate when we do not forgive & instead allow bitterness to grow. Bromiley's Theological Dictionary of the New Testament)

James 2:13 NIV -
Mercy triumphs over judgment.
James 5:9 NIV
 - Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. 
The Judge is standing at the door.
James 5:12 NIV - Above all, my brothers, do not swear, not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. 
Let your "Yes" be yes and your "No" (be) no, or you will be condemned.
James 5:14-16
KJV    14Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church. 
Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil, in the name of the Lord. 
15The prayer of faith shall save the sick.  The Lord shall raise him up. 
If he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 
16Confess your faults to one another & pray for one another, that you may be healed. (Spiritual Insight: Confession is best/more safely/wisely done with those in ministry.  Confession to a mate or doctor may be advisable, but if they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or do not have needed God's gifts of discernment/knowledge/deliverance/healing/etc, they may be able to empathize/pray/comfort but not fix the problem.)

1st Peter 3:8
KJV - Be all of one mind, having compassion for one another.  Love as brethren. 
Be pitiful (compassionate).  Be courteous.

1st John 1:8-9 NIV - If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves.  The truth is not in us. 
If we confess our sins, He is faithful, just and will forgive us our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness. 
If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar. [Spiritual insight: Sin is not just something we do, but also something we have (disease/evil spirit/unforgiveness) or something we fail to do (love/forgive) 
This includes not only any issues we now have, but also issues we had growing up.]
1st John 3:10 NIV -
This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are. 
Anyone who does not who what is right is not a child of God, nor is anyone who does not love his brother.
1st John 3:14-15 NAB
Whoever does not love remains in (spiritual) death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer. 
You know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him. 
(Spiritual insight: Frank Hammond & may other deliverance ministers have actually encountered evil spirits of adultery, fornication, witchcraft, hatred, wrath, strife, envying, murder, drunkenness, for beginners.)
1st John 4:20-21 NIV - 20If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar;
for anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen. 
21He has given us this command, "Whoever loves God must also love his brother."
1st John 5:16-17 TPNT - 16If someone would see his brother committing a sin not to death, if he will ask, then He will give life to him, to those who do not sin to death. 
There is a sin to death. I am not saying that he should ask concerning that. 
17Every unrighteousness is sin, but there is sin not to death... Footnote:
Jesus identifies food as 1 example of a sin not unto death, Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:15 
[Spiritual insight: See Job 1:5b  The sin that is most often considered to be the sin unto eternal spiritual death is - one's refusal to believe on Jesus Christ as Messiah.  The Catholic church separates sin into venial (non deadly) & mortal (deadly) sins; however all other churches do not agree with these, 1 reason being that (according to scripture) all sin separates us from God.  Christ was temporarily separated from God when He took on/became sin on the cross, in order to exterminate the problems which Adam, Eve & Satan caused in the Garden of Eden. 
Rather than believing God, Adam & Eve believed the lies of Satan. 
Jesus restored our potential to now have the same relationship with God as Adam & Eve had.]

                                                                Repentance - for Others - 2/8/2016 - "Do not underestimate the power of repenting for your country.
Oh, how powerful this is. Like Moses, you stand between the righteous judgments of God & this corrupt generation. Yet I shall have pity and show mercy, time & time again. So, continue your prayers.
There are devices of wickedness & evil that you in your own imaginations would never think of. 
Terrible things, inflicting great pain & death. But because of your repentance and prayer I will intercept & destroy many of them, giving those left behind another chance to repent
In all things, My People, pray. Repent for the nations, listen for My instructions & obey.
Pray much that the horrors planned against the innocent will fail.
Pray for destruction of infrastructure that has arranged all these events to decimate mankind from the Earth.
These prayers I will answer. Yes, pray for your enemies & the unsaved.
Know that with the death of millions, Hell will expand and unprecedented volcanic activity will erupt in places never imagined. This will be part of the destruction of the underground cities. Even as Sodom & Gomorrah were reduced to sulfur, so shall these chambers be filled with deadly gasses & magma.
No one could foresee the effect the expansion of Hell has on what they called ‘secure’ bunkers & cities. 
Yes, pray, repent & pray more, especially for the innocent and last minute conversions.
Pray even that your enemies repent in their last moments, for those who call upon Me will be saved. 
I bless you now with courage, intercession & a heart after My own, even as Moses had.
Lift up your hearts to Me & call down mercy on the Earth
Proceed with caution.  Unfamiliar site.)
The Lord said, "I am sorry for the cruelty of those who hate you without reason, My love.
My heart aches with yours & indeed it is a good offering for their sanctification. Rather than allowing that to poison your heart, always react in charity, 'Father forgive them, they know not what they do

, Charles  Repentance -
id={AE093CAC-6031-49B2-8754-E908DB1ED9A2}&notoc=1 - In 1 of Stanley's 1/2010 TV broadcasts on How to Pray, he admonishes us to itemize (not generalize) each apology + to listen for God's response/whisper/impression in our hearts at end of prayer time.  
COMMENTARY: 1 author recommends that it is imperative, especially for a dad/parent to stand in the gap, as did Job & repent for his child needing help/healing/ deliverance, until such time the offspring is spiritually/emotionally mature enough to repent/pray/decree/believe/ act for himself.

                        Repenting - for Others

Numbers 17:11-13 Alexander Harkavy  11Moses said unto Aaron, "Take a censer, put fire therein from off the altar, put on incense, carry it quickly into the congregation, & make an atonement for them. 
For there is wrath gone out from the Lord; the plague is (has) begun." 
Aaron took (did) as Moses commanded & ran into the midst of the congregation; behold, the plague was (had) begun among the people.  He put on incense & made an atonement for the people. 
He stood between the dead & the living; & the plague was stayed (stopped).
Daniel 9:20 - I (Daniel) was speaking and praying, confessing my sin AND the sin of my people.

Job 1:4-5a TNAB -
4His sons used to take turns giving feasts, sending invitations to their 3 sisters to eat & drink with them. 
5When each feast had run its course, Job would send for them and sanctify them.
Job 1:5b NIT - 5Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them (his children) thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." 
This was Job's regular custom. (See 1st John 5:16-17)
Job 42:5-6 TNAB - 5I (Job) had heard of You by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen You. 
6Thefore, I disown what I have said, & repent in dust & ashes.
Job 42:7-8 NKJV - The Lord said to Eliphaz, the Temanite, "My wrath is aroused against you & your 2 friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has. 
Now therefore, take for yourselves 7 bulls & 7 rams, go to My servant Job & offer up for yourselves a burnt offering. 
My servant Job shall pray FOR you
(Eliphaz, Bildad & Zophar), for I will accept him (Job), lest I deal with you (3) according to your folly."  

                                                                           Absolution -
Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them.  Whose soever sines ye retain, they are retained.

, John L & Paula - Growing Pains - - chapter 8 Lasting Healing from Sexual Abuse -
section Pronounce absolution (assurance of forgiveness) to the one who was abused.  Having forgiven the victimizer, the victim now "may still retain feelings of guilt until that...has been addressed in prayer. 
So if the abused cannot let go of false guilt, even if he knows (intellectually, but not emotionally or experimentally) he is guilty, we (may need to) pray, 'On the basis of the Word of God, you are forgiven...
I (also) forgive you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (for feeding unforgiveness that will backfire on my physical, emotional & spiritual life), for not forgiving God, & for not forgiving myself.)

, Andrew 11/12/21 @ Salvation is based on one's BELIEF in Jesus as Messiah & NOT based on repentance of sins, although confession/apology is necessary as a lifestyle.

                                                                    Kinsman Redeemer

Leviticus 16:21 - "Aharon is to lay both his hands on the head of the live goat & confess over it all the transgressions, crimes & sins of the people of Isra’el; he is to put them (all transgressions, crimes & sins) on the head of the goat & then send it away into the desert with a man appointed for the purpose."
Leviticus 16:20-22 (in Context) Leviticus 16 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations

Ruth 4:5-10 7 In the past, this is what was done in Isra’el to validate all transactions involving redemption & exchange: a man took off his shoe & gave it to the other party; this was the form of attestation in Isra’el.

Rejection of Jesus Christ as One's Own Personal Messiah

, Ellen (7 day Adventist) - -
"Satan did not then exult as he had done. He had hoped that he could break up the (*known) plan of salvation.
But it was laid too deep. Now by Jesus' death, he knew that he must finally die, & his kingdom be taken away & given to Jesus. He held a council with his angels. He had prevailed nothing against the Son of God. 
Now they must increase their efforts, & with their cunning & power turn to Jesus' followers.
They must prevent all they could from receiving salvation purchased for them by Jesus.
By so doing Satan could still work against the government of God...Also it would be for his own interest to keep from Jesus all he could. For the sins of those who are redeemed by the blood of Christ, & overcome, at last will be rolled back upon the originator of sin, the Devil & he will have to bear their sins, while those who do not accept salvation through Jesus will bear their own sins. p. 61, Para. 1, [1SG].

1 Corinthians 2:8 (LEB) | In Context | Whole Chapter - 8 which none of the rulers (demonic &/or human) of this age knew. For if they had known it, they would NOT have crucified the Lord of glory.

                                                            Remitting the Sins of Others
                                                                   Repenting for Others

Gruver @
After His resurrection, Jesus told
His disciples, “Whosesoever’s sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; & whosesoever’s sins ye retain, they are retained.” (John 20:23)
What does it mean to remit sins? What’s the purpose of it? Also, I want to look at a closely related issue:
What does it mean “to redeem the land”—to claim the land back for the Lord & bring it back to Him?
I mean to be really possessing the land, not just co-existing in it with the forces of evil…When you remit, you: relax, absolve, release, pardon, discontinue, acquit, surrender, leave off, moderate, mitigate, alleviate, desist, as in “cease & desist.”  That should give you an inkling of the kind of power there is in remitting someone’s sins.  
Here is another synonym that is really powerful: soften.  Have you ever met a hard callused person?
You can begin to soften those calluses by remitting that one’s sins.  
Here are some more synonyms: relent, excuse, overlook, exempt, forward, dispatch, transmit, convey, transfer, consign, & deliver. 
Think about those words in relation to sin. Clearly, there is power there.  On the other hand, if you don’t remit someone’s sins, what are you doing? Consider these antonyms for the word remit: hold, withhold, keep, retain, reserve, tie up, persist, continue, exact, control, command, sway, dominate, avenge, take revenge, get the upper hand, impose a duty on, bind, enjoin, render 48 obligatory, make responsible, repress, suppress, restrain, restrict, prohibit.  Antonyms and synonyms will help you to understand whether or not you are choosing (with your will) the right (daily) mountain.  Are you getting the picture of those 2 mountains in front of you: the Synonym Mountain of Blessing, and the Antonym Mountain of Cursing. Which mountain have you been climbing?
Which act have you been performing? Have you been releasing others? Have you been sending them forward?  Have you been dispatching, transmitting, conveying, transferring, consigning & delivering them?
Then you have been remitting sins.  
If you have been making others responsible, placing them under obligation, repressing, restricting, restraining & prohibiting them, you have not been remitting their sins.
You have been retaining them.  At the risk of repeating myself, I will say it again. You can be (or facilitate) either a blessing or a curse.  Choose the blessing and live. Looking at the Greek Strong’s Dictionary for the word translated as “remit” in the New Testament, we find that it means “ to: cry, forgive, lay aside, or, forsake.”  
It comes from a root word meaning “off”, as in. “Get it off from me. 
Shake it loose.”  According to Strong’s Concordance, this root word “usually denotes separation & departure.
WHERE IS THE WORD, “REMITTING” IN THE WORD? - Let’s look at some more scripture. Mark 1:4—“John [the Baptist] did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the REMISSION OF SINS .” 
The life and ministry of John the Baptist shows us clearly that repentance & remission of sins are closely linked. That’s very important. Paul said it is by “the foolishness of preaching” that men are saved.
That doesn’t mean we preach foolishness, but it means that men get saved through the preaching of something that seems foolish: repentance for the remission of sins…
All those who need Him are also my: mother, brother, sister, son or daughter. 
Yes, it is a sacrifice for me to leave my home & family (if and when personally & specifically sent by the Lord).
But if I am dead, & my life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3), then I really left them way back when I gave my life to Him.  I just get to enjoy their fellowship when the Lord sends me back home.
In the 3rd Chapter of Romans…understand the declaring, or crying out, which we talked about earlier, in connection with the remitting of sin & redemption of the land. Verses 23-25; & 4:1-8 “For all have sinned & come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to DECLARE His righteousness for” what? “the REMISSION of (my/our/family/bloodline/ancestral) sins that are PAST, through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say, at this time His righteousness, that He might be just & the Justifier of him which believeth in Jesus…Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without work, saying, ‘Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin (nor transfer the curse/consequence to offspring/descendants).’”
We have the power to declare the remission of sins, through His righteousness. What sins? The sins that are past.
It does not say, “the recent past”, or, “last week”, or even, “all the sins one person committed in the past”. 
It says, “sins that are past"  That includes all the past sins in an individual’s life, in his father’s or his mother’s life, in his grandfather’s or grandmother’s life & in the life of any of his ancestors…
We have the power to declare remittance for the sins that are past, even those committed in the generations that came before us?”  Exactly…The Bible says concerning the remitting of sins:
The CRIES of INNOCENT BLOOD and the SINS of the PAST.  
This is 1 of the most vital truths of all when it comes to redeeming the land…
Many times I have entered into an area, begun to walk it & heard the cries of innocent blood coming from that land.
Countless times I have seen visions of the abominable acts that were committed there, which defiled that land…
I was walking along the Wye River in Great Britain.
As I came near the base of a cliff, I heard the cries of young teenage girls.
Even today, I could take you right to the place. I have 6 girls of my own. I know what 13-14 year-old girls sound like.  The cries I heard told me that they were about that age.63 I  began making my way through the dense undergrowth, praying in the Spirit, when a righteous indignation rose up in me.
“Whoever is hurting those girls are going to have to deal with me,” I thought. 
My ears were hearing cries of desperation, of young girls who were being brutally molested & violated. 
“Lord, give me the strength to knock heads.
I don’t care if there are 30 of them, or 100,” I prayed. “No one has the right to treat children like that.” 
As I continued making my way through the brush, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me.
He said, “Don’t take this personally.” 
“Lord,” I asked? “What are You talking about? Nobody has the right to do such a thing.
I couldn’t see what was at the base of the cliff. When I heard the cries, I honestly thought several girls were being molested right there, at that very moment. 
Breaking into a clearing at the base of the cliff, I found that the ground was packed solid, like the ground I had seen in the concave area above the Devil’s Pulpit. Nothing was growing there.
There was another big circle of stones, too, & charcoal from many fires. 
It was all I could do not to fall on my hands & knees & begin clawing at the ground with my bare hands, trying to dig down to find those screaming girls.  I thought they were under a thin layer of earth or something.
I was hearing their cries coming up through it.  At that point a vision from the Lord came before my eyes.
I saw Roman legions encamped in the area & soldiers going through the villages grabbing young girls, killing some & taking other captive. They brought them to the very spot where I stood & abused them.
Then they murdered & threw their bodies into the river. I saw lifeless bodies floating down the river.
The Lord said, “This happened back in the 3rd century.  Their innocent blood is still crying from the ground.”  “Lord,” I countered, “I don’t understand.  What am I to do?
What is my responsibility concerning this?
Why would You show me such a thing if there is nothing I can do about it
His reply was simple and to the point, “You remit those sins.”
My thoughts were the same as some of yours when you 1st heard this teaching. 
Lord. “I don’t have the power to remit sins that happened way back in the 3rd century.” 
His reply to me was, again, simple & to the point, “Open My Word,” I did…In Romans 3:24-26…there it was:
“To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past.” That was good enough for me. I was excited, “I’ll take it, Lord, I’ll take it.”  He then further explained to me that, “You will not redeem this land back unless you take this stronghold, because to this very day, molestations & seductions & orgies are taking place around these fires. The reason it is allowed to happen is because that innocent blood sealed a deed with the god of this world, giving him the right to take this place as 1 of his strongholds.
Take it back & I won’t let such things happen here anymore
You will free this ground &...the entire creation around here.
This ground will begin to come forth with life in it. No one will come in here to commit those kind of acts anymore
I did just as He commanded.  I walked over that ground, praying & remitting the sins of those Roman soldiers, as well as the sins of their descendants. I prayed for that generation, right on down to those who were alive that very day, who were still suffering under the grievous yoke that was the result of every sin & abuse their forefathers had committed on that land.

What do you do after you have remitted the sins that were committed in an AREA?  Then it is time to release the goodness of the Lord over the LAND & those who are currently living there.
Gruver, Henry -
_part_1-16_elaine_cook_bible_study.pdf - Henry says, “I think 1 of the greatest things in the breakdown of Christianity is taking things personally & getting upset.
We may have made a wrong move in traffic & someone reacts against us.
We should quickly ask for forgiveness for ourselves, remit their sins & NOT take it personally
If you don't, you retaliate in kind & declare your rights. Before God, we have NO rights to declare.
We are dead
, & our life is hid with Christ in God. 
The purpose for remitting sins is to restore fellowship back with the Father
It was lost in the Garden. We are to stop running & covering ourselves with fig leaves. Fig leaves are sticky & itchy.
Sin is a sticky, uncomfortable feeling, just like the feeling you get from wearing fig leaves. 
You can remit sins many times a day.
Anytime you see sin, you should remit it
(even in a total stranger).
John 20:23 says, “Whosoever (which means anyone) sins you remit.” The 1st Pentecostal Assembly of God MELCHISEDEC PRIESTHOOD, THE, Parts 1-16 [Elaine Cook] ~ BIBLE STUDY 3 pastor in Tokyo told him, “You are introducing a new doctrine. We don’t know anything about remitting sins.”
He invited him to talk about this on TV before 31 million people. 
The opposite side of the coin are sins “...retained, they are retained.”
Are you carrying someone else’s sins on your life? Your 1st response would be: “No way.
They’re responsible for their own sins.” If you see & retain those sins, they will affect your life.
An evidence of this is: If you should see some young people spraying graffiti on a wall, & you go down the road, muttering: “Those stupid young people.  What is the matter with them?
Oh, they’re just so rebellious these days.  They have no respect for other people’s property.”
Do you know what you just did? You murmured, complained about & retained that sin, which will have an effect on you. It leaves bitterness in your spirit. They did it, but it stuck in you & you need to repent of it. Instantly, you should pray, “Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I see them doing that. That is evil.  I remit the sin in the hearts of those young people that is causing them to do that.
I ask you to turn (reveal) Romans 2:4 to them so that Your goodness will lead them to repentance.
Release Mat. 9:38 upon them & send your Christian laborers to surround them & love them. If You want me to go back & witness to them, I will. Always be willing to be used of the Lord. Be aware of Mat. 26:28 which says, “For this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”
Part #3 -
Newsletter No. 188 – October 2002 -
Henry Gruver
insists that remitting sins is something you can do every day, many times a day.
When you see a sin being committed, remit that sin in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Even if you see a total stranger sin, you should remit it
“John 20:23 says, “Whosesoever sins ye remit.”
That means whoever you choose. “You remit”.  Jesus said you had freely received forgiveness. 
Now freely give it. (After being born-again) If you can’t forgive others, you can’t be forgiven.
Unforgiveness locks you up so that sins begin to accumulate
in your life (your soul & body)...
Luke 1:77-79.  “If the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, how did evil people get the land to build abortion clinics, houses of prostitution, street corners on which to sell drugs? How did evil obtain this foothold in the land?  Romans 3:25 says, “To declare His righteousness for the remission of sins.” 
Strong’s Concordance says of the word “sin”: “through sin, the devil takes ownership.” 
Are we saying that if sin is not covered, it allows the devil to take ownership?  Just start sinning & see how long it takes him to manifest his nature.  “If we can believe that for a human body, why can’t we believe it for a geographical land mass? We have been going across the earth redeeming back the land & creation.
We’ve been calling it back to the ownership of the Lord Jesus.
We began by remitting the sins that had been committed there that caused the ownership to be lost & given to the god of this world.
Is this something that should be preached around the world? Luke 24:47 answers that:
“That repentance & remission of sins should be preached among all nations.”
MELCHISEDEC PRIESTHOOD, THE, Parts 1-16 [Elaine Cook] ~ BIBLE STUDY 5 - “To what measure do we remit? Jesus read out of Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, & recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”  
 “What is most interesting is what He left out.  “The day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified.
” Isa. 61:3.
There is going to be a wonderful exchange here & we shall plant righteous trees. 
When you remit, you release. This is our job. He ever liveth to make intercession for us (the saints).
Who is making intercession for the sinners? The Body of Christ. That is our job.
So, remitting sins is the best entrance we can make into a person’s life. 
“There was a man who jumped out of an alley & put a knife to my throat saying, “Give me all your money.”  
I started remitting his sins
& he dropped the knife & asked me, “What are you doing?”
I saw all that murderous anger drain out of him.  He lost the spirit of murder & robbery.
I smiled & said, “I was praying for you.”  “He cried, ‘What? Don’t you know this is a real knife?
This is not a rubber knife. I was going to cut your throat after I got your money. 
I asked, ‘Why didn’t you?’”  “He answered, ‘I lost the desire.’ (“Remit” means to “release, relax, absolve, pardon, relinquish.  That’s what had happened to him. It really works!) “As I was telling this incident in Japan, I felt to address my words to a man whom I discovered later worked with the CIA & was a top martial arts trainer.
He had attained to the 10th degree in karate. When I told this story, his mouth dropped open & tears streamed down his face. He told me later that he thought he had the greatest form of defense possible, but now he had heard of a better way: the remitting of sins & wanted to learn this new way... All who are called unto the Melchisedec Priesthood shall surely learn this new way of setting mankind free
“What can cause us to LOOSE America faster than anything?
Lev. 17:13,14 tells us that the life of all flesh is in the blood.
This is made plain in Gen. 4:1-10 where Cain killed his brother Abel.
When the Father asked him about it, he answered, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
“God said, ‘The voice of your brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.’
I have been to many places where I have heard innocent blood cry out of the ground.
I have walked right up to the door of abortion clinics because I have heard the cry of the innocent blood that washed under the street there.
Their blood is crying out & we wonder why we have drive-by shootings & gang warfare on the top of the streets. The innocent blood is crying out & the covering of God is gone from our nation.
“We wonder why there are certain sections of the freeway where fights break out & people kill one another.
It could be that a sewer line carrying innocent blood is flowing under that street, or the freeway has been built on the site where battles, rapes & every kind of evil has been carried out. Even officers of the law are helpless to keep the peace in certain areas. The “high places” are still ruling.  Satan possesses (certain areas of their lives) them because the cause of the problems have never been  dealt with.  The evil dominions remain by blood shed & blood guiltiness.  “Some verifying verses are: Lev. 18:24,25; II Kings 17:8-11; Jer. 16:10-19; Ecc. 9:18; Isa.59:12. Lev. 25:23,24 is very revealing: “The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers & sojourners with Me. in all the land of your possess
ion ye shall grant a redemption for the land How do I do that?
I remit the sins of the shedding of innocent blood as many generations back as needs be."
Part #4 - Newsletter No. 189 – November 2002 -
The Spirit brought to my attention that Stephen, the martyr, cried out:
Lord, lay not this sin to their charge!” He was remitting their sins while they were murdering him
! .Did not Jesus do the same when on the cross He cried, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do Luke 23:34.
He also was remitting their sins while they were murdering Him
, a righteous Man & their Saviour.
Not only to those present did He speak those words, but to every man who ever lived.
Do you still have any doubts about remitting (forgiving) sins?
I hope not. Just try it & see both yourself & the one who has wronged you set free.

We can see the results here when we remit sins, but isn’t it too late to remit those sins that are past, that were committed in previous generations?”
This could be a question in your mind at this point. We’ll quote from Henry Gruver, the “prayer-walker.”
Leviticus 25:23, 24 says, ‘The land shall not be sold forever; for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers & sojourners with Me.  In all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.’ 
The land is the Lord’s, but you shall grant a redemption for the land.
How do you grant redemption where there has been the shedding of innocent blood?
I remit the sins of the shedding of that innocent blood as many generations back as needs be
Souza, Katie - CD set Stay Un-Offendable #2 (track 4) reminds us that many individuals who are in spiritual captivity need preliminary repentance of (their) sins on their behalf (We are to stand in the gap the same way Job did for his children.) taking advantage of the shed blood of Jesus on the cross:

Job 1:5 Once each series of banquest was over, Job would send for them (offspring) to come & be purified. 
At dawn on the following day, he would make a burnt offering for each of the.  'Perhaps,' Job would say, 'my sons have sinned and in their heart blasphemed,' so that is what Job used to do each time.  (Also, scripture indicates that often Jewish kings like David, used to repent for their citizens, as did Jewish rabbis for their congregations.)  In addition, we are to apply Holy Spirit dynamos resurrection light power to do laser surgery on their soul wounds resulting from the sins.  We are to do this on their behalf (at least once daily for 15-20 minutes) until Holy Spirit releases us.

, Katie - Monthly Soul Time editorial - Releasing the Light of Christ -
"Stop getting mad (& impatient) at your rebellious loved ones. 
They can't repent, because the enemy has taken their
will captive.  Start repenting FOR them
Next, pray for them, by releasing the (glory) light (anointing/virtue) you have in (side of) you towards them, to heal their (wounded) soul (spirit/mind/will

, Andrew - 10/18/2016 - The Believer's Authority - -
(Like Job) we can stand in the gap/gate to REMIT/prevent/remove others' past, present & sometimes future sin, or at least the typical curses/medical-symptoms/consequences, such as those dictated in Deuteronomy 28

Jesus died & rose again for the REMISSION of personal sin & defective inherited DNA. 
Nonetheless, those for whom we pray do need to cooperate with/receive/accept the Trinity to not personally invalidate/erase what Jesus did for them.  Thus we can invite/invoke/apply Jesus' blood covering & His DAILY GRACE but typically future grace is not storable, like the manna which Moses & his tribe could not store.

                                                                Repenting TO Others    
Scripture -
James 5:16 in the ASV makes a horrible change. The ASV reads, 'Confess therefore your sins one to another.'  
The KJB reads, 'Confess your faults one to another.' (Author insists)  We are never to confess our SINS to anyone except God alone.  (Author says regarding 1st Timothy 2:5). The ASV is catering to the Catholics who believe that they must confess their sins to a priest. Of course, this is sheer heresy. 
We are never to confess our sins to a minister or priest, who are saturated with sins themselves.
The Bible tells us to confess our FAULTS to one another, NOT sins. A fault may be coming to work cranky or perhaps lacking understanding when under pressure. We all have faults. Ephesians 4:30-32 commands us to be 'kind, tenderhearted & forgiving to one another.' We should be nice to people, but don't disclose anything which could come back to haunt you.  We should let people know that we have feet of clay, but never show anyone your feet. Only God needs to know our sins, not man."  (The ASV is now in the public domain.)

                                                          Repenting TO Others - Resources

, Ana Mendez - -
Ana contends we ARE to confess/share our unforgiven sins to a respected SAFE confidant who will hold

us accountable and stand in the gap with us before God. 

It is also OK to be publicly humiliated (eve falsely), as was Christ, for the purpose of becoming nothing,

that the Trinity might become all in and through us.

, Ana Mendez - Shaking the Heavens -

chapter 16 Weapons in the Place of the Forest - section A chink in My Armor -

Shares that a (venial) sin/mistake forgiven/repented of sometimes is more speedily remedied on earth than in


The repair in question pertains to our spiritual armor/defense/hedge which sometimes takes time to mend/restore

when we have allowed the enemy access/legal grounds from our relapses/carelessness/sin.

, Ruth - Wednesday, November 6, 2019 + Monday, November 11, 2019 -
Confess ONCE to the correct safe group.

Renner, Rick - Confess Your Faults One to Another - "If you experience a time of real need in your life when the devil is assaulting your mind and emotions, you might need to go to your spouse, a good friend, a brother or sister in the Lord, your pastor, or your parent & confess: 'I need someone to help me.
I’m being attacked in my mind. I need someone to speak to me & to tell me the truth'...
Find a friend in whom you can confide, one who will not repeat what you tell him or her.
Tell that person you have something you need to confess...
'Falling' may be an actual falling into sin, or it may be a tripping up in the way one thinks... This perfectly describes what had happened to me that time when my mind was being harassed with those distracting thoughts.
The devil was pounding away at my head.  I was starting to believe the lie.
As a result, it was affecting me...starting to produce failure in that part of my life. 
I had bumped into a mental lie that was about to knock me off my feet & cause me to make some very erroneous decisions in my life.  I think of others who were harassed in their minds & never confessed it to anyone.
Because they were not able to conquer those lies by themselves & yet were too proud to confess it to anyone else, these people eventually became enslaved by the lie & ended up doing some very regrettable things.
If only they had confessed their faults to a godly (safe) friend who loved them, they (perhaps) could have been liberated from the lie and the actions that followed.  When you blurt out those destructive lies to a trustworthy friend, your confession is often the very thing that throws that lying spirit off you. As long as you keep those lies secretly hidden away in your mind & soul, they will continue to have the power to hold you hostage.
But the day you expose them to the light of day, those lies will begin to lose their power over you
You may be afraid to confess what you’ve been experiencing because in the past, something you shared privately wasn’t held in confidence. That memory is Satan’s ploy to keep you all tied up. But you must forgive those who betrayed your confidence & go get the help you need right now. Get that lie out of the darkness.
Bring it into the light so it can dissipate & lose its power over your mind & emotions (being held captive/hostage).
Lord, I thank You for speaking to my heart today about confessing the things that are secretly bothering me.
It is no secret to You that I have been struggling with fear, insecurity & temptation. You know that I desperately need someone to stand with me in faith & to assure me that everything is going to be all right.
Help me to know exactly to whom I should go to discuss what is disturbing me, someone who will be faithful to hold what I say in confidence.
Once I confess this burden & get it off my heart, please let this be the very act that sets in motion the power to liberate me.
I confess that I have friends who are trustworthy & in whom I can confide when Satan is trying to pound my mind with his lies.  I do not fear that friends will laugh at me or repeat what I tell them.
They will stand with me, speak the truth to me, and help me step out of the darkness & into the light.
My confession will break Satan’s vice grip on my mind & bring wholeness & soundness of thinking to my soul.
(Also, we have a personal psychiatrist/counselor/coach/confidant God's Holy Spirit,
Who is available to us 24/7.  I now invite You Holy Spirit to begin: to mentor, heal, help, deliver me
& to meet me where I am at right now, in Jesus' name, power & love.  Thanks.  Amen.)

                                                                                                                Confess Sexual Sins to Mate ?

, Beth 11/18/2009 To Know and Be Known
Wednesdays with Beth archives
Life Today archives
Beth, says, "NO, NO, NO" to cathartically" fessing up" to one's partner of past sexual partners & exploits, as understood or perhaps misunderstood by many counselors & counselees. 
Most adults & especially youth are NOT spiritually &/or emotionally mature enough to competently handle others' or even their own secret sins.  Even if one has repented to both others and God, it does NOT mean they have forgiven oneself or taken/received God's forgiveness, & thus may continue to "feel guilty" & thus act/speak inappropriately or self-destruct/sabotage. 
The bottom line is that once our sins are confessed, they are under the blood & forgotten by Jesus. 
If one particular area is still full of spiritual or emotional puss, then perhaps that part of the soul is broken or fragmented & needs ministry.  See Ana Mendez ministry above regarding healing of a broken heart.

                                        Confess Sexual or other "dark" Sins to Children

, Rebecca - Let our Children Go - Chapter 9 The Power of Affirmation -
[NO, we do NOT (necessarily need to) share our "dark" past (forgiven) sins with our offspring.
They are under the blood of Jesus.  He has already forgotten them according to scripture. 
2nd, we may consider our children mature enough to handle such matters, but each child is different in maturity - spiritually, emotionally & developmentally.  Unless God Himself gives us the green light, it is best NOT to share such matters which may bite you later on if you do NOT pay attention to the Holy Spirit & His leadings. 
The old saying goes, "When in doubt, don't."]

                                                                Repenting to God

Al Chet -

, Benny - 8/30/2010 - or 9/2/2010 - Benny hit the floor leading the congregation in mass repentance.  Let us too participate in this cleansing & rededication.
Let us NOT be critical of Benny nor of other TV ministries.
Rather let us repent of our own obvious & hidden sins that keep gates closed to His greatness in our lives.

Peter Horrobin - Forgiveness - 2/21-25/2011 - Forgiveness, God's Master Key - RADIO

, Renny - Eternity Invading Time - Chapter 13 Breakthrough -
"You don't have to be in sin to repent. 
The renewal of the mind is affected by repentance.  So, if you aren't prepared to change, in essence, you are refusing the new thought pattern as it comes to your mind. 
The word repentance just doesn't mean to change; it means to turn around...
God says..."I've got more for you. Let Me invade your space & see another facet of Me."

Repentance -
Repentance involves understanding/becoming aware of things that offend God.   

Teshuvah, or Repentance - @
The Jewish Religion: A Companion, published by Oxford University Press - The usual word for sin, averah, is from the root avar, “to pass over,” hence “transgression,” overriding God’s will, The usual word for repentance is teshuvah, meaning “turning”– that is, from sin to GodRepentance is acceptable, the Rabbis teach, at any time, but the special time for repentance is the season from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, the Ten Days of Penitence. In all the rabbinic sources, repentance involves two things: remorse at having sinned & confession of the sin.
The numerous rabbinic statements regarding sin & repentance are scattered through the Talmudic literature & are not presented in any systematic form.
A useful summary is given by Maimonides (Teshuvah, ch. 1 & 2), although the very attempt at systemization departs, to some extent, from the openness and fluidity of rabbinic thought
(Rabbi) Maimonides writes:
“If a man transgresses, wittingly or unwit­tingly, any precept of the Torah, whether a positive precept or a negative, repents & turns away from his wrongdoing, he is obliged to confess his sins to God, blessed be He.
How does a man confess his sins? He says: ‘O God. I have sinned, I have committed iniquity.
I have transgressed before Thee by doing such­-&‑such. Behold now I am sorry for what I have done & am ashamed & (with Your help) shall never do it again.’ What constitutes true repentance? 
If the sinner has the opportunity of committing once again the sinful act & it is quite possible for him to repeat it & yet he refrains from so doing because he has repented:  For example, a man cohabited unlawfully with a woman & after a time found himself alone with her again; he still loves her & is still as healthy as ever. 
It takes place in the same province in he had previously sinned with her & yet he refrains from repeating the transgression (then) he is a true penitent...  
Repentance on Yom Kippur can only win pardon for offences against God such as eating forbidden food, illegal cohabitation etc., but there is no forgiveness for offences against one’s neighbor such as assault or injury or theft etc., until the wrong done is put right. Even after a man has paid the restitution due to the victim, he must beg his forgiveness. Even if all he did was to taunt his neighbor [i.e. & the question of restitution does not arise] he must appease him & beg his forgiveness.
If the victim does not wish to forgive him he should go to him in the company of 3 friends & beg him to grant his pardon. If their efforts were of no avail he should repeat the procedure with a 2nd & 3rd group, but if the victim still persists in his attitude he should be left alone.  The victim is then sinful in refusing his pardon

By (1920-2006) was a Masorti rabbi, the 1st leader of Masorti Judaism - (also known as Conservative Judaism) in the United Kingdom.
  The Response 2011 - Repenting as a nation - Rick Perry -  8/6/2011

                                                                    Erasing Mistakes

, Lisa - 12/30/2014 -
Excellent, especially for abused children, who need help forgiving parents.

, Anette - 185 God's 3rd Choice - Part 1 - 2019-12-02 -
Anette - 186 God's 3rd Choice - Part 2 - 2019-12-09 -

, Bobby -! -
"I am not talking about just a few sins or a handful of mistakes, but each & every betrayal, sin & offense is under the Blood of Christ; every sin & mistake is forgotten & erased. 
Beloved, it makes no difference how twisted & tangled your life has been or is right now: 
through the shed Blood of Christ at Calvary, God has made all forgiveness & grace abound toward you." 

, Ruthanne -
Taking-Stolen/dp/0830725636#reader_0830725636 - Taking Back What the Enemy Has Stolen -
"A book of hope for the brokenhearted parent, who has asked a thousand times, through a million condemning tears, 'What did I do wrong?'"  "Dormant seeds of Truth, though asleep as in winter, will 1 day break through the soil of deception & produce the fruit of Life (in Christ).  I believe in the power of prayer," says Dutch Sheets.  (God can unwind our mistakes.)  "Does the enemy especially target certain children? 
Often it appears so.  Ministers' children & those with a strong sense of God's call on their lives at an early age are particularly vulnerable...Alicia accepted Jesus as her savior when when was only 3 years old...but at 13 she began resisting things of the Lord & turned against me...the beginning of her prodigal journey...
In the quiet darkness he heard a still small voice speaking to his heart, 'I'll leave you alone when your mama leaves Me alone'...
I reminded ____ that when ____ says hurtful things to her, she mustn't take it personally and feel so wounded that she gives up.  'It's the enemy who motivates your daughter to say those things to hurt you, so you'll get discouraged and stop praying and resisting the enemy'...
How important it is for intercessors to encourage one another in the face of despair over praying for prodigals...Your prayers make a difference.  Yes.  It's always too soon to quit...
To declare the blood of Jesus over a person is a way of giving notice to the enemy that Jesus blood is a boundary he cannot permanently violate...based on Exodus 12:23. 
The blood of a lamb applied to the doorposts and lintels of the houses of God's people protected their 1st-born from the death angel who struck down and killed the firstborn in all the Egyptian households...
We must 1st agree with the Holy Spirit and His in harmony or without contention. 
When 2 of us pray in agreement with the Holy Spirit, we establish a '3-fold cord' that is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NKJV)."
Joan Hunter 2012 - TV transcript - radio here - Mistake Reversal - Here is awesome inspiration, mentoring and hope for our mistakes, which can be reversed by the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name
She would beat her sons and beat them, and beat them. She came in one day & she says, 'I just wish I had not beaten my boys. My life would be a whole lot better if I had just not beaten them'...
So I prayed with her. I said, 'God, I thank you for erasing the pain in her life & her sons' lives & her sons' memory.' So she says, 'I'm going to go ask them 1 more time to forgive me.'
She goes to them and they go, 'You didn't beat us, Mom. Yeah, you disciplined, but you didn't beat us.' (Previously) She had to seek counseling; her children were almost taken away from her because she beat them so bad...It was really bad.  They're like, ‘No, you spanked us, but you didn't beat us.’
Then she talked to her husband. ‘I'm so sorry I beat our boys.’  It's like, ‘You didn't beat them.’
He's the one who took her and made her go to counseling for fear that the boys would be taken.
He didn't remember any of it."  This gives us better insight into God's saying, "I will forgive their wickedness & will remember their sins (our mistakes) no more." Hebrews 8:12 NIV & Jeremiah 31:34 NIV Also see Micah 7:19  (Let us go before papa God, in Jesus' name to lay individually 1 at a time every "mistake" at His feet for Him to erase & cancel from memory, at least the emotional harm inflicted on others, as well as on His Son Jesus & on ourselves.  In His mercy even reverse the physical injury, when that is the case.  Then, in the future, after the Trinity has intervened, if
Satan the accuser returns with the same taunts, remind him to go away as he is a liar.)

, Liberty - recommended -
Chapter 9 of Shattering Your Stongholds - section Reversing Parental Mistakes - We can reduce/eliminate consequences (but sometimes the actural mistake.  In the Bible Joseph told his brothers that their sin was used by God for a blessing instead of a curse.) We can also loose from our soul: dysfunctional unholy issues/traumas/ injuries/pollution/contamination (&/or have our army host bind/remove the generational spiritual demons.)

                                                                            Restitution Scripture

, Kat - All Things Restored - @ nathan white - posted 2/15/2016 - The NOW Future is a "back to the future" phenomena, where we receive the future now.
There are angelic spiritual way-stations/hotels on earth for heavenly host operating on earth. 
There are 2 baptisms:  Holy Spirit & then Fire.

                                                                    Back to the Future

Joe Joe Dawson - Prophecy: The Lord Is Releasing Powerful Encounters to Re-Mark Many  4/23/2018
"I heard the Lord say the word 'remarkable,' but He broke up the word into 3 different parts, 'Re-mark-able'...
The Lord started at the end and said, 'I am able to re-mark people.' There are people who the Lord has marked, but somewhere along the way, something went wrong. I feel some people have disqualified themselves because of different failures or circumstances. But my friends, God is able to re-mark you. 
Even if you feel like you have lost your mark, you haven't. God is re-marking you. 
Many may feel as if the Lord is far away, but my friends, if God seems far away, He is not the One Who moved.
You may have pulled away from the Lord, but I feel so strongly that the Lord is re-marking you today."

-21The LORD continued, “There is a place near Me where you are to stand upon a rock (Jesus),

and when My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by.

Then I will take My hand away & you will see My back (past/history); but My face (present/future) must not be seen.”
                                                                More Forgiveness Books

, John & Carol - Grace & Forgiveness -
-ebook/dp/B004FV5C9Y#reader_B004FV5C9Y -
Excellent discussion on how judgments attract similar negative circumstances & bind/prevent/blind our mate from helping/protecting us.  "Judgments of dishonor give Satan a legal right to bring all kinds of (evil/nuisances/ problems) things against you."  "Lord, I forgive __________ who has hurt me & I tear up the IOU's. 
All of those injustices, I tear them up & lay them at the foot of the cross. 
I ask You Lord to forgive me for my sins of judging.  Lord I want to be free.  I receive my freedom now."2.20.2015
Chapter 3
Sample Prayer - -
“Lord, I recognize I have judged _________ for ___________ .
I have locked myself into that same behavior/attitude.  I choose to forgive him/her for hurting me.
I choose to release my right to hold this hurt against him/her, knowing it is up to You only to judge us all.
Please forgive me for the sinful ways I’ve reacted &...done the very same to others.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for judging ___________.   Now I see I am reaping the same pattern throughout my life.
I choose to forgive, & release my anger & bitterness to You, Lord.  Please remove it from my heart.
Forgive me also for my part in tempting _______________ to do the very thing I hated... 
Thank you for the transforming power of the cross. Amen."
Baker, Heidi - Compelled by Love - - Chapter 3 Blessed Are the Merciful 
"But, a very important part, she forgave herself & let the hatred & rage go.  So, she was able to receive the mercy of God & (thus) poured His mercy out...Forgiveness is often the starting point of freedom."
Baker, Heidi - The Hungry Always Get Fed - - Chapter 8 Christmas in Revival  12/3/2005 
"The Lord spoke to me that there were 10 women in the meeting who had severe back pain because of issues of unforgiveness.  As soon as they came forward & repented, Jesus healed all 10."

, Bill - Deliverance for Children - - Section Gate of Abuse notes that Christian parents need to impress upon/INSIST that their children FORGIVE immediately, lest a demonic/negative emotion/stronghold take root. (Obviously the child needs to understand that forgiveness is NOT permission for another to continue abuse!  The child also needs to know what steps he/she needs to take to defend oneself, as well as what steps the parents are taking to defend him/her)..."There are many parallels between literal wounds in our flesh & the spiritual wounds which may occur in our souls (minds).  When a wound is fresh, actual deliverance may not even be required," if one is quick to forgive.  "Not allowing 'the sun to go down upon his wrath,' he will not give 'Satan any place' within himself (Ephesians 4:27), thus preventing demonic entry" (or foothold or preventing a problem such as unforgiveness/shame/ anger/hate/fear to take root and grow).

Basham, Don - Deliver Us From Evil - - Don is deceased. 
Book is an intimate autobiography of Pastor Basham's walk with God as He reveals that some problems are caused by evil spirits.  This opened up the deliverance ministry to Don.  Well worth the reading. 
Deliverance power is available to us, but we need to claim & appropriate it, in the name of Jesus. 
When ministering we can ask the spirit/s to name itself. For instance, there is a spirit of adultery, choking, confusion, epilepsy, fear, fear of heart failure, fortune-telling, gambling, gluttony, insanity, laziness, lust, necromancy, nerves (nervousness), nicotine, palm reading, wantonness, violence, witchcraft, etc. 
Lack of forgiveness
may be the largest single contributor to demonic bondage. 
Be reminded, we are to speak to the spirit in the person and NOT to the person.  This is very important. 
Be sure that the patient/client is aware of this, so as not to take it personally.

Bell, Stephen - If You Forgive - booklet - - Euless, Texas, USA ministry   
Book concentrates on devastation & elimination of bitterness.

, John - The Bait of Satan - - John notes there are many forgiveness steps. 
A most important step is to ask God to forgive us, when we have been wronged
.  Why? 
Because anyone who holds onto yesterday's hurts is sinning against: God, the other person & self. 
A rehashing of past hurts brings not only emotional distress but also physical problems, because man is (a trinity) body, mind & spirit.  Unforgiveness is 1 of biggest illness causes in the world, including family & church. 
Wars are based on unforgiveness. 
Most all relationship separations are based on unforgiveness, including separation between me & God.
Chapter 11 Forgiveness You Don't Give - You Don't Get shares an unnamed testimony of a Pilipino pastor who had a near death experience, where he saw his born-again mother-in-law in hell.  The Lord explained to him that the mother-in-law had refused to forgive a relative, and thus she herself could not be forgiven. 
(Now this should scare us into running to the altar to repent!  Also see video Raised from the Dead, autobiography of Nigerian pastor Daniel Ekechukwu.  Daniel met a born-again-pastor in hell.
Matthew 7:21-23 NIV   
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.  Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, in Your name drive out demons & perform many miracles?' 
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you.  Away from Me, you evildoers.'

Bleasdell, Babsie with Libersat, Henry - Refresh Your Life in the Spirit - Catholic Servant publisher -
Caption - How the Holy Spirit Can Empower You Every Day
Chapter 8 Dangers the Holy Spirit Help Us Overcome  section Special Act of Sorrow from the Salesiman Missions  "Forgive me my sins, O Lord,  forgive me my sins; the sins of my youth, the sins of my age, the sins of my soul, the sins of my  body; my idle sins, my serious voluntary sins, the sins I know, the sins I have concealed so long & (the sins) which are now hidden from my memory... I know my sins have wounded Thy tender Heart, O my Savior. 
O my Savior, let me be freed from the bonds of evil through the most bitter passion of my Redeemer. 
O my Jesus, forget and forgive what I have been."  (Thank You, Lord.) Amen"

, Antoinette - One Day He Beckoned - publisher - Autobiography. 
In Chapter 3 Meeting and Re-meeting Jesus, Catholic author quotes Oscar Wilde, "When Christ says, 'Forgive your enemies,' it is not for the sake of the enemy, but for one's own sake that he says so & because love is more beautiful than hate.  In his own entreaty to the young man, 'Sell all that thou hast and  give to the poor.'  It is not of the state of the poor that he is thinking, but of the soul of the young man, the soul that wealth was marring."  Bosco learned that to look for & find Jesus in a hurtful person, is preceded by the need to first find Jesus in oneself.  She had reacted in rage/anger to being insulted.  Why had this happened?  What buttons had been pushed?  She discovered it was her self image that was needy. She had to forgive.  (One needs to recognize that one's spiritual worth is based only on the price Jesus paid on the Cross & not on what one does or is.) 
Bosco quotes Reinhold Niebuhur, "Forgiving love is a possibility only for those...who feel themselves in need of divine mercy, who live in a dimension deeper & higher than that of moral idealism, feel themselves as well as their fellow men convicted of sin by a holy God & know that the differences between the good man & the bad man are insignificant in His sight." 

, Cindy - Random Act (of violence) -

, Arthur - Surrender Your Key to Spiritual Success - -
Chapter 6 Pride - The Glory of Man - "Pride is God sees it."  
"If the blood of Christ were effective for man's pride, then all men would be saved, but the word of God declares, 'Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin [not the pride] of the world' John 1:29" KJV.  "Confiding to the pastor about an adulterous affair, for example, is no substitute for confessing to the wife...What is finally on my slate?  That depends on me. 'As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he' (Proverbs 23:7).  As long as I am in the probationary school of life, a past judgment can be erased by a present one...
I can say, 'This is me, but I am sorry.'"

, Arthur - Around the World in 88 Years -
Chapter 7 The Blackout   "1 sin He does NOT forgive is unforgiveness.  It is pointless to try to enter the presence of God, while holding hatred & bitterness in our hearts towards our brother or sister. 
He will not receive us.  We will receive nothing from Him because there is NO forgiveness for unforgiveness
Until you forgive, as Jesus said, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you. 
'But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.'  (Matthew 6:15
I had failed in this regard when a brother, who I despised, delivered the Word of God to me...
Make a distinction between the message and the messenger."
Chapter 10 Walking the Land  "A person doesn't  really understand or appreciate grace (forgiveness/mercy) until he ministers it" [to others (deserving or not)], for but by the grace of God there likewise go I.
(What if I had been born crippled or with Mongolism/mental retardation? 
What if I had been born in prison, concentration camp, or city dump? 
What if either I or my parents were mentally ill?  Each of us comes with a lot of inherited or acquired baggage, which we need to unload onto the cross of Jesus Christ.)
Chapter 13 These Foolish Things - Make "a sharp division between pride & sin, between cause & effect. 
For the failure (omission) & the sin (commission), the Blood of Jesus cleanses. 
But for the pride
(self-righteousness/root issue), which produces the sin, God resists
The ONLY answer is that I must humble myself under the mighty hand of God. 
Get rid of the spider (pride) & that will get rid of the web (sin)."

, Charles @ or
, a Thief of Life
view Chapter 1 - can preview other Capps Booklets Chapter #1
@ Z Library - Use 2nd tab from left to view booklet selection.

, Merlin - Secret Sins -

Cerullo, Morris - Forgiven -

Chapman, Gary  + Thomas, Jennifer   The 5 Languages of Apology - How to Experience Healing in All Your Relationships -  - Read this Amazon book -
5 often desired results from wounded person is that the other person:
1) express regret 2) accept responsibility 3)make restitution 4)genuinely repent 5) request forgiveness

Clark, Randy - There Is More - -
Chapter 8 Impartation to See shares the testimony of Lucas Sheridan who explains why the Holy Spirit could not at the time release His blessing to Annapolis, Brazil.  It was due to unforgiveness & broken relationships.
Copeland, Kenneth - John G Lake - Kenneth Copeland Ministries - -
Lake explains that in Leviticus 16, Jesus represents both goats.  Jesus took our sins upon Himself on the cross. 
He also was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert for a 3 day testing by the evil spirit, Satan. 
Each day represented 1 year of the ministry of Jesus.  There were 3 tests, 1 for His human spirit, 1 for His mind (soul) & 1 for His body.  Christ came to redeem not only our spirit, but also our mind & body.  Seeing His example, Lake admonishes us to not only seek salvation for eternal life in heaven, but also to seek salvation of our mind & of our bodies.  If we consecrate ourselves (body, mind & spirit) to God, Satan will have no legal right to harm us, & we will have every legal right for healing of body, mind & spirit.  As the Jews had to contend for Canaan/Israel (the land promised to them by God Himself) so we have to contend for our healings.  God our dad will back us, as long as we repent of all known sins & continue to fight for what we have been promised by what Jesus did on the cross - perfect health in spirit, mind & body.  Our current sin is focusing on sinfulness/repentance to the neglect of focusing on our empowerment/dominion.  We are repenting as the Old Testament people did up until the time of Christ, but are neglecting to assume our inheritance & kingship. 
For all practical purposes, Christ has died in vain.  We are saved but impotent Christians, unless we lay claim to Christ's resurrection power in both our bodies & minds.  Saving the spirit for heaven is of little earthly good. 
Holy Spirit wants to grow us up into clones of Jesus Christ.
In chapter 31 The Power of Divine Healing Lake contends that healing is the evidence of God's forgiveness
Lake continues on to announce that each forgiven believer in Jesus is a priest who can (without human ordination) heal + forgive/pronounce absolution and the remission of sins, in the name of Jesus. 
Some of those who took God up on His Word are the Moravians, Finney in America, Hudson Taylor in China, Evans Roberts in Wales, & Seymore in California, USA.

, Don - When Pigs Move In - - mentored by Frank Hammond -
Other books containing "some" of above information: Serpents in the Sanctuary & Turmoil in the Temple.
Chapter 10 The Power of the Tongue 
Dickerman prays, In Jesus name, "I forgive.  I repent of unforgiveness; I know it is sin. 
I put it under the blood of Jesus...All the works of the flesh.  I put it under the blood of Jesus & by doing so I break Satan's power & legal rights to my life.  I break the power of generational curses & deny permission of any demon spirit to my life.  I repent of & denounce any contract I made with Satan.
Since he is a liar, no contract is binding.  By the blood of Jesus I free myself from any pact with the devil. 
I renounce all unholy oaths, vows, pledges, & ceremonies.  I denounce & confess as sin all unholy soul ties, for Jesus is my Savior & Lord.  He is my deliverer & my healer. He broke the power of curse.
I choose to be free...Amen"
Chapter 12 More Personal Accounts 
Human forgiveness has to be like God's forgiveness, "not based upon them deserving it...
Read Matthew 18:23-25... Forgiveness is not saying what happened is OK...Jesus said...
'I love you anyway.'  When you forgive, you are not saying what happened is OK. 
It was painful then & it is painful now.  What you are saying is, 'I wish no harm for you. 
I want God to love you just like He loves me. 
If vengeance is in order, I release that to God, because He says in Romans12:19, 'Vengeance is mine; I will repay.'"
Chapter 17 What Exactly Is Scriptural Deliverance
"Unforgiveness is God-given permission for demons to torment" ANYONE, Christian or Gentile.
Chapter 18 The Deliverance Courtroom 
"Confessing the sin cancels the demons' rights to one's life, but it does not necessarily mean that the demon leaves.  They must be commanded to go, in the name of Jesus Christ.  They must be cast out." 
Jesus won the court case on the cross, but we His deputies need to enforce His legal victory, in Jesus Christ's name & Holy Spirit power.  God's holy angels then are empowered to accomplish what we speak in His name.
Forgiving the Unforgivable -

, Rolf - The Family Blessing - Creating a Spiritual Covering for Your Family's Future -
"'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do...' was the 1st thing Jesus said from the cross...
The very (Holy) Spirit that God wants to fill us with...can...(allow us to) know the power of forgiveness to set us & our offenders free from our past. 
Experiencing God's forgiveness liberates us to begin to bless our families instead of cursing them. 
It opens the door to speak honestly to them without shame or guilt, because Jesus bore our shame & guilt on the cross."

Hagin, Kenneth E - Learning to Forget  booklet at

Hamilton, Dan - Forgiveness - booklet -
Hammond, Frank D - Forgiving Others - booklet -
Subtitle: A Key to Healing and Deliverance - Blaming others does not fix/heal/resolve a problem. 
Holding a grudge can be called malice which can infect & permeate like yeast/fungus. 
Forgiveness eliminates the emotional burdens of resentment, bitterness, anger & jealousy
Prolonged bitterness can cause arthritis, migraines, indigestion, ulcers &/or colitis.
Never say, "He makes me sick,' or " I'm sick and tired of him."
We prevent God from forgiving us, when we refuse to forgive another. 
Unforgiveness turns us over to torment.
Unforgiveness blocks deliverance.
Unforgiveness stops our prayers from getting answered.
Unforgiveness binds us to the one we despise.
Unforgiveness imposes no conditions. (Trust is a separate issue!)
Forgiveness is a debt we owe to another, ourself & God.
Forgiveness is an act of the will (& NOT a feeling).
Hammond, Frank D & Ida Mae - Pigs in the Parlor - A Practical Guide to Deliverance book - Unconfessed or unrepented sin gives a demon a legal right to remain to oppress or indwell us in that area of demonization. 
Not only do Christians need to go to confession, but they also need to resist reentry. 
We do NOT say, "No darling, sweetheart, demon of anger, you cannot have a voice." 
Rather we do say, "In the name of Jesus Christ, anger does not belong in the temple of God, me. 
Get lost."  Direct your anger towards the enemy, not yourself/family/friends/etc.
Scripture: James 4:7-8 NIV -
Submit yourselves, then, to God. 
Resist the devil & (THEN) he will flee from you. 
Come near to God and He will come near to you. 
Wash your hands, you sinners, & purify your hearts, you
(Spiritual insight: The medical name for schizophrenia is double-mind.  If we listen to ourselves or God & then listen to Satan, we get confused.  It is imperative to know scripture & to meditate on it day & night, so as not  to allow the enemy to trick us into believing/doing things contrary to Father God and thus place our spirit & soul/mind in turmoil.)  Unforgiveness is the most common reason for not being able to be set free...
A specific area of unforgiveness & not being able to be delivered is that of not repenting for an abortion or not repenting for participating in/encouraging the abortion of another.
Hammond, Frank D - Overcoming Rejection - booklet -
Chapter 3 Reactions to Rejection shares that a "spirit of memory recall" is a companion spirit to bitterness, which keeps painful memories of past hurts alive by continually replaying old tapes.  Hammond explains that self-pity is self-affliction whereby one permits thoughts of unfairness to replay until one becomes miserable. 
It is sort of like a drunk drowning himself in alcohol.  Judgmental people tend to "project" their own faults into others, to the extent of blaming others wrongly for a sin/problem in themselves.
Hammond, Frank & Marzullo, Frank - The Tales of 2 Franks  booklet -
Authors share story of woman who needed to confess an abortion.  Having told demons in her room to leave in the name of Jesus, they did not obey, revealing that they had a legal right to stay. 
She confessed her abortion as a sin, repented, commanded (in the name of Jesus) the evil spirits (abortion, murder, child sacrifice, lust, fornication) to leave & not return + asked the Holy Spirit come in. 
Then she read aloud Psalm 18 in every room of her house.  The demons never came back.

Hampsch, Father John - Healing Your Family Tree -
Hampsch, Father John - The Healing Power of the Eucharist  (Los Angeles, California, USA)

, Zona - Avenge Me Of My Adversary -

Heflin, Ruth Ward - Revival Glory - - Chapter 7 Uniting for Revival -
"God spoke to me, 'It's not enough for you to forgive them.  I want your heart to be so changed that if they should stand before you, you could prophesy into their lives every great thing you want Me to do for" them.

, Robert D - Set Yourself Free - - This book is a pre-deliverance, deliverance, post-deliverance, and self-deliverance manual.  One major self-defense against relapse is to forgive. 
Forgive even those who do not come & ask for forgiveness. 
If need be, forgive that person daily, as long as/whenever hate/bitterness/hurt/ superiority/etc rises in your thoughts.  Heidler reminds us to recognize (asking the Holy Spirit to bring to our mind), repent of, confess, plus renounce each sin of which we are aware. 
(Do this at least yearly, plus before taking communion.  Scripture reminds us that many are sick, even unto death, as a consequence of receiving/taking holy communion improperly.)
Chapter 5 Strongholds of the Heart shares a testimony of a disgruntled wife who, upon repenting of her grumbles towards her mate, was immediately healed of her longstanding back pain.
Rehearsing and reliving the past hurts, harms us & not the offender.
Forgiveness does not need the offender to repent/confess/apologize.
Forgiveness does NOT require justifying or explaining the why of another's behavior.
Forgiveness does NOT require forgetting the offense or denying the hurt. 
(That often comes later with healing of memories.)
Forgiveness does NOT require telling the offender that you forgive him/her.
Forgiveness may require us to give up our right to hold another accountable for wrong they have done.
Forgiveness is our permission/choosing to release our victimizers into God's hands/justice/mercy.
For each one released to God, we declare them forgiven.  Finally we pray a blessing over each offender.
Forgiveness erases my right to think or speak negatively about the offender. 
Forgiveness closes all recognized past doors/offenses, cutting off Satan's entryway into our present.
(If the forgiven past offense, like a Jack in the box, tries to regain our attention, we must, in the name of Jesus, capture & place it under the blood/feet of Jesus.)

, Michael - To Heal the Heart - Live Life to the Fullest - -
Chapter 5 The Truth about Forgiveness shares that God sent Jesus to separate sin from us, to forgive us, not to forgive sin. (In fact, Hinson says to do the opposite of what many have been taught - to forgive the sin rather than the sinner.)  Hinson says to do the opposite, to forgive the sinner, not the sin/offense. 
Look closely at scripture to see that people rather than sins are forgiven
It is the sinner who is purified/forgiven.  It is the memory of sin that is forgotten by God (in that He will not hold us accountable) It is the power of sin to negatively influence us that is removed. 
We can repent of the sins of our ancestors to allow God to break a family curse. 
To summarize: 1st, a sin, thought or action, is rejected/confessed/ repented of. 
2nd, a curse is removed/broken.  3rd, a sinner, a person, is forgiven. An individual absolved of sin is free to enter the presence of God. To simplify.  Adam's & Eve's act of eating forbidden apple/fruit was disobedience/sin/evil/ naughty/rebellious/etc.  The individuals needed to be forgiven
Otherwise, they would never be able to be reconciled to God.  God forgave them, not their rebellion. 
Rebellion is always sin.  Sin is always sin.  Sin always causes death/ separation from God. 
separates the sin from the sinner, like weeds from the harvest.  Hinson also models for us the art of asking what personal incident happened at the time the disease/infirmity occurred. 
Often the answer is the root of the problem.  Hinson provides significant prayers at the end of the book; superior.  Contrary to most, Hinson contends that one does NOT have to forgive oneself for having/participating in an abortion, because accepting God's forgiveness is sufficient to accomplish all that needs to be done for oneself.  (However a problem arises when the individual does not accept God's forgiveness, or listens to Satan's accusations rather than to what God says in scripture. 
When we believe or listen to a lie, then we need to repent & ask the Holy Spirit to help us. 
Also, we need to allow others to love us + we need to reach out in love to others who are wounded.)

Horrobin, Peter - CD -  -
The Most Powerful Prayer on Earth - Pray the Prayer That Can Transform Your Life
Horrobin contends that anyone who refuses to forgive, but insists that God forgive him, is a hypocrite. 
If God forgives us, we MUST also forgive ourselves.  Jesus forgave all those who put Him on the cross. 
He is our example...mentor.  Forgiveness is NOT a feeling.   It is an act of the will. 
Forgiveness has nothing to do with whether or not a person deserves to be forgiven. 
It has all to do with suffering the spiritual consequences if we do NOT forgive. 
Forgiveness does NOT mean we need to  trust an untrustworthy person. 
Forgiveness may come in layers like an onion. 
We keep on forgiving each time we hurt when a memory surfaces, until at last we are pain free & the pus from the wound is gone.  Unforgiveness allows the past to haunt the present.  Now is the time to forgive.
Peter Horrobin - Forgiveness - excellent 2011 video 4/25-5/1 - radio here @ - transcript -
Forgiveness - God's Master Key
- book -

Horrobin, Peter - Ellel Ministries -
The Ellel Story 

, Al - The Sure Mercies of David - Placentia, California, USA - -
Chapter 4 8 Steps of Restoration to God & man are as follow -
1 - Acknowledge/own/accept/mourn one's sin.
2 - Repent/confess with expectation of restoration/reconciliation/restitution, especially to God.
    (We do NOT need man's forgiveness, although we DO need to ask for it.)
3 - Accept God's forgiveness acknowledging that Christ took away our spiritual consequences/separation from Him.
4 - Forgive self.  Allow Holy Spirit to remove self-condemnation/shame. 
     1st John 3:21   Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.
5/6 - Receive God's ongoing/renewed/restored unfettered liberty/anointing/empowerment into His ministry/ gifting/calling.
7 - Embrace God in worship.
8 - Extend same mercy to others that God extended to us. 
Reproduce/infect others with God's favor/forgiveness/mercy.

, Joan (daughter of Charles & Frances)  Healing the Whole Man  book

Book identifies problem, prayer to remove infirmity + prayer to remove block (which is often unforgiveness). recommended handbook
1/22-26/2007 LISTEN to Sid Roth radio broadcast Healing the Whole Man  book review by clicking onto archives at      
Hunter, Joan - Power to Heal - - Chapter 8 Can I Truly Forgive? 
Prayer: "Father, what _______ did to me was a sin, and it hurt me deeply.  I forgive this person. 
Separate this sin from _______ & put it on the cross. 
On the day of judgment, hold no accusations against _______ for these sins. 
Father, bless _______!" In Jesus name. Amen.

, Immaculee - Left to Tell -
Subtitle: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust
Chapter 11 Struggling to Forgive shares author's spiritual autobiography regarding trading hate for forgiveness.

, Tim - When Forgiveness Seems Impossible booklet Interpretation of
Luke 17:3 KJV
If your brother sins, rebuke him.  If he repents, forgive him.
Luke 17:4 TNAB    "If he wrongs you 7 times in one day and returns to you 7 times saying, 'I am sorry,' you should forgive him."  (TNAB footnote: The 7th/7 is a proverbial Jewish expression for any large number.)
"When facing forgiveness, think of it as the process of a lifetime."

Johnson, Bill - The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind - -
Chapter 1 Change Your Mind admonishes born-again Christians to repent enough to be forgiven AND enough to see/experience/operate in/demonstrate the kingdom of God on earth. 
When we pray for another we are to EXPECT miracles & to observe/ask the person to do something they could not do before the prayer. 
Born again Christians should not become like dead/smelly/putrid/foul/useless/powerless fish. 
The puffer fish is full of poison & swollen up like one who is self-sufficient. 
Let us professing Christians not poison all those who come into contact with Jesus Christ. 
Rather let Jesus Christ be a sweet fragrance to His people NOW, today. 
Allow Jesus living in our flesh be miraculous to those who encounter us.
Chapter 6 Guilt-Free & Forgiven 
"Jesus  got what I  deserved, so that I could get what He deserved...
When the enemy brings up a (forgiven) sin from your past, he is talking about something non-existent. 
It's completely legal for you to say, 'I didn't do that.  The person who did that is dead. 
This person has never done that.'  Either the blood of Jesus is completely effective, or it's not effective at all."

, David - Humble is the Way - -
Chapter 14 Humility and the Ministry 
"Someone has to take the lead, so don't wait for the other person to repent."

, Stephen E  Secrets of Time - published by God's Kingdom Ministries, Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Leviticus 25:54  
If he be not redeemed in these years (of servitude/indebtedness/obligation), then he shall go out
(be released/relieved of his debt) at the end of the Jubilee cycle (every 50 years).
Chapter 1 has a wonderful section on "jubilee" where we are instructed to remove bitterness & forgive God, for not delivering on His promises, thus allowing God to deliver in His time. 
We know the law of God & obey, but many of us do not know God experientially in may of these same legal areas. 
Job is used as an illustration of having a right/forgiving/humble attitude towards God before, during & after God's "temporary injustices".  Another illustration of Biblical forgiveness is that of Joseph forgiving his brothers. 
Genesis 50:19-20
(Brothers,) fear not; for am I in the place of  (to represent) God? 
As for you, ye (you) thought evil against me; but God meant it (my betrayal by you) unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive (from the great famine).
Jones contends (1) that God has a "left hand" (tough love of justice/parenting), (2) that we should not be so quick to blame the devil, (3) that some evil may be deliberately allowed  by God as a "temporary" injustice/hardship.  Such would be the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 
Sometimes evil can be God's permissive will, allowing Satan to have temporary/partial victory. 
This tricks the devil; let it not trick us. 
Remember, for each offense against Job, Satan had to have permission.  Satan also had perimeters. 
During the trial of Christ, Jesus reminded the authorities that God was in control & not them.
Father God, forgive us for blaming You for not providing what You promised in Your Word or for what we feel are legitimate needs.  Help us to trust You implicitly & humbly.  Please give us a right heart. 
Help us to hear & obey any instruction.  In the name of Your Son Jesus, we pray.  Amen
Appendix C says, "An Amen always settles a legal matter in the divine Court. 
It signifies that a person bears witness & is in agreement with the proceedings or with a statement..." 
In scripture "God's witnesses are in agreement...& say 'Amen' to it."

Mary & Sullivan, Kevin - The Prison Angel - Mother Antonia's Journey from Beverly Hills to a Life of Service in a Mexican Jail -
Authors who are foreign correspondents won 3003 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of Mexico's criminal justice system. 
Mother Antonia rejoices, "I knew that once I choose who I love and who I don't, I am no longer God's servant."  Much of her prison work entails the embracing of forgiveness - for oneself  others.

Kendall, R T - Once Saved, Always Saved -
British Kendall now ministering from Key Largo, Florida, USA says this is a new understanding.
Kendall, R T - Tales of Total Forgiveness -    
Kendall, R T -
Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall  Read chapter 1 here . -  Recommended.  Once we have received forgiveness from God and others & given forgiven God & others, we need to forgive ourselves.
That may be the key to set us free. (See Joyce Meyer TV broadcast web link below.)
Kendall, R T - Total Forgiveness Experience workbook  
6/4/5 convention CD or DVD on forgiveness -
Kendall, R T - The Torn in The Flesh -  
2nd Corinthians 12:7  says Paul had "a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment".

, Earthquake - Bound to Lose, Destined to Win - -
Chapter 14  Questions & Answers - "Offense causes us to hold a grudge, which makes us angry & bitter. 
Anger and bitterness lead to unforgiveness, which causes us to hold on to the belief that we have a right to feel the way we do because of how we were treated. 
We might spend our lives wanting to make the person pay for what they did to us...
Our health will be destroyed as we develop a multitude of physical & mental disorders...
Anything less than complete forgiveness is an open door to the enemy...
See them (offenders) as people who have allowed the enemy too much control in their lives, just as you are (now) doing when you live with bitterness & unforgiveness (which)...could keep us out of heaven." 
When we say, "I'm not going to forgive because I have a right to feel this way after what this person did to me," then you are committing rebellion which God calls the sin of witchcraft which will keep you out of heaven. 
In the final analysis, you have offended God & sabotaged your own eternal life, unless you immediately repent.  Ouch.  Jesus said, "If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do NOT forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."  Matthew 6:14-15

, Roberts - God's Generals - -
Chapter 9  Kathryn Kuhlman, the Woman Who Believed in Miracles -
Kathryn believed that self-centered persons often draw disease to themselves like a magnet. 
Self-pity, self-centeredness, self-hatred, self-indulgence or any other introspection/self sins cause self-condemnation/ judgment & an inability to apologize/repent/allow forgiveness
The only one who cannot be forgiven is the one who cannot say I am sorry (or who is unable to appropriate/receive/accept Jesus' forgiveness). This is a dangerous place to be.

Lozano, Neal - The Older Brother Returns - - We need to repent for any sinful response to any hurtful experience.  We are accountable to God for our responses to life.  [On the cross Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."  Unforgiveness is an open door to sin and disease. 
 A negative response to an offense is accepting a lie of Satan.  For instance, if our mate divorces us, we might say, "I'll never love again."  The real enemy is not our former mate, but rather, self-criticism, false-expectation, co-dependency, control, bitterness, resentment, rejection, unworthiness, hate or any other hurtful evil spirit. 
When  we personalize an attack of the devil, we accept the lies (self-talk) of the devil. 
We become the victim, not of our mate, but of the devil.] 
The devil has a legal right to accuse/blame/shame/molest/disqualify us as long as we continue to believe his lies.  We need to repent & place all wrong thinking under the blood of Jesus. 
Then we can tell the enemy of our thoughts to decease & desist, in the name of Jesus.
Lozano, Neal - Unbound -

, Francis - Deliverance from Evil Spirits -
Chapter 12 How the Demonized Person Prepares for Deliverance encourages the person seeking deliverance to confess his known sins, especially those contributing to the onset of his illness, aloud to God (perhaps/preferably in presence a mature Holy Spirit filled Christian).
James 5:15-16 - The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.
(Then) the Lord will raise him up.  If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 
Therefore confess your sins to each other; pray for each other, so that you may be healed.
MacNutt, Francis - The Prayer that Heals - Praying for Healing in the Family -
Jacksonville, Florida, USA - Forgiveness -
"When we asked Teresa to forgive her mother, which she did, her leg started straightening & growing once more."

, Richard L. - Raised from the Dead - -
Chapter 5 Running out of the Wheelchair 
"The Lord showed me a picture of some people toward whom I had hatred in my heart...
I said, 'Lord, what are You showing me?' 
The Lord said, 'Call them and tell them that you love them and forgive them & that you want them to forgive you.  You want to be healed, but I want you to forgive first'...
I said, 'Lord...You know how badly they hurt me."  The Lord said, 'Do you want to walk again?'"

, Guillermo - Forgiveness + Dangers of Unforgiveness

, Art - Biblical Foundations of Freedom -
Radio broadcast 9/21-25/2009 #1662 - Broadcast
explains how one needs not only to forgive an individual, but also each specific incident that brings pain to one’s memory & in doing so can cure cancer, blindness, deafness, mental illness, etc.  Book/broadcast also highlights/spotlights Satan's lies in our minds & how his thoughts (which we buy into) act/attempt to destroy us.
Matthias, Art - Testimony -
Matthew McCall Testimony - Richland, Washington - 8/2005
Quicktime video - Testimony regarding forgiveness & rejection of fetus.
Chapter summaries found at as follows
Chapter 5 Principality of Bitterness - October 31, 2010 -
Biblical Foundations of Freedom Program & Study Guide from 
Chapter 7 - Forgiveness - class by Hooks, Dorothy E -
Lecture for Week of Apr 25th to May 1st
Chapter 10 - Principality of Fear - class by Hooks, Dorothy E -
Lecture for Week of May 16th - May 22nd -
Chapter 13 - The Armor of God - class by Hooks, Dorothy E - June 12th - -
Chapter 14 - The Power and Authority in Christ - class by Hooks, Dorothy E -
Lecture for Week of June 13th - June 19th -
Help should not necessarily be carrying, which is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. - recovery4abusedwoman

, Briege with Libersat, Henry - Miracles Do Happen - -
Chapter 2 The Lord Lives in a Battered Tent 
"Peter forgave himself.  If he hadn't, he couldn't have taken on the task the Lord gave him...
The difference between Peter & Judas was Peter's ability to say, 'Well, I sinned and denied my Master, but He has forgiven me.'  Judas couldn't forgive himself & couldn't accept God's forgiveness. 
We must not allow guilt to beat us to the ground...into discouragement or depression."

Wendell E. Miller - - "Will you, or that loved one, become a spiritual, emotional, or behavioral slave to the 'enemy' who has offended you? Will that 'enemy' be able to 'cut the telephone line' between you and God, or between your loved 1 & God?  Will you, or your loved one, drop out of church for years? 
Bitterness is a cancer that erodes spiritual vitality.
The lack of a willingness to forgive or improper applications of `forgiveness' are the cause." case study

Moore, Keith - Freedom from Condemnation - - free

, Don - Breaking Generational Curses - -
Chapter 6 No More Sour Grapes! expounds on the ability of generational blessings being able to flow down to our descendants only as we are able to forgive our ancestors PLUS repent for those inherited flaws in us which we do not want passed down.  Understand "that within you is the (inherited spiritual/mental/physical) wealth of the generations."  The invisible spiritual blood of Jesus filters out the bad & into our lives the good, the same way our human blood behaves.

Olsteen, Dodi - "Forgiveness is setting the prisoner free and then realizing the prisoner is me."
Dodi Olsteen was healed of the last stages of Liver Cancer years ago. 
Testimony is for those too sick to read. - Listen at

, Dr Ian - Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? - http://www.infibeam
2009 professional continuing education - -
Dr Osborn delves into Christianity's continually changing guidelines to accountability to God, & thus continually affecting tender conscience, self-condemnation & church-condemnation of parishioners, resulting in many tormented individuals, even to the extent of one's quandary over his own salvation.

, Dr. Russ - Forgiveness Is Healing -
Director, Acorn Christian Foundation, Bordon Hants, UK GU35 0AP Conferences -
Parker, Dr. Russ - Healing Dreams + Free to Fail
Parker, Dr. Russ - Healing Wounded History - Book focuses on 'representational confession' & shows how it makes reconciliation & renewal possible for families, churches, communities, tribes & nations

Paton, Alan - Cry the Beloved Country - S. African author shares a hard African law that when a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.

, Mary Jo - Big Angels & Flaming Wild Horses -
Chapter 14 Bedtime Stories shares that Jesus' apostle "Paul did not even know how many Christians (Messianic Jews & gentiles) got killed because of him, until he met them in heaven.  He told them he was sorry for that."

, Benny - Upside Down - - -
Chapter13 The Power of Letting Go  - "Forgiveness allows you to continue to move in God's realm...
Our sin matters to God & it hurts Him...Unforgiveness kills your faith & leads to torment...
Unforgiveness will torment you until you forgive...Your bitterness & anger torment you...
God is not going to torment you, but you have opened yourself to torment because of unforgiveness...
If you have bitterness & unforgiveness in your heart & you ask God to forgive you, He does not even hear you (unless we 1st forgive our brother his trespass per Matthew 18:35)... Forgiveness is not a feeling. 
It is a choice."

, Chuck D & Sytsema, Rebecca Wagner - -
Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness
Chapter 8 Ten Steps to Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness shares that one will benefit from repenting for any sins committed in one's home or vacation spot.  Not your own sins but the sins of former occupants.  Demons can be territorial & have legal permission to stay until evicted, in the name of Jesus.  One can pray that the Lord will heal any past trauma which occurred in your home & resulted in the residency of demonic forces. 
One can pray that the Lord will heal any present trauma which occurred in your home or due to the residency of demonic forces.  For instance, a family member may have demonically induced nightmares resulting from trauma of former occupants (abuse/murder/etc). 
That does not mean that a home is haunted.  Rather it means an evil spirit has permission to occupy until it is discovered, bound, and placed under the blood/feet of Jesus. 
After the evil spirit is gone, one can ask the Lord to restore to you/your family whatever blessings were stolen by the enemy through demonic forces that occupied in your residence. 
Chuck Pierce - Time to Defeat the Devil -
index.php/sample-chapters?start=8 - Sample chapter
here -
Chapter 6 The Blood Key - "At exactly 3:00 in the afternoon, the high priest...cut the throat of the sacrificial lamb & declared, 'It is finished.'  At 3:00...the Passover lamb was killed,
esus cried with a loud voice, 'It is finished,' & gave up His spirit. 
In Greek, 'It is finished' is tetelistai...'the debt has
been paid in full'.

Podesta, Connie - Life Would Be Easy, If It Weren't for Difficult People -

, Derek - Blessing or Curse - You Can Choose - Freedom from Pressures You Thought You Had to Live With - - Chapter 14 Soulish Talk shares the consequences of gossip/negative talk towards a peer/clergy.  Prince was struck with an invisible blow to the lower abdomen area. 
Then he saw in his mind 2 associates 6,000 miles away condemning/criticizing him for a course of action he had taken.  In order to eliminate the pain, Prince had to (1) forgive, (2) in the name of Jesus, bind the satanic forces working against him & (3) in the name of Jesus, loose himself from the effect of the negative words, all according to Matthew 18:18.
Prince, Derek - Derek Prince on Experiencing God's Power - (includes 9 books) - 
1 - The Holy Spirit and You
2 - God's Medicine Bottle - Speaking Scripture aloud with each meal is medicine to mind, body & spirit.
3 - God's Remedy for Rejection -
"Recognize the nature of your problem & call it by its right name: rejection."  Forgive.  "Decide "to get rid of the bad fruit that rejection has produced...bitterness, resentment, hatred & rebellion...are poison...
Receive & believe what God('s son Jesus) has already done for you. 
[God] has made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:6 NKJV."
Chapter 6 How to Apply the Remedy - "Jesus prayed...'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing' (Luke 23:34)...Why do I need to forgive...Whether he is dead or alive is NOT important. 
It is for your sake that you are forgiving, not for the other person...
The failure to forgive is one of the most common barriers to God's blessing...
Forgiveness is NOT an emotion; it is a decision
"Accept yourself.  Sometimes this is the hardest step of all.  I tell Christians, 'Never belittle yourself. 
Never criticize yourself.  You did not make yourself.  God made you'...
You can no longer evaluate yourself on the basis of the way you lived before...
As you repeatedly  declare who you are in Christ according to God's Word, you will begin to override the old negative self-talk & learn to accept yourself."
"It is time now for you to claim your release & pray a prayer that will set the seal...
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God & the only way to God. 
You died on the cross for my sins & You rose again from the dead.  
I repent
of all my sins, & I forgive every other person as I would have God forgive me. 
I forgive
all those who have rejected me, hurt me & failed to show me love, Lord.
I trust You to forgive me. 
I believe, Lord, that You do accept me...
Now Lord, I proclaim my release from any dark, evil spirit that has taken advantage of the wounds in my life. 
I release
my spirit to rejoice in You.  In Your precious name, Amen....(Ignore any and all negative feelings/
manifestations that the enemy may exhibit.
) Thanking God (out loud) sets the seal on your release."
4 - The Marriage Covenant
5 - God's Plan for Your Money
6 - Does Your Tongue Need Healing?  God creates with His mouth.  We are His mouthpiece.
7 - How to Fast Successfully
8 - Shaping History through Prayer & Fasting
9 - Spiritual Warfare
Prince, Derek - Rules of Engagement -
Chapter 18 Principles of Spiritual Protection warns us to never refuse to forgive another & never refuse to submit to spiritual authority, lest we make ourselves vulnerable to evil angles. 
This provides us spiritual protection/covering.
Prince, Derek - War in Heaven -
Chapter 12 By the Blood of the Lamb contends that no total deliverance can occur
as long as there is any unforgiveness in our heart.

, Sandra K - Peace by Piece - Google autobiography of Peter Loth - 
In 1988, my wife and I were attending a Charismatic Catholic Church in Miami, Florida.
We loved what we felt at that church.  The church held a retreat for men called The Emmaus Retreat.
It was a powerful weekend of ministry & contemplation.
During a quiet time while I was praying outside in the rose garden there, I saw the face of Jesus before me.  When I looked into His eyes, He took me on a journey to my (horrific) childhood...
I started feeling the stirrings of God that I was to go back to Poland to face it all.
Again, God in His gentle ways gave a confirmation. 
A man came to me & said that the Lord was going to use me in a great way.
He said that God had showed him that I was to go back to Poland to be healed.
Without this healing, I would not be able to minister to others
He then furnished the tickets for our trip to Poland.  In Poland, we went to Stutthof Concentration Camp.
My heart was filled with pain. As we walked to the gas chamber, the ovens, I could feel the pain of the thousands of people who had walked there so long ago.
In the barracks were pictures of the Nazi officers who had worked the Camp.
I heard the audible voice of God, 'Piotrusu. Piotrusu. Piotrusu.  You have to do something for Me.
Go down on your knees in front of each picture & forgive them
.' I said, 'I can’t do it.'
The Voice said, 'You have to forgive them - before I can forgive you.' As I fell to my knees & forgave each one, I felt so different. I felt as if all of the things I had suffered in my life had been for a purpose: to give God the glory.  I had a joy that I had never felt before, a freedom in my spirit. I have been given a revelation that we must learn from this recent past. It is a foreshadowing of what will come in the future. We must restore His Commandments, especially the 1st 2 Commandments, if we are to be able to survive. If we surrender our lives to Him, trust His provision & worship His Holy Name, He will weave the pieces of our lives together, as horrible & painful as they appear to be, into a beautiful picture revealing His mercy, forgiveness & unconditional love."

Renner, Denese booklet @
excerpt @
If we do not forgive in like manner that we have been forgiven by the Trinity, then we may be handed over to spiritual tormenters until we relalign with God. Matthew+18%3A31-35&version=KJV

, Oral - When You See the Invisible, You Can Do the Impossible -
Chapter 7 How I Discovered God Is a Healing God notes that forgiveness is an integral part of physical & emotional healing, so much so that salvation & healing can be synonyms.
Matthew 9:2 TNAB -
2When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, "Courage, child, your sins are forgiven."...
Matthew 9:5-6 TNAB     5"Which is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise up & walk'?  
6That you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins". 
He then said to the paralytic, "Rise. Pick up your stretcher and go home."

, Dan -

, Steve - The End of the Spear - book/movie/CD - - Steve forgave the man who killed his missionary father, eventually resulting in the whole tribe coming to Christ (& later with the assistance of another family member).

, John Loren and Mark - Elijah House Ministries, Spokane Valley, Washington state, USA -
Deliverance & Inner Healing
- 2.12 Demonic Specialists - There are both sins of omission as well as commission - by oneself, as well as by others (ancestors, immediate family, society). 
All sin MUST be put under the blood of Christ (if not by others, then by us individually).  Even "anger itself is not sinful, but letting the sun go down on anger gives the devil a foothold...Ephesians 4:26-27."
Why Good People Mess Up by John Loren Sandford -
"Learn how to shun temptation (especially sexual), & forgive those who have fallen." Read chapter #1 here .

, Michael & Cirner, Randall - Deliverance from Evil Spirits -  Catholic -
"Repentance is often overlooked by whose who assume that the person in (demonic) bondage (seeking deliverance/simple exorcism vs solemn exorcism) has repented of all sins...
The person could be actively nursing resentment or hatred, or he or she may not want to discontinue immoral sexual relationships or sinful addictions.  Frequently, the person may not have forgiven someone because he thought he had to feel forgiveness before he could forgive...
Christians believing in the Sacrament of Penance should utilize the sacrament...
If a priest is present, confession can take place as part of the (healing) ministry. 
If no priest will be present, confession should precede the (laity deliverance) ministry...A person may avoid repentance because a lying spirit has influenced them to this conclusion, because they do not understand repentance, or because they do not realize that they must forgive others who have not repented of their own sins."

, Rabbi Nosson - Viduy - (lyun Tefillah or confession or teshuvah/repentance)
Subtitle - The Linear Translation of the Yom Kippur  (This is one of many such translations.) 
(from the ArtScroll Yom Kippur Machor)  An ArtScroll Mesorah Series booklet.  Reads from back to front. 
Rabbi Rambam believes that "there can be no repentance unless it is accompanied by a verbal confession." 
To help with confession, the penitent person is to recite his sins in the order of the Hebrew alphabet, for G-d created the world with the 22 letters spoken in the Hebrew language; evil deeds destroy G-d's work. 
Yom Kippur serves as a required annual holy day when Jews are to seek from G-d atonement & purity (cleansing).  The prayers of forgiveness are excellent, which all citizens of the universe would benefit from offering to G-d. 
"Our & our forefathers have sinned:
We have become guilty.
We have betrayed.
We have robbed.
We have spoken slander     (publicizing falsehood and/or mistakes).
We have caused perversion (corruption of minds/hearts).
We have caused (premeditated) wickedness.
We have sinned willfully - (defiantly),
We have extorted - (victimized with trivial crimes the poor &/or defenseless who have no legal recourse).
We have accused falsely     (attached falsehood).
We have given evil (insincere/false/deceitful/misleading/dishonest) counsel.
We have been deceitful.     (Sanhedrin 103a = Liars cannot receive God' Presence.)
We have scorned               (mocked/ridiculed/joked about/put down/shamed/derided).
We have rebelled               (spit in G-d's face/refused oversight or supervision).
We have provoked            (angered/showed disrespect).
We have turned away        (and failed to perform God's positive commandments).
We have been perverse      (perverted/brazen/rude).
We have acted wantonly - (picking & choosing which parts of scripture are valid/relevant to oneself).
We have persecuted          (wounded/hurt/injured/oppressed/compromised).
We have been obstinate.
We have been wicked.
We have corrupted.
We have been abominable.
We have strayed...
Nothing is concealed from Your eyes,
and so may it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d & the G-d of our forefathers,
that You forgive us for all our errors,
You pardon us from all our iniquities & You atone for us for all our willful sins.
For the sin that we have sinned before You
For the sin through immorality
For the sin through harsh speech
For the sin with knowledge & with deceit
For the sin through inner thoughts
For the sin through wronging a neighbor
For the sin through insincere confession
For the sin in a session of vice
For the sin willfully and carelessly
For the sin by showing contempt for parents & teachers
For the sin by exercising power
For the sin through desecration of G-d's name
For the sin through foolish speech
For the sin through impure lips
For the sin with the Evil inclination
(putting ourselves in situations that incite our lusts & urges)
For the sin against those who know & against those who do not know (behind their backs)
For all these, O G-d of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.
for the sin by subservience through bribery
For the sin through denial & false promises
For the sin through evil talk
For the sin through scorning
for the sin in commercial dealings
For the sin with food & drink
For the  sin through interest & extortion
For the sin through haughtiness
For the sin with prying eyes
For the sin with the idle chatter of our lips
For the sin with haughty eyes
For the sin with brazenness
For all these, O G-d of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.
For the sin of throwing off Your yoke
For the sin in judgment
For the sin through entrapping a neighbor
For the sin through a begrudging eye
For the sin through light-headedness (frivolousness)
For the sin with obstinacy
For the sin with legs that run to do evil
For the sin by gossip-mongering Gossip/Slander/Leprosy  
For the sin through vain oath-taking 
For the sin through baseless hatred
For the sin in the matter of extending a hand (failure)
For the sin  through confusion of heart (towards G-d)
For all these, O G-d of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, atone for us.
For the sins for which we are obligated to bring an elevation-offering...a sin offering...a variable-offering...
a guilt offering for a definite or a possible sin
For the  sins for which we incur lashes for rebelliousness
For the sins for which we incur 40 lashes (Christ received 39 minus 1 lashes.)
For the sins for which we incur the death penalty at the hands of the Heavenly Court
For the sins for which we incur spiritual excision & childlessness
For the sins for which we incur the 4 death-penalties of the human court -
stoning, burning, beheading & strangling
For a positive commandment (failure to carry out any of the 248 positive Torah commandments)
For a negative commandment (violation of any of the 365 negative Torah commandments)
whether it can be remedied by a positive act or whether it cannot be remedied by a positive act.
Those that are revealed to us & those that are not revealed to us
Those that are revealed to us we have already declared before You & confessed them to You.
Those that are not revealed to us  are revealed & known to You.
As it is said, "The concealed (sins) are for Hashem, our G-d),
but the revealed (sins) are ours & our children's forever, (that we may) fulfill all the words of this Torah."
For You are the every generation. 
Beside You we have no king, Who pardons & forgives.   Only You...
Behold.  Before You I am like a vessel filled with shame & humiliation.
May it be Your will, Hashem, my G-d & the G-d of my forefathers, that I not sin again.
What I have sinned before You, may You cleanse (absolve us) with Your abundant mercy,
but not through suffering or serious illness.
According to Catholic - it is a Jewish custom to present one's children to a scribe for a blessing on the eve of the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur, a 25 hour fast, from sunset to after sunset, to atone for one's prior year sins.

Schlink, M Basilea - Repentance-The Joy-Filled Life - -  
(founder of Sisterhood of Mary in Darmstadt, Germany & Phoenix, Arizona)   

, Dutch & Ford III, William - History Makers - -
Appendix B Breaking Generational Curses  - presents various prayers. 
It includes the admonition to not only forgive but to also release to God any individual who has harmed us

Smit, Philip - Entrance to Power - - Do NOT try "to obtain holiness & forgiveness by practicing constant repentance under the law; instead" live "by the intuitions from the (Holy) Spirit, knowing that we have been forgiven for all sins of all times, 2,000 years ago."  If we have repented, but FEEL unforgiven, then we do NOT need to repeat the confession based on our negative emotions. 
We are to take God's Word at face value & believe that he is NOT a liar.  The only liar is our enemy the devil. 
We trust a Person, Christ & NOT a scientific or medical fact, not a thing, nor a feeling.
"I have been forgiven more than 2,000 years ago...when I acknowledged that fact & thanked the Father."

, Eddie & Alice - Spiritual Housecleaning   

Stone, Perry - The Meal That Heals - 

Stone, Perry - The Judas Goat named after Judas who betrayed Jesus - "The keys for handling & dealing with seasons of betrayal, disappointment, discouragement & unforgiveness - especially from those we love most. 
The Judas goat is the name for an actual goat that is trained to work at a slaughterhouse.
The goat is trained to associate with the sheep in the field, eating with them, lying down with them & generally gaining their trust. When the time comes to lead the sheep into the slaughterhouse, the sheep will follow the Judas goat into specially marked pens, the back of trucks, and in some instances into the slaughterhouse itself. 
In The Judas Goat, Perry Stone makes a strong correlation between this goat & the people in our lives, those closest to us, who betray us. Betrayal by enemies is expected, but betrayal by family & friends will plant seeds of bitterness that will mature into the fruit of rebellion & resistance.
If the seeds are not rooted up & routed out of your mind & spirit, you will move into the garden of unforgiveness, leading to a barren, fruitless life." 
(Regular confession is 1 method to help remedy unforgiveness & bitterness towards self, others & God.)

, Lester - Joseph Trajectory of Faith - -
Chapter 6 Trajectory of Forgiveness - "1 of the greatest attributes in the world is forgiveness toward those people who have hurt you (& recognizing the contribution that harm has done to develop your good character).
Chapter 7 The Vision Fulfilled -
"You can be mistreated & God can turn that sorrow into the best thing that ever happened in your life. 
Someone can hurt you & that a hurt can become the most blessed event of your whole life. 
Someone can cheat you & that can become the best thing that ever happened to you."
"Joseph said...'You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good'...It is NOT just the beginning of your life.
It is the end that really counts.  Joseph forgave his brothers (& all others who caused him to suffer)...
The trajectory of faith (in God & unswerving focus on your God given purpose on earth) can propel you through life, from birth to death."

, YM (pseudonym) - Whispers of the Shepherd - publisher - -
Spiritual insights/inspirations: Thorns - "In the beginning, My human children were without hazard. 
They only needed to feel vulnerable to My love - never to pain...
Many of My wounded children bear in their bodies, minds & spirits the wounds of embedded thorns...
There are so many ways & points of entry for these thorns of pain...Expose your woundedness to Me. 
Become vulnerable to My love & touch again.  I shall gently extract the thorn &...heal...
Then turn with forgiveness to the who who inflicted the wound upon you & perhaps you will bring healing to the very one who caused you the pain.  There is a mystery...about thorns that have been thrust upon the innocent. 
When the wounded one turns to Me & asks both for forgiveness &
healing for the perpetrator of the pain, an act of redemption begins.  Such love & compassion bring to bear many circumstances & conditions you cannot know, but which all work toward restoration...

[John 20:22-23 - Jesus said..."Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive (pardon) anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."  (Let us be the generation that stops the family curses.  Let us be the generation that begins the family blessings.  Let us be God's first miracle of healing of mental illness/depression/cancer/ you-name-it in our generation.)]  It was no accident that an innocent victim was impaled with a crown of thorns.  Within that crown of thorns there was the painful payment - the price for every thorn which would ever pierce My children.  In the midst of that great pain came the cry of which I have spoken to you (now & to My/our heavenly Dad), 'Forgive them.'
[Luke 23:34 KJV  Then said Jesus (dying on the cross of crucification), "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."]  [Compare to Keyton, Bree - Heart and Soul Surrender CD -   Kansas City, Missouri.  Jesus' healing comes for our minds via His crown of thorns, for our bodies via His stripes, for our deliverance via His nails, & for our soul (sins/spirit) via His blood.]Walden, Franklin (senior) - The Unmistakable, Visible Anointing- Following God's Calling for over One-Half Century -  autobiography - A must read. Final Chapter Conclusion: You Can Be Anointed, Too. Final chapter tells us to both forgive AND to forget.  Ouch. 
That means we cannot gossip, tattle, resent, murmur.  We cannot backbite, defame, disparage, put down, belittle, judge.  "People are NOT getting healed or staying healed because" they discuss someone or something in a negative light that is supposedly (forgiven/forgotten by God) under the blood of Jesus Christ; it does NOT exist in the mind of God.  Ouch.  Lord, please teach us about such things. 
Thank You.  Christ reminded Franklin that when He forgave him of a specific offense written in His book, that it had been erased/blotted out/was no longer documented.  Therefore it was accomplishing nothing for Franklin to repent again for the same thing (which was nonexistent in His book & forgotten by Him). 
Likewise when he 1st repented of all his past sins & was adopted into the family of God, all those former personal sins were under the blood of God, both forgiven & forgotten. 
[Likewise, if we tattle about a sin that is covered by the blood of Christ (forgiven by us or by Christ), then we are a liar, because the sin does NOT exist in God's eyes.  At least that is true of any sin which we personally commit. 
If we have forgiven another, we do NOT want/need to share/expose/reveal that information with another; instead we cover him/her with the blood of Christ & pray blessings upon that person.
(Due to medical/legal/ spiritual needs it might be necessary to share/document that information, but that would be a one time private incident & not an ongoing/repetitious accusle/slander/ incrimination.)
Finally, we need to forgive ourselves.  Otherwise, we call God a liar, when He does forgive us, the 1st time we asked.]  There are WONDERFUL examples where incomplete forgiveness resulted in personal ill health, but when dealt with resulted in complete healings.  There are GREAT examples of spiteful words causing illnesses or at least keeping people in ill health, but when retracted resulted in immediate healing.
[If when we think/remember/recite a hurtful past incident & feel pain/woundedness/agony/sadness/anger/rage/etc. rising up in us then we need to put the cover on/refuse those emotions & go back to confession.  They are an indication that there is puss/infection/incomplete forgiveness/rottenness/venom/crumbs of leaven hiding in our hearts. 
We need to forgive (and then to forget) to the degree that any memory does not take us hostage & rewound us or harm another.  We need to be able to pray for & bless the injurer to the same degree that we would pray for a family member.  Like God. 
Father God, accomplish this in us for Your purposes.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
Nonetheless, there are ancestral/inherited/family sins for which we need to repent.  Some call these iniquities. 
We do need to repent for, reject, refuse, & renounce those sins/iniquities, in Jesus' name.
Additionally there are spells/evil pronouncements/demons/strongholds/curses/etc.
which need to be exposed and exterminated.  God's holy glory cloud/atmosphere resulting from our thanks/praise/worship can single handedly do this in one swoop, saving us years of therapy &/or healing/deliverance ministry.]

, Dennis - - Catching the Initiatives of Heaven -
Chapter 5 Hindrances to Spiritual Senses section An Unforgiving Heart -
"As long as you don't forgive, you will live in torment." Matthew 18:34...
People who were (are) under demonic control et set free, as they forgive... Be free from the poison of bitterness...
As you forgive, you are no longer controlled emotionally by a hurtful event or longer stuck in time."

, David - Equipping the Younger Saints -
Chapter 2 True Salvation   "Salvation still has to come through the Lord touching their spirits inside. 
We need to pray that God will grant them the spirit of repentance (see 2nd Timothy 2:25)...
If our children do not receive a genuine conviction of sin, they will take salvation very lightly...
I tell them the cost of their salvation was very dear to God.  He sent His only Son to die for them. 
He did not have10 sons.  Just 1...Jesus...died & rose again to raise up extraordinary kids...
Salvation may be free, but it's not cheap."
, Kathie - The Spirit of False Judgment -
Chapter 11 Acceptable Sins?  "I have cast out the spirit of shame from many Christians who have had failures during their spiritual walk.  Although they have known they were forgiven, the feeling of condemnation, shame & guilt was still present.  Those things are spirits & have to be prayed against...
Our self-righteous attitude can keep people bound in shame for a long time."
Chapter 12 The Button 
"As regards personal hurts and wounds, we individually have a responsibility to get healed...
In my experience, healing is linked to forgiveness.  We have to forgive & then healing will come. 
is NOT a feeling, its an act we make by faith. 
Don't afterwards let the devil tempt you to receive the negative feelings of unforgiveness back again...
Take authority over them (negative feelings) in the name of Jesus, & command them to leave."
, Kathie - Macon, Georgia, USA - Living in the Supernatural - -
Chapter 3 Our Inheritance  tells of a diabetic being healed & subsequently relapsing due to unforgiveness, the door she opened for this sickness to return.  Repentance solved this issue.
Chapter 8 The Judgments of the Lord Are True  "God had been unable to use me because I judged the man in my own heart...My heart was not righteous or full of compassion. 
But Arthur did not make that kind of judgment; he waited until the Spirit of the Lord spoke." 
"If you have judged anyone according to your own judgment, repent & ask the Lord to reveal His heart for that ministry or person, before you try to fellowship with the Holy Spirit.  If you have been judged with a false standard by another person or by a church, first forgive them, & break the spirit of false judgment and (the spirit of) false standards over you.  Even God's standards, if given in a legalistic spirit, do not manifest the heart of God, because they do not contain His grace.  When you receive a word from the Lord for someone, & it contains correction or rebuke, be sure that your own emotions & biases are not involved.  Wait on the Lord.  Jesus never reacted; rather He always acted under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  If you react, your emotions will distort the word of the Lord, even though what you say may contain some truth.  A correction will become accusation.  If someone has judged you wrongly, & you want to set him straight, wait on the Lord.  He will tell you  whether to keep silent or to speak."

, Ralph - Beyond & Back - Those Who Died and Lived to Tell It -
Chapter 5 I Saw the Living Dead shares the miracles in Indonesia beginning in 1967 when God turned water into wine.  3 natives saw a vision of Jesus Who instructed them to wash themselves & their hearts by prayer & confession of sin.  

Wood, Gary - A Place Called Heaven - - Gary warns that, "There are Christians who are in danger of losing their forgiveness from God because of their inability to forgive others....
There is no place in heaven for those who are unforgiving...Never gossip or be jealous." 
Jesus told Gary, "Above all else love one another & always be forgiving towards each other."

Wright, Henry W - Bitterness -

, Peter - Fighting Death & Other Desperate Battles - -
Chapter 18 Desperate Prayers for Fallen People section What About You reminds us to, "Pray out loud, in an audible voice... Furthermore, renounce the sins of your forefathers and the sins of your youth. 
Leave no stone unturned."
Chapter 20 Desperate Prayers That Make Us Holy reminds us to always, forgive another, pray for good to come to the offender & to bless him in practical ways.
Chapter 21 Desperate Prayers to Save a Nation warns us that each battle is not with people, but rather with spiritual powers of wickedness. Recognize the real enemy is not a person.

Yoder, Dr Rebecca Brown - Prepare for War - - Chapter 16 The Spirit & the Spirit World contends that 1st John 3:15 (Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer.) is a spiritual law which can be used by evil spirits to cause ill health/death/tragedy by our human spirit to harm another individual to whom our hate is directed. One can pray for the Lord to shield himself against hatred + repent for any hatred in his own heart.

Michael Youssef - Learning to Enjoy Forgiveness from The Secrets of Positive Living (fifteen messages) 


, Mother - - headquarters San Diego, California, USA - author of Prison Angel - 2/6/2008 Ash Wednesday newsletter - "Today is a special day.  29 years ago, we started the day of forgiveness & instead of giving up chocolate, we each wrote a note on a small piece of paper, with the name or names of people who shamed us in life & we gave theses papers to be burned for the ashes to be blessed for Ash Wednesday. 
We skipped from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday & said, 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do.' & then WE (repented to God) asked in our hearts all those WE have rejected, shamed or gossiped about, to forgive US & we invite you to join us in forging."
Brimm, Billye - "The Lord had instructed Dad that as a family, we were to hold hands and pray for one another at our gatherings.  He revealed to him, that is there was any ought or schism, causing hardness toward one another, it was to be forgiven, releasing the power of the Holy Spirit to work among us.  The Lord said to him that many times families would get together & there would be one member hurting, another needing an answer from God, another having to make a big decision. 
They would leave in the same condition that they came in the door." 
very very significant

, Rebecca - -
When we forgive someone, we acknowledge that we no longer have any right to revenge on that person."  
Bless them that curse you & pray for them which despitefully use [mistreat] you
Luke 6:28
Once we have forgiven someone, we no longer have any right to allow the memories or thoughts of what they have done to hurt us, to stay in our minds. C
asting down arguments and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We MUST discipline our minds & stop thinking about ourselves...
sk the Lord to heal & change our emotions...You do not have the right to live your life reacting to past hurts. 
God demands that you forgive, forget & stop thinking about yourself & how you have been hurt. 
If you do not do so, you are (now) living in active sin. 
This is 1 of the greatest areas where Satan & his demons (legally) attack marriages."
Brown, Rebecca @ - excellent -

Dennis & Dr. Jen Clark or video
10/19/2015 (includes both emotional & cancer healing)

I had a dramatic baptism in the Holy Spirit, didn't even know what I was…
but the presence of God came upon me after I had received what they call the baptism of the Holy Spirit at an altar. But the very next day...suddenly (under) the (heavenly) power, I just said, "God, I know this is the way we were meant to live & if I was confined to a wheelchair I'm going to live for & serve you all the days of my life."
Suddenly I was immersed with an open vision. I was immersed with a joy that was so powerful that I thought, my 1st thought was I need a new body. This physical body is not capable of containing any larger measure of joy.
I didn't say stop, but I really thought my body was going to explode with the presence of God.
I had an instant understanding that God was filling me from head to toe, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I was indwelt by the Living God & from the, that lasted without a reprieve for 6 months.
I would see, I would walk by people & tears would just come out of their eyes. I never said a word.

I said, "If this is God. I'd better go to Bible school, because I don't know what's happening to me." 
He (God) said, "No, I am taking you to the School of my Spirit. I will instruct you."
It was so authoritative that all I knew was then out of this relationship I must obey.
Out of my love for her, (wife therapist) I saw that she had all of the right answers in her head.
So I wanted to get her out of her head, down into subjective experience with Jesus.

I saw in traditional therapy, Christian and secular, that the aim is to get people able to cope with life & feel somewhat better. One of the major problems is forgiveness is the key to doing this, but they teach forgiveness is a process. So people can go for weeks, months and years & never quite forgive, never get toxic emotions dealt with, continue struggling, which is what I had seen, even with Christian therapy.
But what this (insight/method) does, 1st of all, it teaches believers how to go to Jesus the forgiver in them for instant forgiveness, just like when we got saved.  It was instant when we got saved. You didn't wait for it.
DR. JEN: What I learned from Dennis, what the Lord had taught him in the School of the Spirit was all we have to do is in prayer present any emotion that's NOT the fruit of the Spirit, (thus) is NOT a good emotion, to the Lord.  He will instantly, through His forgiveness, wash the negative out & replace it with super-natural peace.  So where was once a wound there can be an anointing.
Toxic emotions don't go away. They just go under the surface & get buried in us including in the cells of our physical body. We forget these things.  We forget they're even there.
DR. JEN: Forgiveness will instantly cleanse our heart of any toxic emotion, whether it was shame, fear, pain of rejection, anger. Everything we present we have to feel the feeling & present it to Jesus.
He will take care of it every single time. These (unreleased/un-forgiven/root) negative emotions are the very things that give ground for physical illness
Dennis, take Dr. Jen as if she knows nothing & explain how Holy Spirit taught you to take care of un-forgiveness & toxic emotions.
Jennifer, I want to show you how to drop down into your spirit.
I want you to picture like a bucket & a well: Our mind has the bucket in it & we're going to change the location. 
You're going to focus on your Bible heart.  After all, we want the bucket to go down where the living water is, as we had a 3rd grader tell us, "There's no living water in your head."
So we want to drop from our focus from mind to heart; it's like a bucket going down. 
We know that that water is living and it's like an artesian well. It will rise up like a fountain into ever-lasting life. 
It will flow out of you even without saying a word.  You will create the presence of life.
For it is God who is at work both to will & to do. 
Everything good happens down there when the bucket is down low.

So it's gone now & I feel peace...It was instant.
It wasn't any longer than that for you (or anyone) to get saved.
The Bible...says...the location of our (spiritual) heart...belly, bowels [houses our soul (emotions/will/mind)].  It seems that we have 2 different nervous systems. 
We have the nervous system connected with the brain in our head, but we also have the enteric nervous system that is our emotional center. (Additionally the soul has spiritual organs/systems/awareness/feelings.)

: The thing that's amazing is this is sometimes called the 2nd brain down here because it's got all the neurons in it just like the brain in your head, except this is the area where your emotions are processed.
This is the area where the molecules of emotion are released...the area our emotional brain.
Our emotional heart informs the brain in our head how we feel. There's a left vagus nerve that connects the two, but the brain in our head does not send information down to the brain in our gut.
The gut sends emotional information back to our brain.
SID: Jesus says it's important to believe in your (spiritual) heart.
DR. JEN: Our heart influences our entire physical body because the belief in our heart is communicated to all our cells, released to our all cells from the epicenter of our spirit.
SID: Getting rid of the toxic emotions, it's so simple...
Then you're not blocked in receiving all the promises that God has for you. It even works with children.

(A child) was just traumatized that he had killed...his rabbit. 
So he missed the whole 1st week of school.  He was there, but his head was tilted, he wasn't really there. 
So I said, "I want to teach you how Jesus the Messiah in you can take care of any pain."
I said, "Just close your eyes," and we did Bucket Man, "just like a bucket, down here.
Jesus is there & is going to take your pain & your sorrow. He's going to take it away.
Now I want you to receive forgiveness," because he was blaming himself.
I said, "Just receive it like a gift from Jesus the forgiver in you." All of a sudden watching him, the countenance went from that sad, dejected, instantly to a smile without him saying a word.
You know that there's a transformation that's taken place in the heart with a smile.

It started a chain reaction because other kids heard the testimony, they're crying & raising their hand...
"My dog ran in the street during the summer and got killed."  "My grandmother died last week."
All of a sudden I had a group of about 20, there was at least 5 who had, were relating to his ministry. 
They wanted Jesus to heal them.
We went through it in a manner of minutes & then all of a sudden, he's raising his hand with a big grin on his face.  I said, "What?" He says, "I think I had a revelation."  "What is your revelation?" 
He said, "I saw my rabbit & her dog playing in Heaven."

(Regarding other children) I didn't tell them. They never heard our teaching on this, but they had learned (of) Jesus the forgiver. But the, one of the brothers kicked the little girl in the hand. She couldn’t move her hand. The mother said, "Okay, we're going to the doctor," because she thought it was broken, I mean, complete immobility, excruciating pain. 30 minute drive to the doctor & on the way there the mother said, "You know, we have Jesus the forgiver.  We have Jesus the healer, too
You guys, Sherry,(the little girl) "start yielding to Jesus the healer in you.
Boys, we're going to release Jesus the healer out of our bellies to her." 
The pain was had gone down significantly by the time they got to the parking lot at the doctor's office.
So the mom said, they were counting down, where is the pain level now, it had gone from a 10, 1-10, being 1, none, 10, terrible.  It had gone down from a 10 to a 4.  So the mom said, "Well, it's your call.
Do you want to go in a&see the doctor or do you want to turn around & go home & keep praying?" 
They went home & kept praying, and her thumb was totally healed.
Now a couple of weeks after that her brother accidentally punched another brother & the mom said she could see the broken bone in the back of his hand.  She could see it with her eyes. 
So she did some checking & learned a break like that would probably require surgery & pins.
Now the little boy didn't want to go to the hospital & have surgery, so the mom gave him a choice,
"Do you want to pray like your sister prayed or do you want to go to the doctor in the hospital?" 
He said, "I want to pray." So they started praying the same way. He was yielding to the healer in him.
They were releasing healing out to him & it took a little while, but the mom had never before seen an injury that she could see the visible evidence.  That bone came back together. 
They didn't just learn to yield to the healer in them.  They were tapping into Jesus the miracle worker.
Since that time the children have found out, because the mom said, having 5 children one is getting injured all the time, they have learned to regularly go to Jesus for healings.
She said the more they do it, the faster the healings are coming.

Well that sounds better than any insurance policy offered by your government. 
They have found, against psychology, who says forgiveness is a process, you can instantly forgive (& instantly receive His forgiveness AND healing).

Begin by doing just as I instructed Jennifer...Close your eyes...
Change your focus down to your Bible heart, down to your spirit. 
s you change your focus there...from that place...yield & release Jesus the Messiah, the healer, to rise with healing in his wings.  The healer lives in you. Let him rise like an artesian well & welcome him. 

Not only does healing, Jesus the healer live in you, Jesus the forgiver live in you, but Jesus your shalom...peace.  That peace alone is going to knock out that sickness.

Clark, Dennis & Jen @ - Read online chapter#1
3/14/2016 video
articles - 12/19/2016

To be thorough, even with closing the door through forgiveness, they need to know it goes in 3 directions.  They need to know that there can be a barrier between you & someone else.
You need to let that river of forgiveness flow to them. You need to receive forgiveness.
The Christians that were set free, who basically didn't have anybody do anything to them, they (self-sabotaged) did it all by themselves with self-hatred, anger, self-judgment.
They would receive forgiveness and feel demonic activity (heaviness/oppression) lifting
Other times, believe it or not, they need to (reverse/relinquish/repent of) release the judgment they made against God, like why did God (rather than Satan) let that happen?

DR. JEN: When you deal with your negative emotions, by forgiveness they are exchanged for super-natural peace
If you don't deal with them that they're hardwired into your brain while you sleep at night

Scientists had discovered, in 2012/2013, through research that we have a mechanism in our brain that literally cleanses our brain of toxin & waste materials while we sleep.  But also, when we sleep if we have dealt with any negative emotions of the day through forgiveness then any residue from that is also washed out of our brain overnight, but if (we) don't deal with it & go to sleep on it then it hardwires into our long term memory.

, Dr Don - - The Cleansing Power of Forgiveness editorial in 5/2006 magazine Enjoying Everyday Life - Synonyms of unforgiveness are buried anger, resentment, bitterness, shame, grief, regret, guilt, hate & revenge, which contribute to or even cause nightmares, headaches, elevated blood pressure, flashbacks, confusion & frustration. 
Accumulated unforgiveness can create toxins in the body triggering such diseases as acidosis, autoimmune illnesses, gallbladder, cancer & heart disease.  Forgiveness can reverse medical conditions. 
God, not us, is the One Who decides if a person deserves to be forgiven.
Scripture commands us to forgive now, immediately, with or without another's repentance. 
Those who know that Jesus Christ has forgiven them before they asked & for free/no strings attached, are also expected to do the same for others, but only in the strength of His Holy Spirit. 
Dr Colbert's daily prescription for us is to forgive daily.

, Don - 5/2011 newsletter - - “'I can’t forgive my mom', she said. Her grown family and some of their children gathered and circled behind where she sat.
I talked with her and explained that she must forgive in order for her to be free. 'If I forgive,' she said, 'She wins.'  'Oh no, no. When you forgive you win.' She insisted that she could not forgive her.
I urged her to just simply say the words after me. 'I chose to forgive my mom'.
She struggled & thrugh a mumble, she spoke, 'I chose to mom.'  
When she did, her entire family fell to the ground behind her! I have never seen anything like that.
When she chose to forgive, she broke the chains that had even her family bound with curse. Wow...
Don’t be so easily offended that you cause someone else to be wounded. Turn it loose, let it go, let the offender out of prison. Be the encourager. Be bigger than the 'offense' be an imitator of God.
Forgive, show kindness and tenderhearted-ness, it’s an a spiritual aroma that God likes...
The Bible says that there is a FRAGRANCE of forgiveness, a sweet smelling savor to God.
We can grieve His Spirit, or we can release a fragrance that blesses God...

Forgiveness is better than mercy, it is the product of grace. It is guilt without consequences.
It is to God a sweet smelling aroma."
Experiencing Forgiveness - tract - -
"Forgiveness is something we give to those who don't deserve it.  God offers us full pardon through Christ, though we surely don't deserve it."

, Bob - Forgiveness (Begin at bottom of page and read up.) - Texas, USA


, Peter - ministry testimony - "When Jim had forgiven his father, we asked Jesus to heal his broken heart.  It was then possible for his physical body to be healed also.
I will never forget hearing Jim cry out, 'I can breathe. I can breathe.' Jesus had healed him on the inside, he was delivered from a spirit of infirmity & his asthma was gone forever.
He had no more symptoms, no more medication & was never again restricted by his condition.
When the trauma on the inside was healed, his body could be made whole," per Sid Roth 3/2011

, R.T.@ -
"As every pastor knows, the root of many people's problems is unforgiveness...
An old friend from Romania, Josif Tson...said: 'R.T., you must totally forgive them.
Until you totally forgive them, you will be in chains. Release them & you will be released.'
Nobody had ever talked to me like that in my life. 'Faithful are the wounds of a friend,' Proverbs 27:6 says. 
I once wrote a book called God Meant It for Good. 1 chapter in that book was titled Total Forgiveness.
The book Total Forgiveness is a detailed elaboration of that chapter & deals with every question I could think of...
1st, it is the way God forgives us. The blood of Jesus Christ washes away all sin.
God will not hold our sins against us.  He will never bring them up.
He will not allow us to feel guilty once we have confessed them & turned from them.
He will not let anyone know what He knows about us. He will not let us be afraid of Him.
He will not allow us to feel guilty.  He will let us save face. He protects us from our deepest secrets & fears. 
Best of all, He keeps on doing it.
2nd, total forgiveness is forgiving ourselves. I deal with that in the book, too.  It is not total forgiveness just to know we have been forgiven, but it is to forgive ourselves, the hardest thing of all for many of us.
3rd, it means to forgive another person in such a manner that you absolutely do not hold it against him or her any longer; you will keep no record of wrongs. 
You let them off the hook & even ask God to let them off the hook. That is total forgiveness, it seems...
You know you have totally forgiven when you stop (continually) reminding people about, 'what they did.'
Telling people what they did is our effort to punish those who hurt us.
1st John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out fear.  Fear has to do with punishment.
When we tell what they did, it is our way of punishing those people, so we look better, they look worse & will be discredited & not admired. 
God doesn't like that. He won't tell what we did. He does not want us to tell what they did either.
We therefore know we have totally forgiven when we stop talking about our hurt, refuse to let people be intimidated by us, and we will not let them feel guilty. This means we do not wait for them to repent (nobody was repenting at the cross.  Yet Jesus prayed that they be forgiven.  Jesus, not the old covenant, should be our model). We let them save face. We know we have totally forgiven when the people who hurt us don't even find out it was a problem... (A one time initial confession/testimony to the police, counselor, pastor & to God, is sufficient. 
A constant rehashing/rehearsing is not OK.)  It is my opinion that totally forgiving one another will bring us closer to true revival than 1,000 people engaging in a 40-day fast.
Why? Because if there is bitterness in our hearts at the beginning of the 40-day fast, there will be bitterness afterward, if God does not somehow break through to us.  I can almost guarantee this...
I will never reveal names or details. All I can say is, it (the hurt) is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I totally forgave those people. Guess what?  I never told them.
We never talked about it. It has to happen in the heart. Don't ever go to people and say, 'I forgive you for what you did.' They will say, 'What did I do?'  Then you will say, 'You surely know.' They'll reply, 'Well, I don't,' & now you've got a fight on your hands. Most people you would have to forgive (even if you were to hook them up to a lie detector) sincerely do not think they have done anything wrong...
(On occasion as the Holy Spirit leads one may need to repent/forgive, such as for rape/genocide/murder.) 
The consequences (of unforgiveness or forgiving without the Holy Spirit's oversight) are horrible.
The person grieves the Holy Spirit, loses anointing, risks becoming yesterday's man or woman, often develops health problems & stays moody & hard to live with.
Kendall, R.T. - Part 1 - "The English edition of my book, Total Forgiveness, has a picture of Mount Everest on the front cover. Totally forgiving your enemies is like climbing Mount Everest, because few do it.  Yet anybody can do it. You can be set free.
There are people who have suffered this hurt; it’s even affected their health.
Medical people have shown that there are good reasons to forgive, apart from anything taught in the New Testament.  They have found that bitterness has led to arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease.
There are non-Christian organizations raised up in this country to help people to forgive, showing that the greatest benefit is not to the one who is forgiven but to the one doing the forgiving. It could even be that God would begin a physical healing; that the physiological process that has brought you to where you are could be reversed & you will not only be set free internally but you can feel better and look better & you might wonder, why did I take so long? God is coming & saying, the war is over; bless them. 
Total forgiveness is not necessarily reconciliation...Total forgiveness is not approving of what they did.
Jesus forgives us; He forgave the woman found in adultery and said, 'Go and sin no more.'
The fact that God forgives our sin does not mean he approves. 
Total forgiveness is to take the words of Jesus seriously & act upon them."
Kendall, R.T. -
Total Forgiveness Part 2 - "Total forgiveness –
Proof #1
: you don’t tell anyone (others or offender) what they did if you have totally forgiven them. 
There are 2 exceptions. 1, you need to tell one other person for therapeutic reasons. I told Joseph Ton.
You tell a friend or a pastor, but only one person.  The other exception? I had a lady came to my vestry who told me they had found her rapist & that they wanted her to testify at his trial. I said, 'You must.'
But she said, 'I can’t because you have taught me to totally forgive.'
I said, 'It’s good that you have forgiven him, but he is a danger to society; you must testify!' She did testify...
Proof #2 - "You don’t let them be afraid of you." (Regarding unholy reprisal, for God says that vengeance is His.)
Proof #3 - "You don’t even let them feel guilty...helping them to forgive themselves. He’s setting them free."
Proof #4 - "You let them save face!"
Proof #5 - "You protect them from their darkest secret."
Proof #6 - "Total forgiveness is a life sentence. Possibly the most important point.
What that means is – you have to keep doing it.
It’s like if your doctor gives you a tablet and says, “You’ve got to take this the rest of your life.” It’s a life sentence.
Total forgiveness is a life sentence & you’ve got to keep doing it."
Proof #7 - "Total forgiveness is blessing them."
Kendall, RT - Library reviews -

, Bruce - Psychology for Living 
winter 2007 newsletter editorial True & False Forgiveness -

Susan Rashotte - Heaven's Heartbeat - His Forgiving Love 3/13/2013 -
"True forgiveness can only come from a heart saturated in love poured out from Me.
Any other attempts are of the flesh & will be short-lived. Jesus was My representation on earth for the world to see that I am a God of forgiveness as people turn & repent of their sins.
A heart of forgiveness is the only means of overcoming the chords that bind you to the enemy. 
The moment you allow forgiveness to come into your heart, the chords are snapped & you are free
If I had not forgiven the ways of My people & made a way to be reconciled to Me, you would be a doomed people.  Unforgiveness will grow & fester; the infection will spread throughout your whole body, forming a hard encasement around your heart, a hardness of bitterness that only a heart of forgiveness can break through.  If you truly want a heart impartation, forgiveness is the key

, Rick - Forgiveness files -
Renner, Rick @  7/11/2021@

, Wade @ - "As Corrie (ten Boom) stood there, she knew she had to do this. She had noticed that among those who had been in the concentration camps, those able to forgive were the ones able to live normal lives. Furthermore, the Lord commanded her to forgive.  Yet her body became like wood, & could hardly move.  Corrie determined to say 3 simple words, 'I forgive you.'
With effort, she reached out her hand to shake his, when all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit flooded her.
She began to cry 'I forgive you, I forgive you,' as she embraced the man.
Corrie made the choice; God changed her heart."
Teshuvah -
"The 1st of Elul, Rosh Chodesh Elul, marks the beginning of a 40 day period of repentance called Teshuvah.  
The Hebrew word Teshuvah literally means to turn & go the opposite direction.  
It is a time when Jewish people set their hearts to reconcile both with G-d & man.  
They believe they cannot be fully reconciled to HaShem unless they have done all they can to be at peace with their fellow man.  They will go to great lengths to mend broken relationships & reconcile with anyone they may have offended. It is reminiscent of Yeshua's words to not offer a sacrifice if you know your brother is offended with you, but 1st go reconcile with your brother & then offer your sacrifice at the altar: Matthew 5:23-25  In religious synagogues the shofar is blown daily to call hearts to 'Wake up'. The period of Teshuvah intensifies as the days draw near of Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippor.  On Rosh Hashanah, which Biblically is called Yom Teruah, the Day of Blowing (the shofar) the tradition is to hear the sound of the shofar 100 times.
A certain pattern is sounded that day in synagogues throughout the world to fulfill this mandate.
The greetings on Rosh Hashanah include, 'May your name be inscribed in the Book of Life'. 
Jewish tradition says that the Books in Heaven are open as Adonai then watches the hearts of men over the next 10 days
, deciding their fate on Yom Kippor when the Books are closed & their fate is sealed for the year.  Yom Kippor is a day of humbling yourself according to scripture. 
To a Jew the best way to humble yourself is to fast
Therefore, religious Jews will not eat or drink during that 24 hour period."

, Dennis - - -
You can eliminate this whole series (of medical symptoms) by going to the original offense & giving it to the Lord.
Not because the person who offended necessarily deserves it, but because you deserve to be free & because God can only work on the situation when you release it to Him. Matthew 18 also speaks about the fact that if we don't forgive, we are turned over to the tormenters. They torment in mind & body.  The following is a prayer to help set you free: Repeat out loud (cup 1 hand & pull things from heart with other hand):
Father (in Jesus' name) I now take out of my heart & place in my hand, any person who has offended & hurt me.
I take out of my heart & put in my hand any person who abused, neglected, made fun of, or took advantage of me.
I remove from my heart every person who has lied to, cheated, or stolen from me.  I put them in my hands.
I take out of my heart & put in my hands all injustice, hurt, anger, helplessness hopelessness, shame, guilt & all the people who were used to provoke those events & emotions in me, including myself & my blaming God for these things.  Lord, I am not the Judge. You are the only true & righteous Judge.
I offer up to you all these people, all the events, all the emotions.
I release them to You. (cup both hands, lift them up to heaven, then spread to release).
I command any bad/evil spirits involved in these events to leave every part of my being,
go answer to the finished work on the cross &/or where Jesus sends them.  (Place both hands on heart)
Heavenly Father (in Jesus' name) I ask You to fill my heart with Your love & Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Jesus, for Your blood that was shed to set me free.
I give every part of my being to you in full surrender.

Deadly Embraces - Part 1 - #3 -
9 Deadly Embraces - Part 4 -

Wood, George O - WHEN LIFE'S NOT FAIR - How do you handle an injustice? 
Recently I was talking with a person who had given years of dedicated service to her local church & had suddenly been removed from her position.
The hurt was obvious & deep as she shared with me how unfairly she felt she had been treated. 
The advice I gave her is the same I give to myself when I feel another has done wrong to me.
There are many things which happen to us in life that we do not like. 
But we are really powerless most of the time, to change our external circumstances. 
We cannot rearrange someone else's behavior toward us, nor can we undo moments which have brought us harm.  If we keep reliving the untoward event & devoting endless hours in "appealing the verdict," we will be left spent at the end of the day.  Our best recourse is to ask the Lord to change our inner life.
Joseph knew that truth. Rather than rail against his brothers for their unjust treatment of him he decided to concentrate his energies on being the best person for God he could be in the circumstances he was in. 
Over the process of a lifetime, he was able to live out the indelible truth regarding unjust treatment from another:
"Ye meant it for evil, but God meant if for good" (Genesis 45)
Suppose you held a glass of liquid as you walked toward me.
I carelessly or deliberately reached out and bumped you. 
Whatever you carried inside the glass would spill out.  That is the way our lives are. 
When we are bumped whatever is inside comes out. 
That is why being filled with the Spirit on a continual basis is so important.  T
he fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self control. 
Bump that kind of person & you will get the personality of Jesus. 
In my present capacity I am called upon to assist congregations in resolving disputes. 
We call such conflicts "church trouble." 
I have found it impossible to see such conflicts healed when people are waiting for someone else to change. 
Most of the important changes that need to be made in our world lie within ourselves.
Jesus said that out of the heart come the issues of life.  When I find a "saint" who is unkind, critical, or trying to "straighten out the church or pastor," I know I am ministering to someone who has been bumped:
What they are spilling out is the content of a life lacking the Spirit's presence. 
Holy Spirit is not filled with hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, faction or envy.
The LORD HAS GIVEN US CLEAR DIRECTION on HOW WE ARE to RESPOND to the PERSON WHO HAS INJURED US.  Our human reaction is to retaliate, blame, & feel self-pity.
All these emotions while understandable, lead us down dead-end streets. 
In yielding to them we permit ourselves to become victims rather than victors.
A fascination passage from Jude says, "Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee".
(Jude 9)   We may not know much about the mystery of the dispute over the body, but we can see the plain spiritual applications: Don't become like the devil when you are fighting the devil. 
Michael did not slander the prince of all slanderers.
Jesus plainly told us how to respond to bad treatment from another person: We are to love that one.
Love does not necessarily mean our feelings will be positive:
in fact, Christian love means feelings follow actions.  Jesus does not say:
"Have good feelings toward the other person."  Instead He exhorts us to action - "Do Good."
Here are questions from the Lord's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. 
(Matt 5:38-48, 6:12)  We must ask ourselves when we are treated unfairly:
Am I returning good for evil?  Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek & walk the 2nd mile.
Am I praying for my adversary?  Jesus tells us we are to treat our opponent in the same way God himself responds to the just & unjust - He blessed both with rain & sun.  Am I blessing rather than cursing the one who hurt me? 
The underlying word for "Bless" literally means "to speak well of." 
When someone else has injured our hearts, we can think of a lot of mean & unkind things to say. 
But that is a form of cursing - a diminishment of the other person's character. 
Watch your tongue & say good things.
Am I forgiving the other person of the debt or transgression against me? 
A wise person defined forgiveness as the odor flowers give when they are trampled on.
People are going to take advantage of us - they did to Jesus.  But His opening word from the cross was not one of vengeance, nor did He seek to get even.  He prayed, "Father, forgive them" (Luke 23:34).
How are you responding to unfair treatment?  Mrs. Charles Cowman said it well"
"The opposing force becomes a lifting force if faced at the right angle. 
The same wind that uproots a tree lifts a bird."
Our ability to rise above the hurt will depend on whether or not we are willing to let the Lord alter us rather than expecting the other person to change. 
His way of altering us is to bring us to an alter of commitment where we say:
"Lord, Your will be done in my life. Give me the strength to do what You ask of me."   
WHY do the above? Click onto Healing Offenses - Additionally, let us make a word picture. 
Our flesh/self is like a puppy wanting lots of love/affection/attention/patting/hugging/caressing/time. 
Scripture tells us that our self/flesh/"puppy" needs to DIE. 
Satan (the lier + contradictor) tells us that flesh/self needs to live, for demons (who are spirits) manifest/gain power when we meet the selfish NEEDS of the flesh (self-pity/self-absorption).  If the flesh/self/"puppy" is DEAD, then it does not (make demands) need to be defended/protected/soothed/comforted.  
If the flesh is DEAD, it does NOT say ouch when hurt. 
It does NOT react to humiliation/neglect/offense/unforgiveness.
If the self/human nature is dead, then we have a vacancy. 
This vacancy needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit/God's nature. 
Holy Spirit, we invite You to come dwell in us permanently, to unite with our human spirit,
& to permanently evict and prohibit all evil spirits from us, in Jesus name we pray & thank You.
May Your nature permanently replace our human nature and all evil nature. 
Grow Your spiritual roots so deep in us, producing so much prized holy behavior, that many will be attracted to YOU.  In Jesus name, we thank, praise, bless & love You. Amen.
We or Jesus allow demons/negative circumstances/hurtful situations to crop up in our gardens like dandelion weeds because we have yet to learn - to NOT to react negatively, to NOT be offended, to bless & pray for those who offend.  Dandelion & other pesty weeds can be de-headed, but if the roots are not eradicated or if the seeds blow away, we will have to contend another day with the same issues reappearing in the same or another location.
Father God, forgive me for allowing HURT to wound me & poison others as I spewed out negativity. 
Please use your weed killer to exterminate each type of hurt/harm that has come against me & my family. 
I repent of hatred, self-pity, anger, hate, revenge, hurt, retaliation, bitterness, low self worth, low self esteem, depression, isolation, failure to pray for the offender, lack of forgiveness, pain, thoughts of murder, & __________________________ .  In the name of Jesus,
I bind the hurtful issues of ____________ in this situation & loose Your blessings into this situation.
I place these situations under Your blood.
I NOW forgive ___________ & __________   for all hurtful intentions & deeds including ________  & _________ 
I genuinely ask You to bless ___________ & to bless ____________ mightily,
especially in the areas for which You designed ____________ & ___________.
In Jesus name I pray & praise You.  These thorns that are needling me are blessings in disguise, prodding me on to become dead to me & alive to You.  I am beginning to get the message, Father God. 
These things which I notice hurting me so much are really those same things which I so often do which hurt You.  If I were not so readily wounded, I would not recognize/appreciate Your bleeding heart. 
Thanks for waking me up to the times when I have rejected Your presence. 
Each morning & evening You wait for us to run into Your arms with a hello, hug & smile, but Your arms & heart remain empty/abandoned/lonesome. 
So when my parents, brothers, sisters, kids, mate, date, friends, relatives or business associates stupidly reject me, it helps me appreciate Your rejection in Your generation & each successive generation. 
It helps to remind me that you are still waiting for Your daily hug from me & each of us. 
Forgive us.  How stupid Your kids are.  How self-absorbed. 
I will be glad when this self part of us is, at least the wrong aspect of it, is demolished, leaving only room for You to express Yourself in us, to be our eye glasses & our heart, just for beginners.  Amen.

, Louis (Louie) 1917-2014
- 1/26/2015 - -
"When you forgive it's like it never happened. True forgiveness is complete & total."

                                                            PRAYER of Forgiveness

, Kat - Forgiveness Prayer -
Alive_Again - posted Dec 18, 2012  
@ -

“Let’s look up to Heaven and say: ’Father. I repent for any ungodly, unkind, judgmental, gossiping, backbiting, hateful, hurtful, wasteful, words I’ve ever spoken. Please wipe them from my record.
Act like I never said them.  I will not receive a (bad) harvest from those (bad) words.
Father, even if my flesh
(heart) doesn’t feel like it, as an act of my sovereign will,
I choose to forgive anyone
who has spoken against me, slandered me, cursed me, lied about me.
Please forgive them. Don’t even write it down. Act like they never said it.
Father, right now, I break the power of the enemy in my: life, home, relationships, body, finances & destiny.
I am free in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Zumpano, Dr. Bern - Former Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Neurosurgery (retired), Oral Roberts University School of Medicine, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA - 1999 -
"Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I lay down at Your feet all present & past unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, or resentment, directed at (name or names).
I repent of & renounce it all, and ask You to forgive me for it.
I forgive and release them. I repent for anyone who was hurt by it, & ask for Your forgiveness for that also.
I forgive & release myself of all unforgiveness, anger, resentment & bitterness also.
I renounce this & all past sin, & ask You to forgive me, Lord Jesus Christ.
I ask all these things in Your Holy Name, Amen."

                                                                Sin at Conception

Maria de Lange
, Susanna Francina - -
Chapter 4: Iniquity, the Root of all Evil, the Seat of the Great Prostitute - 
niquity impregnates the spirit of the human being at the moment of conception
& operates as a spiritual umbilical cord to produce an axiom of all personal sin as well as bloodline curses & generational sin. Iniquity forms part of the depraved nature of man-kind, which is situated within man's spirit – even after regeneration (salvation/being born again, especially strong prior to Holy Spirit baptism &/or when there is lack of Spiritual discernment regarding the demonic nature of iniquity). 
This evil corrupt force springs from man’s spirit & shapes his soul, which in itself serves the law of sin & death resulting in spiritual prisons of parts of the human soul & spirit.  Iniquity is a heart condition.
From birth, iniquity began to influence & corrupt the human soul & through it, the person’s behavior:
(1) his heart through reasoning,  (2) his emotions through a disturbed self-concept created by ungodly circumstances & (3) his will through deceitful lies about God, himself & his fellow men.
                                                                     Imputing of:
                                                               sin + righteousness 
, Andrew - The True Nature of God Week 4 1/19/2015 +
Week 5 1/26/2015 @ @ recommended - 2,000 years before Mosaic law was given, there was NO imputation of sin outlawed in Old Testament Law.  Messiah is a high priest in the line of Melchizedek, rather than in the bloodline/hierarchy of the Jewish Levitical rabbis.


Maria de Lange
, Susanna Francina - -
Chapter 4: Iniquity, the Root of all Evil, the Seat of the Great Prostitute - SPIRITUAL DNA - Spiritual DNA (Spiritual genetics - Inheritance)
Just as the material body stores genetic information in the Chromosomes of the cell, called the DNA, the same is found in the 'spiritual' body where all the information of Iniquity is stored on spiritual genetic/DNA level."
(This demonic genetic download seems to be imparted at conception, via inheritance of curses:
problems originating from un-forgiven sins/iniquity.)

"Dr (Ana) Méndez-Ferrell testifies to 3 different types of iniquity:
(1) Voluntary iniquity is the practice of evil.
(2) Conscious iniquity implies conscious evil in action, producing an inner struggle.
(3) Unconscious iniquity
involves sin that comes from our past generations, which latent in our spiritual & genetic inheritance. 
Such iniquities will eventually be activated through personal sin & is seen in problems in the soul as well as in the body of a person. Unconscious iniquities (bloodline curses/generational sin) can be the cause of many problems, illnesses or disasters in a person’s life
After 'the fall', the soul of man (in each successive generation, more & more) remained immersed in darkness & confusion.
The only voice, which he could hear (clearly), was the devil's. This spiritual habitation becomes the basis of all information of the soul.  Satan and his followers’ aim are to establish EVIL structures in the soul (mind/emotions) of people that would imprison them (cloud their reasoning & confuse their emotions).
The Bible calls such dwellings, 'structures of wickedness'
85 or 'dwellings of iniquity'.86 
Some of the main methods that Satan is using, comprise: (1) control, (2) dominance & (3) influence."

                                                        Taking Jesus Backwards into Our Past

, John - - "I found myself asking his (aging dad in a nursing home) forgiveness for the sins of my youth (Psalm 25:7).  The cleansing of that felt very important for my life and freedom, now in the present.  (So many of these things retain a kind of hold on us, decades later.)
At other moments I found myself inviting Jesus into an old relationship
I found there was His love re-writing my past, coming into it.
But most of all, I found myself expressing gratitude...
It is a powerful thing to redeem the past, bring it under the rule of Jesus.  Invite Him to fill it.
I think this is why He will bring it up in the present through some reminder of days gone by.
When He (Holy Spirit) does, invite Jesus into it, give it to Him.  Let Him heal, affirm, cleanse, redeem or return to you some gift of life He gave, but you lost over time."  (Some individuals such as Katie Souza place Jesus' blood, cross & resurrection power on soul wound/trauma and/or between past and present root issue.)

                                        PRAY for the REPENTANCE of Ancestral Sins  
"Ancestral sin can be an important open door to persisting sin in a family line.
It usually affects the believer or unbeliever through what is called a 'generations curse'...
Recognize...that man is instructed by God to receive either the blessing or the curse (Deuteronomy 30:19).
When a person goes after sin, there is a curse attached to the sin.
It is like buying a box of Cracker Jacks. You get the prize that goes along with it, whether you want it or not.
Father God has purposely done this so that sin will be a deterrent to man.
The scripture says that the curse goes down 4 generations, which is why it is called a generations curse (Ex.20: 5).
The problem is, that if a person 3-4 generations down the line commits the same sin, then the curse will continue down another 3-4 generations.
Before a generations curse can be broken, ancestral sin has to be dealt with
This is also an important thing that needs to be dealt with in the lives of adopted children who do not know their ancestral histories on either side of their families.
It is (preferable but) not (necessarily) important to know WHAT the ancestral sin was, God knows.
All He asks is to acknowledge it, repent of it, & ask forgiveness for all whom they may have hurt.
(Holy Spirit can reveal any root issue, if God deems it necessary in a specific curse eradiation.) 
(One may) Pray something like this:
'Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all the sins of my ancestors & predecessors, (each adopted child's ancestors & predecessors,) & my spouse’s ancestors and predecessors, on all sides of all of our families, back to our families’ origins.
I repent, on their behalf, for all of their sins that caused the problem or generations curse or curses of (name them) to come into our family lines. In particular, I repent of all of their past sexual sins, of all sins of witchcraft or idolatry, & confess them to You, repent for them, & renounce them before You, right now, Lord Jesus Christ.
I repent for all whom they may have hurt by their past actions and sins, & ask Your forgiveness for all of their past harm to others. I bless them to 1,000 generations. I ask all these things of You, Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name
                                 PRAYER to Bind, Cancel, Evict & Reverse Generational Curses
                                          & ALL EFFECTS of ANCESTRAL SIN from a PERSON  "Lord Jesus Christ, having confessed & repented of all sins of our ancestors & predecessors on all sides of all of our families, back to our families’ origins, I break all ties, bonds, cords, & soul ties with all of their sins & the consequences of their sins, & break off all inherited generational curses; the curse(s) of (name it/them);
hexes, vexes, bewitchments or spells, all in Your Name. Lord Jesus Christ.
I ask You to cleanse my family members & me (or name the individual & family) of our past histories & of all defilement, in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I believe, receive, & decree this (or these) generational curse(s) broken, in Your Name (& replace with opposite holy virtues & blessings) Lord Jesus Christ, for Your Word says that everyone who believes is free from all things (Acts 13:39)."

Forgiveness Audio Visual

Adams, Brian - The Power of Forgiveness CD - Jackson, Ohio, USA

, Benita - testimony - - for women re rape & physical abus

, John and Carol -
Importance of Forgiveness - DVD @
Forgiveness frees us from past pains/chains.

Austin, Jill - Abba Father: The Heart of Forgiveness - audio -

Carothers, Merlin - How Not to be Irritated - audio -

Chapman, Gary  + Thomas, Jennifer - The 5 Languages of Apology - CD -  

Dickow, Gregory - Redeemed from the Curse - CD - Jesus said, "It is finished." 
Our problem/disease/ malady is finished, because Jesus Christ traded our curse for His cure/health/righteousness on the cross 2,000 years ago, when He, according to scripture, became a curse for us.  Why not take/accept/ appropriate what He did for us, right now, with thanks & praise (& NOT back down when symptoms try to return.)
, Gregory - The Power of Forgiveness - DVD/CD -
Dickow, Gregory - Radio broadcasts -
Ferrell, Emerson & Ana Mendez - Experiences in Heaven - 2 CD set - -
Ana shares her Patmos visit to heaven.  God shared with her that every time a sibling or other person fails to love & fails to forgive, His wounds hurt & our wounds fester.  Love is a must. 
God needs us to love each other & to love HIM, because everything created has a piece of Him in it.
SUPERIOR CD.  (Self-absorption/preoccupation/adulation is selfish & unacceptable to God.)
brittany-henson - - Steps to forgiving a dad - 3/2013

, Marilyn -
Forgiveness Needs to Be Our Lifestyle - CD I&II -

, June - Forgiving Others - audio - - 12/2005 radio broadcast stresses our need to "release" our resentment + our need to "release" our right to hear another say, "I am sorry." 
One can visualize letting go of balloons full of pain.

, Joyce - Keys to Enjoying Every Single Day of Your Life  #S715 -
Meyer, Joyce - Restoring Fellowship With the Father  CD#S907

, James - 2/25-26/2013 @

Valenta, Father Stephen - Forgive Everyone?  I'm Sorry, I  Cannot - video   

Wilkerson, David - The Power of Forgiveness editorial in 7/25/2005 Pulpit Series newsletter
In 1869 Hudson Taylor found that the secret to tapping into (getting) all of Christ's blessings ("into my vessel") was "not by striving, but by resting on the (spoken/confessed) promises of God" found in scripture." 
"Do you wake up with a dark cloud overhead...have feelings of guilt & immediately begin by replaying your failures...Then rise up in the morning and say to the devil, 'This is the first day of the rest of my life. 
I'm leaving behind those things in the past - all my past failures & sins. I'm pressing on...
Today (& thereafter) is the day of the Lord's salvation."

                                                            Forgiveness Web Sites

Brian Adams - transcript - 2/28-3/6/2011 - "The Spirit of God spoke to me so gentle & just so quietly.
He said, 'Faith moves Me, son, but forgiveness releases My power'...
He took me to some scriptures that talked about where people refused to forgive they would have tormenting spirits released against them, & then I knew, a scripture came to me, & I heard this in my spirit, that fear has torment. All of a sudden, I started thinking, fear, now that's phobias. That's anxiety attacks, different things that a lot of times doctors can't heal, & these were tormentings. I began to put, asking the people to pray & release people, forgive them, & just make a conscious decision.  Prayer is actually what I call it.
They would pray these prayers. We would see them free from anxiety, from phobias, from fibromyalgia, just different things from mental to physical, to even soul issues."
A battered woman was led in prayer.  "I choose to forgive my husband for putting me in the hospital.
I command you to come out in the name of Jesus. Faith moves God, but forgiveness releases His power.
We were taught in 1 John 4:18 that in love there is no fear.
Torment does not exist
, but God's complete & perfect love expels every trace of terror."
"In my life personally, Sid, I remember the scripture as when God gave me this revelation:
Faith moves God, but forgiveness releases His power. 1 of the scriptures that always stays in my heart is, 'You must 1st have brought your own self to obedience before you can bring others'...
I'd always learned that Christ had died for us & that the healing power of God was available for us.
So I started saying, I don't think God wants me to get sick, get healed, get sick, get healed. He wants me to walk in Divine health. So using the Word and quoting the Scripture, I just began to do this. But now it was a fight & a battle. But once I got this revelation, it's just almost like you become like Teflon where sickness is repelled. 
It can't stick to you because now you're walking one with the Father in Heaven, because when He looked out on the planet. He saw it was a mess after Adam sinned, He said, how am I gonna fix this?
He said, I'm going to release forgiveness, which begins to take care of the problem."

Adams, Brian -
Horizontal Forgiveness

, Rolland & Heidi- - 11/28/05 blog - "The Lord spoke to me that there were 10 women in the meeting who had severe back pain because of issues of unforgiveness.
As soon as they came forward & repented, Jesus healed all 10."

, Stephen - testifies about bitterness towards God -

, Juanita good
6/13/2018 - Forgiveness is a soul (will/mind/emotions) CHOICE we make with our WILL.

, Charles - 10/14/2010 - -
Calling Things That Are Not Manifest as Though They Are Manifest Until They Are Manifest
Do NOT contradict God.
Capps, Charles -
ArticlesChapman, Gary @

, Dr Don - God's Way to Living in the Fullness of Health - 2/12/2008 - Watch - -
Dr. Colbert incorporates "forgiveness therapy" into his medical practice. 
The forgiveness of self is of significant value to healing.

, Ken & Gloria - Ken Copeland Ministries - Watch/download present or past TV broadcasts on links below. -
Copeland, Kenneth - Love Entitles You to THE BLESSING - 10/21/2007  &/or 11/1/2007 -
GREAT PROGRAM on FORGIVENESS - God says we can obtain a blank/erased memory/clean slate & subsequently in the name of Jesus declare only what we want God to remember. 
Apply this to your our forgiven children, to better understand.
Copeland, Kenneth - Learning How to Supernaturally Forget Past Sin  11/5/2006 
Copeland, Kenneth - The Believer's Convention Week Special - The Time for Change is Now 
3/12/2008 webcast on Guilt and on Forgiveness is especially wonderful.
Watch -
It clarifies how to separate feelings/emotions & wrong thoughts from God's thoughts & words. 
1 reminder.  Conviction is usually the Holy Spirit showing us the necessity to repent.  Condemnation is often accusation, usually by the enemy, after we have repented & placed any error/sin under the blood of Jesus Christ.

Copeland, Gloria - Speak Your Victory   7/3-7/2006 
Copeland, Gloria - Don't Talk the Problem - Talk the Answer  7/2/2006
(One can subscribe free to Kenneth Copeland Ministry BVOV Broadcast Podcasts and RSS Feeds )
Copeland, Gloria - Forgive and Receive Your Healing - 
Copeland, Gloria - Forgive and Receive Your Healing -
Copeland, Gloria & Ken - The Open Door to Your Healing -

Cordeau, David  6/25-29/2007 -
Sid Roth's Messianic Vision #1545 LISTEN by clicking onto web archives. -
God allowed others to die that David would live.  God showed David that although he had been forgiven & had forgiven others, he still did not have the love for others that God had. 
is fine, but insufficient.  Love is more important.  Love is what takes us over the finish line. 
The Tuesday radio broadcast zooms in on these issues.

Jennifer Thompson-Cannino & Ronald Cotton - Picking Cotton - - publication
Radio Finding Freedom In Forgiveness  A girl raped.  An innocent man imprisoned. 
Other human interest stories
Cox, Paul L - Dominion - -
"When the Lord revealed the truth about (evil spirit) dominions I immediately went into her office & ask her to pray. 
I led her in a prayer to release of any connection she had with the court case (,to release from her passing judgment/judging) & to release the case to the Lord. 
The next morning she called & reported that the case had been dropped. 
How we rejoiced in what the Lord had done."

Gregory Dickow - God TV - -

Dollar, Crefalo - Exercising Your Rights - - monthly-Exercise-Your-Rights.aspx -
Many Christians fail to forgive themselves &/or fail to receive/take God's forgiveness after they ask for it.

, Emerson - 7/30/2008 Tema Emerson -
Healing comes via the spirit
not via the mind.  Sin comes via the mind. 
Emerson admonishes us to forgive in the high priestly manner expressed in John 20:22-23  
Jesus said... "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive (pardon) anyone his sins, they are forgiven.
f you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.

Ferrell, Emerson & Ana Mendez -
The Ana & Emerson "Captivity" ministry points out that soul pieces are (can be) broken off of our heart. 
These need to be rescued from the kingdom of darkness, established (re-established/mended) in the Trinity, & then reunited with the individual.
God TV - -
Find & watch a multitude of TV ministries.

, Ruth – Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself @ - good - Transcript @ (edited)

Ruth: It did because I had always looked at forgiveness as a way to get healthy emotionally.
I thought that it was...a gift we give ourselves.
It's a letting go. At that point, I realized that forgiveness was so much more than that...
Look at the crucifixion. Jesus knows how unfair it was. He was bloodied beyond recognition, beaten until he was raw & then nailed to a cross. While he was being nailed to the cross he said, "Father, forgive them.
They know not what they do
."  That was unfair but that is holy sacred territory.
That is more than healthy emotional stuff.  It is holy.  I think that's important for people to realize.
Sheila: You talk about the fact that people will say that time heals wounds but if you don't deal with the wound and you just bury it, you bury it alive.
Ruth: It comes back if you don't deal with it. Sheila, forgiveness is a lifelong process.
We can say, "Oh I forgive" & go on but within a couple of months emotions will come roaring back. 
We think, we really didn't forgive them.
We begin to beat ourselves up again.  But you know, emotions never tell the truth.
Ruth: So we have to get rid of the emotions. We can feel them, but we don't have to live with them...
Forgiveness is a lifelong process that takes time.  I have worked through forgiveness on so many different levels. 
I found that when we forgive, that's the doorway by which the Holy Spirit can enter that decision & enable us to truly forgive.  It may not happen overnight.
Forgiveness may take a lifetime, but it will happen (with Holy Spirit's help).
Sheila: How can you tell when you have actually forgiven someone?
Are there kind of internal signals that will let you know that you actually have forgiven?
Ruth: Well, it's maybe easier for me to tell you how we can tell how we have NOT forgiven.
When we see the person who has wronged us, that's the 1st thing we think of.
Or when their name comes up, we want to (gossip/tattle) tell people what (bad/evil) happened.
Where/when we can't get rid of what they've done to us, that's a sign that we haven't forgiven.
I think when we have forgiven, then we're able to be around that person, we're able to talk with that person, we're able to bless those people, & pray a blessing on them.
If we're not able to do those things, then we need to go back to the cross & say, okay, Jesus (I repent. 
I am willing to be willing).
Ruth: We don't forget what happened.
My husband was unfaithful for a number of years & our marriage ended in divorce.
I haven't forgotten that...After his death something else wrong happened to me.
I was weeping & asking the Lord to forgive me.
I said, "Lord, please go back to Ted and tell him that I ask his forgiveness."  I know that's not theologically right.
Ruth: Forgiveness is unconditional.
Reconciliation is conditioned on the changed behavior of the one who has done the wounding.
If you're the one wounded, you're the one that knows the change. You can't rely on someone saying, "Oh he's changed. Oh he's changed." Or he can't come & say, "Oh I've changed. You've got to know that & sense that in your bones.  Plus with counseling & a pastor's help, then if you want to try to reconcile, take it very slowly, very carefully
Ruth:  I'm NOT telling my siblings' stuff. I'm NOT telling my mother's or my father's stuff.
I'm telling my stuff.  This is not a tell-all book.
But I find that when I tell my stuff & make myself vulnerable, that's when (God's) ministry takes place.
Sheila: I have a chapter in a book on celebrating your scars as tattoos of triumph.
What do you mean by making your wounds sacred?  Ruth: We say, God, I don't like this. I'm hurting like mad...
After my divorce from Ted I was so wounded & so hurt.  I was acting out.  Everything was a mess.
I had a rebound marriage that was just a mess.
I remember saying to God, if You can ever use this mess for Your glory You are welcome to it
Never dreaming He would. But he has.
After I wrote In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart it had such an impact & people related to me in a different way.
Hill, Craig - “Removing the Heart Virus” The Truth Will Set You Free Part 3 + “Actual Victory vs. Self Effort” – The Truth Shall Set You Free Part 4 + Offense – “Why is Forgiveness so Hard?” Part 5  + 4 Types of Soil I – “Why is Forgiveness so Hard?” Part 6 + 4 Types of Soil II – “Why is Forgiveness So Hard?” Part 7  + 4 Types of Soil III – “Why is Forgiveness So Hard?” Part 8

It Is Finished - @
robert-jeffress - 6/4/2013 - forgiveness how to -

, AJ - 12/5-9/2012 Messianic radio @

Bob Jones had a nervous breakdown resulting in a prognosis of permanent disability, SSI & VA benefits. 
His Christian doctor helped him reduce his medication.  God did the rest. 
The key was his obedience in forgiving ALL who had mistreated him. @  

, Jim & Phyllis - The 5th Column - (from website that does not believe in the Trinity of God) - A (demonic and/or) secular approach is to blur or eradicate the lines between good/moral/ethical & bad/immoral/sin/evil in education/church/law/medicine. - "Psychiatrist J.R. Rees was involved in training school teachers as well as British & American military intelligence in psychiatric techniques at the Tavistock Clinic in 1934.
Mr. Rees stated, 'If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people, I think we must imitate the totalitarians and organize some kind of 5th column activity'...
'We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The 2 easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession & the church, the 2 most difficult are law and medicine. 
Let us not speak in terms of 'mental hygiene' but in terms of 'mental health'...
Let us all therefore very secretly be 5th columnists.' (1)   Brock Chisholm, another psychiatrist & friend of J.R. Rees, was a founding member of World Federation for Mental Health.
He had called for the reinterpretation & eventually the eradication of the concept of right & wrong."

, RT    Why Should We Forgive Ourselves? - Pt 1 - 9/29/2008  (a repeat program) or
08/3/2009 Why Should We Forgive Ourselves? - Pt 1 - VIEWERS' CHOICE #4
Joyce observed in one mental institution that a number of patients were mumbling, "Its all my fault."
(This shows that forgiving self is imperative, after forgiving others + asking and allowing God to forgive.
Going to confession and/or receiving communion is 1 of the best mental health gifts we can give ourselves.)

, RT    Why Should We Forgive Ourselves? - Pt 2 - 9/30/2008  (a repeat program)  
, RT Kerr, Kat - 7/27/2022 @ WEDNESDAYS WITH KAT AND STEVE - Episode 87 - YouTube - Always Bless & Forgive Your Enemies -  
"Heavenly Father,
I ask Your forgiveness for my anger, my resentment, & all of my bitterness toward ____________ for what they did to me.
I have already forgiven ___________ for their actions.  Now
I ask You to forgive me for the evil thoughts of my heart & for the wrong things that I took out of the situation.
I take authority over the (negative/evil/wrong/harmful) thoughts of my heart.
I cancel Satan's authority in this matter.
I ask You Father to heal my heart.
I speak Your truth to me about this, in Jesus’ wonderful name, Amen."  
"Watchman Nee, in his book The Normal Christian Life exhorts believers to apply the blood of Jesus Christ no only over one’s sin, and sin nature (iniquity), but also over the voice of the accuser of the brethren in order to shut down his (Satan's) subtle (demonic) accusations... Father,
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the accuser of the brethren who is trying to accuse other believers in my heart.  I refuse to participate.  I ask You Holy Spirit to reveal to me any false information, presumptions, suspicions, or accusations about other people, or about myself.
I ask Your forgiveness Father for any such wrongs I have harbored (festered/incubated) in my heart.
I ask You Holy Spirit to cleanse my heart, and to heal (exterminate) it from such wrongs in the past, & to guard my heart from receiving any such false accusations in the future.
I ask You to tell me Your truth about these things, in Jesus’ holy name, Amen."

, Robert (from website that does not believe in the Trinity of God) Breakdowns Are Good for You -
Breakdowns help pay the counselor's bill & help the patient NOT to recognize any culpability (personal sin & the need for repentance to God). @

, Peter -! #3 - - "
My name is Peter Loth. I am a Holocaust Survivor.  Born in Stutthof concentration camp, I suffered extreme abuse and humiliation. As an adult, I came to know Yeshua as my savior and found that, with Him, I could forgive those who had hurt me." - TV interviews are excellent.  Check them out.  (When we have been to every minister & doctor, taken every prescription, supplement, therapy, year in and year out, are born again, spirit filled, yet our symptoms remain, then we are the rat in the maize & Satan has been feeding us lies which we have believed.  Either God or Satan is the liar. 
Our reliance is often on what we feel & see, on everything else, except God's Word.  The war is won in the mind, not in the body.  "Lord, we repent & ask for Your forgiveness.  Thank You for both forgiveness & for healing, which we receive, without physical evidence, NOW today _____________. Thanks.  Amen." 
Once we have asked for & receive by faith, we need to enforce what He did 2,000 years ago, not continually ask for what we already have.  Jesus I now enforce.)!

Madison, Richard has a ministry including bringing people out of comas by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Richard Madison was raised from the dead by God & set free from drugs & alcohol.  7/9-13/2007 -
Radio show 1547
@ -
#1105 autobiography Raised from the Dead - Wednesday radio broadcast shares God's instruction to Richard to ask forgiveness of those who had hurt/offended him. 
After obeying, he
realized/recognized that he "had" held bitterness in his heart.
Immediately after, the Lord began to heal his feet, allowing him to walk again.

, Art - Biblical Foundations of Freedom
"Father, I choose in my heart to forgive ___________ who hurt me by _______________.
I choose to release them from their obligation toward me.
I choose to forgive them for the pain they caused me.
I now cancel Satan's power & authority that he has gained over me in this issue, &
I ask You Holy Spirit to heal my heart & tell me Your truth about this matter, in Jesus’ name, Amen."
Mathias, Art - scripture references

, Joyce - 4/19/2007  Put An End To Emotional Torment #I -  
Joyce shares that each person we fail to forgive is like a rotten potato that we carry around with us daily. 
may free another, but it frees us more.  In the case of abuse/danger, forgiveness does not require reestablishment of relationship. Joyce also insists that we need to "release" the other individual from our judgment/revenge/anger or need to oblige us by apologizing or making amends. 
We release them into God's hands.  He best is able to deal with them. 
Additionally we are to pray for God to bless them.
Meyer, Joyce  2/29/2008
Joyce thought she had lost her salvation after peeking during a game of hide & seek.
Meyer, Joyce - other broadcasts -
Meyer, Joyce - 9/26/2008 TV Broadcast archived -
Meyer, Joyce - 11/13/2008 TV Let Go and Learn to Enjoy  #2   
Learn to forgive self and to RECEIVE God's forgiveness when you ask. -
Meyer, Joyce - 1/27/2008 - I'm Thankful -
End of (USA's Thanksgiving day) broadcast concentrates on one's need to RECEIVE/accept/take/acknowledge/give thanks for the forgiveness for which we have already asked God and the need to ignore (NOT to respond to) Satan's condemnations/accusations in the areas which have already been forgiven (covered/concealed from God's view with the atonement blood of Messiah, Jesus Christ, the sacrificial Lamb who bore our sins on the cross 2,000 years ago).
Meyer, Joyce - 8/3/2009 - Why Should We Forgive #1
Meyer, Joyce - 8/4/2009 - Why Should We Forgive #2
Meyer, Joyce - 8/5/2009 - You Can Be Bitter or Better
Meyer, Joyce - 8/6/2009 - Do Yourself a Favor, Forgive - VIEWERS' CHOICE #4  
Meyer, Joyce - Watch today's TV program at
Meyer, Joyce - Check out TV Archives at

, Sam - Healed of bipolar -11/7/2011 posted - Complete forgiveness requires one to cut all strings & expectations.
This severance allows God to heal & deal with both parties.

, Julie - 12/1/2006 - Forgiveness un-haunts a house. Julie Morgan: A Spiritual Housecleaning - - 

Nutt, Diane - Sid Roth's Messianic Vision Radio Broadcast 4/16-20/2007 Intimacy with God @ archives -
To order ONE free copy, please call Sid Roth's order only line 1-800-548-1918. 
Former drug addict, now hug addict who permits God's presence in her to heal others with a word, a hug, or just being in someone's presence.  God was able to minister love to her, after she 1st forgave herself.  
others including God + receiving forgiveness from others including God, worked - short term for her.
 The final key to her freedom from (self accusation/shame/guilt &) ongoing relapse into drug addiction was both forgiving self & also receiving that self forgiveness.
Kendall, Louise - - 3/2/2006 Louise wife of RT Kendall, shares that when she asked God to forgive her negative attitude towards the ministry of Rodney Howard-Browne, God began a great work in her.  Just prior to that, God had healed her major depression caused by a chronic disabling cough.

Lambert, Tim - - "In England in the 13th century it was enacted that anybody who committed murder on the king's ships would be tied to their victims body & thrown into the sea to drown."  (This illustration shows what harm it does to the person who does not receive or give forgiveness, especially from/to self who (emotionally/spiritually) carries on his back the person he as offended/harmed or the one who has harmed him.)

of Forgiveness -

Dr. Jim Richards - Change Your World - LISTEN to Sid Roth's Messianic radio Thursday broadcast week of 8/20-24/2012 - excellent - Richards tells us that each has the responsibility to "send away" any offense or negative emotion/reaction that could want to lodge in our heart/mind due to trauma & hurtful situations.

, Oral  This Is Your Day TV broadcast 1/14/2008 The Prize of God's High Calling -1
, Oral  This Is Your Day TV broadcast 1/15/2008 The Prize of God's High Calling -2

, Basilea - From Darmstadt’s Ruins to a Worldwide Mission - WATCH 1/24/2008 - -
"The Lutheran Evangelical (Protestant) Sisters of Mary were founded by the late Mother Basilea Schlink in Darmstadt, Germany, shortly after WWII. Bombs had fallen upon the city on the night of September 11 in 1944, the city became a sea of flames, & in 18 minutes it was almost completely demolished, reduced to a mass of rubble. Young girls throughout Germany had been meeting for Bible studies for several years throughout Germany, against the will of the Nazis.
These women not only miraculously escaped the bombing of Darmstadt, but they continued calling the nation to repentance, especially for the atrocities suffered by the Jewish people under the 3rd Reich.
Out of this group & these leaders was born a completely by faith & committed to Darmstadt, Phoenix, Jerusalem & Canada.
They do missionary work among the poor, perform religious plays & run retreat houses."

Schneider, Messianic Rabbi Kirt - - 6/28/2015 broadcast -
Our unforgiveness, not releasing another, opens a legal channel for the devil to torment us.

Table Talk TV - Seems to be SAME link for both, so CLICK onto picture at link for correct video.

Forgiveness #1 on 5/1/2023
Forgiveness #2 on 5/2/2023

Corrie Ten Boom Foundation - -
Corrie survived the Jewish holocaust & forgave those guards who personally harmed her.
Corrie Ten Boom - How To Forgive -

, Andrew - Complete Forgiveness - audio series @

, Father Robert - Take the First Step - Forgive - video -
DeGrandis, Father Robert - The Forgiveness Prayer - (print) - (audio) or print
DeGrandis, Father Robert - Forgiveness Is Healing - booklet    
DeGrandis is a member of Society of St Joseph.          
Booklet may be obtained at HOM bookstore, 108 Aberdeen St, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA 01850
Also see the HOM Ministries Spiritual Warfare Prayer -
Some prayers we need to repeat 3X in order to break curses or linkages to evil that have been invoked 3X to blaspheme the Trinity.

DeGrandis, Father Robert with Schubert, Linda - Healing Through the Mass
The Forgiveness Prayer
... (audio) (print) or  or
Chapter 18 Funeral Masses - (Funeral Prayer credits go to Father Jeff Steffon, Los Angeles, California, USA)
"Lord, I ask Your permission to stand in the gap for ________ .
Lord, I ask that You heal the way that  _________ died. 
Heal any confusion, fear or pain that he/she experienced in life. 
In (Jesus) name, I forgive all those people who hurt ________ in his/her life,
whether they be living or deceased.  I ask that You, Lord, will now heal all those hurts.  In the name of (Jesus)
I ask forgiveness of all those whom ________ hurt in his/her life, whether they be living or deceased. 
I ask that these people will now be healed of the hurts that they received from him/her. 
I ask You, Lord Jesus, to go to where ________ is & bring him/her to the throne of light. 
Permit him/her to behold our Father's face & let His light shine upon him/her. 
In Jesus' name I pray.  Amen.
DeGrandis, Father Robert with Schubert, Linda - The Gift of Miracles - booklet - Servant Publications
Chapter 10 Prayer on forgiveness 
"Heavenly Father, I ask today that You help me to forgive everyone in my life...
Lord Jesus, I want to be free from the feelings of resentment, bitterness & unforgiveness...
I forgive myself for my sins, faults, and failings...
I forgive my mother for all the times she hurt me, resented me & punished me...
I forgive my father for any non-support, lack of love & lack of attention...Lord,
I forgive everyone in my life who made it harder for me to yield & respond to You...
I bring to you, Lord Jesus, the 1 person who did the greatest damage to my relationship with You. 
I let go of all resentment.
I truly forgive.  Thank You for setting me free. 
Come, Holy Spirit, with a miracle of  forgiveness today.  In Jesus name."

Hampsch, Father John H - Healing Through Forgiveness - video -
, Father John H - Healing The Family Tree - video/book -

Lozano, Neal - Resisting the Devil - A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance -
Chapter 2 Do I Need an Exorcism? - Can a Believer Be Controlled by Evil Spirits?
"When a (Catholic) believer (in Jesus) experiences demonic harassment, the devil might feed him thoughts, such as 'The devil is in control' or 'I have committed the unforgivable sin. 
I am lost' or 'God cannot save me' or 'I must be possessed'...
(Accepting &/or obsessing on these demonic lies) "opens the door" (to delusion).

MD, Kenneth  - A Guide to Healing the Family Tree  book

Saint Antony
 - - Capture/Reject/Refuse/Repent of Wrong Thoughts, in Jesus name, "Especially he counseled them to meditate continually on the apostle's word, 'Let not the sun go down upon your wrath? 
He considered this was spoken of all commandments in common & that not on wrath alone, but not on any other sin of ours, ought the sun to go down. For it was good & needful that neither the sun should condemn us for an evil by day nor the moon for a sin by night, or even for an evil thought.
That this state may l be preserved in us it is good to hear the apostle & keep his words, for he says, 'Try your own selves and prove your own selves [4].' Daily, therefore, let each one take from himself the tale of his actions both by day and night; & if he have sinned, let him cease from it; while if he have not, let him not be boastful.
But let him abide in that which is good, without being negligent, nor condemning his neighbors, nor justifying himself, 'until the Lord come who searcheth out hidden things [5],' as saith the blessed apostle Paul.
For often unawares we do things that we know not of but the Lord seeth all things.
Wherefore committing the judgment to Him, let us have sympathy one with another.
Let us bear each other's burdens [6]: but let us examine our own selves & hasten to fill up that in which we are lacking. As a safe-guard against sin let the following be observed.
Let us each one note and write down our actions and the impulses of our soul as though we were going to relate them to each other. Be assured that if we should be utterly ashamed to have them known, we shall abstain from sin & harbour no base thoughts in our mind. For who wishes to be seen while sinning?
or Who will not rather lie after the commission of a sin, through the wish to escape notice?
As then while we are looking at one another, we would not commit carnal sin, so if we record our thoughts as though about to tell them to one another, we shall the more easily keep ourselves free from vile thoughts through shame lest they should be known.
Wherefore let that which is written be to us in place of the eyes of our fellow hermits, that blushing as much to write as if we had been caught, we may never think of what is unseemly.
Thus fashioning ourselves we shall be able to keep the body in subjection, to please the Lord & to trample on the devices of the enemy."

Evans, Mike - The Light - autobiography via a novel -

Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets, a Jewish holiday)
"A...beautiful custom of Rosh Hashanah is Tashlich (casting off).
On Rosh Hashanah afternoon, Jews gather around a body of flowing water, such as a river or lake & empty our pockets into the river, symbolically casting off our sins.
At the waterside, Tehillim (Psalms) are recited as well as the words of...Micah...(below), & then bread crumbs, previously installed in one's pocket as surrogate sins, are shaken out into the water to demonstrate our desire to be rid of our sins.  This practice is inspired by the words of the Prophet...who wrote:
'Who, O God, is like You? You forgive sins & overlook transgressions for the survivors of Your people.
He does (You do) not retain His (Your) anger forever, for He loves (You love) kindness.
He (You) will return & show us mercy, & overcome our sins.  You will cast into the depths of the sea all their sins.
You will show kindness to Jacob & mercy to Abraham, As You did promise to our fathers of old.' (
Micah 7:18-20)
Of course, Teshuvah (ridding ourselves of sin and seeking forgiveness) is the main theme of this season.  Therefore, it is also common on Rosh Hashanah to seek out people you may have wronged during the past year & ask them for forgiveness.
The Talmud maintains that the Days of Repentance atone only for sins between man & God.
To atone for sins against another person, you must 1st seek reconciliation with that person, righting the wrongs you committed against them if possible."

Scapegoat - -
"AZAZEL (ʿAzʾazel) occurs in the ritual for the *Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:8, 10, 26).
Aaron casts lots over 2 goats, & the 1 "for ʿAzʾazel" is presented alive before the Lord, & then released into the wilderness.
The ancient Greek & Latin versions understood ʿAzʾazel as 'goat that departs,' hence 'the scapegoat' of some English versions [revealing Yeshua as our scapegoat, Who took our (confessed/absolved) sins & our punishment, allowing us to go free]. 
Most rabbinic commentators & some moderns take Azazel as the name of the place to which the goat is driven.
The great majority of moderns regard Azazel as the personal name of a demon thought to live in the wilderness."7.17.2013
Yom Kuppur (day of Atonement) 10 days after Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) is annual group repentance/ confession, receiving erasing/abolition/absolvement/forgiveness of all past sins & solicitation of protection from committing future sins in upcoming year.

, Isadore - A Maimonides reader - Google -
Jewish insights through the eyes of Rabbi Maimonides - pg 76

                                               God's forgiveness & man's accountability
                                   depends on our believing & exercising God's full gospel
Disturbing Prophetic Dream: 'I Saw Many Ministers and Prophets in Hell' Matthew 7:22-24 - Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name & done many wonderful works in Your name?'  But then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who practice evil.. "I woke up from the dream alarmed and startled. I said to the Holy Spirit, Because those who worked miracles, prophesied and cast out demons never preached the full gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the message of repentance. They were so in love with the gifts I had given them that people became trophies & souvenirs to them. When My power would manifest in their ministries, they would tell people that I loved them, but never that they needed to repent for their sins. I tell you that a great deception will sweep over the signs & wonders movement in the earth. Beware of the ministries where miracles & prophecies will flow, but the message of repentance is a no-go. You have been warned.   

Meyer, Joyce @  3/11/2022
TV broadcast reminds us to ACT on our (scripture mandated) forgiveness, regardless of our negative feelings/thoughts.

                                              God's forgiveness & man's ccountabiliy

depends on dispensation in which one dwells

, Andrew - 1/28/2015 - recommended - 3 dispensations: Before the Law, after the Law, after Christ (AD).

                                                                    Real & False Guilt

Judas was guilty & did NOT repent, choosing rather to punish himself, whereas when we go to confession & take communion, we do repent. 
God through His Son gives us forgiveness, but we need to take/receive it & also forgive self. 
We do NOT need to rehash the sin nor repent again for it, as/when it is covered by the blood of Jesus.

@ or 2/3/2014 @
Royal Christian Centre, Stockport - February 3, 2014 - Prayer of Renunciation by Francis Myles
Breaking Generational Curses under the order of Melchizedek Good -

Premature DeathScripture1+Corinthians+11&version=KJV (edited)
25 After Jesus took the cup, saying, this cup is the new testament in My blood: This do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me.
For as often as ye eat this bread & drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.

Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread & drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body & blood of the Lord (hurting/wounding/renailing Him to the cross).

But let a man examine himself, & so let him eat of that bread & drink of that cup.

For he that eateth & drinketh unworthily (without repenting), eateth & drinketh damnation (curses) to himself, not discerning (respecting) the Lord's body (horrific sacrifice to allow each of us the possibility of escape from hell & into heaven).

For this cause (self-inflicted sin/error/mistake/ignorance of taking communion without true repentance) many are weak, sickly among you & sleep (die prematurely).
MediaCopeland, Kenneth - - 11/15/2019 -
Little unforgiveness build up stealthly & can lead to blockages & premature death.
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